CHARMM c30a1 First32 List

The first 32 text lines for all of the CHARMM .doc files, in a single document to facilitate searching.


File: ACE, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                Analytical Continuum Solvent (ACS) Potential
Purpose: calculate solvation free energy and forces based on
a continuum description of the solvent, in particular the analytical
continuum electrostatics (ACE) potential.
Please report problems to Michael Schaefer at
WARNING: The module is still being developed and may change in the future.
! Note on ACE2: the version 2 of ACE as of Jan 2002 is not yet fully   !
! parameterized; it yields reasonably stably MD trajectories of native !
! proteins when using param19 (united atom parameters), but is         !
! unreliable with all-hydrogen parameters.                             !
  M. Schaefer & M. Karplus (1996) J. Phys. Chem. 100, 1578-1599.
  M. Schaefer, C. Bartels & M. Karplus (1998) J. Mol. Biol. 284, 835-847.
  N. Calimet, M. Schaefer & T. Simonson, (2001) Proteins 45, 144-158
  M. Schaefer, C. Bartels, F. Leclerc& M. Karplus (2001),
      J. Comp. Chem. 22, 1857-1879.
* Menu:
* Syntax::      Syntax of the ACE specifications
* Defaults::    Defaults and Recommended values 
* Function::    Purpose of each of the specifications
* Examples::    Usage examples of the ACE module

File: ACE, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Defaults
[SYNTAX ACE functions]
Syntax: The ACE specifications can be specified any time the nbond 
        specification parser is invoked, e.g., 



File: ADUMB, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                   Adaptive Umbrella Sampling Module 
    Setting up of adaptive umbrella potentials. Currently supported types
of umbrella potentials are functions of dihedral angles and functions of the 
potential energy of the system (energy sampling).
WARNING: The module is still being developed and some details are likely
         to change in future versions.
         Please report problems to Christian Bartels at
         C. Bartels & M. Karplus, J. Comp. Chem. 18 (1997) 1450-
         C. Bartels & M. Karplus, J. Phys. Chem. 102 (1998) 865-
         M. Schaefer, C. Bartels, & M. Karplus, J. Mol. Biol. (1998)
* Menu:
* Syntax::      Syntax of the ADUMB commands
* Function::    Purpose of each of the commands
* Examples::    Usage examples of the ADUMB module

File: ADUMB, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Function
[SYNTAX ADUMB functions]
ADUMb CORR    DIST  UNIT int  SELE...END SELE...END (atom selection x 2)
      CORR    RMSD  COR1 
      CORR    RMSD  SETUp NATOms int NSTRuctures int 
      CORR    RMSD  UNT1 1 int  UNT2 int (atom selection x 3) -
	       ORIEnt SYMMetry 4X(atom-spec) FOLD int
ADUMb DIHE    NRES int  TRIG int  POLY int  4X(atom-spec)


File: analys, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Description
                            Analysis Commands
      The ANALysis command is an energy and structure analysis
facility that has been developed to examine both static and dynamic
properties.  The current code allows energy partition analysis and
energy contribution analysis from free energy simulations.  It also
can produce a detailed printout of structural and energy term
contributions for selected atoms
* Menu:
* Description::         Description of analysis facility
* Energy::              Energy partitioning

File: analys, Node: Description, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Energy
                Description of the ANALysis Command
ANALys { ON                                                         }
       { TERM  { [ALL] }  { NONBond     } [UNIT int] atom-selection }
       {       {  ANY  }  { [NONOnbond] }                           }
       { OFF                                                        }
ON    Enable energy partition analysis and disable FAST routines.
OFF   Disable analysis and restore FAST option defaults.
TERM  Setup energy term print data and disable FAST routines.
ALL (default)       Print energy terms involving only selected atoms
ANY                 Print energy terms when any of the atoms is selected
NONBond             In addition to internal terms, also print nonbond terms
NONOnbond (default) Do not print electrostatic and vdw energy data
UNIT integer        Write the energy term printout data to a formatted file
                    Otherwise, write data to the output file.

File: analys, Node: Energy, Up: Top, Previous: Description, Next: Top


File: ASPENR, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                Atomic Solvation Parameter Based Energy
Purpose: calculate solvation free energy and forces based on the
exposed surface area of each atom using Atomic Solvation Parameters.
Please report problems to
         M. Wesson and D. Eisenberg, 19??.
* Menu:
* Syntax::      Syntax of ASP input
* Structure::   Structure of the .surf file containing ASP data
* Examples::    Usage examples of the ASP module

File: ASPENR, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Structure
[SYNTAX ASP functions]
Syntax: The ASP specifications can be specified any time prior to an
        energy calculation and can be input either through reading a
        file or parsed directly off the command line - although the
        file route is more usual.  Once turned on, the ASP energy
        term is in place during the course of the CHARMM run, i.e., it
        cannot be turned off except using the skipe command, 
        see *note Skipe (chmdoc/energy.doc).
Reading surf file:  open unit 1 read
                    read surf unit 1
                    close unit 1 

File: ASP, Node: Structure, Up: Top, Next: Examples, Previous: Syntax
This module computes solvation energies and forces based on the
surface area model proposed by Wesson and Eisenberg, i.e., 
E_solv = Sum (Gamma_i * ASA_i + Eref_i), where Gamma_i is a parameter


File: BLOCK, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
      The commands described in this section are used to partition a
molecular system into "blocks" and allow for the use of coefficients
that scale the interaction energies (and forces) between these blocks.
This has a number of applications, and specific commands to carry out
free energy simulations with a component analysis scheme have been
implemented. The lambda-dynamics, an alternative way of performing
free energy calculations and screening binding molecules, has also been
implemented.  Subcommands related to BLOCK will be described here.  To 
see how to output the results of a dynamics run, please see DYNAMICS 
documentation (keywords are IUNLDM, NSAVL, and LDTITLE).  
Please refer to PDETAIL.DOC for detailed description of the lambda 
dynamics and its implementation.   
	BLOCK was recently modified so that it works with the IMAGE
module of CHARMM.  As some changes to the documentation were necessary
anyways, it was decided to also improve the existing documentation.
The Syntax and Function section below are relatively unchanged; the
added documentation is in the Hints section (READ IT if you are using
BLOCK for the first time!).  Comments/suggestions to
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the block commands
* Function::            Purpose of each of the commands
* Hints::               Some further explanations/hints
* Limitations::         Some warnings...

File: BLOCK, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Function
                Syntax of BLOCK commands
BLOCk [int]


File: Cadpac, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Description
      Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanics Method
                         Based on CADPAC in CHARMM
                                by Paul Lyne
* Menu:
* Description::         Description of the CADPAC commands
* Using::               How to run CADPAC in CHARMM
* Installation::        How to install CADPAC in CHARMM environment
* Status::              Status of the interface code

File: Cadpac, Node: Description, Up: Top, Next: Usage, Previous: Top
    The CADPAC QM potential is initialized with the CADPac command.
CADPac   [REMOve] [EXGRoup] (atom selection)
REMOve:  Classical energies within QM atoms are removed.
EXGRoup: QM/MM Electrostatics for link host groups removed.
     The syntax of the CADPAC command in CHARMM follows closely that
of the GAMESS command.

File: Cadpac, Node: Usage, Up: Top, Next: Status, Previous: Description
     For complete information about CADPAC input see Chapter 1 in the CADPAC
     A QM-MM job using CADPAC needs four input files.  The first is the
normal CHARMM input file containing the CADPac command. The second file is
the CADPAC input file specifying the basis set to be used and the Hamiltonian
that is needed. The third and fourth files are libfil.dat and modpot.dat
respectively. These are the library and model potential files that are 
supplied with CADPAC.
Cadpac Input File


File: CFF, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Usage
             Consistent Force Field (CFF)
* Menu:
* Usage::         How to use CFF with CHARMM standalone
* Status::        Current status of CFF implementation in CHARMM
* Theory::        Basis for, parameterization and performance of CFF
* Funcform::      Functional form of the CFF energy expression
* Refs::          References to papers describing CFF
File: CFF, Node: Usage, Up: Top, Next: Status, Previous: Top
In order to use CFF in CHARMM, the user has to issue the following
1. use cff
2. read cff parameter file
3. (a) read rtf name <CFF-capable rtf file>, or
   (b) read psf name <file_name>
4. read sequence  ! if input is via the rtf route (step 3 (a))
5. generate
6. read coord, or ic build  ! if input is via the read rtf/sequence route.
When using CFF95 or later Step 3a requires a CFF-capable rtf file.  This means
a file in which BOND records have been replaced by analogous DOUBLE records for
cases in which the chemical structure has a double bond.  Note that CFF-capable
rtf files are *back compatible*.  That is, such rtf files can equally well be
used for calculations that utilize the CHARMM force field.  Thus, it is *not*
necessary to maintain two versions of the rtf files.
NOTE: 1. no binary parameter files are supported for CFF.
      2. CFF is an all hydrogen force field -- i.e., extended atoms
         are not supported
Examples of CFF usage in CHARMM are given in the ccfftest directory.


File: CFTI, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/perturb.doc), Next: Constraints
         CFTI: conformational energy/free energy calculations
* Menu:
* Constraints::   Note on constrained optimization implementation
* CFTINT::        Description and syntax of standard conformational
                  free energy thermodynamic integration
* CFTIM::         Description and syntax of multidimensional onformational
                  free energy thermodynamic integration

File: CFTI, Node: Constraints, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: CFTINT
Energy minimization with holonomic constraints has been implemented.
There are no special commands for this option.
Charlie Brook's TSM module allows for MD simulations with constrained
values of selected conformational coordinates - distances, atoms,
This has been expanded to also allow energy minimization using several
algorithms. The method is an alternative to using harmonic restraints
in generating structures of flexible molecules with desired properties,
or generating adiabatic profiles.
To use this option, simply enter the 'TSM' module and give set
of 'FIX' commands to define set of fixed internal coordinates
(see perturb.doc for details). Next specify an energy minimization
(see minmiz.doc).
Algorithms that work: SD, CONJ, POWE
                      (ABNR works also, for reasons unclear to me, KK)

File: CFTI, Node: CFTINT, Up: Top, Previous: Constraints, Next: CFTIM
CFTI: standard (one-dimensional) conformational thermodynamic integration
Description of method


File: ChangeLog, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/charmm.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/developer.doc), Next: (chmdoc/parallel.doc)
                        CHARMM Developer's Change Log
     Entries in each node are recorded by CHARMM developers to indicate new
and modified features of CHARMM during the development cycle, i.e., the 
alpha version period.
             CHARMM22.0.b  Release           April     22, 1991
             CHARMM22.0.b1 Release           September 30, 1991
             CHARMM22      Release           January    1, 1992
                  c22g1    Release           February  15, 1992
                  c22g2    Release           July       7, 1992
                  c22g3    Release           November   3, 1992
                  c22g4    Release           March      1, 1993
                  c22g5    Release           August     1, 1993
                  c23a1    Developmental     August    15, 1992
                  c23a2    Developmental     October   25, 1992
                  c23f     Developmental     March      1, 1993
                  c23f1    Developmental     March     15, 1993
                  c23f2    Developmental     August    15, 1993
                  c23f3    Release           February   1, 1994
                  c23f4    Release           August    15, 1994
                  c23f5    Release           March     15, 1995
                  c24a1    Developmental     February  15, 1994
                  c24x1    Evaluation        February  15, 1994
                  c24a2    Developmental     August    15, 1994
                  c24a3    Developmental     March     15, 1995


File: CHARMM, Node: Top
             Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics
             -            ---     -              -
                     Version 24b1 -  August 15, 1995
                  Copyright(c) 1984,1987,1991,1994,1995
                President and Fellows of Harvard College
                           All rights reserved
        You are now using the INFO facility to view CHARMM 24
documentation.  The paper; CHARMM: A Program for Macromolecular
Energy, Minimization, and Dynamics Calculations. J. Comp. Chem., Vol.
4, p187 (1983), is considered to be an integral part of this
documentation.  In places, this documentation and the paper will
conflict.  In all such cases, the documentation presented here should
take precedence.
* Menu:
* Commands: (chmdoc/commands.doc).    Discription and syntax of CHARMM commands
* Install:  (chmdoc/install.doc).     Release notes
                                      How to install CHARMM on a user site
* Usage:    (chmdoc/usage.doc).       How to use CHARMM
* Support:  (chmdoc/support.doc).     Supporting data files and utilities
* Testcase: (chmdoc/testcase.doc).    CHARMM testcases
* Develop:  (chmdoc/developer.doc).   Notes for CHARMM developers
* News:     (chmdoc/changelog.doc).   New features and Modifications
* Parallel: (chmdoc/parallel.doc).    CHARMM on parallel platforms
* Info:     (Info).                   A description of the INFO facility.


File: charmm_gen, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/install.doc), Next: Configuration
The script  was designed at NIH for easy maintenance of
multiple executables in an active research environment.  Multiple versions
versions can be derived from the same source code, incorporating different
features and maximum atom limits.  It is assumed that has already
been run, and any porting or compiling issues resolved before
is used.  In fact, simply calls after doing a
little creative copying and renaming.
The script is interactive; it asks a few questions, does a lot of checking,
and then proceeds to make up to nine different versions in one operation with
no further human intervention required.  A "test" or development version can
also be prepared, and is in fact the "path of least resistance", i.e. the
accepting of all the defaults to each prompt.
Since simply starting up a LARGE version of CHARMM with most of the available
feature sets can easily require 100 Mbyte of memory, we recognized the
need to have multiple executables available.  Our choice was to create 3
principal versions: "full", with most major modules included; "lite", a
version without most of the high memory usage or rarely used modules; and
"am1", which adds the QUNATUM QM/MM code and few other features to the "lite"
feature set.  Each is available in 3 sizes, small, medium, and large.
We also use a "cover" script in /usr/local/bin to run CHARMM, after parsing
feature set and size keywords, and stripping them from the command line.  An
example is included at the end of this description.
Currently, ten different sets of object libraries are maintained as well;
this does require a bit of disk space, but allows rapid re-building of all
versions when bugfixes are made.

File: charmm_gen, Node: Configuration, Previous: Top, Next: Cover script
To use, the following additional files are *required* in
build/mach, where mach = hpux in this case:


File: Polyrate, Node: Top, Up: (doc/charmmrate.doc), Next: Description
              *      CHARMM/POLYRATE INTERFACE       *
CHARMMRATE: A Module for Calculating Enzymatic Reaction Rate Constants
            with POLYRATE and CHARMM
     CHARMMRATE is an interface of CHARMM and POLYRATE to include quantum
mechanical effects in enzyme kinetics. Although CHARMMRATE allows
execution of POLYRATE with all existing capabilities, the present
implementation is primarily intended for predicting reaction rates in
enzyme-catalyzed reactions.  CHARMMRATE can be combined with semiempirical
combined QM/MM potentials with numerical second derivatives that are
computed by the POLYRATE interface programs.
     The rate constant for an enzymatic reaction depends on the transition
state theory free energy of activation and on an overall transmission
coefficient. Quantum effects on the degrees of freedom perpendicular to
the reaction coordinate can be incorporated by means of a correction for
quantum mechanical vibrational free energy, DeltaW_vib. As described by M.
Garcia-Viloca, C. Alhambra, D. G. Truhlar, and J. Gao, in J. Chem. Phys.
114, 9953-9958 (2001), such a correction is calculated by carrying out
projected instantaneous normal mode analysis at several configurations
along a reaction coordinate as sampled by the umbrella sampling technique
(or by any other suitable method) in molecular dynamics simulations with
CHARMM. Note that projected instantaneous normal mode analysis involves
projecting out the reaction coordinate of the potential of mean force
(i.e., the coordinate along which umbrella sampling was carried out); thus
it yields different frequencies and modes than would be obtained by
ordinary instantaneous normal mode analysis.  The correction for quantized
vibrational free energy in modes normal to the PMF reaction coordinate is
calculated from the average frequencies of the projected instantaneous


File: Commands, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/charmm.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/parallel.doc), Next: (chmdoc/install.doc)
                             CHARMM commands
        The commands available for use in CHARMM are classified in
several groups.
* Menu:
* Analysis:    (chmdoc/analys.doc  ). Analysis facility
* ACE:         (chmdoc/ace.doc     ). Analytical Continuum Electrostatics
* ADUMB:       (chmdoc/adumb.doc   ). ADaptive UMBrella sampling simulation
* Block:       (chmdoc/block.doc   ). BLOCK free energy simulation
* Cons:        (chmdoc/cons.doc    ). Harmonic and other constraints or SHAKE
* CHARMMrate:  (chmdoc/charmmrate.doc). CHARMM-POLYRATE Interface
* Coordinates: (chmdoc/corman.doc  ). Commands to manipulate coordinates
* Correl:      (chmdoc/correl.doc  ). Time series and correlation functions 
* Crystl:      (chmdoc/crystl.doc  ). Crystal facility
* Dynamics:    (chmdoc/dynamc.doc  ). Dynamics commands
* DIESEL:      (chmdoc/diesel.doc  ). QM/MM method interface to DIESEL(GAMESS)
* EEF1:        (chmdoc/eef1.doc    ). Effective Energy Function 1
* EMAP:        (chmdoc/emap.doc    ). The MAP Object Manipulation Commands
* Energy:      (chmdoc/energy.doc  ). Energy evaluation
* Ewald:       (chmdoc/ewald.doc   ). Ewald summation
* FlucQ:       (chmdoc/flucq.doc   ). QM/MM Fluctuating Charge Potential
* GBorn:       (chmdoc/genborn.doc ). Generalized Born Solvation Energy
* GBMV:        (chmdoc/gbmv.doc    ). Generalized Born Using Molecular Volume
* Genetic:     (chmdoc/galgor.doc  ). The genetic algorithm commands
* Graphx:      (chmdoc/graphx.doc  ). The graphics subsection for workstations
* H-bond:      (chmdoc/hbonds.doc  ). Generation of hydrogen bonds
* H-build:     (chmdoc/hbuild.doc  ). Construction of hydrogen positions
* HQBM:        (chmdoc/hqbm.doc    ). Biased Molecular Dyanmics
* Images:      (chmdoc/images.doc  ). Use of periodic or crystal environment
* Internal:    (chmdoc/intcor.doc  ). Manipulation of internal coordinates


File: Cons, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Harmonic Atom
        The following forms of constraints are available in CHARMM:
* Menu:                          command
* Harmonic Atom::       "CONS HARM" Hold atoms in place
* Dihedral::            "CONS DIHE" Hold dihedrals near selected values
* Internal Coord::      "CONS IC"   Holds bonds, angles and
                                    dihedrals near table values
* Quartic Droplet::     "CONS DROP" Puts the entire molecule in a cage
                                    about the center of mass
* RMSD restraints:      "RMSD"      Holds atoms in place relative to
                                    reference structure
* Fixed Atom::          "CONS FIX"  Fix atoms rigidly (sets the IMOVE array)
* Center of Mass::      "CONS HMCM" Constrain center of mass of selected atoms
* SHAKE::               "SHAKE"     Fix bond lengths during dynamics.
* NOE::                 "NOE"       Impose distance restraints from NOE data
* Restrained Distances:: "RESD"     Impose general distance restraints
* External Forces::     "PULL"      Impose externally applied (pulling) force
* Rg/RMSD restraint::   "RGYR"      Impose radius of gyration or rmsd restraint
* Distance Matrix restraint:: "DMCO" Impose a distance matrix restraint
* Sbound: (chmdoc/sbound.doc).      Solvent boundary potential

File: Cons, Node: Harmonic Atom, Up: Top, Next: Dihedral, Previous: Top
                        Holding atoms in place
CONS HARMonic {[ABSOlute] absolute-specs force-const-spec   coordinate-spec }
              { BESTfit   bestfit-specs  force-const-spec   coordinate-spec }
              { RELAtive  bestfit-specs  force-const-spec 2nd-atom-selection}


File: Corman, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                The Coordinate Manipulation Commands
        The commands in this section are primarily used for moving
some or all of the atoms. There is a wide range of commands and options.
All of the commands may be used on either the main coordinate set, or
the comparison set. Some commands require both sets of coordinates.
* Menu:
* Syntax::                Syntax of the coordinate manipulations commands
* Simple::                Descriptions of the simple commands
* Function::              Descriptions of the remaining commands
* Substitutions::         Description and usage of substitution values

File: Corman, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Simple
                Syntax of Coordinate Manipulation commands
[SYNTAX COORdinate manipulation]
COORdinates { INITialize                       } [COMP] [atom-selection]
            { COPY                             }   [WEIGhting_array]
            { SWAP                             }        [IMAGes]
            { AVERage  [ FACT real ]           }
            { SCALe    [ FACT real ]           }
            { MASS_weighting                   }
            { ADD                              }
            { SET  vector-spec                 }
            { TRANslate vector-spec            }
            { ROTAte vector-spec {PHI real}    }
            {                    {MATRix}      }
            { ORIEnt [MASS] [RMS] [NOROtation] }
            { RMS    [MASS]                    }
            { DIFFerence                       }
            { FORCe  [MASS]                    }


File: Correl, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                         Correlation Functions
        The CORREL commands may be used to obtain a set of time series
for a given property from a trajectory. Once obtained, the time series
may be manipulated as required, saved or plotted, or to generate
correlation functions  ( C(tau) = <A(t).A(t+tau)> ). The correlation
functions may be manipulated, saved, plotted, and transformed to find
spectral density (Fourier transform of C(tau)), etc and determine the
correlation times.
        Alternately, a covariance matrix may be computed for a collection
of time series. This option will compute the full matrix for use
in entropy calculations or for other applications.
        Reorienting a coordinate trajectory is possible using the
COMPARE command. For details see *note reorient:(chmdoc/dynamc.doc)Merge.
* Menu:
* Syntax::              The syntax of the correlation command
* General::             General information regarding the correlation section
* Enter::               How to specify time series
* Trajectory::          How to reference to trajectory files
* Edit::                How the edit the time series specifications
* Mantime::             How to manipulate time series
* Corfun::              How to generate correlation functions.
* Spectrum::            How to get a spectrum from a correlation function
* Cluster::             How to cluster time series data into similar groups
* IO::                  Input/output guide to correlation functions and series
* Examples::            Just what it says

File: Correl, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: General
                Syntax for the CORREL command and subcommands
[SYNTAX CORRelation functions]


File: Crystl, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                  Calculations on Crystals using CHARMM
        The crystal section within CHARMM allows calculations on
crystals to be performed.  It is possible to build a crystal with any
space group symmetry, to optimise its lattice parameters and molecular
coordinates and to carry out a vibrational analysis using the options.
* Menu:
* Syntax::             Syntax of the CRYSTAL command
* Function::           A brief description of each command
* Examples::           Sample testcases
* Implementation::     Background and implementation

File: Crystl, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Function
[Syntax CRYStal command]
CRYStal  [BUILd_crystal] [CUTOff real] [NOPErations int]
         [DEFIne xtltyp a b c alpha beta gamma]
         [PHONon] [NKPOints int] 
                  [KVECtor real real real TO real real real]
         [READ] [CARD UNIT int]
                [PHONons UNIT int]
         [PRINt] [PHONons] [FACT real] [MODE int THRU int] 
                                       [KPTS int TO int]
         [WRITe] [CARD UNIT int]
                 [PHONons UNIT int]
                 [VIBRations] [MODE int THRU int] [UNIT int]
xtltyp ::=    { CUBIc          }
              { TETRagonal     }


File: Develop, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/charmm.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/testcase.doc), Next: (chmdoc/changelog.doc)
                        CHARMM Developer Guide
This is to provide a guide to someone who wants to understand how
CHARMM is implemented, and a variety of rules that should be followed
by anyone who wishes to modify it.  Anyone who wishes to modify CHARMM
is advised to read through everything in this document.
* Menu:
* Implement::   CHARMM Implementation and Management
* Directories:: What directories are used to store what information
* Standards::   Standards (rules) for writing CHARMM code
* Tools::       Tools for CHARMM developers
* Modify::      The procedure for modifying anything in CHARMM
* Document::    How to document CHARMM commands and features
* Checkin::     How to deposit your development version into the
                central library

File: Develop, Node: Implement, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Directories
                  CHARMM Implementation and Management
    CHARMM is implemented as a single program package, which is
developed on a variety of platforms.  As a result, it includes some
machine specific implementations and makes heavy use of the virtual
memory capabilities.  By placing everything together, the task of
modifying the program is made more reliable because errors in
modifying the program are more likely to be noticed.  The single
source package concept helps us to maintain integrity of CHARMM as the
paradigmatic macromolecular research software system running on a
variety of platforms.
    CHARMM was originally written in FLECS, FORTRAN77 and C languages.
In the past, before FORTRAN77, FLECS allowed us to use a variety of
control constructs, e.g., WHEN-ELSE, WHILE, UNLESS, etc.  A FLECS to


File: Diesel, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Description
        Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanics Method
                     Based on DIESEL(GAMESS) in CHARMM
                             by Milan Hodoscek
        Multi reference CI program DIESEL is connected to CHARMM
program in a QM/MM method. To obtain the integrals for input to
DIESEL program it is run from the GAMEss command. 
* Menu:
* Description::         Description of the gamess commands.
* Using::               How to run GAMESS in CHARMM.
* Installation::        How to install GAMESS in CHARMM environment.
* Status::              Status of the interface code.
* Functionality::       Functionality of the interface code.

File: Diesel, Node: Description, Up: Top, Next: Usage, Previous: Top
        The DIESEL QM potential is initialized with the GAMEss command.
GAMEss   DIESel <int> <int> ... / for the rest of options see gamess.doc /
        In order to run DIESEL the standard GAMEss command must be used
with the added DIESel keyword. The integer numbers after this keyword
represent which energy is used in the CHARMM code for further
        DIESEL is the program to perform multi reference CI calculations.

File: Diesel, Node: Usage, Up: Top, Next: Installation, Previous: Description
        In order to run DIESEL with CHARMM one has provide separate
input files for GAMESS (see gamess.doc) and for DIESEL. The
information provided by GAMESS for DIESEL is the file which contains
MO one and two electron integrals. In order to obtain such integrals


File: Dynamc, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                  Dynamics:  Description and Discussion
There are four separate dynamics integrators available in CHARMM:
(This discussion does not apply to multi-body dynamics, which has a
separate set of integrators).  See *note Mbond:(chmdoc/mbond.doc).
Name              Keyword     Module
Original Verlet   ORIG        dynamcv.src  
Leapfrog Verlet   LEAP        dynamc.src   (default)
Velocity Verlet   VVER        dynamvv.src
4-D L-F  Verlet   VER4        dynam4.src
All methods are based on the Verlet scheme, and when used without
any special features, provide identical trajectories for short
simulations. All methods allow SHAKE.
The ORIG integrator is a standard 3-step Verlet integrator
with few frills.  It allows:
      Langevin Dynamics (LANG)
      Thermodynamic Simulation Method (TSM)
The LEAP integrator is similar to the ORIG integrator, but does
provide increased accuracy (esp. for single precision version of
CHARMM).  It allows:
      Langevin dynamics (LANG) (with accurate temperatures printed)
      Constant Temperature and Pressure (CPT) (based on Berendsen's method)
      Accurate pressures with SHAKE
      High frequency correction to the total energy
      Parallel code
      Free energy equilibration indicator (deltaF*V) (with PERT)
      Thermodynamic Simulation Method (TSM)
The VVER integrator also provides increase accuracy. It allows:
      Constant Temperature (NOSE) (Nose-Hoover method)
      Multiple Time Step (MTS)


File: EEF1, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                        Effective Energy Function 1
     EEF1 is an effective energy function combining the CHARMM 19 polar
hydrogen energy function (with certain modifications, see below)
with an excluded volume implicit solvation model.  The solvation model
is similar in spirit to the Atomic Solvation Parameter approach, but
does not use surface areas and is therefore much faster. Latest
benchmarks say that simulations with EEF1 take about 50% longer
than the corresponding vacuum simulation.
     The solvation model assumes that the solvation free energy of each 
group is equal to the solvation free energy of that group in a small
model compound less the amount of solvation it loses due to solvent
exclusion by other atoms of the macromolecule around it. The exclusion
effect of nearest and next-nearest neighbors (1-2 and 1-3 interactions)
are neglected because such neighbors also exist in small model compounds.
The CHARMM nonbonded atom and exlusion lists are used for the solvation
     Because not only DG but also DH and DCp data are available, we
can calculate the solvation free energy at different temperatures.
This calculation assumes a DCp independent of temperature.
Therefore extrapolation to temperatures very different from 300 K
is not reliable.
     EEF1 refers not only to the implicit solvation model but also to
the specific modifications and nonbonded options used in CHARMM.
The nonbonded options must be: ctonnb 7. ctofnb 9. cutnb 10. group rdie
(see example file below).
Three files are needed to use EEF1:
  toph19_eef1.inp : This is a modification of toph19.inp where ionic
		      sidechains and termini are neutralized and contains


File: emap, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
            The MAP Object Manipulation Commands--The EMAP module
                  by Xiongwu Wu and Bernard R. Brooks
             Laboratory of Biophysical Chemistry, NHLBI, NIH
      The EMAP module is designed to manipulate map objects as well as 
interexchange between atomic objects and map objects.
     A map object is defined as a rectangular space with grid distributions
of certain  properties.  A map object may have its reference atom set which
defines the atomic structure used to transfer map to atoms or verse versa.
     A rigid domain is defined to represent a map at the position and 
orientation of an atomic structure.  A rigid domain can be moved around
as a molecular structure.  Many rigid domains can be defined for a map object.
     Map objects can be manipulated so as to initialization, resizing,
addition, substruction, reduction, and comparison.  With rigid domains, one 
can perform fiting individual maps to a complex map, constructing complex 
structure from many components.
     Map object manipulation is high efficient for large system modeling.  It 
is also the necessary approach to derive structure information from electon
microscopy experiment.
* Menu:
* Syntax::            Syntax of the EMAP commands
* Description::       Description of the EMAP functions
* Substitution::      Description of substitution values
* Examples::          Usage example of the EMAP commands

File: emap, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Description
                Syntax of EMAP Manipulation commands
[SYNTAX EMAP manipulation]
     { PARAmeters [RESO real] [RCUT real] -


File: Energy, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Description
             Energy Manipulations: Minimization and Dynamics
        The main purpose of CHARMM is the evaluation and manipulation of
the potential energy of a macromolecular system. In order to compute
the energy, several conditions must be met. There are also several
support commands which directly relate to energy evaluation.
* Menu:
* Description::         Description of the energy commands
* Skipe::               Selection of particular energy terms
* Interaction::         Computation of interaction energies and forces.
* Fast::                Requirements for using the fast routines
* Needs::               Requirements for all energy evaluations
* Optional::            Optional actions to be taken beforehand
* Substitution::        Command line energy substitution parameters
* Running Average::     ESTATS command usage
* SPASIBA::             SPASIBA spectoscopic force field

File: Energy, Node: Description, Up: Top, Next: Skipe, Previous: Top
                        Syntax for Energy Commands
        There are two direct energy evaluation commands. One is parsed
through the minimization parser and the other involves a direct call
to GETE.  See *note Minimiz:(chmdoc/,,) and 
*note Gete:(chmdoc/usage.doc)interface.  In addition to getting the energy,
the forces are also obtained.
        The ENERgy command. (processed through the minimization parser)
ENERgy [ nonbond-spec ] [ hbond-spec ] [ image-spec ] [ print-spec ] [ COMP ]
       [  INBFrq 0    ] [  IHBFrq 0  ] [  IMGFrq 0  ] [NOUPdate]
hbond-spec        *note Hbonds:(chmdoc/hbonds.doc).
nonbond-spec      *note Nbonds:(chmdoc/nbonds.doc).


File: Ewald, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax, Previous: Top
                      The Ewald Summation method 
Invoking the Ewald summation for calculating the electrostatic interactions 
can be specified any time the nbond specification parser is invoked.  See  
the syntax section for a list of all commands that invoke this parser.  
Prerequisite reading:  nbonds.doc
* Menu:
* Syntax::          Syntax of the Ewald summation specification
* Defaults::        Defaults used in the specification
* Function::        Description of the options
* Discussion::      More general discussion of the algorithm

File: Ewald, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Defaults, Previous: Top
{  NBONds          }        {  nonbond-spec                   }
{  UPDAte          }        {                                 }
{  ENERgy          }        {                                 }
{  MINImize        }        {                                 }
{  DYNAmics        }        {                                 }
The keywords are:
nonbond-spec::= [ method-spec ]
               { [ NOEWald ]                                          }
               {                                                      }
method-spec::= {   EWALd [ewald-spec] { [ NOPMewald [std-ew-spec] ] } }
               {                      {   PMEWald [pmesh-spec]      } } 
ewald-spec::=   KAPPa real  [erfc-spec]
std-ew-spec::= { [ KMAX integer ]                        } KSQMAX integer
               { KMXX integer KMXY integer KMXZ integer  }
pmesh-spec::=   FFTX int FFTY int FFTZ int  ORDEr integer [QCOR real (***) ]
erfc-spec::=    { SPLIne      { [EWMIn real] [EWMAx real] [EWNPts int] } }


This is flucq, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from flucq.texi.

File: flucq, Node: Top, Next: Syntax, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc)
        Combined QM/MM Fluctuating Charge Potential for CHARMM
          Ben Webb,, and Paul Lyne
   The fluctuating charge potential (FlucQ or FQ) is based on the method
developed by Rick, Stuart and Berne (Rick et. al., J. Chem. Phys. 101
(7) 1994 p6141) for molecular dynamics, and extended for hybrid QM/MM
simulations (Bryce et. al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 279 1997, p367). It is
designed primarily for computationally efficient (approx. 10% overhead)
modelling of solvent polarisation in hybrid QM/MM systems, and as such
is implemented for QUANTUM, CADPAC and GAMESS codes, although the
current implementation is easily extensible to any atom type and bond.
* Menu:
* Syntax::                Syntax of the FLUCQ command
* Activation::            Starting FlucQ from a CHARMM input file
* Charge solution::       Solving for exact charges
* Reference energy::      Setting the ``zero'' for FlucQ polarisation
* Caveats::               Changes to be aware of; known limitations
* Using FlucQ with QM::   Necessary changes for use with CADPAC or GAMESS
* Examples::              Simple uses of the FLUCQ command
* Implementation::        Mathematical and computational details

File: flucq, Node: Syntax, Next: Activation, Previous: Top, Up: Top
     FLUCq    { ON init-spec (atom selection)      }
              { OFF                                }
              { PRINt                              }
              { EXACt exac-spec                    }
              { REFErence { GAS     exac-spec  }   }
              {           { SOLVent exac-spec  }   }


File: Fourd, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
            4 Dimension dynamics: Description and Discussion
   The energy embedding technique entails placing a molecule into a
higher spatial dimension {Crippen,G.M. & Havel,T.F. (1990)
J.Chem.Inf.Comput.Sci. Vol 30, 222-227}.  The possibility of surmounting
energy barriers with these added degrees of freedom may lead to lower
energy minima.  Here, this is accomplished by molecular dynamics in four
dimensions.  Specifically, another cartesian coordinates was added
to the usual X, Y, and Z coordinates in the LEAPfrog VERLet algorithm.
   To employ 4D energy embedding, the energy function and force field
in CHARMM was modified to include fourth dimension coordinates.  An 
additional harmonic energy function has been included to control the 
extent to which a molecule is embedded.  This is quantatitatively done by
altering the value of its force constant, initially given by the parameter
   The 4D energy embedding procedure can be broken down into three
parts: 4D coordinate generation, relaxation, and back projection.  Fourth
dimensional coordinates can be generated in several ways.  An energy, E4FILL,
in the Fourth dimension can be specified with random coordinates generated
as to sum up to the 4D harmonic energy that a user specifies (i.e. E4FILL 50.0
will give coordinates such that the total sums approximately 50.0 Kcal).  
This method may seem a bit abrupt since a molecule is suddently "thrown" 
into a higher dimension, hence,  molecular dynamics can be used to 
allow a molecule to more slowly obtain fourth dimension coordinates.  
This is done by specifying an initial 4D temperature, FSTT4, with subsequent 
velocities assigned accordingly.  Finally, both these methods may be applied 
simultaneously.  Relaxation involves allowing the molecule to explore the 
potential energy surface and is essentially equilibration.  Alternatively, 
minimization in 4D can be done with the steepest descent algorithm followed 
by 4D dynamics.  Now all that remains is to project this structure back into 


File: Galgor, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Implementation
    Galgor: Commands which deal with Genetic Algorithm and Monte Carlo.
# Michal Vieth,H. Daigler, C.L. Brooks III -Dec-15-1997 Initial release.
     The commands described in this node are associated with genetic
algorithm module for conformational searches and docking of small ligands to 
rigid proteins. The full description of the GA features is presented
in the paper "Rational approach to docking. Optimizing the search algorithm"
* Menu:
* Implementation::      A brief description of the anatomy of GA
* Syntax::              Syntax of the replication commands
* Description::         Description of key words and commands usage
* Restrictions::        Restrictions on usage
* Examples::            Supplementary examples of the use of GA

File: Galgor, Node: Implementation, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
    Genetic Algorithm and Monte Carlo:  Description and Discussion
Name               Keyword               Module
GA setup           GALGOR SETUP          genetic.src
Genetic algorithm  GALGOR EVOLVE         genetic.src, genetic2.src
Monte Carlo        GALGOR EVOLVE MCARLO  genetic.src, genetic2.src  
This code was created by Michal Vieth, Heidi Daigler and  Charles Brooks III
at The Scripps Research Institute during the summer/fall of 1997
based on the code provided by Charles Brooks and Heidi Daigler, Department
of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University developed during the summer of 1994.
Its purpose is to enable monte carlo and genetic algorithm based conformational
searches to be performed on peptides/proteins, small organic molecules and 
docking of (small) ligands to their receptors.
It builds upon the replica
ideas of Leo Caves to make multiple copies of the system, i.e., the
chromosomes.  These chromosomes make up a population of molecular


File: GamessUK, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Description
      Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanics Method
                    Based on GAMESS-UK in CHARMM
                            Paul Sherwood
          based on the GAMESS(US) interface from Milan Hodoscek
     Ab initio program GAMESS-UK (General Atomic and Molecular Electronic
Structure System, UK version) is connected to CHARMM program in a QM/MM
method.  This method is based on the interface to the GAMESS (US version),
the latter being an extension of the QUANTUM code which is
described in J. Comp. Chem., Vol. 11, No. 6, 700-733 (1990).
* Menu:
* Description::         Description of the gamess commands.
* Using::               How to run GAMESS in CHARMM.
* Installation::        How to install GAMESS in CHARMM environment.
* Status::              Status of the interface code.

File: GamessUK, Node: Description, Up: Top, Next: Usage, Previous: Top
        The GAMESS QM potential is initialized with the GAMEss command.
GAMEss   [REMOve] [EXGRoup] [QINPut] [BLURred] (atom selection)
REMOve:  Classical energies within QM atoms are removed.
EXGRoup: QM/MM Electrostatics for link host groups removed.
QINPut:  Charges are taken from PSF for the QM atoms. Charges
         may be non integer numbers. Use this with the REMOve!
BLURred: MM charges are scaled by a gaussian function (equivalent to ECP)
         Width of the gaussian function is specified in WMAIN array 
         (usually by SCALar command)
         The value for charge is taken from PSF. Some values of WMAIN have


File: Gamess, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Description
   Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanics Method
                  Based on GAMESS in CHARMM
                     by Milan Hodoscek
        Ab initio program GAMESS (General Atomic and Molecular
Electronic Structure System) is connected to CHARMM program in a QM/MM
method.  This method is extension of the QUANTUM code which is
described in J. Comp. Chem., Vol. 11, No. 6, 700-733 (1990).
* Menu:
* Description::         Description of the gamess commands.
* Using::               How to run GAMESS in CHARMM.
* Installation::        How to install GAMESS in CHARMM environment.
* Status::              Status of the interface code.
* Functionality::       Functionality of the interface code.

File: Gamess, Node: Description, Up: Top, Next: Usage, Previous: Top
        The GAMESS QM potential is initialized with the GAMEss command.
GAMEss   [REMOve] [EXGRoup] [QINPut] [BLURred] [NOGUess] (atom selection)
REMOve:  Classical energies within QM atoms are removed.
EXGRoup: QM/MM Electrostatics for link host groups removed.
QINPut:  Charges are taken from PSF for the QM atoms. Charges
         may be non integer numbers. Use this with the REMOve!
NOGUess: Obtains initial orbital guess from previous calculation. 
         Default is to recalculate initial orbitals each time.
BLURred: MM charges are scaled by a gaussian function (equivalent to ECP)
         Width of the gaussian function is specified in WMAIN array 
         (usually by SCALar command)
         The value for charge is taken from PSF. Some values of WMAIN have


File: GBMV, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                 Generalized Born using Molecular Volume (GBMV)
                     Solvation Energy and Forces Module   
                                    - and -
                                  Surface Area 
     Questions and comments regarding GBMV should be directed to 
     Michael S. Lee c/o 
     Charles L. Brooks, III (
* Menu:
* Description:: Description of GBMV and related commands
* Syntax::      Syntax of the GBMV Commands
* Function::    Purpose of each of the commands
* Examples::    Usage examples of the GBMV module

File: GBMV, Node: Description, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Syntax
    The GBMV module is a Generalized Born method for 
mimicking the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) electrostatic solvation energy. The PB
method for obtaining solvation energies is considered a benchmark for implicit 
solvation calculations. However, the PB method is slow and the derivatives, 
i.e. forces, are ill-defined unless one changes the definition of the m
olecular volume.
     The Generalized Born equation, as prescribed by Still, et. al. allows
one to compute solvation energies very similar to the PB equations. 
As it is an analytical expression, forces are available as well:
                                                     q q
                              N   N                   i j
    G   =  -C  (1-1/eps){1/2 sum sum ------------------------------------ }
     pol     el              i=1 j=1 [r^2 + alpha *alpha exp(-D  )]^(0.5)
                                       ij        i      j      ij


File: GBORN, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
           Generalized Born Solvation Energy and Forces Module   
    The GBORN module permits the calculation of the Generalized Born
solvation energy and forces of this energy following a formulation
similar to that of Still and co-workers and as described in the
manuscript from B. Dominy and C.L. Brooks, III (see below).  This
module implements the following equation for the polarization energy,
                                                     q q
                              N   N                   i j
    G   =  -C  (1-1/eps){1/2 sum sum ------------------------------------ }
     pol     el              i=1 j=1 [r^2 + alpha *alpha exp(-D  )]^(0.5)
                                       ij        i      j      ij
The gradient of the function is also computed so forces due to solvent
polarization can be utilized in energy minimization and dynamics.  In
its current implementation, the calculation of the alpha(i) variables
and the sums over particles indicated in the sums above are done
without cutoffs, therefore for large systems these can be costly
calculations (though still less so than for explicit solvent).
Questions and comments regarding implementation of these equations or
there parameterization for the CHARMM forcefields (param19/toph19,
param22 for proteins and nucleic acids) should be directed to Charles
L. Brooks, III at  Use of the GB term for MMFF and
CFF has recently been implemented and the parameters are given below
under examples.
The appropriate citation for this work is:
B. Dominy and C. L. Brooks, III. Development of a Generailzed Born
Model Parameterization for Proteins and Nucleic Acids.
J. Phys. Chem., 103, 3765-3773(1999).
An alternative method for calculating atomic Generalized Born radii


File: Graphx, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next:
Graphics is a subparser of charmm, invoked by via the GRAPH command.
All of the miscellaneous commands (miscom.doc), coordinate commands
(corman.doc), and internal coordinate commands (intcor.doc) are
available from the GRAPHX> prompt.  Only the 1st three characters are
used for primary graphics commands, but many of the options require
the 1st four characters.
     The graphics facility has been extended to provide general X11
support, and the original Apollo GPR screen display has been dropped; 
a NODISPLAY version can also be built, which will generate all of the
derived files.  The other major enhancement is the production of
PostScript output files, in either color or grayscale; both X11 and
PostScript use the Apollo imaging model.  Additional information on X11
usage tips and compiling for X11 are given at the end of this document.
Finally, a recent addition is the production of input files for POV-Ray,
an excellent freeware ray tracing package for making high quality 
molecular images.  See
     Option keywords are indicated by the use of upper case; lower
case terms are variable values, generally real numbers, but decimal
points are not required.  Triplets ( x y z ) are position dependent;
omitted values are assumed to be zero.  Items enclosed in square 
brackets are [optional] but their absence often implies a default 
choice.  Default choices are indicated with an asterisk (*) in syntax 
listings where apropriate.
* Menu:
* Summary::       Syntax and Command Summary
* Description::   Detailed Command Description with Examples
* Output::        PostScript, FDAT, LIGHT, and POV-Ray file formats
* Addendum::      X11 Usage and Compiling Tips, Other Useful Programs


File: Grid, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Implementation
    Grid: A general facility to implment grid-based potentials for docking
# Charles L. Brooks III, TSRI. December 2000.
This document node describes the implementation, commands and syntax
associated with an implementation of grid-based potentials to be used
in ligand-docking studies, or when an additional set of potentials are
to be added to augment. It can be used with dynamics as well as the
GA/MC module.
* Menu:
* Implementation::      A brief description of the anatomy of the module
* Syntax::              Syntax of the commands
* Description::         Description of key words and commands usage
* Restrictions::        Restrictions on usage
* Examples::            Supplementary examples of the use of the module

File: Grid, Node: Implementation, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
    Grid-based potentials:  Description and Discussion
CHARMM modules involved: misc/grid.src, fcm/grid.fcm, fcm/energy.fcm
energy/energy.src, energy/eutil.src, energy/intere.src,
energy/printe.src, charmm/iniall.src, charmm/charmm_main.src
This module provides code to 1) generate a set of van der Waals and
electrostatic grid-based potentials and to 2) use these potentials in
dynamics, minimization and GA/MC-based searching algorithms.
Generation of the grid-based van der Waals potentials is accomplished
by establishing a series of vdW radius based potential surfaces over a
limited spatial extent specified by the user. This set of potentials
is built for radii of a series of test particles of unit epsilon
parameter. The general idea is to use radii that span the range of
radii used in the force field of interest, either on a discrete grid
or at particular values. In utilizing these grids for energy and force


File: Hbonds, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                    Generation of Hydrogen Bonds
        The generation of hydrogen bonds is one of the major steps in
analyzing the energy of a system.  This energy term is not usually used
in minimization or dynamics because modern parameter sets compute
hydrogen bond contributions as a balance between electrostatic attraction
and van der Waal repulsion terms.  This facility remains useful for the
purpose of enery and structural analysis.  The process of hydrogen bond
generation involves looking at all possible pairs of hydrogen bond
donors and acceptors and selecting those which are "good". The meaning
of "good" is determined by parameters to be described below. In
addition, the generation routine is responsible for constructing the
positions of all uncoordinated hydrogens and adding them into the
coordinate list.
        The selection of hydrogen bonds involves three checks. First,
any good hydrogen bond has a length less than some cutoff. Second, the
angle off linearity has a value less than some cutoff. This angle is 180
- D--H...A.  Finally, if a hydrogen donor has more than one acceptor
which satisfies the above constraints and BEST is specified, the routine
will select the one with the lowest energy (normally it will take ALL
and let the minimization or dynamics adjust there strengths).
        To obtain a more detailed description of the selection process
and the process of constructing hydrogen coordinates, the CHARMM paper
should be consulted.
        Because there are cutoff's involved with the selection of
hydrogen bonds, and because the hydrogen bond list must be updated
during dynamics, and because energy must be conserved, switching
functions are needed to smooth the transition over a cutoff. Therefore,
the specification of hydrogen bond generation also allows the
specification of switching function parameters.


File: Hbuild, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                 Construction of hydrogen positions
                   By Axel Brunger, December 1983
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the HBUILD command
* Algorithm::           Description of the used algorithm

File: Hbuild, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Algorithm, Previous: Top
                    Syntax of the HBUILD command
HBUILD     [atom-selection] hbond-spec  non-bond-spec
           [PHIStp real] [PRINt]  [CUTWater real]
           [WARN] [DISTof real] [ANGLon real]
      where <atom-selection> specify the hydrogens to be
(re-)constructed (see *note selection:(chmdoc/select.doc).).
By default (if no selection is specified) these are all unknown
hydrogens and lone pairs (this is equivalent to a selection
"SELEction (LONE .OR. HYDRogen) .AND..NOT INITial").
      hbond-spec are hydrogen bond specifications, see (*note
hbonds:(chmdoc/hbonds.doc)Syntax.) for the detailed syntax, and
non-bond-spec are non-bonded interaction specifications, see (*note
nbonds:(chmdoc/nbonds.doc)Syntax.) for the detailed syntax.
      At present the use of the following options is not supported
by HBUILD and may yield to errors:
BEST in hbond-spec,
GROUP [...] in non-bond-spec.
      PHIStp (default: 10 degrees) determines the step size of the
donor group rotation algorithm in HBUILD.
      PRINt (default: PRINt flag off) if specified prints information
about electrostatic, Van der Waals, hydrogen bond, dihedral energy


File: Hqbm, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                       The HQBM Module of CHARMM
                      By Emanuele Paci, 1997/2000
    HQBM is an external perturbation designed induce conformational
changes in macromolecules. The time dependent perturbation is designed
to introduce a very small perturbation to the short time dynamics of
the system and does not affect the conservation of the constants of
motion of the system (the conservation of the total energy or of the
suitable conserved quantity when an extended Lagrangian is used can
then be used as a check of the correctness of the forces).
The external perturbation needs:
    - a reference (or target) structure
    - a reaction coordinate which defines a "distance" from the 
      reference structure
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the HQBM command
* Function::            Purpose of each of the keywords
* Input::               HQBM Input Description

File: Hqbm, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Function
[INPUT HQBM command]
  - read the reference structure 
  - call the perturbation choosing a coupling constant [ALPHA], a
    reaction coordinate [RC1, RC2 or RC3], and a selection of atoms 
    which define the reaction coordinate.
  HQBM [AWAY] ALPHA real [RC1] atom-selection [READLIST integer] [IUNJ integer]
       [EVAL real] [TARGet real]


File: Images, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Read
          (Original implementation by  Bernard R. Brooks, 1983)
        CHARMM has a general image support system that allows
the simulation of almost any crystal and also finite point groups
(such as dimers and tertamers...). There is also a facility to introduce
bond linkages (with additional energy terms including angles, dihedrals
and improper dihedrals) between the primary atoms and image atoms.
This allows infinite polymers, such as DNA to be studied.
For infinite systems, an assymetric unit may be studied because
rotations and reflections are allowed transformations.
        The IMAGE facility is invoked by reading an image transformation
file.  From this point, the images of the primary atoms will be included
in any energy and force determinations for the remainder of the calculation.
A null image file with the INIT keyword will disable this facility.
        The simple periodic boundary code is underdevelopment by
Charles L. Brooks, III at the Scripps Research Institute as of Spring
* Menu:
* Read::                Description of the IMAGE data file.
* Write::               The write and print options regarding images.
* Update::              Options and description of the image update.
* Patching::            Specification of image patching.
* Centering::           Secification of image centering during updates.
* Operation::           Some details and requirements for operation
* MIPB::                Minimum Image Periodic Boundary (simple)

File: Images, Node: Read, Up: Top, Next: Write, Previous: Top
                      Image Transformation File
        The IMAGE file contains all of the information needed to define


File: Install, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/charmm.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: (chmdoc/usage.doc)
                      CHARMM Release and Installation
This document contains a formal definition of the current CHARMM release
followed by a detailed installation procedure.  We concern here
features and end-line-user-site installation.  Issues regarding
developer sites are documented in *note Develop: (chmdoc/developer.doc). 
* Menu:
* Contents::      List of Contents of the current release
* Machines::      Machines supported
* Install::       Installation Procedure
* Documentation:: CHARMM Documentation via emacs INFO program
* TOPPAR::        Standard CHARMM Topology and Parameter Files
* UserForm::      CHARMM User Group support

File: Install, Node: Contents, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Machines
                          CHARMM Release Package
The CHARMM release package for CHARMM developers and user sites includes
    (1) complete source and include files,
    (2) updated documentation files,
    (3) some supporting data files,
    (4) testcases,
    (5) the PREFX preprocessor and tools needed to set up CHARMM
        development environments and 
    (6) standard topology and parameter files.
    The files are organized in the followoing subdirectories.
~/ denotes the directory where you have unpacked (read from a tape
drive or issued the UNIX tar command) the CHARMM release package
delivered to you.  In ~/cnnXm, nn is the version number, X is the
version trunk designator (a for alpha or developmental, b for beta
release and c for gamma or general release) and m is the revision


File: INTCOR, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                The Internal Coordinate Manipulation Commands
      The commands in this section can be used to construct cartesian
coordinates from internal coordinate values. The internal coordinate
data structure can also be used for analysis purposes.
There are flexible editing commands for manipulating the data structure.
When these commands are used in conjunction with the Coordinate
Manipulation commands (see *note Corman:(chmdoc/corman.doc).)  and the
I/O commands (see *note IO:(chmdoc/io.doc).), a rather complete model
building facility exists.
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the internal coordinate commands
* Function::            Purpose of each of the commands
* Structure::           Description of the structure of internal coordinates

File: INTCOR, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Function, Previous: Top
                Syntax of Internal Coordinates commands
[SYNTAX IC - internal coordinate tables]
        IC  { PARAmeters [ALL]                            }
            { FILL  [COMP] [APPEnd] [PREServe] [SAVEd]    }
            { GENErate   [THREe]    atom-selection        }
            { DIFFerences [COMP] [APPEnd] [SCALe real]    }
            { DERIvatives [COMP] [APPEnd] [DELTa real]    }
            { DYNAmics  dynamics-spec                     }
            { EDIT                                        }
            { BUILd   [COMP]  [SAVEd]                     }
            { SEED atom atom atom  [COMP]                 }
            { PURGe     [SAVEd]                           }
            { ADD       [SAVEd]                           }
            { SUBTract  [SAVEd]                           }


File: IO, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Read
                        Input-Output Commands
        The commands described here are used for reading and writing
data structures used in the main part of CHARMM. Some of data structures
used in the analysis facility may also be read and written.
* Menu:
* Read::        Reading data from external sources
* Write::       Writing data structures in machine readable form
* Print::       Writing data structures in a human readable form on unit 6
* Titles::      Specifying and manipulating titles

File: IO, Node: Read, Up: Top, Next: Write, Previous: Top
              READ - Reads Data from External Sources
        This command reads data into the data structures from external
sources. The external sources can be either card image files or binary
files. The fortran unit number from which the information is read, is
specified with the unit-spec.
        The precise format of all these files is described only in the
source code as that serves as the only definitive, accurate, and up to
date description of these formats. The description of the data
structures provides pointers to the subroutines which should be
consulted, see *note data: (chmdoc/usage.doc)Data Structures.
* Menu:
* Read Syntax::            Syntax of the READ command
* Sequence::               Reading a segment's sequence
* Coordinate::             Reading coordinates
* Universal::              Reading coordinates from nonstandard formats
* Param files::            The formats used in parameter files
* RTF file format::        The format used in topology files
* Other files::            Reading all other file types


File: LonePair, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Description
                            Lone Pair Facility
      This routine parses the lone-pair command which converts existing
atoms to lone-pairs in the PSF.
                     Bernard R. Brooks, NIH, October, 1997
* Menu:
* Syntax::                 Syntax of the lone-pair command
* Description::            Description of the lone-pair facility

File: LonePair, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Description
                    Syntax of the Lone-Pait Command
LONEpair { FIXEd   atom-spec   [ xloc-yloc-zloc ]            } [MASS]
         {                                                   }
         { CENTer  atom-spec  {  atom-selection   }          }
         {                    { repeat(atom-spec) }          }
         {                                                   }
         { COLOcate { 2x(atom-selection) }                   } 
         {          { 2x(atom-spec)      }                   } 
         {                                                   }
         { { COLInear distance-spec } { 3x(atom-selection) } }
         { { CEN2                   } { 3x(atom-spec)      } }
         {                                                   }
         { { RELAtive } { 4x(atom-selection) } position-spec }
         { { BISEctor } { 4x(atom-selection) }               }
         { { CEN3     }                                      }
         {                                                   }
         { PRINt                                             }
         { CLEAr                                             }
atom-spec::= { residue-number atom-name }


File: LUPOPT, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                        Low Energy Path OPTmization
     This method optimizes a low energy path between a series of molecular
structures.  Energy minimization is done with constraints on center of mass
translation, rotation and orthogonality of step to path vector.
Reference   : Choi, C. and Elber, R., J. Chem. Phys. 94:751  (1991)
Source Code : rxncor/lupopt.src
                              Krzysztof Kuczera, 12-Mar-1997, Lawrence, KS.
* Menu:
* Syntax::             Syntax of the LUPOpt command
* Description::        Description of the keywords and options for
                       setting up the low energy path calculation.
* Memory::             Memory Requirements

File: LUPOPT, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Description, Previous: Top
                        Syntax for the LUPOpt Command
LUPOpt [NPATh integer] [UOUT integer] [INIT integer] -
       [EPSEner real] [MAXCycle integer] [STEP real] [IPVOpt integer] -
       [LPrint integer]
[for 'INIT 2' this line should be followed directly by NPATH lines
 containing names of formatted CHARMM COOR files, no blank lines]
Variable  Default   Meaning
NPATH     MXPATH     Number of path points
UOUT      21         Unit number for output trajectory with optimized
INIT      1          Initialization mode:
                     =1 - straight line in Cartesian space from 
                           MAIN to COMP coordinates
                     =2 - read path from set of files, file names 
                          supplied below, 1 per line, no blank lines


File: Mbond, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/dynamc.doc), Next: Dynamic
                  Multi-body Dynamics:  Overview
In multi-body dynamics, aggregates of atoms are gathered into
"bodies".  For a dynamics run, the system comprises one or more bodies
and zero or more atoms which are not part of any body.  By gathering
the atoms in this way, the total number of variables in the system is
considerably reduced which is expected to significantly improve the
computational performance.  Furthermore because such a simulation aims
to reproduce the characteristic (i.e. low-frequency) motion of the
system, relatively long time steps are possible.  The final advantage
of this scheme is that bond-lengths may be explicitly constrained
(between bodies and in the atomistic regions) in a computationally
efficient manner.
For detail description of MBO(N)D method,  refer to the paper of 
"MBO(N)D: A multibody method for long-time molecular dynamics simulations"
in Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol 21, 1 (2000).
There are two steps needed before starting a dynamics run
	Identifying the bodies and the atomistic regions and
	Generating (or loading pre-calculated) modes for each of the
All of the standard CHARMM output and analysis mechanisms work with
multi-body dynamics.  One new file format is used (to store computed
mode shapes).
The MBOND command is used for setting up the system and controlling
its activation. It can be used either as a single line command (mainly for
control and status reports) or as an opening for a command block (for
setting up the system substructuring and mode assignments). 
All the single line commands can be also used from within the command block. 
The single line commands are:


File: mc, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                               Monte Carlo
The Monte Carlo commands in CHARMM have been designed to allow construction 
and use of an almost arbitrary move set with only a few atom selections.  
This goal is accomplished by providing a pre-defined set of move types which 
can be combined to specify the allowed movements of an arbitrary CHARMM 
molecule.  Speed and flexibility are gained by separating the bookkeeping 
associated with a move (MOVE subcommands) from the actual application of 
that move to the molecule (MC).
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of MOVE and MC commands
* Description::         Description of MOVE and MC commands
* Examples::            Examples of MOVE and MC commands
* Data Structures::     Data structures shared by the MOVE and MC commands
* Shortcomings::        Known problems and limitations
* References::          Some references of use

File: mc, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Description, Previous: Top
                      Syntax for MOVE and MC commands
[Syntax MOVE < ADD | DELEte | EDIT | READ | WRITe | LINK > ]
MOVE ADD  1{ MVTP move-type } nsele{ SELE...END } -
           [ WEIGht  1.0 ] [ DMAX      1.0 ] [ TFACtor     1.0  ] -
           [ FEWEr     0 ] [ NLIMit      1 ] [ LABEL move-label ] -
           [ opt-spec    ] [ mini-spec     ] [ hmc-spec         ]
           where nsele, the number of SELE...END statements, 
           depends on move-type
move-type (nsele)::= < RTRN rig-unit ( 1 ) |   ! Rigid translations
                       RROT rig-unit ( 1+) |   ! Rigid rotations
                       CART          ( 1 ) |   ! Single atom displacements


File: Minimiz, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
             Energy Manipulations: Minimization and Dynamics
        One can minimize the energy by adjusting the coordinates
of all the atoms in order to reduce its value. Several minimization
algorithms are provided. They include;
        Steepest Descents  (SD)
        Conjugate Gradient (CONJ)
        Adopted Basis Newton-Raphson (ABNR)
        Newton-Raphson (NRAP)
        Powell (POWE)
        Truncated Newton Method (TNPACK)
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the energy manipulation commands
                        and a table of keywords
* Description::         Description of the various keyword functions
* Discussion::          Discussion of the various methods

File: Minimiz, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Description, Previous: Top
                Syntax for Energy Manipulation Commands
MINI     { SD                } [ nonbond-spec ] [ hbond-spec ] -
         { CONJ conj-spec    } [   INBFrq 0   ] [  IHBFrq 0  ] [NOUPdate]
         { ABNR abnr-spec    }
         { NRAP nrap-spec    }
         { POWEll            }
         { TN   tnpack-spec  }
                [STEP real] [GRADient] [DEBUg]
                [ frequency-spec ] [ tolerence-spec ] [ print-spec ] }
hbond-spec::=     *Note Hbonds:(chmdoc/hbonds.doc).
nonbond-spec::=   *Note Nbonds:(chmdoc/nbonds.doc).


File: MISCOM, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                        Miscellaneous Commands
      The commands described in this section are generally more
simple in nature than those of previous sections. Some are perhaps
obsolete, but included for the sake of completeness.
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the miscellaneous commands
* Function::            Purpose of each of the commands

File: MISCOM, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Function, Previous: Top
                    Syntax of miscellaneous commands
File handling:
OPEN    UNIT integer NAME filename [WRITe ]   [UNFORMatted]
                                   [READ  ]   [FILE]
                                   [APPEnd]   [FORMatted]
LOWEr                                 ! Force the case of output file names
UPPEr                                 !             "
CLOSe   UNIT integer  [DISPosition KEEP  ]
                      [DISPosition DELEte]
REWInd  UNIT integer
INQUire ! get a list of open files and their qualifiers, only from CHARMM
        ! possible
STREam  [ UNIT integer       ] [ repeat(argument) ]
        [ file_specification ]        ! Call another input file
OUTUnit  integer                      ! Redirect output to a different unit.
RETUrn                                ! Return to the previous unit
DEFIne  keyname  SELE atom_selection END


File: MMFF, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Usage
             Merck Molecular Force Field (MMFF94)
* Menu:
* Usage::         How to use MMFF with CHARMM standalone
* Quanta::        How to use MMFF from QUANTA
* Status::        Current status of MMFF implementation in CHARMM
* Theory::        Basis for, parameterization and performance of MMFF94
* Funcform::      Functional form of the MMFF energy expression
* Refs::          References to papers describing MMFF94
* Parameters:(chmdoc/mmff_params.doc).  MMFF Parameters

File: MMFF, Node: Usage, Up: Top, Next: Quanta, Previous: Top
In order to use MMFF in CHARMM, the user has to issue the following
1. use mmff force field
2. <read mmff parameter files>
3. (a) read rtf name <MMFF-capable rtf file>, or
   (b) read merck name <file_name>
   (c) read mol2 name <file_name>
   (d) read db mol_name name <file_name>
4. read sequence  ! if input is via the rtf route (step 3 (a))
5. generate  ! note that there may be multiple segments in one .mrk file
6. patch     ! if input is via rtf/sequence route, apply appropriate patches
             ! to force a new mmff_setup; either include the keyword "mmff" 
             ! on the final patch or follow the final patch by the command:
             ! "use mmff atom types"
7. read coord, or ic build  ! if input is via the read rtf/sequence route.  
Steps 1 & 2 can be done by streaming the file "mmff_setup.STR."  An example
of this file is shown below.  Documantation on the contents and usage of the
MMFF parameter files may be found in mmff_params.doc.


File: MMFF_PARAMS, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/mmff.doc), Next: MMFFSYMB
          The MMFF94 Setup Procedure And Parameter Files
* Menu:
* MMFFSYMB::     The MMFFSYMB.PAR file (symbolic atom types)
* MMFFAROM::     The MMFFAROM.PAR file (aromatic atom types)
* MMFFHDEF::     The MMFFHDEF.PAR file (atom types for hydrogens)
* MMFFDEF::      The MMFFDEF.PAR  file (numeric atom types)
* MMFFPROP::     The MMFFPROP.PAR file (properties of MMFF atom types)
* MMFFBOND::     The MMFFBOND.PAR file (bond-stretching parameters)
* MMFFBNDK::     The MMFFBNDK.PAR file (empirical-rule bond parameters)
* MMFFANG::      The MMFFANG.PAR  file (angle-bending parameters)
* MMFFSTBN::     The MMFFSTBN.PAR file (stretch-bend parameters)
* MMFFDFSB::     The MMFFDFSB.PAR file (empirical-rule str-bend parameters)
* MMFFOOP::      The MMFFOOP.PAR  file (out-of-plane bending parameters)
* MMFFTOR::      The MMFFTOR.PAR  file (torsion partameters)
* MMFFVDW::      The MMFFVDW.PAR  file (van der Waals parameters)
* MMFFCHG::      The MMFFCHG.PAR  file (bond-increment "charge" parameters)
* MMFFPBCI::     The MMFFPBCI.PAR file (empirical-rule charge paramters)
* MMFFSUP::      The MMFFSUP.PAR  file (supplementary MMFF parameters)

File: MMFF_PARMS, Node: MMFFSYMB, Up: Top, Next: MMFFAROM, Previous: Top
1.  MMFFSYMB.PAR.  Starting from the input atomic species, connectivity, 
and formal bond orders (for aromatic systems, for example, a Kekule 
structure having alternating single and double bonds must be supplied), the 
MMFF structural perception code automatically "sets up" the calculation by 
perceiving and classifying rings, detecting aromaticitity, and creating 
appropriate lists of bond, angle and torsional interactions.  The atom typing 
procedures (currently overseen by subroutines XTYPE, HTYPE and RGTYPE) 
then assign a 4-character symbolic atom type to each atom.  Finally, the 
entries in MMFFSYMB.PAR are used to translate the symbolic atom types into 


File: MMFP, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
          The Miscelaneous Mean Field Potential (MMFP) Commands
     The commands in this section are primarily used for setting up special
restraining potentials on some or all of the atoms. The key word MMFP is used 
to enter the MMFP environement.  In the MMFP environment, all miscelaneous
commands (label, goto, if, etc...), and string substitutions (with @1,
@2, etc...) are supported.
The key word END returns to the main parser. The restraining potentials are
used in all energy calculations, unless SKIP is used (see *note 
select:chmdoc/energy.doc).  The subcommand RESET clears the potential.  
This module is still under developement and only the subcommand
GEO is released.  The subcommand GEO (standing for geometrical) is used 
to setup various restraining potential (spherical, planar or cyclindrical 
restraints) on some or all atoms.  The selection specification should be 
at the end of the command.  The default atom selection includes all atoms.
Future subcommands will include continuum electrostatic reaction field 
and solvent mean field potentials. Expected date of release is Spring 1994.
* Menu:
* Syntax::                Syntax of the MMFP commands
* Details::               Descriptions of the GEO subcommands
* Examples::              Examples of GEO subcommands
* Substitutions::         Description and usage of substitution values

File: MMFP, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Details
                    Syntax of basic MMFP commands
GEO reset
GEO [maxgeo INTE] [shape_specification] [position_spec] [RCM] 
                  [potential_spec] [atom_selection] [ DISTANCE atom_selection]
                                                    [ ANGLE atom_selection ]
                                                    [ DIHEDRAL atom_selection ]


File: Molvib, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                     The MOLVIB Module of CHARMM
            By K.Kuczera & J.Wiorkiewicz-Kuczera, May 1991
    MOLVIB is a general-purpose vibrational analysis program, suitable
for small to medium sized molecules (say of less than 50 atoms).  For
larger systems the detail of description may be too great.
    The main options are:
    - the vibrational problem in internal coordinates (GF)
    - the vibrational problem in cartesian coordinates (GFX)
    - analysis of GAUSSIAN program output (GFX,GAUS)
    - analysis of dependencies in internal coordinate sets (G)
    - canonic force field calculations (KANO)
    - crystal normal mode analysis for k=0 (CRYS)
    - generating cartesian displacements along some interesing
      directions (STEP)
    The different options use mostly the same package of subroutines
called in different order. New applications may thus be easily added
when necessary. 
    Of special interest is the symbolic PED analysis package, enabling
a clear and condensed overview of the usually complex PED contributions.
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the MOLVIB command
* Function::            Purpose of each of the keywords
* Input::               MOLVIB Input Description

File: Molvib, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Function
[SYNTAX MOLVib command]
    MOLVib NDI1 int NDI2 int NDI3 int 
           [NATOm int] [MAXSymbol int] [NGMAx int] [NBLMax int]
           [IZMAx int] [NOTOpology] [SECOnd] [PRINt]


File: Monitor, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/dynamc.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/dynamc.doc), Next: Syntax
    Monitor commands: Commands to monitor various dynamics properties
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the Monitor commands
* Properties::          Description of the properties monitored

File: Monitor, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Properties, Previous: Top
[SYNTAX MONItor dihedral transitions]
                    Syntax of the MONItor commands
MONItor {DIHEdral} [SHOW] FIRSt unit-number NUNIt integer BEGIn integer -
                   STOP integer SKIP integer [SELEct atom-selection]
FIRSt   the unit number of the first file of dynamics coordinate sets
        from which the property is to be calculated.
NUNIt   the number of units of dynamics coordinate files.  Fortran unit
        numbers must be assigned to the files consecutively from FIRST.
BEGIn   the first step number for the coordinate set from which
        the property will be calculated.
STOP    the last step number for the coordinate set from which
        the property will be calculated.
SKIP    the time increment between the step numbers of the coordinates.
SELEct  selected atoms for which the property is to be monitored.  At
        this time, atoms may be selected only by the atom-selection
        keywords (e.g. RESID,TYPE,ATOM,RESN,SEGID) and NOT by
        tag-selections.  (see *note select:(chmdoc/select.doc).)
DIHE    Property: monitor the dihedral transitions.
SHOW    for monitoring dihedral transitions, print out the step number,
        the cumulative number of transitions, the dihedral name, the
        current dihedral angle, and the old and new minimum well
        positions each time a transition is found.
ALL     Lots of printout.


File: MTS, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/dynamc.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/dynamc.doc), Next: Syntax
              *   Multiple Time Scales Method (MTS)  *
     In CHARMM, multiple time scales method (MTS) algorithm is similar
to code of the algorithm described in the paper by Tuckerman, Berne,
and Martyna [J.C.P., 97, 1990 (1992)]. Please refer to this paper for 
details of derivations of this MTS-RESPA method. In addtion, more details 
can be seen in J. Chem. Phys. 99, 8063 (1993) and J. Phys. Chem., 99, 5680 
(1995) by  M. Watanabe and M. Karplus. In this new release, MTS method can
be called under parallel platforms. All modules under MTS should work in
parallel. To run CHARMM in parallel, please refer to parallel.doc.
     The MTS method can be combined with Langevin dynamics via the
LN algorithm, described by Barth and Schlick [J.Chem.Phys., 1998, in press].
This version includes the slow forces via extrapolation and is expected to
allow larger timesteps than reversible MTS-RESPA. See
general notes at the end of this documentation file.
LN algorithm was implemented in CHARMM by Eric Barth (8/97) and
Adrian Sandu (7/98).    
     In this documentation we refer to the rRESPA code as MTS-RESPA
(performing Newtonian dynamics) and to the LN code as MTS-LN
(performing Langevin  dynamics).     
* Syntax::        Syntax of the MTS dynamics command
* Desc::          Description of the keywords and options
* Note::          Energy routines and MTS method selections 
* Exam::          Example of Multiple Time Scale Method

File: MTS, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Desc, Previous: Top


File: Nbonds, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                    Generation of Non-bonded Interactions
        Nonbonded interactions (frequently abreviated "nbond") refer to
van der Waals terms and the electrostatic terms between all atom pairs
that are not specifically excluded from nonbond calculations
as for example are directly bonded atoms *note nbx: (chmdoc/struct.doc)nbx.
These terms are defined on atom pairs and to a first aproximation would
require the number of atoms squared calculations. To avoid this burden
various truncation and approximation schemes can be employed in the
program, breaking the nonbonded calculation into two parts,
initialization and actual energy calculation.
        The method of approximation, cutoffs, and other relevant
parameters can be entered any time the nbond specification parser is
invoked. See the syntax section for a list of all commands that invoke this
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the nonbond specification
* Defaults::            Defaults used in the nonbond specification
* Function::            Description of the options
* Tables::              Using nonbond lookup tables in place of analytic
                        potential energy functions
* Cubes::               Alternative way to compute the nonbonded ontact list
* Cluster::             Cube-Cluster nonbonded list generation method

File: Nbonds, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Defaults, Previous: Top
{ NBONds       }   { [INBFrq integer] nonbond-spec  }
{ UPDAte ...   }   {                                }
{ ENERgy ...   }   {                                }
{ MINImize ... }   {                                }


File: NMR, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                         NMR Analysis Module   
    The NMR commands may be used to obtain a set of time series for a
number of NMR properties from a trajectory.  Among the possible
properties are relaxation rates due to dipole-dipole fluctuations (T1,
T2, NOE, ROE), chemical shift anisotropy and Deuterium order
parameters for oriented samples.  The documentation assumes that users
are already familiar with NMR.  Several textbooks are available for
users interested in more information.  The NMR command invokes the NMR
subcommand parser.
    Because several properties are based uppon the position of nuclei
that may not have been included in the PSF (and the trajectory) the
module has its own building submodule (see BUILD) to construct atoms.
For example, the H_alpha on the C_alpha can be constructed without
invoking HBUILD for T1 and T2 calculations.  
    Everthing is stored on the HEAP and no variables are kept when the
module is left (there is no nmr.fcm common block).  Everything is
re-initialized when the module is exited with the END command.
WARNING: The module has not been used in numerous situations and caution
         should be the rule.  All problems should be reported to
         Benoit Roux at rouxb@ERE.Umontreal.CA, phone (514) 343-7105.
* Menu:
* Syntax::      Syntax of the NMR commands
* Function::    Purpose of each of the commands
* Examples::    Usage examples of the NMR analysis commands

File: NMR, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Function
[SYNTAX NMR functions]


The documentation of Nose-Hoover method - Masa Watanabe

File: Nose, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/dynamc.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/dynamc.doc), Next: Syntax
             *   Nose-Hoover Molecular Dynamics command   *
This module offers access to the Constant-Temperature molecular
dynamics defined by Nose-Hoover equations of motion (described in
S.Nose JCP, 81 P511 (1984) and W.G. Hoover, Phy. Rev. A31, p1695 (1985))
This method has the advantage that it is a continuous dynamics with
well defined conserved quantities. [Other temperature scaling methods,
available in CHARMM (included Berendsen method in Leap-frog
integrator) have discontinuous dynamics.]
* Syntax::     Syntax of the Nose-Hoover command
* Main::       Nose-Hoover method main commands and descriptions
* Exam::       Example of Nose-Hoover Method

File: Nose, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Main, Previous: Top
                 * Syntax for the Nose-Hoover Command *
   The original Hamiltonian for Nose dynamics is defined as follow:
               H = H0 + HB
                 = H0(p/s,q) + P^2/2Q + (f+1)kTlns     (1)
where f is a degree of freedom of the physical system. This Hamiltonian 
was originally propoesed by Nose in his JCP paper. The equations of motions 
defined by Eq. (1) are solved numerically in order to achieve the canonical
ensemble MD simulation. Hoovers extended the Nose's analysis. He derives a 
slightly different set of equations of motions which dispense with the 


File: Olap, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/charmm.doc), Next: Description
                    Overlap of Molecular Similarity
     This is a maximum overlap method to investigate the structural
similarity of flexible molecules. The atoms are described as Gaussians
and the interaction energy between different molecules are basically
overlap integrals. The Gaussians can represent either volume or charge.
Alternatively, the overlap of the electrostatic potential is provided
yielding exponential form.
     This method supports all CHARMM functionality, because it provides
just another energy term and forces for it. Only periodic boundaries and
VIBRAN are not supported.
* Menu:
* Description::         Description of the OVERLAP commands.
* Usage::               How to use the OVERLAP method.
* Implementation::      Implementation of the OVERLAP method
* Performance::         Performance Issues

File: Olap, Node: Description, Up: Top, Next: Usage, Previous: Top
One command (OLAP) is used in several different forms to specify
To initialize the method use:
OverLAP  NUMB <int> WEIGht <real> VOLW <real> CHAW <real> ESPW <real> -
  WIDTh <real> GAMMa <real> WEPO <real>
NUMB <int>   - how many subsystems do we have
WEIG <real>  - weighting factor for the whole overlap term; it also
               accounts to bring units to kcal/mol, default = 1.0
VOLW <real>  - weighting factor for the volume overlap term,


This is Info file parallel.doc, produced by Makeinfo-1.61 from the
input file parallel.texi.

File: Parallel, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/charmm.doc), Next: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/changelog.doc)
                Parallel Implementation of CHARMM
CHARMM has been modified to allow computationally intensive simulations
to be run on multi-machines using a replicated data model.  This
version, though employing a full communication scheme, uses an efficient
divide-and-conquer algorithm for global sums and broadcasts.
Curently the following hardware platforms are supported:
  1. Cray T3D/T3E                  7. Intel Paragon machine
  2. Cray C90, J90                 8. Thinking Machines CM-5
  3. SGI Power Challenge           9. IBM SP1/SP2 machines
  4. Convex SPP-1000 Exemplar     10. Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
  5. Intel iPSC/860 gamma         11. Workstation clusters (SOCKET)
  6. Intel Delta machine          12. Alpha Servers (SMP machines, PVMC)
 13. TERRA 2000                   14. HP SMP machines
 15. Convex SPP-2000              16. SGI Origin
 17. LoBoS (any Beowulf)
* Menu:
* Installation::  Installing CHARMM on parallel systems
* Running::       Running CHARMM on parallel systems
* PARAllel::      Command PARAllel controls parallel communication
* Status::        Parallel Code Status (as of September 1998)
* Using PVM::     Parallel Code implemented with PVM
* Implementation:: Description of implementation of parallel code

File: Parallel, Node: Installation, Next: Running, Previous: Top, Up: Top
For support of many parallel comunication libraries the CMPI keyword
was added. In order to get the old communication routines always
specify CMPI otherwise MPI is the default choice (see recommended


File: Parmfile, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/usage.doc)Standard Files, Next: Overview
                  CHARMM Emprical Energy Function Parameters
        This section describes parameters in the CHARMM empirical
energy function.
* Menu:
* Overview::      Overview of CHARMM parameter file by A. D. Mackerell Jr.
* Multiple::      Rules for the use of multiple dihedrals in CHARMM22
* Conversion::    Rules for conversion of old nucleic acid rtf and
                  param to CHARMM22 format 
* PARMDATA::      Description of Parameter Files available for general use.

File: Parmfile, Node: Overview, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Multiple
                    Overview of CHARMM parameter files
                 By Alexander D. MacKerell Jr., July 1997
        This section of the documenation contains a brief description
of the contents of a parameter file.  The CHARMM parameter file
contains the information necessary to calculate energies etc. when
combined with the information from a PSF file for a structure.
Information on the keywords found in the parameter file is in IO.DOC.
(A)   * CHARMM example parameter file
(B)   BOND
      H   O   500.0  1.00
(C)   ANGLe (THETa)
      H   O   H  100.0  104.51  20.0  1.70
(D)   DIHEdral (PHI)
      HT  CT  CT  HT    10.0   3    180.0
      X   CT  CT  X     10.0   3    180.0
(E)   IMPH
      O   C   CT  N      5.0   1      0.0


File: PBEQ, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                 Poisson-Bolztmann Equation Module   
    The PBEQ module allows the setting up and the numerical solution of
the Poisson-Boltzmann equation on a discretized grid for a solute molecule.
Attention: Problems should be reported to
         . Benoit Roux    at, phone (212) 746-6018
         . Wonpil Im      at
         . Dmitrii Beglov at
* Menu:
* Syntax::      Syntax of the PBEQ commands
* Function::    Purpose of each of the commands
* Examples::    Usage examples of the PBEQ module

File: PBEQ, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Function
[SYNTAX PBEQ functions]
PBEQ          enter the PBEQ module
END           exit the PBEQ module
SOLVe          PB-theory-specifications
               solver-specifications         grid-specifications
               iteration-specifications      charge interpolation-spec.
               boundary potential-spec.      dielectric boundary-spec.
               physical variable-spec.       membrane-specifications
               spherical droplet-spec.       orthorhombic box-spec.
               cylinder-specifications       solvation force-spec.
ITERate        PB-theory-specifications      solver-specifications         


File: PDETAIL, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/perturb.doc), Next: Introduction
                Details about TSM Free Energy Calculations
* Menu:
* Introduction::           What will be covered.
* Theory and Methodology:: General discussion.
* Practice::               How to do it.

File: PDETAIL, Node: Introduction, Up: Top, Next: Theory and Methodology, Previous: Top
       For a good overview of free energy simulation methods, the follow-
ing references are suggested:  M. Mezei and D. L. Beveridge, in Annals of
the New York Academy of Sciences, chapter titled "Free Energy Simulations",
482 (1986) 1; T.  P. Straatsma, PhD dissertation, "Free Energy Evaluation
by  Molecular Dynamics Simulations", University of Groningen, Netherlands
(1987)  and  S.  H.  Fleischman  and C. L. Brooks III, "Thermodynamics of
Aqueous  Solvation:  Solution  Properties  of  Alchohols and Alkanes", J.
Chem. Phys., 87, (1987) p. 3029,  D.  J.  Tobias and  C.  L. Brooks  III,
J. Chem. Phys., 89, (1988) 5115-5127, and D.J. Tobias, "The Formation and 
Stability of  Protein Folding Initiation Structures",  Ph.D. dissertation
Carnegie Mellon University (1991).
         In the previous nodes we have generally referred to this area of
molecular  simulation  as a "perturbation" theory.  Actually, none of the
techniques  used  are  actually  perturbation methods.  The relationships
used  for computing the relative free energy differences are all exact in
the  statistical  mechanical  sense.  The use of the term perturbation in
this  context  arises  from  the  fact  that  in the pre-number crunching
supercomputer  days,  various  series  expansions were derived from these
equations and were in fact perturbation theories.  The name thermodynamic
integration  might  be used, however common practice has been to apply it
to  only  one  particular formulation (and furthermore not put that under


File: Pert, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                    Free Energy Perturbation Calculations
    The PERTurbe command allows the scaling of energy between PSFs for use in
energy analysis, comparisons, slow growth free energy simulations,
widowing free energy simulation, and for slow growth homology modelling.
This is a rather flexible implementation of free energy perturbation
that allows connectivity to change.  Also, three energy restraint
terms (harmonic, dihedral and NOE) and the SKIP command flags are subject
to change which allows a flexible way in which to compute free energy
differences between different conformations.  This code in implemented
in a non-intrusive manner and works with all minimizers and
integrators.  SHAKE can now be applied to bonds which are mutated as
well; an appropriate constraint corrections is calculated
automatically in these cases.
* Menu:
* Syntax::           Syntax of PERT Commands
* Description::      Description of PERT Commands
* Restrictions::     Restrictions in PERT Command usage
* References::       References regarding Free Energy Perturbations
* Examples::         A Sample Input Files
* Constraints::      Special considerations regarding SHAKE
* WHAM::
* PERT/PSSP::        Background on the use of soft core potentials (PSSP)

File: Pert, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Description, Previous: Top
                Syntax of Free Energy Perturbation Commands
[Syntax PERT]
PERTurb   [OFF] [INBFrq int nonbond-specs] [RESEt] atom-selection
                [INBFrq  0               ]
      The PERT OFF command disables the free energy routines and the current


File: Perturb, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
         Perturbation: Thermodynamic Perturbation Calculations.
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the set up of the perturbation command.
* Description::         Description of the keywords and options for
                        setting up the perturbation calculation. Includes
                        an explanation of the reset command TSM CLEAr.
* Post-processing::     How to process the perturbation output of the
                        dynamics run.
* Details:        (chmdoc/pdetail.doc). How to run perturbation 
* Implementation: (chmdoc/pimplem.doc). How it is implemented.
                                        Programming details. 
* CFTI:           (chmdoc/cfti.doc).    Conformational Energy/Free Energy
                                        Calculation (Krzysztof Kuczera)

File: Perturb, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Description, Previous: Top
                  Syntax for the Perturbation Command
		Chemical Perturbation Parameters:
1.  REACtant atom_selection_list | NONE
2.  PRODuct atom_selection_list   | NONE
3.  LAMBda <real> [ POWEr <int> ]
4.  SLOW TEMP <real> LFROm <real> LTO <real> [ POWEr <int> ]
5.  DONT {REACtant} {internal_energy_spec} [SUBTract]
         {PRODuct} {internal_energy_spec}
6.  GLUE {CM FORCe <real> MIN <real>} [SUBR] [SUBP]
         {ATOMs FORCE <real> MIN <real> atom_spec atom_spec


File: PIMPLEM, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/perturb.doc), Next: Description
        Implementation of the Thermodynamic Simulation Method
* Menu:
* Description::        How Chemical Perturbation works.
* File Formats::       Output File Formats for Chemical Perturbation.
* IC Implementation::  Implementation and File Formats for Internal
                       Coordinate Perturbation

File: PIMPLEM, Node: Description, Up: Top, Next: File Formats, Previous: Top
         How the Chemical Perturbation Energy Calculation Works
        For  thermodynamic  perturbation calculations the atoms making up
the system described by the hybrid Hamiltonian, H(lambda), can be divided
into four groups.  1) The environment part - all atoms that do not change
during  the  perturbation.   E.g., for ethanol -> propane the solvent and
the  terminal  methyl  group.  2) The reactant atoms - the atoms that are
present  at  lambda  = 0 and absent at lambda = 1. 3) The product atoms -
the  atoms  that  are absent at lambda = 0 and present at lambda = 1.  4)
The  COLO atoms - atoms that are present in both the reactant and product
but change charge in going from one to the other.
        Certain  basic  premises underly our approach.  Energy values are
factored  by  lambda  (or  functions thereof), never the energy functions
themselves.  The standard energy routines are called unchanged and can be
modified  without  requiring changes to the perturbation routines as long
as  the  calling  sequence  remains the same.  Potential energy terms are
written  to  output  during  a  trajectory  and in the case of the window
method  trajectories  can  be combined.  Futhermore any lambda -> lambda'
can  be  calculated post priori and additional lambda points can be added
as  desired.   Most  other  implementations  do not appear to allow this.
There  is, however, a price entailed namely a certain amount of redundant
calculation.   Furthermore , purely as a matter of conceptual preference,


File: Pressure, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
              Constant Pressure/Temperature (CPT) Dynamics
   Two types of constant pressure/temperature dynamics are available 
in CHARMM.  The weak coupling method for temperature and pressure
control described in the paper by Berendsen et al. (JCP 81(8) p3684
1984) was the first constant pressure and temperature algortihm
implemented in CHARMM.  Extended system constant pressure and 
temperature algorithms have now been implemented based on the work
of Andersen (JCP 72(4) p2384 1980), Nose & Klein (Mol Physics 50(5)
p1055 1983), Hoover (Phys. Review A 31(3) p1695 1985).  Additionally,
a variant on the extended system method which treats the control 
variables by means of a Langevin equation is available (Feller, Zhang,
Pastor & Brooks, JCP, 103, 4613 (1995)).
   Shape matrix propagation and coordinates scaling for triclinic
unit cell is done according to D. Brown and J.H.R. Clarke in
Computer Physics Comm. 62 (1991) 360-369.
   A constant surface tension algorithm is included which is useful
for studying interfacial systems where one wishes to allow the area
to change dynamically during the simulation.  The dynamical equations
and statistical ensemble are discussed in (Zhang, Feller, Brooks & 
Pastor, JCP, 103, 10252 (1995)).
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the CPT dynamics command
* Description::         Description of the keywords and options
* Notes::               Other points to be noted
* Examples::            Isotropic and interfacial systems; constant tensor
* Pressure::            The pressure command

File: Pressure, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Description, Previous: Top
[Syntax DYNAmics CPT]


File: qmmm, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
      Combined Quantum and Molecular Mechanical Hamiltonian
    A combined quantum (QM) and molecular (MM) mechanical potential
allows for the study of condensed phase chemical reactions, reactive
intermediates, and excited state isomerizations.  This is necessary 
since standard MM force fields are parameterized with experimental 
data on the potential energy surface which may be far removed from 
the region of interest, or have the wrong analytical
form.  A full decription of the theory and application is given in
J. Computational Chemistry (1990) 6, 700.
    The effective Hamiltonian, Heff, describes the energy and forces on
each atom.  It is treated as a sum of four terms, Hqm, Hmm, Hqm/mm,
and Hbrdy.
  Hqm    Describes the quantum mechanical particles.  The semi-
         empirical methods available are AM1, PM3 and MNDO.  All treat
         hydrogen, first row elements plus silicon, phosphorus,
         sulfur, and the halogens.  MNDO has additional parameters
         for aluminium, phosphorus, chromium, germanium, tin, mercury,
         and lead.  Full details concerning these theoretical methods
         can be found in Dewar's original papers, JACS (1985) 107,
         3902, JACS (1977) 99, 4899, Theoret. Chim. Acta. (1977) 46, 89.
  Hmm    The molecular mechanical Hamiltonian is independent of the
         coordinates of the electrons and nuclei of the QM atoms.
         CHARMM22 is used to treat atoms in this region.
  Hqm/mm The combined Hamiltonian describes how QM and MM atoms
         interact.  This is composed of two electrostatic and one
         van der Waals terms.  Each MM atom interacts with both the
         electrons and nuclei of the QM atoms (therefore two terms).
         The van der Waals term is necessary since some MM atoms
         possess no charge and would consequently be invisible to


File: Replica, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax 
Replica: Commands which deal with replication of the molecular system: Replica.
# <caves>-Aug-18-1993 (Leo Caves) Initial release.
# REPLICA/PATH method added by B. Brooks March 1994.
# Feynmann Path Integral Methods added
    by B. Roux, K. Hinsen and Marc Souaille, June 1997.
The commands described in this node are associated with the replication of
regions of the PSF, see *note gener:(chmdoc/struct.doc)Generate.  A facility
for replication of regions of the PSF has been implemented to support a class
of methods which seek to improve the sampling of a (usually small) region of
the molecular system, by selective replication.  Such methods include LES
(Locally Enhanced Sampling [Elber and Karplus 1990, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 112,
9161-9175]) and MCSS (Multiple Copy Simultaneous Search [Miranker and Karplus
1991, Proteins 11, 29-34]).
* Menu:
* Syntax::		Syntax of the replication commands
* Usage::	 	Description of command usage
* Implementation::	A brief description of the anatomy of replication 
* Restrictions:: 	Restrictions on usage	
* Examples:: 		Supplementary examples of the use of REPLica
* Path::                Replica Path Method
* Pathint::             Path Integral Calculation using REPLica

File: Replica, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Usage, Previous: Top
Syntax of PSF Replication commands
[SYNTAX: REPLication commands]
REPLica { [segid] [NREPlica integer] [SETUP] [atom-selection] [COMP] }
        { RESEt                                                      }
segid:==		Basename for replica segment identifiers. 
atom-selection:==	(see *note select:(chmdoc/select.doc).)


File: RISM, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
          RISM (Reference Interaction Site Model) module 
   The RISM module allows the user to calculate the site-site radial
   distribution functions g(r) and pair correlation functions c(r)
   for a multi-component molecular liquid. These functions can then
   be used to determine quantities such as the potential of mean 
   force or the cavity interaction term between two solute molecules
   into a solvent, and the excess chemical potential of solvation of
   a solute into a solvent. The change in the solvent g(r) upon
   solvation can be determined and this allows for the decomposition
   of the excess chemical potential into the energy and entropy of
   The code was written as an independent program by Benoit Roux
   in 1988. Some routines were added and it was adapted for CHARMM
   by Georgios Archontis in 1992. The help and advice of Hsiang Ai Yu
   is greatfully ackgnowledged.
* Menu
* Syntax::         Syntax of  the RISM commands
* Commands::       Explanation of the commands
* Theory::         A brief introduction to the RISM theory
* References::     Useful references    
* Examples::       Input files 

File: RISM, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Commands, Previous: Top
		   Syntax for RISM calculation
   Invoke of the RISM command in the main charmm input file
   calls the subroutine RISM() (in rism.src). Once control has 


File: Rtop, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/usage.doc)Standard files, Next: Overview
                            Residue Topology File
                    By Alexander D. MacKerell Jr., August 1999
        This section of the documentation describes the contents of the
topology file and a listing of the current topology files available to
the users.  CHARMM topology files contain the information necessary to
describe bond connectivity, angle, dihedral angle and improper
dihedral angle content, charge distribution, hydrogen-bond donors and
acceptors and internal coordinate information.  Thess data are required
by CHARMM in order to determine energies, perform energy minimizations
and molecular dynamics simulations as well as perform other various
structural manipulations.  Documentation concerning implementation of
a topology file in order to build a structure is contained in
* Menu:
* Overview::      Overview of CHARMM Topology File
* RTFDATA::       Description of Topology Files available for general use

File: Rtop, Node: Overview, Up: Top, Next: RTFDATA, Previous: Top
                      Overview of CHARMM Topology File
        An example of a topology file is given below followed by
a description of the content of the various sections. Also see
IO.DOC for information on the individual keywords.
(A)   * CHARMM example topology file
(B)      19    1
(C)   MASS    1  H    1.00800 H
      MASS    2  O   15.99900 O
(D)   DECL -C
      DECL -O


File: SASA, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                   The SASA implicit solvation model
   Please read the section 'Syntax of the SASA command' before using
                   Characteristics of the SASA model
   The SASA model is a fast implicit solvation model that is useful to
simulate structured peptides and miniprotein motifs [1]. It is based on
the solvent accessible surface area and uses only two solvation
parameters. It approximates the solvent accessible surface area with a
simple analytical function that is easily derivable, therefore the
speed. The model accounts for the electrostatic screening between solute
charges by using a distant dependent dielectric function and by
neutralizing the formal charges (Asp, Glu, Arg, Lys, and the termini) as
in the EEF1 model, see [2].
   The SASA model has been successfully applied to peptides, removing
the major artifacts of in vacuo simulations and even obtaining
reversible folding [3]. Latest benchmarks indicate that a simulation
with SASA is only about 50% slower than an in vacuo simulation.
                          Theoretical aspects
   We assume - as is usually done - that the potential energy of the
system consisting of the solute and the solvent can be decomposed in
three parts: the intra-solute potential energy U(X), the intra-solvent
potential energy V(Y) and the interaction potential energy of the solute
and the solvent W(X,Y), where X denotes the degrees of freedom of the
solute and Y the degrees of freedom of the solvent. Integrating out all
solvent degrees of freedom one gets the potential of mean force W(X),
also called the effective energy. It can be written as the sum of the
intra-solute potential energy U(X) and the mean solvation term DW(X)
that describes the solvent induced effects. This is a rigorous result
from statistical mechanics. For more details please refer for instance


File: Sbound, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/cons.doc), Next: Syntax 
           Method and implementation of deformable boundary forces
        The use of deformable boundary forces is in studying small
localized regions of solvent, say around an active site.  The boundary
forces are applied to the atoms in the solvent and serve to contain
the reaction zone.
        Generally the boundary forces are computed from the deformable
boundary method of C. L. Brooks III and M. Karplus, J. Chem. Phys., 79,
6312(1983).  Following generation one must;
    i) Generate the corresponding boundary potential
   ii) Read the tabulated boundary potential into CHARMM
  iii) Set-up the mapping CHARMM uses to connect table entries with
       boundary constrained atoms
Steps ii) and iii) ** MUST ** be done everytime the boundary forces are to be
used.  For example, during the initial stages of a dynamics simulation and
at all subsequent restarts.
        The syntax for generating the potential and reading and setting up
the table structure is given in the following mode.
* Menu:
* Syntax::                             Syntax for all the SBOUnd commands
* Files: (chmdoc/support.doc)Boundary. Deformable boundary potential files

File: Sbound, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: (chmdoc/support.doc)Boundary
          > SBOUnd POTEntial INPUt <integer> OUTPut <integer>
  Integrates forces to get potential and generates cubic spline
  approximation of the potential.
          > SBOUnd SET XREF <real> YREF <real> ZREF <real>
                   ASSIgn <table number> <selection-syntax>
  Solvent boundary routine to set boundary geometry
  and specify the atoms referring to the tables.  Note the


File: Scalar, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc)
     SCALar : commands to manipulate scalar atom properties
SCALar keyname  {                       }        [atom-selection]
                {  =   keyname          } ! A = B
                { COPY keyname          } ! A = B
                { SUM  keyname          } ! A = A + B
                { PROD keyname          } ! A = A * B
                { SET <real>            } ! A = <real>
                { ADD <real>            } ! A = <real> + A
                { MULT <real>           } ! A = <real> * A
                { DIVI <real>           } ! A = A / <real>
                { SIGN                  } ! A = sign ( A )
                { INTEger               } ! A = int ( A )
                { RECIprocal            } ! A = 1/ A
                { LOG                   } ! A = ln ( A )
                { EXP                   } ! A = exp ( A )
                { ABS                   } ! A = ABS ( A )
                { NORM                  } ! A = A / 2-norm(A)
                { MIN <real>            } ! A = MIN (A,<real>)
                { MAX <real>            } ! A = MAX(A,<real>)
                { POWEr <real>          } ! A = A ** <real>
                { POW2r                 } ! A = A * A
                { IPOW  <real>          } ! A = A ** int(<real>), OK for neg A
                { SQRT                  } ! A = SQRT(A)
                { RANDom                } ! A = random
                { HBCOunt               } ! A = #of hbonds
                { SHOW   [SORT]         }
                { STATistics weight_opt }
                { STORe  store_number   } ! S(i) = A(i)


File: SCCDFTB, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Description
      Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanics Method
                       Based on SCCDFTB in CHARMM
                     by  Qiang Cui and Marcus Elstner
        The approximate Density Functional program SCCDFTB (Self-
consistent charge Density-Functional Tight-Binding) is interfaced with
CHARMM program in a QM/MM method.  
	This method is described in 
Phys. Rev. B  58 (1998) 7260,
Phys. Stat. Sol. B 217 (2000) 357,
J. Phys. : Condens. Matter.  14 (2002) 3015.
	The QM/MM interface in CHARMM has been described in
J. Phys. Chem. B 105 (2001) 569
* Menu:
* Description::         Description of the sccdftb commands.
* Usage::               How to run sccdftb in CHARMM.
* Installation::        How to install sccdftb in CHARMM environment.
* Status::              Status of the interface code.

File: SCCDFTB Node: Description, Up: Top, Next: Usage, Previous: Top
     The SCCDFTB QM potential is initialized with the SCCDFTB command
SCCDFTB   [REMOve] [CHRG] (atom selection) [TEMPerature] [SCFtolerance]
REMOve:  Classical energies within QM atoms are removed.
CHRG:    Net charge in the QM subsystem.
         The atoms in selection will be treated as QM atoms.
TEMPerature:  Specifies the electronic temperature (Fermi distribution).
              Can be used to accelerate or achieve SCF convergence 
              (default =0.0).


File: Select, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                            ATOM SELECTION
        Atom selection is used for many commands within CHARMM.
Its existance is one of the main factors in the versatility of CHARMM.
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the sequential selection
* Double::              Double atom selections
* Function::            Descriptions of the various sequential options

File: Select, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Double, Previous: Top
                    Recursive Atom Selection Syntax
....     SELEction   <factor>   [SHOW]  END    ....
          Listed in priority order (low to high)
(operators not separated by a blank line are processed sequentially)
   <factor>:==  <factor> .OR. <factor>
                <factor> .AND. <factor>
                <factor> .AROUND. <real>
                <factor> .SUBSET. <int*>
                <factor> .SUBSET. <int1> : <int2>
                .NOT. <factor>
                .BONDED. <factor>
                .BYRES. <factor>
                .BYGROUP. <factor>
                (  <factor>  )
     <token>::= SEGId <segid>*
                SEGId <segid1> : <segid2>
                ISEG  <segnum1> : <segnum2>


                               Shape Descriptors
A CHARMM section to deal with shapes and charge distributions
for small molecules.
                 By Bernard R. Brooks and Yuhong Zhang - NIH
A shape descriptor facility has been developed with several goals in mind;
      - Best fit two or more molecules based on shape. 
      - Docking small molecules into an active site.
      - Optimize the conformation of a molecule to achieve
          a particular shape.
      - Optimize the conformation of two molecules so that
          they give the same shape.
      - Generate descriptors of a molecule for QSAR applications.
      - To provide a simple graphic representation of a molecule.
It also provides the capability for:
      - Rigid body minimizations
      - Rigid body dynamics
      - Rigid and flexible docking
      - Structural analysis of miscellaneous properties
                 (e.g. hydrophobic moments)
      - Searching a trajectory for frames with a given property/shape
      - High volume screening when coupled with a structural database
This is achieved by representing a molecule's shape and charge distribution
(and other properties) as series of a polynomic expansion in cartesian space.
A new data structure, Shape Descriptors, has been created.  The following
commands and command features have been added to CHARMM to manipulate
and utilize this data structure;
Commands defining the shape descriptor tables:
SHAPe { CLEAr  [PROPerties]                } - clear the descriptor data


File: Struct, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Generate
            Generation and Manipulation of the Structure (PSF)
        The commands described in this node are used to construct and
manipulate the PSF, the central data structure in CHARMM (see
PSF.FCM).  The PSF holds lists giving every bond, bond angle, torsion
angle, and improper torsion angle as well as information needed to
generate the hydrogen bonds and the non-bonded list. It is essential
for the calculation of the energy of the system. A separate data
structure deals with symmetric images of the atoms.  See *note Images:
        There is an order with which commands to generate and manipulate
the PSF must be given.  First, segments in the PSF must be generated one
at a time.  Prior to generating any segments, one must first have read a
residue topology file, see *note read:(chmdoc/io.doc)Read.  To
generate one segment, one must first read in a sequence using the READ
command, see *note seq:(chmdoc/io.doc)Sequence.  Then, the GENERATE
command must be given.
        Once a segment is generated, it may be manipulated. This can
be done in a very general way using the patch command. The patch
command allows, for instance, the addition of disulfide bridges,
changing the protonation state of a titratible residue or to make a
histidine heme crosslink.
        The PSF can be saved with the "WRITE PSF" command.  A PSF may be
read with the "READ PSF" command.  The "READ PSF" command has an "APPEnd"
option that allows the merging of individual PSF files.  In addition, the
"DELETE" command allows the deletetion of atoms and all references to the
deleted atoms.
* Menu:
* Generate::            Generating a segment
* Nbx::                 Nonbond exclusion lists


File: SUBST, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Substition:(chmdoc/energy.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/commands.doc)
                  Command Line Substitution Parameters
The following are substitution parameters available within CHARMM;
'PI  '    - Pi, 3.141592653589793
'KBLZ'    - The Boltzmann factor (0.001987191)
'CCELEC'  - 1/(4 PI epsilon) in AKMA units (332.0716)
'SPEEDL'  - Speed of light
'CNVFRQ'  - Conversion from root(Kcals/mol/AMU) to frequencies in CM-1.
'TIMFAC'  - Conversion from AKMA time to picoseconds
Control and system variables:
'BOMLEV'  - The error termination level (-5 to 5)
'WRNLEV'  - The warning print level (-5 to 10)
'PRNLEV'  - The standard print level (-1 to 15)
'IOLEV'   - The I/O level (-1 to 1)
'IOSTAT'  - The status of most recent OPEN command (-1=failed,1=OK)
'TIMER'   -
'LFAST'   -
'OUTU'    -
'FLUSH'   -
'FNBL'    -
'LMACH'   -
'MYNODE'  - Current node number (0 to NUMNODE-1)
'NUMNODE' - The number of nodes (distributed memory)
'NCPU'    - The number of CPUs (shared memory use)


File: Support, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/charmm.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/usage.doc), Next: (chmdoc/testcase.doc)
                    Support Programs and Data Files
    This section describes supplimentary programs and data files
included in the CHARMM 22.0.b package.
* Menu:
* Boundary::        Deformable boundary potential files
* IMTRAN::          Image transformation files

File: Support, Node: Boundary, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: IMTRAN
                  Deformable Boundary Potential Files
    A deformable boundary potential (DBP) file is required to run the
stoichastic boundary molecular dynamics (SBMD) simulatiuon.  Only
spherical DBP's are included in the current release.  In the future
release, cylindrical boundaries and plane shape boundaries will be
incorporated and the DBP generation routine will also be available
through CHARMM.
    ~/charmm/support/bpot (or [...CHARMM.SUPPORT.BPOT] on VMS
machines) contains DBP files for the TIP3P water in a spherical
simulation zone with 8 to 25 angstrom effective radius.  These DBP
files are generated by using Charlie Brooks' MFFGEN1 program and the
CHARMM SBOUND command.  The effective radius is set to the Langevin
and reservior region boundary (the reaction zone radius).  Then, the
boundary radius used in the DBP generating program (e.g., MFFGEN1.EXE
on HUCHE1.HARVARD.EDU) should be larger than the reaction zone radius
by the water oxygen van der Waals radius.  The reaction zone radius
plus 1.7682 angstrom (the TIP3P water oxygen vdW radius) is used to
generate the DBP for a given effective radius sphere.  The nonbonded
cutoff of 7.5 angstrom is used in the DBP generation procesure.  Those
DBP files can be used in simulations with different nonbonded cutoff


File: Test, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc)
        Test commands: Commands to test various conditions in CHARMM
Syntax of the TEST commands:
TEST FIRSt [TOL real] [STEP real] [UNIT int] [MASS int] [atom-selection]
              (0.005)    (0.0001)        (6)        (0)
                  [ CRYStal  [ HOMOgeneous ] ]
TEST SECOnd  [TOL real] [STEP real] [UNIT int]
               (0.005)    (0.0001)  (OUTU (6)) 
TEST COORdinates  [COMP]
TEST CONNectvity [SUBSet atom-selection] [COMMon atom-selection] [PRINt]
TEST PARAmeter TRIGonometry  {  DIHEdral   }
                             {  CDIHedral  }
                             {  VDIHedral  }
                             {  IMPRoper   }
GETHeap integer
TEST INITialization
TEST NOCOmmunication  { READ   UNIT int  STEP int  MEMO int } 
                      { WRITE  UNIT int  STEP int  MEMO int }
                      { CLOSE                               }
        The TEST FIRSt command, tests the first derivative of the
energy by finite differences. It uses the GETE subroutine, so that before
this command is invoked, the UPDAte command must be invoked. Since
two energy evaluations are done for each degree of freedom, an atom
selection should be used for large systems. The TOL keyword may be


File: Testcase, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/charmm.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/support.doc), Next: (chmdoc/developer.doc)
                            CHARMM Testcases
The CHARMM test cases are designed to test features of CHARMM and some of
error handling.  Though the test cases are not designed as a tutorial and
some used options and input parameters are not recommended, the test cases
are a valuable learning tool in setting up input files for CHARMM.
* Menu:
* Overview::            Notes about testcases
* Instruction::         How to run testcases
* C20TEST::             Description of testcases in c20test
* C22TEST::             Description of testcases in c22test
* C23TEST::             Description of testcases in c23test
* C24TEST::             Description of testcases in c24test
* C25TEST::             Description of testcases in c25test
* C26TEST::             Description of testcases in c26test
* NBONDTEST::           Description of testcases in cnbondtest
* MMFFTEST::            Description of testcases in cmmfftest
* GRAFTEST::            GRAPHICS Testcases

File: Testcase, Node: Overview, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Instruction
                    Notes about the Testcase Suite
Testcases are reformed.  All testcases before version 22 are collected
in ~/cnnXm/test/c20test and new tests are written while we develop
CHARMM.  The new testcases are gathered in ~cnnXm/test/c22test,
c23test, ...  Note the following.
  (1) In the new testcase suite, we use formatted I/O for
      topology/parameter files in order for all testcases to run
      independently each other.
  (2) We make testcases self-contained whenever possible.  If external
      data files are required to run the test, they are in ~/cnnXm/test/data.


Documentation for TRAVEL ver. 3.10 in CHARMM.  By Stefan Fischer. June 1-1996.

File: Travel, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
         *   TRAVel (Trajectory Refinement Algorithms) Command   *
This module offers access to the CPR (Conjugate Peak Refinement) algorithm
for finding reaction-coordinates (described in S.Fischer and M.Karplus,
Chem. Phys. Letters vol.194, p.252, 1992), as well as to several other tools
for refining and analyzing a reaction-path.
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the TRAVel command
* MainCmd::             TRAVel main command and miscellaneous subcommands
* TrajManip::           TRAVel TRAJectory subcommand (input/output/analysis)
* CPRcmd::              TRAVel CPR subcommand description
* SDPcmd::              TRAVel CROS and SDP subcommand description
* SCMcmd::              TRAVel SCM subcommand description
* Usage::               TRAVEL Usage Note

File: Travel, Node: Syntax, Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: MainCmd
               *   Syntax for the TRAVEL Command   *
Keywords in [...] are optional. Default values are given in (...).
Choose one from list :  {...|...|...}
Main command (entering and leaving the TRAVEL module) :
   TRAVel  [MAXPoints int (100) ]   [ { XAXI | YAXI | ZAXI } [ ROTAtion ] ]
                                    [ SCALe [{ COMP | WMAIn }] ]
   { END | QUIT }
Subcommands (within TRAVEL module) :


Charmm Element doc/umbrel.doc $Revision: 1.2 $

File: Umbrel, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: RXNCOR
                Umbrella Sampling along a Reaction Coordinate
                        By J. Kottalam, December 1990
        This module of charmm is used for defining a reaction
coordinate for any molecule based on its structure and impose an
umbrella potential along that reaction coordinate  (i.e., to run
activated dynamics along this coordinate) in order to trace out the
free energy profile during the structural change along the coordinate.
* Menu:
* RXNCOR::       Specifying a reaction coordinate in CHARMM
* Dynamics::     Running dynamics under an umbrella potential
* Statistics::   Extracting results from umbrella dynamics
* Results::      Interpreting and using the results

File: Umbrel, Node: RXNCOR, Up: Top, Next: Dynamics, Previous: Top
     I. Specifying a reaction coordinate in CHARMM
            A reaction coordinate is either a distance or an angle.
        In some cases it can be a linear combination of distances or
        angles.  For example, the interconversion between the chair 
        and boat forms of cyclohexane can be described in terms of 
        three rotation angles.  These angles rotate carbons 2, 4 and 6
        respectively about the plane of carbons 1, 3 and 5.  In some
        other cases the reaction coordinate can be a ratio of two
        distances.  In proton transfer between atoms A and B the
        ratio of A - proton distance to the A - B distance is a good
        measure of the extent of reaction.
            A distance can be between two points or the perpendicular
        distance of a point from a plane or a line.  An angle can be
        between two (intersecting or non-intersecting) lines and so on.


File: Usage, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/charmm.doc), Previous: (chmdoc/install.doc), Next: (chmdoc/support.doc)
                          How to use CHARMM
        The user of CHARMM controls its execution by executing commands
sequentially from a command file or interactivly. In general the ordering
of commands is limited only by the data required by the command.
For example, the energy cannot be calculated unless the arrays holding
the coordinates, the parameters, etc., have already been filled.
        This section deals with overall usage, as opposed to the
detailed description of any given command. This is a good place to
start when first learning CHARMM.
* Menu:
* Meta-Syntax::         Describing the Syntax of Commands
* Command Syntax::      Rules for composing command input files.
* Run Control::         Ways to modify control flow and stream switching.
* I/O Units::           Correspondence between files and unit numbers
                        used by CHARMM.
* AKMA::                Units of Measurement used in CHARMM
* Data Structures::     Data Structures used by CHARMM
* Standard Files::      Descriptions of parameters, topologies, and
                        coordinates available.
* Examples::            Sample runs
* Interface::           How to make your own private version of CHARMM
* Syntactic Glossary::  Glossary of syntactic terms
* Glossary::            Glossary of non-syntactic terms.

File: Usage, Node: Meta-Syntax, Up: Top, Next: Command Syntax, Previous: Top
            Rules for Describing the Syntax (The Meta-Syntax)
        The syntax of commands is described using the following rules:
Capitalized words are keywords that must be specified as is. However, if
the word is partially capitalized, it may be abbreviated to the


File: Vibran, Node: Top, Up: (chmdoc/commands.doc), Next: Syntax
                          Vibration Analysis
        The vibrational analysis section of CHARMM has been designed
to be a general purpose normal mode generation and analysis facility.
Also included is an extensive set of vector analysis and comparison
        Support programs such as the iterative diagonalization program,
or the restartable large matrix diagonalization program are compatable
with this facility. Also included are routine to generate trajectories
which can be used for examining modes on the picture system.
        In order to process commands with the vibrational analysis routines,
The energy terms must all be defined, and the structure must be determined
(see *note Needs: (chmdoc/energy.doc)Needs.). At present, SHAKE and images 
(see *note Images: (chmdoc/images.doc).) are not supported. 
Systems with atoms fixed by the CONStraint FIX command can be treated 
by using the REDU FIX option.
        Within the vibrational analysis command mode, all miscellaneous
(MISCOM), coordinate manipulation (CORMAN), and internal coordinate (IC)
commands are allowed.
        Keywords used to define Hydrogen bonds and nonbonded interactions
may be included in the command that invokes VIBRAN.
* Menu:
* Syntax::              Syntax of the VIBRan command and all commands
* Normal modes::        Description of normal modes
* I/O::                 Description of the read and write commands.
* Diagonalization::     Description of the diagonalization command.
* Quasiharmonics::      Description of the quasiharmonics command.
* Reduce::              Reduced basis normal mode analysis
* Dimb::                Iterative diagonalization (DIMB).
* Explore::             Command to explore the energy hypersurface

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