========================================================================= National Space Science Data Center Data set MG-25B 23 Jan 1991 ========================================================================= NAME Tsyganenko 1987 Model and Related Software SCIENTIFIC CONTACT N.A. Tsyganenko, NASA, GSFC, Code 696 on leave from Institute of Physics, Leningrad State University, Stary Peterof 198904, Leningrad, U.S.S.R. NSSDC CONTACT S. Kayser, NASA/GSFC/NSSDC, code 633.9/HSTX, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, U.S.A., NCF::KAYSER CONTENT: 16 files name blocks description -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES.LOG 5 Documents modifications to code CURL87.FOR 9 SR to calculate curl B at a point, using T87 DR_T87.FOR 20 Driver for T87 IGRF80.DAT 6 The IGRF 1980 model parameters (alternate to MAG80) INT87.DAT 4 Sample input to DR_T87 KP.DAT 2 Holds some Kp values for T87 pgm (for CDAW 8,9) MAGLINE.FOR 60 Calculates field lines through points, using T87 MAGLINE.OUTPUT 59 Concatenated output from MAGLINE for STARTLINE MAG80.DAT 11 Holds Magsat 80 constants for Main B, for T87 pgm PAR87.DAT 4 Holds "long model" T87 constants, for T87 pgm PAR87A.DAT 4 Holds "short model" T87 constants, for T87 pgm DOCUMENTATION.TXT 8 User's Guide to T87 STARTLINE.DAT 1 Sample input to MAGLINE T87.FOR 146 The T87 model, except for a driver T87OUT.DAT 6 Output from DR_T87 for INT87 AAAREADME.DOC 13 This file ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 1989 version of the Tsyganenko model is available in the TSYGANENKO89 directory. INSTRUCTION: NSI-DECnet: use COPY command COPY/LOG NSSDCA::ANON_DIR:[000000.MODELS.TSYGANENKO87]*.* *.* Internet: use anonymous FTP FTP NSSDCA.GSFC.NASA.GOV, login, username=ANONYMOUS, password=your_network_address, CD MODELS, CD TSYGANENKO87, use DIR and GET commands and QUIT to exit. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This software package contains the FORTRAN code and data files needed to run the Tsyganenko 1987 (T87) magnetospheric model on a VAX. The code was written by Dr. David Stern (LEPVAX::U2DPS) and modified by Dr. Susan Kayser (NCF::KAYSER). To run on a PC or other machine, the OPEN/CLOSE statements in the code should be removed or replaced by Fortran calls appropriate to the user's system. Some variables in the code have names with more than 6 characters; these may also have to be altered for the user's system. Read the prologues to DR_T87, MAGLINE, and T87.FOR. These explain the programs, and also the usage (including input files). To run the model, first compile, and link your driver and the T87 package, e.g. $ LINK DR_T87,CURL87,T87 or $ LINK MAGLINE,T87 The input data files IGRF80, KP, MAG80, PAR87, and PAR87A are assumed to reside in the logical directory MODEL$DAT. Therefore, before running the model, you must assign the actual directory to MODEL$DAT: $ ASSIGN [directory] MODEL$DAT This command may be put in your LOGIN.COM file. The driver DR_T87 shows how to do this dynamically. To use IGRF80 instead of MAG80, you must rename IGRF80 to MAG80. In MAGLINE, change USERDIR to the MODEL$DAT directory. Various parameters have defaults provided. To change these, modify the coding in the drivers as desired. For example, to find curl B at each point, set ICURL = 1 in DR_T87. The amount of output may be modified via IOUT, QSAVE (in MAGLINE). You could also add a line at the beginning of your input file containing values of these parameters, to allow you to alter them frequently with ease. To get individual points, modify the INT87.DAT file to include the points for which you want the field. Then, $ RUN DR_T87 To trace field lines, modify STARTLINE.DAT to include the points through which you want field lines. Then $ RUN MAGLINE . The present version of MAGLINE calculates up to 50 lines (with up to 200 points) for a given date or tilt angle, using T87. It contains a plot program stub, which accepts the calculations, but doesn't do anything with them yet. Future versions of MAGLINE may allow other models to be called, e.g. the Stern Stretch model and the Tsyganenko 1989 model, and may have a complete plot program. Watch this space! Please check the CHANGES.LOG file from time to time, to learn if any programs have been updated. Suggestions and corrections may be sent to Susan Kayser. The 1987 Tsyganenko model is based on IMP-A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J and HEOS-1,2 measurements over the time period 1966 to 1980, using a total of 36682 data points. It describes the magnetic field from about 4 to 70 Re (Earth radii) for several levels of magnetic disturbance. Two versions were established, a 'long' version with 26 parameters and 6 disturbance levels, valid up to 70 Re, and a 'short' version with 20 parameters and 8 disturbance levels, valid up to 30 Re. The package is available online and can be also obtained on tape, or on diskette. REFERENCES N.W. Peddie, A third generation of International Geomagnetic Reference Field models, J. Geomag. Geoelectr. 34, 310-320, 1982 N.A. Tsyganenko, A.V. Usmanov, Determination of the magnetospheric current system parameters and development of experimental geomagnetic field models based on data from IMP and HEOS satellites, Planet. Space Sci. 30, 985-998, 1982 N.A. Tsyganenko, A.V. Usmanov, V.O. Papitashvili, N.E. Papitashvili, V.A. Popov, Software for computations of the geomagnetic field and related coordinate systems, Soviet Geophysical Committee, Special Report, 58p, Moscow, 1987 N.A. Tsyganenko, Global quantitative models of the geomagnetic field in the cislunar magnetosphere for different disturbance levels, Planet. Space Sci. 35, 1347-1358, 1987 N.A. Tsyganenko, A magnetospheric magnetic field model with a wrapped tail current sheet, Planet. Space Sci. 37, 5-20, 1989 (These changes are NOT included in this software package, but code for this 1989 model is available--see TSY89.TXT) ========================================================================= National Space Science Data Center Data set MG-25B 23 Jan 1991 =========================================================================