US CMS HB/HF/VF meeting at Fermilab May 25-26, 1995

Date:    Mon, 22 May 1995 13:10:41 EDT
Subject: Agenda for May 25/26 HB/HF/VF meeting (modified May 22)

Dear Colleagues:

     We will meet in the WH8SW conference area on Thursday and Friday.

  Thursday, May 25   

 ****R&D and Budget Issues********

  9:00           Status of '95 test beam work (Freeman, et al.)
                 Preliminary results of April/May run (de Barbaro) 
  9:45           Measurement of Kharkov scintillator (Hagopian)
 10:00           Status of photodetector R & D (Minnesota rep/others)
 10:15           Status of Calorimetery simulation/software (Kunori/Womersley)
 10:30           Status of VF R & D (Sulak, et al.)
 10:45 - 11:00   Status of CMS and HCAL  (Green)

 11:00 - 11:15   Discussion of '96 R & D (Freeman/Green/Skuja)

                 It has proposed that we do a combined
                 HB and EB run in H2 at CERN in '96, including
                 our choice of photodetectors in the field. 

                 We also have to finish the engineering for a prototype


 11:15 - 12:30   Indvidual Budget requests for 1996               
 12:30 -  1:30   Lunch

  1:30 -  3:30   Resolution of '96 Budget (D. Green, J. Freeman, A.Skuja)

 ****Engineering Issues***********  

  3:30 -  3:50   Report on Welding trials (Churin)
                 Comments on HB design (Churin)

  3:50 -  4:05   HB Assembly and Installation issues (Murbach)

  4:05 -  4:20   Cryostat/Vacuum Tank Issues (Churin/Wands ??)

  4:20 -  4:30   Tracks (Churin/Bartoszek ??)

  4:30 -  4:45   Design of HB Megatiles (de Barbaro) 

  4:45 -  5:00  '95/'96 priorities (Freeman/Skuja)

  5:00 -  5:10   Dubna/Protvino Jaunt (Participants)

  5:10           AOB

  Friday, May 26

  ****Integration & Engineering Issues*  

  9:00 -  9:40   FEA for the support and movement of the endcap disks
                 FEA for the cone support of HF
                 New scheme for alignment linking (without holes)

  9:40 - 10:00   Alignment Issues (Eartley)  

 10:00 - 10:15   HF/EMU interface issues (Loveless)

 10:15 - 10:30   Tail catcher/Muon steel interface (Loveless/Churin)

 10:30 - 10:45   Cryostat/Muon steel interface (Loveless/Wands ??)

 10:45 - 11:00   Massless Gap Scintillator/ Cryostat interface (Wands/Churin ??)

 11:00 - 11:30   Electronics and Photodetector (ECAL/HCAL) 
                 (Elias/Minnesota rep/others

  All HB/VF Institution Reps should send a copy of their proposed
  budget with one line justifications to,,

  prior to the meeting. I will distribute a copy of all requests to the
  HB/VF group before we meet.

  Best wishes.
