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Genomic biology
Bos taurus
Canis familiaris
Danio rerio
Homo sapiens
Mus musculus
Rattus novegicus
Sus scrofa

UniSTS:446811 Links
Bos taurus chromosome 1, locus SON
Canis familiaris chromosome 31, locus SON
Equus caballus chromosome 26, locus LOC100052256
Homo sapiens chromosome 21, locus SON
Macaca mulatta chromosome 3, locus SON
Pan troglodytes chromosome 21, locus SON

Found by e-PCR in sequences from Bos taurus, Canis familiaris, Homo sapiens, Ovis aries and Pan troglodytes.

Primer InformationHelp

PCR product size:186 (bp), Homo sapiens

   Bos taurus
Name: stSG607267
Polymorphism info:  

Cross References Help
Gene GeneID:516462
 Description:SON DNA binding protein

Mapping InformationHelp
stSG607267 Sequence Map: Chr 1 Map Viewer
  Position: 1058735-1058919 (bp)

Electronic PCR results Help
Genomic (2)
AJ780930.1 43251 .. 43435 (185 bp)  
CM000177.3 1058735 .. 1058919 (185 bp)  
Working Draft phase 1 (from GenBank HTGS division) (1)
AC150508.5 146541 .. 146725 (185 bp)  
Working Draft phase 2 (from GenBank HTGS division) (2)
AC139312.2 48622 .. 48806 (185 bp)  
AC139732.2 135241 .. 135425 (185 bp)  
Whole Genome Shotgun sequences (1)
AAFC03026657.1 146541 .. 146725 (185 bp)  

   Canis familiaris
Name: stSG607267
Polymorphism info:  

Cross References Help
Gene GeneID:478406
 Description:SON DNA binding protein

Mapping InformationHelp
stSG607267 Sequence Map: Chr 31 Map Viewer
  Position: 31199205-31199396 (bp)

Electronic PCR results Help
RefSeq mRNA (1)
XM_851635.1 6703 .. 6894 (192 bp)  
Genomic (2)
CM000031.2 31199205 .. 31199396 (192 bp)  
AC186686.9 153540 .. 153731 (192 bp)  
Working Draft phase 2 (from GenBank HTGS division) (2)
AC120521.2 31387 .. 31578 (192 bp)  
AC119067.4 156196 .. 156387 (192 bp)  
Whole Genome Shotgun sequences (1)
AAEX02031853.1 83632 .. 83823 (192 bp)  

   Equus caballus
Name: stSG607267
Polymorphism info:  

Cross References Help
Gene GeneID:100052256
 Description:similar to SON DNA binding protein, isoform f (predicted)

Mapping InformationHelp
stSG607267 Sequence Map: Chr 26 Map Viewer
  Position: 30217574-30217757 (bp)

   Homo sapiens
Name: stSG607267
Polymorphism info:  

Cross References Help
Gene GeneID:6651
 Description:SON DNA binding protein
UniGeneHs.517262 SON DNA binding protein

Mapping InformationHelp
stSG607267 Sequence Map: Chr 21|Celera Map Viewer
  Position: 20131699-20131884 (bp)
stSG607267 Sequence Map: Chr 21|HuRef Map Viewer
  Position: 20410530-20410715 (bp)
stSG607267 Sequence Map: Chr 21 Map Viewer
  Position: 33853935-33854120 (bp)

Electronic PCR results Help
Genomic (5 of 13)[Show All Hits]
AP000046.1 81563 .. 81748 (186 bp)  
AP000114.1 87539 .. 87724 (186 bp)  
AP000190.1 87539 .. 87724 (186 bp)  
AP000304.1 123 .. 308 (186 bp)  
AP001717.1 168713 .. 168898 (186 bp)  
ESTs (5 of 7)[Show All Hits]
R91414.1 159 .. 344 (186 bp)  
H58726.1 149 .. 337 (189 bp)  
H78868.1 75 .. 261 (187 bp)  
N65952.1 171 .. 357 (187 bp)  
BI032185.1 52 .. 237 (186 bp)  
Whole Genome Shotgun sequences (4)
AADD01172327.1 12670 .. 12855 (186 bp)  
AADC01142629.1 83741 .. 83926 (186 bp)  
AADB02020342.1 5351791 .. 5351976 (186 bp)  
ABBA01057351.1 29646 .. 29831 (186 bp)  

   Macaca mulatta
Name: stSG607267
Polymorphism info:  

Cross References Help
Gene GeneID:704712
 Description:similar to SON DNA-binding protein isoform A

Mapping InformationHelp
stSG607267 Sequence Map: Chr 3 Map Viewer
  Position: 13001361-13001546 (bp)

   Oryctolagus cuniculus
Polymorphism info:  

Cross References Help
UniGeneOcu.638 Transcribed locus, strongly similar to XP_221656.3 PREDICTED: similar to Son...

   Ovis aries
Polymorphism info:  

Cross References Help
UniGeneOar.11002 Transcribed locus, strongly similar to NP_064357.1 Son cell proliferation pr...

Electronic PCR results Help
ESTs (1)
EE763641.1 441 .. 625 (185 bp)  

   Pan troglodytes
Name: stSG607267
Polymorphism info:  

Cross References Help
Gene GeneID:473971
 Description:SON DNA binding protein

Mapping InformationHelp
stSG607267 Sequence Map: Chr 21 Map Viewer
  Position: 33307702-33307887 (bp)

Electronic PCR results Help
RefSeq mRNA (2)
XM_001165709.1 7174 .. 7359 (186 bp)  
XM_001165659.1 7384 .. 7569 (186 bp)  
Genomic (4)
BS000154.1 139205 .. 139390 (186 bp)  
BS000181.1 79288 .. 79473 (186 bp)  
BA000046.3 19667702 .. 19667887 (186 bp)  
AC186391.2 66024 .. 66209 (186 bp)  
Whole Genome Shotgun sequences (1)
AADA01245253.1 10598 .. 10783 (186 bp)  


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