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Logo of La Voz, Newsletter of the National Organization of 
Professional Hispanic NRCS Employees

April 2008 Newsletter

In this Issue:

President's Message | Conference Update | Guidelines for Awards Nominations | Call for Papers | NOPHNRCSE Membership | NOPHNRCSE Training Conference Draft Program | Call for Auction Items | Duties of a Soil Conservationist | NOPHNRCSE Training Conference Registration Forms | 2008 Conference Shirt Order Form

President's Message

By Carlos Suárez

Carlos Suarez, President National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service EmployeesDear NOPHNRCSE Family!

We are three months away from the 2008 Training Conference in Madison, WI. Soon after the end of the training conference in Bloomington, I asked the program's committee to raise the bar from the excellent last year's program. You will find out the program for this year's training conference is outstanding. We will have the participation of the National Leadership throughout the week, excellent speakers, workshop sessions that will fulfill your training needs and our breakfast this year has being called NRCS Leadership and Network breakfast. The breakfast is one of the highlights of the conference and it is open to all our members. This year, our NHQ Leadership will be participating in conjunction with state conservationists. This is a great opportunity for you to have a face to face conversation with our NHQ Leaders or to talk to State Conservationist about your career goals and advancement opportunities.

For the first time, we will be given the Farmer of the Year Award during our Awards luncheon celebration. This award is given to the Farmer who demonstrated excellence in natural resources conservation. We are still working with NEDC to offer at least 2 training courses during the conference. We will provide the information as soon is available.

We are still looking for Technical Papers and Awards nominations. Please send your presentation or award nomination by April 30 to the appropriate committee chair. You can find the forms in our website.

Keep checking our website for updates on the conference program, nominations and new information. If you have any agenda items for the business meeting please send them to Irma Hernandez at irma.hernandez@de.usda.gov.

Last but not least, in the next few weeks you will be able to participate in the nomination and election of our new 2008-09 officers. I STRONGLY encourage you to participate in this process by considering serving as officer of the National Council. I know there are many leaders within our organization that would do an outstanding job in any of the National Council positions.

I look forward to seeing all of you in July!


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Conference Update

Astrid Martinez, Planning Committee Chairperson

Logo of the 2008 NOPHNRCSE Annual Training Conference

We are very thrilled to announce that as part of our training conference we will be offering two concurrent NEDC training courses: Economics of Conservation Planning and Managing for Excellence. The courses will be available in AgLearn sometime during the week of April 14, 2008. Remember to get your supervisor’s approval before enrolling. Similar to last year, NEDC training will be offered first to NOPHNCRSE members at the conference, and at a later date to be determined, it will be open to employees nationwide.

The registration fee for NEDC training is $300.00 per course, which includes all the conference meals and activities scheduled for the week, except the conservation tours. You will be able to participate during the opening ceremonies on Tuesday morning and go to your training class in the afternoon. Please remember that you have to be attend the class during the following days and times to receive your NEDC certificate.

After you register in AgLearn, please print out and submit the 2008 NEDC Registration form.

The workshop Outreach Development Plan that was going to be offered on Wednesday, July 9, 2008, from 1-4:30 PM, is now part of the workshop sessions on Thursday afternoon. This outreach training will teach you how to create and implement an outreach plan, tracking, and documentation for accountability and demographics (where, what and how to collect demographics information to be used in the plan). Three rotations of this workshop will be offered during the afternoon.

Our conference registration form has been updated and it is available on the website.

Dates to keep in mind:

  • April 30, 2008- Award nomination due date.
  • April 30, 2008- Student Scholarship for conference attendance due date.
  • June 4, 2008- Form SCS-FNM-72 Meeting Attendance Approval due date.
  • June 16, 2008- Early registration due date and due date to make reservation at the Madison Concourse Hotel.

I encourage you to check our website regularly to get the most current information and conference updates.

Hope to see you all in Madison!

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Awards Nominations - Last Call

Marina Barajas, Awards Committee Chairperson

The Awards Team is soliciting your nominations for Awards recipients. We feel that there are employees in our agency and organization who contribute far beyond the call of duty. This is an excellent opportunity to voice your appreciation and nominate them for an Award.  Visit our website for guidelines, categories and nomination form.  Please be prompt and send them to Marina Barajas by April 30, 2008.

Thank You!    The Awards Committee

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Call for Papers

NOPHNRCSE invites the submission of abstracts for technical papers and posters to be presented at the 2008 Annual Training Conference, the week of July 7-11, in Madison, Wisconsin.

Submission Guidelines

  • Deadline for submitting Abstracts (up to 400 words) for Papers and Posters is May 9, 2008.
  • Abstracts for proposed Papers and Posters must be in English.
  • There are a limited number of oral presentation slots available.
  • Oral Presentations should not exceed 20 minutes with 5 minutes of Q&A.
  • Conference registration is required for all NRCS employees.
  • Accepted papers and posters must be submitted in electronic format and maybe utilized/referenced in future publications by NRCS and NOPHNRCSE.
  • The deadline for submitting final papers and posters is June 6, 2008

View complete guidelines package on the website.


Arturo Carvajal, Natural Resources Committee Chair, CA State Office, (530) 792-5627, Arturo.Carvajal@ca.usda.gov

Ronnie Skala, Natural Resources Committee Co-Chair, TX State Office, Ronnie.Skala@tx.usda.gov

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Rocemi Morales, Membership Committee Chairperson

We want to thank all of you that have paid your 2008 dues. It is important that we pay our annual dues to our organization. These dues help us to subsidize the cost of our conferences and other important activities carried out by NOPHNRCSE. By paying your dues you will be able to participate in the decision making process of the organization. By being a member in good standing you can participate in the election and be eligible to hold any position in the National Council. Our success depends on each one of us. We have received lots of membership renews during the last weeks. We are optimist that our goal of exceeding last year membership it’s close to be reached. You can contribute to this effort recruiting new members and/or sending your 2008 membership dues to:

Rocemi Morales
P.O. Box 466
Ashland, OH 44805

Keep in mind that anyone can become a NOPHNRCSE member. No ethnicity is required to become a member so don't be afraid to invite other people to join NOPHNRCSE. We would like to invite you to join us to welcome the following new members:

East: Cristina Clark, Bianca Soto-Gómez
South Central: Pearl Armijo, John Hrebik
Mid-West: Mark Ramírez, Zenik Crespo
West: César Martínez

If you are interested in becoming a Lifetime Member please contact Rocemi Morales at 787-431-7170 or via email at rocemi.morales@oh.usda.gov

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2008 Conference Program Update

Luis Hernández, Conference Program Committee Chairperson

We are rapidly approaching our training conference scheduled for July 7 - 10, in Madison, Wisconsin.  This year NOPHNRCSE is pleased to be teaming up with NRCS Federal Women Program Managers and Hispanic Employment Program Managers.

The program committee is developing a program to meet our membership expectations. We truly hope this conference will help you meet your training needs from the technical aspects to sessions on personal development.

These are some of the activities being planned:

  • We are currently coordinating with NRCS National Employee Development Center (NEDC) to offer formal training sessions.
  • Professional workshops to be presented at the conference include:

             Professional Writing
             Web Base Soils for Conservation Planning
             Customer Service Index
             Business Performance Integration
             Career Mapping
             Intelligent Leadership: Managing Self and Influencing Others
             Latino Cultural Norms & Career Management
             Estimating Carbon Storage and Greenhouse Gas Changes in Conservation Activities

The following are the conservation tours scheduled for the event:

Geology of Wisconsin Dells:  The Upper Dells features some of the areas most striking signature sandstone cliffs. Along the scenic route, you will see some of the tallest rock formations of the region such as Steamboat Rock and Black Hawk’s Profile. During the tour the boat stops at two historic shore landings– Witches Gulch and Stand Rock. Witches Gulch is the first stop where passengers can explore mysterious passageways as they walk through this cool canyon that offers beauty beyond words. Stand Rock is the area’s world-famous trademark – sculpted by the forces of nature. Watch in amazement as our specially trained jumping dogs leap the five-foot chasm from the main cliff to the rock ledge. The demonstration commemorates the world’s first stop-action photo taken by famous Dells photographer H.H. Bennett in 1888. Website: http://www.dellsboats.com

Aldo Leopold Foundation:  Tour of Aldo Leopold’s farm and the shack on the Wisconsin River. The tour includes a discussion of the history and philosophy of Aldo Leopold, a visit to the shack and a walk through restored prairie, woods and the banks of the Wisconsin River. Aldo Leopold is the author of A Sand County Almanac. http://www.aldoleopold.org/

International Crane Foundation:  The tour starts with a video introducing how the ICF got started. Then it takes you to an outside tour. The International Crane Foundation (ICF) is the only place in the world where you can see all 15 crane species. You will learn about the techniques used to preserve some of the rarest birds in the world. It will discuss conservation projects, explore nature trails through oak savanna, wetlands and tall grass prairie and learn about ecosystem restoration and preservation.  http://www.savingcranes.org/index.cfm

Other exciting topics to be presented at this year's conference include:

  • Presentation of Hispanic Farmer of the Year Award
  • History of Hispanics in Conservation
  • Speed Mentoring (Network session with NRCS Leadership)
  • Senior Executive Service
  • Employee Competence Models
  • Leading Culture Change with Brain

For more detailed information on conference program, please visit NOPHNRCSE website.

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Call for Auction Items

Deni Hazell, Scholarship Committee Chairperson

The NOPHNRCSE Scholarship Auction will take place Tuesday, July 8th, 2008, at the Concourse Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin, from 5:00 pm until 9:00 pm.  Please contribute by donating items to be auctioned out during the Scholarship Night.  Consider bringing something unique from your hometown!

Donations will be collected next to the registration area July 6 through July 8.  The proceeds from this event help support our scholarship program and build our scholarship and endowment fund.

No matter how small an item may seem, it will make a huge difference!  Your creative contributions help our auction become a great success – and lots of FUN!!!

Can’t think of anything?  Here are some ideas:  Non-perishable food items and drinks*, local candy, local games, typical clothing items, flags, local arts & crafts, local artist music CD’s, music instruments, quilts, books, magazines, maps…

Thank you for your contributions, and see you in Madison, Wisconsin!!!

*If you are flying to the conference, please be sure to check airport security measures for a list of restricted items and quantities!

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Duties of a Soil Conservationist

Ismael Matos

The duties of a soil conservationist in Puerto Rico are very variable due to the diversity in topography and precipitation. In flat areas, a soil conservationist designs irrigation and drainage systems. Therefore, has to know agricultural engineering in order to recommend vegetative and/or concrete structures. In hilly areas coffee processing facilities and hog enterprises are a challenge for a soil conservationist. These businesses are located near springs to use water. The soil conservationist has to prepare a package of options that might include filter strips, ditches, leveled spreaders, pumping, pond, storage tanks, etc.

A soil conservationist in southern Puerto Rico designs waste management systems for citron processing. This citrus fruit is stored in tanks that have 14% salt. Stays absorbing salt for 90 days and after is cut in slides and used for cake dressing. The wastewater and debris are separated and stored in ponds. When salt levels gets to 1% it can be used for irrigation and the pulp is an organic fertilizer.

Another challenge in southern Puerto Rico is reclaimed salt-water areas that are legally cropland. The soil conservationist has to restore drainage, and level the surface so that the high tiles do not infiltrate into the cropland.  A soil conservationist has to know about deep well construction, about different kinds of pumps.

A soil conservationist has to know to develop grazing system, water system for cattle, has to identify vegetation.  He or she has to be aware of endangered species and cultural resources. A soil conservationist also is proficient using selling techniques to sell conservation, teaching techniques adapted to students in grammar school, but also to clients with college degrees.  He or she has to be very good delineating wetlands.

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2008 Conference Registration Form

Register for the Conference - Early registration deadline is June 16, 2008.

Download the registration form (includes description of the conservation tours).

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2008 Conference Shirt Order Form

And don't forget to order your shirt for this year's conference! Deadline for ordering is May 30, 2008.

Download order form.