/******************************************************************************* * Product of NIST/ITL Advanced Networking Technologies Division (ANTD) * ******************************************************************************/ package gov.nist.javax.sip.parser; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.io.*; import gov.nist.javax.sip.*; import gov.nist.javax.sip.header.*; import gov.nist.javax.sip.message.*; import gov.nist.javax.sip.address.*; import java.text.ParseException; import gov.nist.core.*; /** * Parse SIP message and parts of SIP messages such as URI's etc * from memory and return a structure. * Intended use: UDP message processing. * This class is used when you have an entire SIP message or SIPHeader * or SIP URL in memory and you want to generate a parsed structure from * it. For SIP messages, the payload can be binary or String. * If you have a binary payload, * use parseSIPMessage(byte[]) else use parseSIPMessage(String) * The payload is accessible from the parsed message using the getContent and * getContentBytes methods provided by the SIPMessage class. If SDP parsing * is enabled using the parseContent method, then the SDP body is also parsed * and can be accessed from the message using the getSDPAnnounce method. * Currently only eager parsing of the message is supported (i.e. the * entire message is parsed in one feld swoop). * * * @version JAIN-SIP-1.1 $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2006/04/23 15:11:52 $ * * @author M. Ranganathan
* * This code is in the public domain. * */ public class StringMsgParser { protected boolean readBody; private String rawMessage; // Unprocessed message (for error reporting) private String rawMessage1; // Unprocessed message (for error reporting) private String currentMessage; // the message being parsed. (for error reporting) private ParseExceptionListener parseExceptionListener; private Vector messageHeaders; // Message headers private int bufferPointer; private boolean bodyIsString; private byte[] currentMessageBytes; protected int contentLength; private boolean debugFlag; private int currentLine; private String currentHeader; /** * @since v0.9 */ public StringMsgParser() { super(); messageHeaders = new Vector(10, 10); bufferPointer = 0; currentLine = 0; readBody = true; } /** * Constructor (given a parse exception handler). * @since 1.0 * @param exhandler is the parse exception listener for the message parser. */ public StringMsgParser(ParseExceptionListener exhandler) { this(); parseExceptionListener = exhandler; } /** * Get the message body. */ protected String getMessageBody() { if (this.contentLength == 0) { return null; } else { int endIndex = bufferPointer + this.contentLength; String body; // guard against bad specifications. if (endIndex > currentMessage.length()) { endIndex = currentMessage.length(); body = currentMessage.substring (bufferPointer, endIndex); bufferPointer = endIndex; } else { body = currentMessage.substring (bufferPointer, endIndex); bufferPointer = endIndex + 1; } this.contentLength = 0; return body; } } /** * Get the message body as a byte array. */ protected byte[] getBodyAsBytes() { if (this.contentLength == 0) { return null; } else { int endIndex = bufferPointer + this.contentLength; // guard against bad specifications. if (endIndex > currentMessageBytes.length) { endIndex = currentMessageBytes.length; } byte[] body = new byte[endIndex - bufferPointer]; System.arraycopy( currentMessageBytes, bufferPointer, body, 0, body.length); // // for (int i = bufferPointer, k = 0; i < endIndex; i++,k++) { // body[k] = currentMessageBytes[i]; // } bufferPointer = endIndex; this.contentLength = 0; return body; } } /** * Return the contents till the end of the buffer (this is useful when * you encounter an error. */ protected String readToEnd() { String body = currentMessage.substring(bufferPointer); bufferPointer += body.length(); return body; } /** * Return tbe bytes to the end of the message. * This is invoked when the parser is invoked with an array of bytes * rather than with a string. */ protected byte[] readBytesToEnd() { byte[] body = new byte[currentMessageBytes.length - bufferPointer]; int endIndex = currentMessageBytes.length; for (int i = bufferPointer, k = 0; i < endIndex; i++, k++) { body[k] = currentMessageBytes[i]; } bufferPointer = endIndex; this.contentLength = 0; return body; } /** * add a handler for header parsing errors. * @param pexhandler is a class * that implements the ParseExceptionListener interface. */ public void setParseExceptionListener(ParseExceptionListener pexhandler) { parseExceptionListener = pexhandler; } /** * Return true if the body is encoded as a string. * If the parseSIPMessage(String) method is invoked then the body * is assumed to be a string. */ protected boolean isBodyString() { return bodyIsString; } /** * Parse a buffer containing a single SIP Message where the body * is an array of un-interpreted bytes. This is intended for parsing * the message from a memory buffer when the buffer. * Incorporates a bug fix for a bug that was noted by Will Sullin of * Callcast * @param msgBuffer a byte buffer containing the messages to be parsed. * This can consist of multiple SIP Messages concatenated together. * @return a SIPMessage[] structure (request or response) * containing the parsed SIP message. * @exception SIPIllegalMessageException is thrown when an * illegal message has been encountered (and * the rest of the buffer is discarded). * @see ParseExceptionListener */ public SIPMessage parseSIPMessage(byte[] msgBuffer) throws ParseException { bufferPointer = 0; bodyIsString = false; Vector retval = new Vector(); currentMessageBytes = msgBuffer; int s; // Squeeze out leading CRLF // Squeeze out the leading nulls (otherwise the parser will crash) // Bug noted by Will Sullin of Callcast for (s = bufferPointer; s < msgBuffer.length; s++) { if ((char) msgBuffer[s] != '\r' && (char) msgBuffer[s] != '\n' && (char) msgBuffer[s] != '\0') break; } if (s == msgBuffer.length) return null; // Find the end of the SIP message. int f; for (f = s; f < msgBuffer.length - 4; f++) { if ((char) msgBuffer[f] == '\r' && (char) msgBuffer[f + 1] == '\n' && (char) msgBuffer[f + 2] == '\r' && (char) msgBuffer[f + 3] == '\n') { break; } } if (f < msgBuffer.length) f += 4; else { // Could not find CRLFCRLF end of message so look for LFLF // Bug noticed here by Bruno Konik for (f = s; f < msgBuffer.length - 2; f++) { if ((char) msgBuffer[f] == '\n' && (char) msgBuffer[f+1] == '\n') break; } if (f < msgBuffer.length) f += 2; else throw new ParseException("Message not terminated", 0); } // Encode the body as a UTF-8 string. String messageString = null; try { messageString = new String(msgBuffer, s, f - s, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new ParseException("Bad message encoding!", 0); } bufferPointer = f; StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(messageString); int length = message.length(); // Get rid of CR to make it uniform for the parser. for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) { if (message.charAt(k) == '\r') { message.deleteCharAt(k); length--; } } if (Parser.debug) { for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) { rawMessage1 = rawMessage1 + "[" + message.charAt(k) + "]"; } } // The following can be written more efficiently in a single pass // but it is somewhat tricky. java.util.StringTokenizer tokenizer = new java.util.StringTokenizer(message.toString(), "\n", true); StringBuffer cooked_message = new StringBuffer(); try { while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { String nexttok = tokenizer.nextToken(); // Ignore blank lines with leading spaces or tabs. if (nexttok.trim().equals("")) cooked_message.append("\n"); else cooked_message.append(nexttok); } } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { } String message1 = cooked_message.toString(); length = message1.indexOf("\n\n") + 2; // Handle continuations - look for a space or a tab at the start // of the line and append it to the previous line. for (int k = 0; k < length - 1;) { if (cooked_message.charAt(k) == '\n') { if (cooked_message.charAt(k + 1) == '\t' || cooked_message.charAt(k + 1) == ' ') { cooked_message.deleteCharAt(k); cooked_message.deleteCharAt(k); length--; length--; if (k == length) break; continue; } if (cooked_message.charAt(k + 1) == '\n') { cooked_message.insert(k, '\n'); length++; k++; } } k++; } cooked_message.append("\n\n"); // Separate the string out into substrings for // error reporting. currentMessage = cooked_message.toString(); SIPMessage sipmsg = this.parseMessage(currentMessage); if (readBody && sipmsg.getContentLength() != null && sipmsg.getContentLength().getContentLength() != 0) { this.contentLength = sipmsg.getContentLength().getContentLength(); byte body[] = getBodyAsBytes(); sipmsg.setMessageContent(body); } // System.out.println("Parsed = " + sipmsg); sipmsg.setSize(currentMessage.length()); return sipmsg; } /** * Parse a buffer containing one or more SIP Messages * and return an array of SIPMessage parsed structures. * @param sipMessages a String containing the messages to be parsed. * This can consist of multiple SIP Messages concatenated together. * @return a SIPMessage structure (request or response) * containing the parsed SIP message. * @exception SIPIllegalMessageException is thrown when an * illegal message has been encountered (and * the rest of the buffer is discarded). * @see ParseExceptionListener */ public SIPMessage parseSIPMessage(String sipMessages) throws ParseException { // Handle line folding and evil DOS CR-LF sequences rawMessage = sipMessages; Vector retval = new Vector(); String pmessage = sipMessages.trim(); bodyIsString = true; this.contentLength = 0; if (pmessage.trim().equals("")) return null; pmessage += "\n\n"; StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(pmessage); // squeeze out the leading crlf sequences. while (message.charAt(0) == '\r' || message.charAt(0) == '\n') { bufferPointer++; message.deleteCharAt(0); } // squeeze out the crlf sequences and make them uniformly CR String message1 = message.toString(); int length; length = message1.indexOf("\r\n\r\n"); if (length > 0) length += 4; if (length == -1) { length = message1.indexOf("\n\n"); if (length == -1) throw new ParseException("no trailing crlf", 0); } else length += 2; // Get rid of CR to make it uniform. for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) { if (message.charAt(k) == '\r') { message.deleteCharAt(k); length--; } } if (debugFlag) { for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) { rawMessage1 = rawMessage1 + "[" + message.charAt(k) + "]"; } } // The following can be written more efficiently in a single pass // but it is somewhat tricky. java.util.StringTokenizer tokenizer = new java.util.StringTokenizer(message.toString(), "\n", true); StringBuffer cooked_message = new StringBuffer(); try { while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { String nexttok = tokenizer.nextToken(); // Ignore blank lines with leading spaces or tabs. if (nexttok.trim().equals("")) cooked_message.append("\n"); else cooked_message.append(nexttok); } } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { } message1 = cooked_message.toString(); length = message1.indexOf("\n\n") + 2; // Handle continuations - look for a space or a tab at the start // of the line and append it to the previous line. for (int k = 0; k < length - 1;) { if (cooked_message.charAt(k) == '\n') { if (cooked_message.charAt(k + 1) == '\t' || cooked_message.charAt(k + 1) == ' ') { cooked_message.deleteCharAt(k); cooked_message.deleteCharAt(k); length--; length--; if (k == length) break; continue; } if (cooked_message.charAt(k + 1) == '\n') { cooked_message.insert(k, '\n'); length++; k++; } } k++; } cooked_message.append("\n\n"); // Separate the string out into substrings for // error reporting. currentMessage = cooked_message.toString(); if (Parser.debug) Debug.println(currentMessage); bufferPointer = currentMessage.indexOf("\n\n") + 3; SIPMessage sipmsg = this.parseMessage(currentMessage); if (readBody && sipmsg.getContentLength() != null && sipmsg.getContentLength().getContentLength() != 0) { this.contentLength = sipmsg.getContentLength().getContentLength(); String body = this.getMessageBody(); sipmsg.setMessageContent(body); } return sipmsg; } /** * This is called repeatedly by parseSIPMessage to parse * the contents of a message buffer. This assumes the message * already has continuations etc. taken care of. * prior to its being called. */ private SIPMessage parseMessage(String currentMessage) throws ParseException { // position line counter at the end of the // sip messages. // System.out.println("parsing " + currentMessage); int sip_message_size = 0; // # of lines in the sip message SIPMessage sipmsg = null; java.util.StringTokenizer tokenizer = new java.util.StringTokenizer(currentMessage, "\n", true); messageHeaders = new Vector(); // A list of headers for error reporting try { while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { String nexttok = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (nexttok.equals("\n")) { String nextnexttok = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (nextnexttok.equals("\n")) { break; } else messageHeaders.add(nextnexttok); } else messageHeaders.add(nexttok); sip_message_size++; } } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { } currentLine = 0; currentHeader = (String) messageHeaders.elementAt(currentLine); String firstLine = currentHeader; // System.out.println("first Line " + firstLine); if (!firstLine.startsWith(SIPConstants.SIP_VERSION_STRING)) { sipmsg = new SIPRequest(); try { RequestLine rl = new RequestLineParser(firstLine + "\n").parse(); ((SIPRequest) sipmsg).setRequestLine(rl); } catch (ParseException ex) { if (this.parseExceptionListener != null) this.parseExceptionListener.handleException( ex, sipmsg, RequestLine.class, firstLine, currentMessage); else throw ex; } } else { sipmsg = new SIPResponse(); try { StatusLine sl = new StatusLineParser(firstLine + "\n").parse(); ((SIPResponse) sipmsg).setStatusLine(sl); } catch (ParseException ex) { if (this.parseExceptionListener != null) { this.parseExceptionListener.handleException( ex, sipmsg, StatusLine.class, firstLine, currentMessage); } else throw ex; } } for (int i = 1; i < messageHeaders.size(); i++) { String hdrstring = (String) messageHeaders.elementAt(i); if (hdrstring == null || hdrstring.trim().equals("")) continue; HeaderParser hdrParser = null; try { hdrParser = ParserFactory.createParser(hdrstring + "\n"); } catch (ParseException ex) { this.parseExceptionListener.handleException( ex, sipmsg, null, hdrstring, rawMessage); continue; } try { SIPHeader sipHeader = hdrParser.parse(); sipmsg.attachHeader(sipHeader, false); } catch (ParseException ex) { if (this.parseExceptionListener != null) { String hdrName = Lexer.getHeaderName(hdrstring); Class hdrClass = NameMap.getClassFromName(hdrName); try { if (hdrClass == null) { hdrClass = Class.forName( PackageNames.SIPHEADERS_PACKAGE + ".ExtensionHeaderImpl"); } this.parseExceptionListener.handleException( ex, sipmsg, hdrClass, hdrstring, rawMessage); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex1) { InternalErrorHandler.handleException(ex1); } } } } return sipmsg; } /** * Parse an address (nameaddr or address spec) and return and address * structure. * @param address is a String containing the address to be parsed. * @return a parsed address structure. * @since v1.0 * @exception ParseException when the address is badly formatted. */ public AddressImpl parseAddress(String address) throws ParseException { AddressParser addressParser = new AddressParser(address); return addressParser.address(); } /** * Parse a host:port and return a parsed structure. * @param hostport is a String containing the host:port to be parsed * @return a parsed address structure. * @since v1.0 * @exception throws a ParseException when the address is badly formatted. */ public HostPort parseHostPort(String hostport) throws ParseException { Lexer lexer = new Lexer("charLexer", hostport); return new HostNameParser(lexer).hostPort(); } /** * Parse a host name and return a parsed structure. * @param host is a String containing the host name to be parsed * @return a parsed address structure. * @since v1.0 * @exception throws a ParseException when the hostname is badly formatted. */ public Host parseHost(String host) throws ParseException { Lexer lexer = new Lexer("charLexer", host); return new HostNameParser(lexer).host(); } /** * Parse a telephone number return a parsed structure. * @param telephone_number is a String containing * the telephone # to be parsed * @return a parsed address structure. * @since v1.0 * @exception throws a ParseException when the address is badly formatted. */ public TelephoneNumber parseTelephoneNumber(String telephone_number) throws ParseException { // Bug fix contributed by Will Scullin return new URLParser(telephone_number).parseTelephoneNumber(); } /** * Parse a SIP url from a string and return a URI structure for it. * @param url a String containing the URI structure to be parsed. * @return A parsed URI structure * @exception ParseException if there was an error parsing the message. */ public SipUri parseSIPUrl(String url) throws ParseException { try { return (SipUri) new URLParser(url).parse(); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { throw new ParseException(url + " Not a SIP URL ", 0); } } /** * Parse a uri from a string and return a URI structure for it. * @param url a String containing the URI structure to be parsed. * @return A parsed URI structure * @exception ParseException if there was an error parsing the message. */ public GenericURI parseUrl(String url) throws ParseException { return new URLParser(url).parse(); } /** * Parse an individual SIP message header from a string. * @param header String containing the SIP header. * @return a SIPHeader structure. * @exception ParseException if there was an error parsing the message. */ public SIPHeader parseSIPHeader(String header) throws ParseException { header += "\n\n"; // Handle line folding. StringBuffer nmessage = new StringBuffer(header.length() + 5); int counter = 0; // eat leading spaces and carriage returns (necessary??) int i = 0; while (header.charAt(i) == '\n' || header.charAt(i) == '\t' || header.charAt(i) == ' ') i++; for (; i < header.length(); i++) { if (i < header.length() - 1 && (header.charAt(i) == '\n' && (header.charAt(i + 1) == '\t' || header.charAt(i + 1) == ' '))) { nmessage.append(' '); i++; } else { nmessage.append(header.charAt(i)); } } nmessage.append('\n'); HeaderParser hp = ParserFactory.createParser(nmessage.toString()); if (hp == null) throw new ParseException("could not create parser", 0); return hp.parse(); } /** * Parse the SIP Request Line * @param requestLine a String containing the request line to be parsed. * @return a RequestLine structure that has the parsed RequestLine * @exception ParseException if there was an error parsing the requestLine. */ public RequestLine parseSIPRequestLine(String requestLine) throws ParseException { requestLine += "\n"; return new RequestLineParser(requestLine).parse(); } /** * Parse the SIP Response message status line * @param statusLine a String containing the Status line to be parsed. * @return StatusLine class corresponding to message * @exception ParseException if there was an error parsing * @see StatusLine */ public StatusLine parseSIPStatusLine(String statusLine) throws ParseException { statusLine += "\n"; return new StatusLineParser(statusLine).parse(); } /** * Get the current header. */ public String getCurrentHeader() { return currentHeader; } /** * Get the current line number. */ public int getCurrentLineNumber() { return currentLine; } /** * Test code. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { String messages[] = { "SIP/2.0 200 OK\r\n" + "To: \"The Little Blister\" ;tag=469bc066\r\n" + "From: \"The Master Blaster\" ;tag=11\r\n" + "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK8b0a86f6_1030c7d18e0_17;received=\r\n" + "Call-ID: 1030c7d18ae_a97b0b_b@8b0a86f6\r\n" + "CSeq: 1 SUBSCRIBE\r\n" + "Contact: \r\n" + "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n", "SIP/2.0 180 Ringing\r\n" + "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK43fc10fb4446d55fc5c8f969607991f4\r\n" + "To: \"0440\" ;tag=2600\r\n" + "From: \"Andreas\" ;tag=8524\r\n" + "Call-ID: f51a1851c5f570606140f14c8eb64fd3@\r\n" + "CSeq: 1 INVITE\r\n" + "Max-Forwards: 70\r\n" + "Record-Route: \r\n" + "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n", "REGISTER sip:nist.gov SIP/2.0\r\n" + "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP\r\n" + "Max-Forwards: 70\r\n" + "From: ;tag=6fcd5c7ace8b4a45acf0f0cd539b168b;epid=0d4c418ddf\r\n" + "To: \r\n" + "Call-ID: c5679907eb954a8da9f9dceb282d7230@\r\n" + "CSeq: 1 REGISTER\r\n" + "Contact: ;methods=\"INVITE, MESSAGE, INFO, SUBSCRIBE, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, NOTIFY, ACK, REFER\"\r\n" + "User-Agent: RTC/(Microsoft RTC)\r\n" + "Event: registration\r\n" + "Allow-Events: presence\r\n" + "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n" + "INVITE sip:littleguy@there.com:5060 SIP/2.0\r\n" + "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP\r\n" + "From: M. Ranganathan ;tag=1234\r\n" + "To: \"littleguy@there.com\" \r\n" + "Call-ID: Q2AboBsaGn9!?x6@sipbakeoff.com \r\n" + "CSeq: 1 INVITE \r\n" + "Content-Length: 247\r\n\r\n" + "v=0\r\n" + "o=4855 13760799956958020 13760799956958020 IN IP4\r\n" + "s=mysession session\r\n" + "p=+46 8 52018010\r\n" + "c=IN IP4\r\n" + "t=0 0\r\n" + "m=audio 6022 RTP/AVP 0 4 18\r\n" + "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n" + "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n" + "a=rtpmap:18 G729A/8000\r\n" + "a=ptime:20\r\n" }; class ParserThread implements Runnable { String[] messages; public ParserThread( String[] messagesToParse ) { this.messages = messagesToParse; } public void run( ) { for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { StringMsgParser smp = new StringMsgParser(); try { SIPMessage sipMessage = smp.parseSIPMessage(messages[i]); System.out.println( " i = " + i + " branchId = " + sipMessage.getTopmostVia().getBranch()); //System.out.println("encoded " + sipMessage.toString()); } catch ( ParseException ex ) { } //System.out.println("dialog id = " + sipMessage.getDialogId(false)); } } } for ( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { new Thread(new ParserThread(messages)).start(); } } } /* * $Log: StringMsgParser.java,v $ * Revision 1.2 2006/04/23 15:11:52 mranga * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2005/10/04 17:12:36 mranga * * Import * * * Revision 1.11 2005/04/15 19:17:07 mranga * Issue number: * Obtained from: * Submitted by: mranga * * Fixed maxforwards test * Reviewed by: * CVS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * CVS: Issue number: * CVS: If this change addresses one or more issues, * CVS: then enter the issue number(s) here. * CVS: Obtained from: * CVS: If this change has been taken from another system, * CVS: then name the system in this line, otherwise delete it. * CVS: Submitted by: * CVS: If this code has been contributed to the project by someone else; i.e., * CVS: they sent us a patch or a set of diffs, then include their name/email * CVS: address here. If this is your work then delete this line. * CVS: Reviewed by: * CVS: If we are doing pre-commit code reviews and someone else has * CVS: reviewed your changes, include their name(s) here. * CVS: If you have not had it reviewed then delete this line. * * Revision 1.10 2005/04/04 10:03:12 dmuresan * Optimized StringMsgParser.parseSIPHeader() to use StringBuffer for concatenation. * * Revision 1.9 2004/02/29 00:46:34 mranga * Reviewed by: mranga * Added new configuration property to limit max message size for TCP transport. * The property is gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE * * Revision 1.8 2004/02/18 14:33:02 mranga * Submitted by: Bruno Konik * Reviewed by: mranga * Remove extraneous newline in encoding messages. Test for empty sdp announce * rather than die with null when null is passed to sdp announce parser. * Fixed bug in checking for \n\n when looking for message end. * * Revision 1.7 2004/02/13 19:20:09 mranga * Reviewed by: mranga * minor fix for error callback. * * Revision 1.6 2004/01/22 13:26:32 sverker * Issue number: * Obtained from: * Submitted by: sverker * Reviewed by: mranga * * Major reformat of code to conform with style guide. Resolved compiler and javadoc warnings. Added CVS tags. * * CVS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * CVS: Issue number: * CVS: If this change addresses one or more issues, * CVS: then enter the issue number(s) here. * CVS: Obtained from: * CVS: If this change has been taken from another system, * CVS: then name the system in this line, otherwise delete it. * CVS: Submitted by: * CVS: If this code has been contributed to the project by someone else; i.e., * CVS: they sent us a patch or a set of diffs, then include their name/email * CVS: address here. If this is your work then delete this line. * CVS: Reviewed by: * CVS: If we are doing pre-commit code reviews and someone else has * CVS: reviewed your changes, include their name(s) here. * CVS: If you have not had it reviewed then delete this line. * */