Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 7:45 PM Subject: s7-13-04 it is time to make the naked shorters, market makers and everyone that shorts stocks, to settle. past abuses are the equivilent of highway robbery. it is time to make all out standing non settlements to be settled. i am talking about stocks such as pcbm, probably the largest abuse in pink sheet or bulletin board history, not to mention the largest exchanges. pcbm is not the only stock shorted and never settled. npct is another. there are 97 or so that have complained to the sec and want restitution and settlement. sho that takes place april 1, is a good first step, but, the existing naked shorted stocks, that never have settled need to be addressed. if any american did the same thing to anyone, it would be acts of grand larceny and time in jail....lots of time....would be served. why are they allowed to short americans of their hard earned dollars. the sec and others brush off the pink sheet stocks and bulletin board stocks, as the red haired bastard step child and that is wrong. law is law and robbery is robbery. our government should defend all americans, not jsut those who they want to enforce the law with. bill donaldson was a Marine. he defended america with a rifle and his life. should he want to be held in high esteem and go down in history of the man who changed the ways of wall street, he should make all that have robbed his fellow americans, to pay up and take their medicine. bill are you listening? sho is a good first step, but, more is needed and it is needed now. no minor fine and let them off the hook. make them pay up and cover those shorted stocks. it is time, bill, it is time. bruce barrett