**************************** * * * PYTHIA version 6.1 * * * **************************** (Last updated 7 November 2000) The new PYTHIA version is a logical continuation of previous versions. Therefore a user should not feel lost. However, many details have been changed. The major changes (so far) are: - The supersymmetric process machinery of SPYTHIA has been included. - PYTHIA and JETSET have been merged. - All real variables are declared in double precision. - The internal mapping of particle codes has changed. - Extended capabilities to handle reactions of virtual photons. - Baryon production according to advanced popcorn scheme (new option as of version 6.110, with some consequences also for default behaviour). Below follows a more extensive list of main changes, performed to move from Pythia 5.7 and Jetset 7.4 to Pythia 6.1. Eventually this file will be complemented by a completely updated manual. However, based on the information here and some common sense it should be possible to use the program already now, if you are familiar with previous versions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PYTHIA/JETSET CODE MERGING * The PYTHIA and JETSET routines have been joined into one single file. - LUDATA and PYDATA have been joined to a single BLOCK DATA. - LUTEST and PYTEST have been joined to a single test program. - SAVE statements are common for former JETSET and PYTHIA routines. - version information (for the title page) is based on MSTP(181-185) while MSTP(186) and MSTU(181-186) are not used any longer. * All JETSET routines and commonblocks have been renamed to begin with PY. - In most cases just by letting LU -> PY or UL -> PY. - Special cases: RLU -> PYR (also PYRGET, PYRSET), KLU -> PYK, PLU -> PYP. Also commonblock and internal variables of the form *RLU* are replaced by *RPY* (where * represents "wildcard" characters). - To declare integer functions, a line INTEGER PYK,PYCHGE,PYCOMP has been added at the beginning of all routines. - To avoid a name clash, LUXTOT becomes PYXTEE. - Some comment lines in code have been modified; also the name JETSET becomes PYTHIA. * Persons who have code that relies on the /LUJETS/ single precision commonblock could easily write a translation routine to copy the /PYJETS/ double precision information to /LUJETS/. In fact, only the LUGIVE and LULOGO routines of JETSET have access to some PYTHIA commonblocks, and therefore these are the only ones that need to be modified if one, for some reason, would like to combine the new PYTHIA with the old JETSET routines. Similarly, it would only require minor changes in the PYHEPC routine code to allow the /HEPEVT/ commonblock to be in single precision, as before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DOUBLE PRECISION * Conversion from single to double precision. - All real constants by explicitly exchanging E for D where present and else adding D0. - All real variables with an IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H, O-Z) at beginning of all routines. - Commonblocks with an odd number of integers before real variables have been padded with a dummy integer variable or reordered: COMMON/PYJETS/N,NPAD,K(4000,5),P(4000,5),V(4000,5) COMMON/PYSUBS/MSEL,MSELPD,MSUB(200),KFIN(2,-40:40),CKIN(200) COMMON/PYUPPR/NUP,KUP(20,7),NFUP,IFUP(10,2),PUP(20,5),Q2UP(0:10) COMMON/PYINT5/NGENPD,NGEN(0:200,3),XSEC(0:200,3) (In the HARD PROCESSES section below is described further changes; specifically MSUB, NGEN and XSEC are expanded to 500 processes.) - Obsolete conversions with DBLE(), SNGL() etc. have been removed. - pi, 2pi and GeV <-> fm conversion given with more decimals. - Some blanks have been removed and lines reformatted or split when lines have become too long. - PYUPDA(3,..) writes values with D0 added. - Commonblock /PYINT9/ with differential cross section sum in double precision is superfluous and has been removed. - Note that in the Fortran 77 standard COMPLEX cannot be defined as double precision. COMPLEX is used only very sparingly, and only in the PYRESD, PYRAND and PYSIGH routines. Some small pieces of code therefore still use single precision. If you have a compiler option for automatic promotion of single to double you are welcome to use it to handle also these parts, but otherwise they should not be harmful. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARTICLE CODES AND DATA * Some particles have been renamed: 7 from l to b' 8 from h to t' 17 from chi to tau' 18 from nu_chi to nu'_tau 25 from H to h 35 from H' to H Furthermore, in all names where a tilde was previously used to indicate an antiparticle, the previous alternative 'bar' is now used throughout, both in particle names and process titles (to avoid confusion with supersymmetry, see below). * Some particle codes have been changed according to the "LEP 2 standard" (see LEP 2 workshop proceedings): psi' from 30443 to 100443 Upsilon' from 30553 to 100553 d* from 7 to 4000001 u* from 8 to 4000002 e*- from 17 to 4000011 nu*_e from 18 to 4000012 The codes 7, 8, 17 and 18 are now exclusively used for fourth generation fermions. The switch MSTP(6) is then superfluous. PYRESD and other code pieces have been rewritten to take into account the change. * Supersymmetric particle codes have been introduced according to the "LEP 2 standard" (see LEP 2 workshop proceedings): 1000001 ~d_L 2000001 ~d_R 1000021 ~g 1000002 ~u_L 2000002 ~u_R 1000022 ~chi_10 1000003 ~s_L 2000003 ~s_R 1000023 ~chi_20 1000004 ~c_L 2000004 ~c_R 1000024 ~chi_1+ 1000005 ~b_1 2000005 ~b_2 1000025 ~chi_30 1000006 ~t_1 2000006 ~t_2 1000035 ~chi_40 1000011 ~e_L- 2000011 ~e_R- 1000037 ~chi_2+ 1000012 ~nu_eL 2000012 ~nu_eR 1000039 ~G 1000013 ~mu_L- 2000013 ~mu_R- 1000014 ~nu_muL 2000014 ~nu_muR 1000015 ~tau_1- 2000015 ~tau_2- 1000016 ~nu_tauL 2000016 ~nu_tauR In the third generation the left and right states are assumed to mix to nontrivial mass eigenstates, while mixing is not included in the first two. Note that all sparticle names begin with a tilde. Default masses are arbitrary and branching ratios not set at all. This is taken care of at initialization if IMSS(1) is positive (see below). * A hint on large particle numbers: if you want to avoid mistyping the number of zeros, it may pay off to define a line like PARAMETER (KSUSY1=1000000,KSUSY2=2000000,KEXCIT=4000000) at the beginning of your program and then refer to particles as KSUSY1+1 = ~d_L and so on. This then also agrees with the internal notation. * A number of technicolour particle codes have been added: 51 pi_tech0 54 rho_tech0 52 pi_tech+ 55 rho_tech+ 53 pi'_tech0 56 omega_tech0 * Some new particle codes for doubly charged Higgs production in left-right-symmetric scenarios. 61 H_L++ 64 nu_Re 62 H_R++ 65 nu_Rmu 63 W_R+ 66 nu_Rtau The indices _L and _R indicate belonging to left or right SU(2) gauge group. * Top and fourth generation hadrons are gone. Henceforth the t, b' and t' quarks are always assumed to decay before they would have time to hadronize. - All t, b' and t' hadron codes are unknown to the program. (In a pinch, such a hadron could be represented e.g. by a string with a top quark and an antiquark or diquark, with string mass equated to the expected hadron mass.) - The MSTP(48) and MSTP(49) switches are removed; decay treatment is as the old default option 2. - Extra code has been inserted in PYEVNT and PYEXEC to decay any leftover resonances (including these quarks) before fragmentation routines are called. - The particles codes 86 - 89, previously used for generic t, b' and t' hadron decays are gone. - The decay channel of particle 17 to 89 is removed, and PYRESD changed accordingly. - The PYLIST(11) listing is changed. - Also the PYLIST(12) listing is changed. The MSTU(14) switch is gone; restrictions on which codes are listed can only be applied with MSTU(1) and MSTU(2). - In the decay description, matrix element codes 45 and 46 are now superfluous. MSTJ(25) and MSTJ(27) are no longer used, and MSTJ(23) is less used. - PYTEST is reduced so it does not involve these hadrons. * There is a new scheme to relate the standard KF codes with the compressed KC codes. - We remind that KF codes essentially follow the PDG standard for particle numbering, and with the introduction of SUSY now range up to seven-digit codes (plus a sign). They therefore cannot be used to directly access information in particle data tables. The compressed KC codes range between 1 and 500, and give the index to the KCHG, PMAS, MDCY, CHAF and MWID arrays. - Each KF code known to the program is now one-to-one associated with a KC code; the only doublevaluedness left is that both the particle KF and its antiparticle -KF (if existing) is mapped to the same KC. This specifically means that all charm and bottom hadrons and all diquarks now are separately defined. - Whereas KF codes below 100 still obey KC=KF, the mapping of codes above 100 is completely changed. The mapping is no longer hardcoded in PYCOMP, but defined by the fourth component of the KCHG array (see below). Therefore it can be changed or expanded during the course of a run, either by PYUPDA calls or by direct user intervention. * The KCHG array in /PYDAT2/ has been expanded with a fourth component, where KCHG(KC,4)=KF. It thus gives the inverse mapping from KC codes to KF ones (see above). * The PYCOMP code has been completely rewritten. It gives the direct mapping from the KF codes to the KC ones (see above). - Internally the PYCOMP uses a binary search in a table, with KF codes arranged in increasing order, based on the KCHG(KC,4) array. This table is constructed the first time PYCOMP is called, at which time MSTU(20) is set to 1. In case of a user change of the KCHG(KC,4) array one should reset MSTU(20)=0 to force a reinitialization at the next PYCOMP call (this is automatically done in PYUPDA calls). To speed up execution, the latest (KF,KC) pair is kept in memory and checked before the standard binary search. - Code has been changed thoughout the program to be compatible with this new mode of PYCOMP operation. * Particle data is now stored and read out for each particle separately. - PYMASS uses tables of charm and bottom hadron masses rather than mass formulae. - The array CHAF(500) has been expanded to CHAF(500,2), where the first component gives the particle name and the second the antiparticle one (where existing). - PYNAME accesses ready-constructed names rather than constructs the names from scratch. - PYCHGE accesses charges directly from the KCHG(KC,1) array. * PYUPDA has been changed. - Option 1 writes out a table of all particle codes defined. For each particle is given its KF code, particle and antiparticle names in CHAF , the three first KCHG components, the PMAS components, MWID (see below) and the first MDCY component. The information on decay channels is unchanged, but the format expanded. - Option 2 reads in the table written in the,form described above, and replaces all existing data, including the KF<->KC mapping, with the new ones. - Option 3 reads in a table, like option 2, but uses it as a complement to rather than a replacement of existing data. The input file should therefore only contain new particles and particles with changed data. New particles are added to the bottom of the KC and decay channel tables. Changed particles retain their KC codes and hence the position of particle data, but their old decay channels are removed, this space is recuperated, and new decay channels are added at the end. - Option 4 corresponds to the old option 3, i.e. writes existing data to DATA statements for inclusion in the default program code. * The maximum number of decay channels has been expanded from 2000 to 4000; this affects the arrays MDME, BRAT and KFDP in PYDAT3, and MSTU(7). * PYLIST, PYSTAT and PYUPDA are changed to allow for the larger particle codes that may now appear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RESONANCE DECAYS * The dimensions of the WDTP and WDTE return arrays of PYWIDT have been expanded from a maximum of 40 to 200 decay channels. * PYWIDT has been modified so that it returns total and partial widths in units of GeV. Previously most widths were given in dimensionless units, with an extra multiplicative factor added elsewhere, e.g. in PYINRE or PYSIGH. Therefore also these routines are modified. Also VINT(117) is now in dimensions of GeV. * Commonblock PYINT4 is completely reorganized as COMMON/PYINT4/MWID(500),WIDS(500,5) The WIDP and WIDE arrays were essentially only used by PYSTAT(2) and have been eliminated. Where before the resonances could only be found in the range 21:40, in the new description any compressed code KC between 1 and 500 can be used to represent a resonance. MWID(KC) gives the character of particle with compressed code KC, mainly as used in PYWIDT to calculate widths of resonances (not necessarily at the nominal mass). = 0 : an ordinary particle; not to be treated as resonance. = 1 : a resonance for which the partial and total widths (and hence branching ratios) are dynamically calculated in PYWIDT calls; i.e. special code has to exist for each such particle. The effects of allowed/unallowed secondary decays are included, both in the relative composition of decays and in the process cross section. = 2 : The total width is taken to be the one stored in PMAS(KC,2) and the relative branching ratios the ones in BRAT(IDC) for decay channels IDC. There is then no need for any special code in PYWIDT to handle a resonance. During the run, the stored PMAS(KC,2) and BRAT(IDC) values are used to calculate the total and partial widths of the decay channels. Some extra information and assumptions are then used. Firstly, the stored BRAT values are assumed to be the full branching ratios, including all possible channels and all secondary decays. The actual relative branching fractions are modified to take into account that the simulation of some channels may be switched off (even selectively for a particle and an antiparticle), as given by MDME(IDC,1), and that some secondary channels may not be allowed, as expressed by the WIDS factors. This also goes into process cross sections. Secondly, it is assumed that all widths scale like sqrt(shat)/m, the ratio of the actual to the nominal mass. A further nontrivial change as a function of the actual mass can be set for each channel by the MDME(IDC,2) value, see below. = 3 : a hybrid version of options 1 and 2 above. At initialization the PYWIDT code is used to calculate PMAS(KC,2) and BRAT(IDC) at the nominal mass of the resonance. Special code must then exist in PYWIDT for the particle. The PMAS(KC,2) and BRAT(IDC) values overwrite the default ones. In the subsequent generation of events, the simpler scheme of option 2 is used, thus saving some execution time. Note: the Z and Z' cannot be used with options 2 and 3, since the more complicated interference structure implemented for those particles is only handled correctly for option 1. WIDS(KC,J) : gives the suppression factor to cross sections caused by the closing of some secondary decays, as calculated in PYWIDT. Is built up recursively from the lightest particle to the heaviest one at initialization, with the exception that W and Z are done already from the beginning (since these often are forced off the mass shell). WIDS can go wrong in case you have perverse situations where the branching ratios vary rapidly as a function of energy, across the resonance shape. This then influences process cross sections. The J components store information according to = 1 : a (matched) resonance-antiresonance pair or two identical resonances (e.g. W+W- or Z0Z0). = 2 : a single resonance (e.g. W+ or Z0). = 3 : a single antiresonance (e.g. W-). = 4 : a (matched) resonance-resonance pair, for particle which has a nonidentical antiparticle (e.g. W+W+). = 5 : a (matched) antiresonance-antiresonance pair (e.g. W-W-). * The MDME(IDC,2) matrix element codes for a specific decay channel have been expanded with further values that can be used for decay channels treated by the PYRESD/PYWIDT decay machinery. These codes have no meaning in the framework of ordinary particle decays in PYDECY. = 50 : (default behaviour, also obtained for any other code value apart from the ones listed below) do not include any special threshold factors. That is, a decay channel is left open even if the sum of daughter nominal masses is above the mother actual mass, which is possible if at least one of the daughters can be pushed off the mass shell. = 51 : a step threshold, i.e. a channel is switched off when the sum of daughter nominal masses is above the mother actual mass. = 52 : a beta-factor threshold, i.e. sqrt( (1-m1**2/m**2-m2**2/m**2)**2 - 4*m1**2*m2**2/m**4), assuming that the values stored in PMAS(KC,2) and BRAT(IDC) did not include any threshold effects at all. = 53 : as =52, but assuming that PMAS(KC,2) and BRAT(IDC) did include the threshold effects, so that the weight should be beta(at the actual mass)/beta(at the nominal mass). = 54 - 59 : free for further options. * VINT(91), VINT(92) are obsolete and replaced by WIDS(24,4), WIDS(24,5). * The decay angles in H -> Z0 Z0 -> 4 fermions were previously selected in the same way as for H -> W+ W- -> 4 fermions. Now the correct angular correlations are included also for this case. Reference: O. Linossier and R. Zitoun, internal ATLAS note and private communication. * PYRESD now takes an argument IRES. The standard call from PYEVNT, for the hard process, has IRES=0, and then finds resonances to be treated based on the subprocess number ISUB. In case of a nonzero IRES only the resonance in position IRES of the event record is considered. This is used by PYEVNT and PYEXEC to decay leftover resonances. (Example: a b -> W + t branching may give a t quark as beam remnant.) * Now also three decay products can be handled by PYRESD. * CKIN(49) and CKIN(50) have been introduced to allow minimum mass limits to be passed from PYRESD to PYOFSH. They are used for tertiary and higher resonances, i.e. those not controlled by CKIN(41)-CKIN(48). They need not be touched by the user. * An approximate 1 - 2.5 alpha_s/pi QCD correction factor has been introduced for the width of the top decay t -> b + W. * New default behaviour of the Higgs resonance shape. MSTP(49) : (D=1) assumed variation of the Higgs width as a function of the actual mass mhat = sqrt(shat) and the nominal mass m_H. = 0 : the width is proportional to mhat**3; thus the high-mass tail of the Breit-Wigner is enhanced. = 1 : the width is proportional to m_H**2 * mhat. For a fixed Higgs mass m_H this means a width variation across the Breit-Wigner more in accord with other resonances (such as the Z0). This alternative gives more emphasis to the low-mass tail, where the parton distributions are peaked (for hadron colliders). This option is favoured by resummation studies [M. Seymour, Phys. Lett. B354 (1995) 409]. Note : this switch does not affect processes 71 - 77, where a fixed Higgs width is used in order to control cancellation of divergences. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HARD PROCESSES * The maximum number of processes has been expanded from 200 to 500; this affects MSUB, ISET, KFPR, COEF, NGEN, XSEC and PROC in several commonblocks. * SUSY processes have been introduced according to the SPYTHIA program. - Look in the publication SPYTHIA: A Supersymmetric Extension of PYTHIA 5.7 S. Mrenna, Computer Physics Commun. 101 (1997) 232 (hep-ph/9609360) for a description of the physics that has been implemented. - The list of new processes and process numbers is according to tables 2 and 3 in the SPYTHIA manual. Also the MSEL values of table 4 can be used. - Switches and free parameters that can be used to select a wide variety of SUSY scenarios are accessed in COMMON/PYMSSM/IMSS(0:99),RMSS(0:99) according to the description in SPYTHIA manual section 3.1. - The notation for sparticles follows the LEP 2 standard outlined above, and thus disagrees with the one in the SPYTHIA manual. - The supersymmetric code has largely been taken over unchanged from SPYTHIA, but a number of minor changes and bug fixes have been introduced. As examples, the sparticle mass selection has been improved, as has the selection of showering parton system. The strategy for the selection of slepton and squark flavour, in processes with several flavours allowed, has also been changed. - Some routine and commonblock names have been changed, but none of the major ones listed in the SPYTHIA manual. The dependence on CERN library routines has been eliminated. - A major administrative change is that it is now possible to set allowed decay channels of sparticles using the MDME array, as for ordinary resonances, and have this reflected in the process cross sections. - One difference between the SUSY simulation and the other parts of the program is that it is not beforehand known which sparticles may be stable. Normally this would mean either the chi_1 or the gravitino, but in principle also other sparticles could be stable. The ones found to be stable have their MWID(KC) and MDCY(KC,1) values set zero at initialization. If several PYINIT calls are made in the same run, with different SUSY parameters, the ones set zero above are not necessarily set back to nonzero values (the exception is chi_1), since the original values are not saved anywhere. This may then have to be done by hand, or else some particles that ought to decay will not do that. - Bottom squark production is now treated separately as for the top squark. However, there are more processes because bottom is in the PDF. The new processes are: 281 b q -> ~b_1 ~q_L (q not b) 282 b q -> ~b_2 ~q_R 283 b q -> ~b_1 ~q_R + ~b_2 ~q_L 284 b qbar -> ~b_1 ~q_Lbar 285 b qbar -> ~b_2 ~q_Rbar 286 b qbar -> ~b_1 ~q_Rbar + ~b_2 ~q_Lbar 287 q qbar -> ~b_1 ~b_1bar 288 2 2 289 g g -> ~b_1 ~b_1bar 290 2 2 291 b b -> ~b_1 ~b_1 292 2 2 293 1 2 294 b g -> ~b_1 ~g 295 2 296 b bbar -> ~b_1 ~b_2bar + ~b_1bar ~b_2 MSEL = 45 has been added specifically to switch on these processes. - New parameter IMMS(5) : (D=0) allows the user to set the stop, sbottom, and stau masses and mixings by hand. = 0 : no, the program calculates itself. = 1 : Yes, calculate from given input. In that case, RMMS(10) = lightest stop, RMSS(12) = heaviest stop, RMSS(11) = lightest sbottom, RMSS(13) = lightest stau, RMSS(14) = heaviest stau, and RMSS(26,27,28) are the (1,1) elements of the (2x2) mixing matrix for sbottom, stop, and stau. * Higgs pair production now added as explicit processes. (Since before some processes exist as Z' decay modes, where the Z' part can be switched off to simulate the expected behaviour within the MSSM.) 297 q qbar' -> H+/- h0 298 q qbar' -> H+/- H0 299 q qbar -> A0 h0 300 q qbar -> A0 H0 301 q qbar -> H+ H- * A new machinery has been introduced to generate the spectrum of transverse and longitudinal photons in a lepton beam, and to convolute that with the appropriate matrix elements, including the virtuality of the photons, see C. Friberg and T. Sjostrand, Eur. Phys. J. C 13 (2000) 151. - In order to obtain it, the PYINIT beam or target code should be given in the form 'gamma/lepton', where lepton can be either of e-, e+, mu-, mu+, tau- or tau+. Thus, for HERA : BEAM,TARGET = 'gamma/e-','p' for LEP : = 'gamma/e-','gamma/e+' Kinematics information in the PYINIT call should refer to the full energy available, with the program itself generating the fraction given to the photon(s). - The documentation section at the beginning of the event record has been expanded to reflect the new layer of administration. Positions 1 and 2 contain the original beam particles, e.g. e and p (or e+ and e-). In position 3 (and 4 for e+e-) is (are) the scattered outgoing lepton(s). Thereafter comes the normal documentation, but starting from the photon rather than a lepton. For ep, this means 4 and 5 are the gamma* and p, 6 and 7 the shower initiators, 8 and 9 the incoming partons to the hard interaction, and 10 and 11 the outgoing ones. Thus the documentation is 3 lines longer (4 for e+e-) than normally. - A number of new CKIN cuts have been introduced to restrict the range of kinematics for the photons generated off the lepton beams. In each quartet of numbers, the first two corresponds to the range allowed on incoming side 1 (beam) and the last two to side 2 (target). The cuts are only applicable for a lepton beam. Note that the x and Q2 (P2) variables are the basis for the generation, and so can be restricted with no loss of efficiency. For leptoproduction the W is uniquely given by the one x value of the problem, so here also W cuts are fully efficient. The other cuts may imply a slowdown of the program, but not as much as if equivalent cuts only are introduced after events are fully generated. CKIN(61) - CKIN(64) : (D=0.0001,0.99,0.0001,0.99) allowed range for the energy fractions x that the photon take of the respective incoming lepton energy. These fractions are defined in the cm frame of the collision, and differ from energy fractions as defined in another frame. (Watch out at HERA!) In order to avoid some technical problems, absolute lower and upper limits are set internally at 0.0001 and 0.9999. CKIN(65) - CKIN(68) : (D=0.,-1.,0.,-1. GeV^2) allowed range for the spacelike virtuality of the photon, conventionally called either Q2 or P2, depending on process. A negative number means that the upper limit is inactive, i.e. purely given by kinematics. A nonzero lower limit is implicitly given by kinematics constraints. CKIN(69) - CKIN(72) : (D=0.,-1.,0.,-1.) allowed range of the scattering angle theta of the lepton, defined in the cm frame of the event. (Watch out at HERA!) A negative number means that the upper limit is inactive, i.e. equal to pi. CKIN(73) - CKIN(76) : (D=0.0001,0.99,0.0001,0.99) allowed range for the lightcone fraction y that the photon take of the respective incoming lepton energy. The lightcone is defined by the four-momentum of the lepton or hadron on the other side of the event (and thus deviates from true lightcone fraction by mass effects that normally are negligible). The y value is related to the x and Q2 (P2) values by y = x + Q2/s if mass terms are neglected. CKIN(77), CKIN(78) : (D=2.,-1. GeV) allowed range for W, i.e. either the photon-hadron or photon-photon invariant mass. A negative number means that the upper limit is inactive. - This machinery cannot be combined with the variable-energy option obtainable for MSTP(171)=1. The reason is that a variable-energy machinery is now used internally for the gamma-hadron or gamma-gamma subsystem, with some information saved at initialization for the full energy. - Internally, some new variables are used: MINT(141), MINT(142) : KF code for incoming lepton beam or target particles, while MINT(11) and MINT(12) is then the photon code. A nonzero value is the main check whether the photon emission machinery should be called at all. MINT(143) : the number of tries before a successful kinematics configuration is found in PYGAGA. Used for the cross section updating in PYRAND. VINT(301) : cm energy for the full collision, while VINT(1) gives the gamma-hadron or gamma-gamma subsystem energy. VINT(302) : full squared cm energy, while VINT(2) gives the subsystem squared energy. VINT(303), VINT(304) : mass of beam or target lepton, while VINT(3) or VINT(4) give the mass of a photon emitted off it. VINT(305), VINT(306) : x values, i.e. respective photon energy fractions of the incoming lepton in the cm frame of the event. VINT(307), VINT(308) : Q2 or P2, virtuality of the respective photon (thus the square of VINT(3), VINT(4)). VINT(309), VINT(310) : y values, i.e. respective photon lightcone energy fraction of the lepton. VINT(311), VINT(312) : theta, scattering angle of the respective lepton in the cm frame of the event. VINT(313), VINT(314) : phi, azimuthal angle of the respective scattered lepton in the cm frame of the event. VINT(319) : photon flux factor in PYGAGA for current event. VINT(320) : photon flux factor in PYGAGA at initialization. - Some of these values are also saved in the MSTI and PARI arrays at the end of the event generation. (In the case of pileup events, values stored here refer to the first event, while the MINT/VINT ones are for the latest one, as usual.) MSTI(71), MSTI(72) : KF code for incoming lepton beam or target particles, while MSTI(11) and MSTI(12) is then the photon code. PARI(101) : cm energy for the full collision, while PARI(11) gives the gamma-hadron or gamma-gamma subsystem energy. PARI(102) : full squared cm energy, while PARI(12) gives the subsystem squared energy. PARI(103), PARI(104) : x values, i.e. respective photon energy fractions of the incoming lepton in the cm frame of the event. PARI(105), PARI(106) : Q2 or P2, virtuality of the respective photon (thus the square of PARI(3), PARI(4)). PARI(107), PARI(108) : y values, i.e. respective photon lightcone energy fraction of the lepton. PARI(109), PARI(110) : theta, scattering angle of the respective lepton in the cm frame of the event. PARI(111), PARI(112) : phi, azimuthal angle of the respective scattered lepton in the cm frame of the event. - A new routine has been added for internal use: SUBROUTINE PYGAGA(IGA) IGA = 1 : call at initialization to set up x and Q2 limits etc. = 2 : call at maximization step to give estimate of maximal photon flux factor. = 3 : call at the beginning of the event generation to select the kinematics of the photon emission and to give the flux factor. = 4 : call at the end of the event generation to set up the full kinematics of the photon emission. - Since there are currently no processes associated with resolved longitudinal photons, the effect of these can be approximated by some nonzero MSTP(17) and PARP(165). (Additionally, PARP(167) or PARP(168) may need to be set.) MSTP(17) : (D=4) possibility of a extrafactor for resolved processes, to approximately take into accound the effects of longitudinal photons. Given on the form R = 1 + PARP(165) * r(Q^2,mu^2) * f_L(y,Q^2)/f_T(y,Q^2). Here the 1 represents the basic transverse contribution, PARP(165) is some arbitrary overall factor, and f_L/f_T the (known) ratio of longitudinal to transverse photon flux factors. The arbitrary function r depends on the photon virtuality Q^2 and the hard scale mu^2 of the process. = 0 : No contribution, i.e. r=0. = 1 : r = 4 * mu^2 * Q^2 / (mu^2 + Q^2)^2. = 2 : r = 4 * Q^2 / (mu^2 + Q^2). = 3 : r = 4 * Q^2 / (m_{rho}^2 + Q^2). = 4 : r = 4 * m_V^2 * Q^2 / (m_V^2 + Q^2)^2. = 5 : r = 4 * Q^2 / (m_V^2 + Q^2). In options 4 and 5 m_V is the vector meson mass for VMD and 2 * k_T for GVMD states. Since there is no mu dependence for these options (as well as for =3) they also affect minimum-bias cross sections, where mu would be vanishing. Currently the rho mass is used also in options 4 and 5, for simplicity. NOTE: For a photon given by the gamma/e option in the PYINIT call, the y spectrum is dynamically generated and y is thus known from event to event. For a photon beam in the PYINIT call, y is unknown from the onset, and has to be provided by the user if any longitudinal factor is to be included. So long as these values, in PARP(167) and PARP(168), are at their default values, 0, it is assumed they have not been set and thus the MSTP(17) and PARP(165) values are inactive. PARP(165) : (D=0.5) a simple multiplicative factor applied to the cross section for the transverse resolved photons, see above in MSTP(17). No preferred value, but typically one could use PARP(165)=1 as main contrast to the no-effect =0, with the default arbitrarily chosen in the middle. PARP(167), PARP(168): (D=2*0) the longitudinal energy fraction y of an incoming photon, side 1 or 2, used in the R expression to evaluate f_L(y,Q^2)/f_T(y,Q^2). Need not be supplied when a photon spectrum is generated inside a lepton beam, but only when a photon is directly given as argument in the PYINIT call. VINT(315), VINT(316): internal storage of the R factor above, for each of the two sides. PARI(113), PARI(114); values of the R factors above, for each of the two sides. * New total cross sections have been introduced into PYXTOT for Generalized Vector Meson Dominance (GVMD) states, and both VMD and GVMD parameterizations have been extended also to include virtual photons. Further details in C. Friberg and T. Sjostrand, JHEP 09 (2000) 10 (hep-ph/0007314). - The GVMD states are seen as a continuous spectrum, characterized by the k_T scale of the gamma -> q + qbar branching, with k_T stretching between k_0 and p_Tmin(W^2). The rate of fluctuation into such states is given by perturbative QED, while the hadronic cross section for a given state is assumed to obey geometric scaling, i.e. fall off like k_rho^2/k_T^2 relative to a VMD state for a real photon, where k_rho is a reference scale. - The jet cross sections for these GVMD states are associated with the anomalous part of the photon structure function, just like the homogeneous part is associated with the VMD states. - GVMD state also have "elastic" and diffractive cross sections obtained by the same scaling of VMD cross sections as indicated above for the total cross section. The mass selection of the GVMD state is according to dm^2/(m^2+Q^2)^2 between limits 2 k_0 < m < 2 p_Tmin(W^2), i.e. the mass is associated with 2 k_T of the state. See VINT(69), VINT(79) below. A GVMD state is bookkept as a diffractive state in event listing, even when it scatters "elastically", since the subsequent hadronization descriptions are very similar. - Whether or not minimum bias events are simulated depends on the CKIN(3) value. For a low CKIN(3), CKIN(3) < p_Tmin(W_init^2), like the default value CKIN(3) = 0, low-pT physics is switched on together with jet production, with the latter properly eikonalized to be lower than the total one. For a high CKIN(3), CKIN(3) > p_Tmin(W_init^2), only jet production is included. This is just like for hadron-hadron collisions, except that the initialization energy scale W_init is selected in the allowed W range rather than to be the full CM energy. When MSEL=2, also elastic and diffractive events are simulated. - Multiple interactions become possible in both the VMD and GVMD sector, with the average number of interactions given by the ratio of the jet to the total cross section. Currently only the simpler default scenario MSTP(82)=1 is implemented, i.e. the more sophisticated variable-impact-parameter ones need further physics studies and model development. - For a virtual photon of virtuality Q^2, the total cross section is reduced by a dipole factor (m_rho^2/(m_rho^2 + Q^2))^2 for a VMD state and by (4 k_T^2/(4 k_T^2 + Q^2))^2 for a GVMD one. That is, the "mass" of a GVMD state is taken to be 2 k_T.Properly each VMD state should have own mass, but so far this has not been implemented. This would mainly be of relevance for J/psi, where however also other complications enter. - gamma* gamma* cross sections are obtained by simple multiplicative factors as above, one for each photon, relative to rho rho events (and other vector mesons). - The primordial kT selection is described in the section on MSTP(66). For clarity, we point out that elastic and diffractive events are characterized by the mass of the diffractive states but without any primordial kT, while jet production involves a primordial kT but no mass selection. Both are thus not used at the same time, but implicitly they are associated as m = 2 k_T. - New or modified commonblock variables: MSTP(15) : (D=0) modified default, to give same pT cutoff procedure as for VMD jet cross sections. PARP(15) : (D=0.5 GeV) k_0 scale where GVMD k_T spectrum begins. MINT(50) : now set = 1 also for anomalous states, to indicate that total cross sections are defined for them. VINT(67), VINT(68) : the mass of a VMD state; for GVMD photons the VMD state with the equivalent flavour content. VINT(69), VINT(70) : the actual mass of a VMD or GVMD state; agrees with the above for VMD but is selected as a larger number for GVMD. Required for elastic and diffractive events. VINT(63), VINT(64) : the squared (!) mass of the outgoing states; for elastic events equal to VINT(69)^2 and VINT(70)^2 and for diffractive events above that. VINT(154) : current p_Tmin(W^2) value; see section on UNDERLYING EVENTS for details. VINT(149) : the scaled value 4 p_Tmin(W^2)^2/W^2; denominator changed from s and therefore needs to be recalculated for each new event (like VINT(154)). PARP(18) : (D=0.4 GeV) scale k_rho, such that the cross sections of a GVMD state of scale k_T is suppressed by a factor k_rho^2/k_T^2 relative to those of a VMD state. Order should be m_rho/2, with some finetuning to fit data. VINT(317) : dipole suppression factor in PYXTOT for current event. VINT(318) : dipole suppression factor in PYXTOT at initialization. MSTP(66) : (D=5) see separate note below. - The MSTP(84) and MSTP(85) switches have been made obsolete by these changes and no longer exist. * An additional suppression of resolved (VMD or GVMD) cross sections is introduced to compensate for an overlap with DIS processes in the region of intermediate Q^2 and rather small W^2. - MSTP(20) : (D=3) suppression of resolved cross sections. = 0 : no; used as is. > 0 : yes, by a factor (W^2/(W^2 + Q_1^2 + Q_2^2))^MSTP(20). (where Q_i^2 = 0 for an incoming hadron). - The suppression factor is joined with the dipole suppression stored in VINT(317) and VINT(318). * New processes have been introduced for incoming virtual (spacelike) photons, as obtained e.g. in ep and e+e- collisions. These are thus extensions of processes previously encoded for real photons. - 131 f_i + gamma*_T -> f_i + g (cf. proc 33) 132 f_i + gamma*_L -> f_i + g 133 f_i + gamma*_T -> f_i + gamma (cf. proc 34) 134 f_i + gamma*_L -> f_i + gamma 135 g + gamma*_T -> f_i + fbar_i (cf. proc 54) 136 g + gamma*_L -> f_i + fbar_i 137 gamma*_T + gamma*_T -> f_i + fbar_i (cf. proc 58) 138 gamma*_T + gamma*_L -> f_i + fbar_i 139 gamma*_L + gamma*_T -> f_i + fbar_i 140 gamma*_L + gamma*_L -> f_i + fbar_i - Here indices _T and _L represent transverse and longitudinal photons, respectively. In the limit of vanishing virtuality, the _T photon cross section approaches that for a real photon, while the _L one vanishes. - The virtuality of the photon or photons can be stored in P(1,5) and P(2,5), respectively, provided PYINIT is called with the 'FIVE' option. A spacelike photon of virtuality Q**2 (or P**2, depending on notational convention followed) would thus have P(i,5) = -Q (or -P). The virtuality could be varied from one event to the next, but then it is convenient to initialize for the lowest virtuality likely to be encountered. - In several of the standard MSEL options, processes selected for real photons have been replaced by the corresponding processes for virtual ones. * Direct processes in the range of k_T values stretching between k_0 and p_Tmin(W^2) are, by an eikonalization process, associated with the low-pT part of the GVMD states above. Further details in C. Friberg and T. Sjostrand, JHEP 09 (2000) 10 (hep-ph/0007314). - As a consequence, the minimum pT for direct processes should be increased from k_0 to p_Tmin(W^2). - New variable: MSTP(18) : (D=3) choice of pTmin for direct processes: = 1 : same as for VMD and GVMD states, as explained above.. = 2 : pTmin is chosen to be PARP(15), i.e. the old behaviour. In this case, also parton distributions, jet cross sections and alpha_strong values were dampened for small pT. = 3 : as =1, but if the Q scale of the virtual photon is above the VMD/GVMD p_Tmin(W^2), pTmin is chosen equal to Q. This is part of the strategy to mix in DIS processes at pT below Q, e.g. in MSTP(14)=30. * New process 99 for DIS scattering, by photon exchange only. Thus, in this sense less powerful than process 10, but allows the use of the same photon flux machinery as for other gamma*-p and gamma*-gamma* processes, and thus offers a unified description in the region of intermediate Q2 values. - Notice that it counts as a "total cross section" process, in the sense that the hard subprocess in itself contains no high-pT scale. Therefore, it will be switched off in event class mixes such as MSTP(14)=30 if CKIN(3) is above pTmin(W^2) and MSEL is not 2. - 99 f_i + gamma* -> f_i. - Since the standard 2 -> 1 kinematics machinery is not relevant for this process - shat = 0 - a new code ISET(ISUB)=8 is introduced for the kinematics selection machinery in PYRAND, and a new routine PYDISG for setting up the kinematics, beam remnants and showers. - New variable to select DIS cross section. MSTP(19) : (D=4) choice of partonic cross section in process 99. = 0 : QPM answer 4 pi^2 alpha_em/Q^2 * \sum_q e_q^2 (x q(x,Q^2) + x qbar(x,Q^2)) (with parton distributions frozen below the lowest Q allowed in the parameterization). Note that this answer is divergent for Q^2 -> 0 and thus violates gauge invariance. = 1 : QPM answer is modified by a factor Q^2/(Q^2 + m_rho^2) to provide a finite cross section in the Q^2 -> 0 limit. A minimal regularization recipe. = 2 : QPM answer is modified by a factor Q^4/(Q^2 + m_rho^2)^2 to provide a vanishing cross section in the Q^2 -> 0 limit. Appropriate if one assumes that the normal photoproduction description gives the total cross section for Q^2 = 0, without any DIS contribution. = 3 : as = 2, but additionally suppression by a parameterized factor f(W^2,Q^2) (different for gamma*-p and gamma*-gamma*) that avoids doublecounting the direct-process region where p_T > Q. Shower evolution for DIS events is then also restricted to be at scales below Q, whereas evolution all the way up to W is allowed in the other options above. = 4 : as = 3, but additionally include factor 1/(1-x) for conversion from F_2 to sigma. This is formally required, but is only relevant for small W2 and therefore often neglected. - MINT(107),MINT(108) = 4 denotes DIS photon on respective side. MINT(123) = 8 denotes DIS*VMD/p or vice verse, = 9 DIS*anomalous or vice versa. In MINT(41)-MINT(46), a DIS photon is treated same way as a direct one. - Many of the normal kinematical variables for 2 -> 2 processes are not defined for this process. The pT in PARI(17) is explicitly set =0, but some others may well contain irrelevant junk. * MSTP(14) is extended with new possibilities to select the nature of incoming virtual photons. The reason is that the existing options specify e.g. direct * VMD, summing over the possibilities of which photon is direct and which anomalous. This is allowed when the situation is symmetric, i.e. for two incoming real photons, but not if one is virtual. Some of the new options agree with previous ones, but are included to allow a more consistent pattern. MSTP(14): (D=30) structure of incoming photon beam or target. = 11 : direct * direct (see note 4). = 12 : direct * VMD (i.e. first photon direct, second VMD). = 13 : direct * anomalous. = 14 : VMD * direct. = 15 : VMD * VMD. = 16 : VMD * anomalous. = 17 : anomalous * direct. = 18 : anomalous * VDM. = 19 : anomalous * anomalous. = 20 : a mixture of the nine above components, in the same spirit as =10 provides a mixture for real gammas (or a virtual gamma on a hadron). For gamma-hadron, this option coincides with =10. = 21 : direct * direct (see note 4). = 22 : direct * resolved. = 23 : resolved * direct. = 24 : resolved * resolved. = 25 : a mixture of the four above components, offering a simpler alternative to =20 in cases where the parton distributions of the photon have not been split into VMD and anomalous components. For gamma-hadron, only two components need be mixed. = 26 : DIS * VMD/p. = 27 : DIS * anomalous. = 28 : VMD/p * DIS. = 29 : anomalous * DIS. = 30 : a mixture of all the 4 (for gamma*-p) or 13 (for gamma*-gamma*) that are available, is as = 20 with the DIS processes 26-29 mixed in. Note 1: The MSTP(14) options apply for a photon defined by a 'gamma' or 'gamma/lepton' beam in the PYINIT call, but not to those photons implicitly obtained in a 'lepton' beam with the MSTP(12)=1 option. This latter approach to resolved photons is more primitive and is no longer recommended. Note 2: these new options are not needed and therefore not defined for e-p collisions. The recommended 'best' values thus are MSTP(14)=30, which also is the new default value. Note 3: as a consequence of the appearance of new event classes, the MINT(122) and MSTI(9) code is not the same for gamma* gamma* events as for gamma p, gamma* p or gamma gamma ones. Instead the code is 3*(icode_1 - 1) + icode_2, where icode is 1 for direct, 2 for VMD and 3 for anomalous/GVMD and indices refer to the two incoming photons. For gamma* p code 4 is DIS, and for gamma* gamma* codes 10-13 corresponds to the MSTP(14) codes 26-29. As before, MINT(122) and MSTI(9) are only defined when several processes are to be mixed, not when generating one at a time. Also the MINT(123) code is modified (not shown here). Note 4: The direct * direct event class excludes lepton pair production when run with the default MSEL=1 option (or MSEL=2), in order not to confuse users. You can obtain lepton pairs as well, e.g. by running with MSEL=0 and switching on the desired processes by hand. * MSTP(16) is new variable to select momentum variable of e -> gamma branching. MSTP(16) (D=1) choice of definition of the fractional momentum taken by a photon radiated off a lepton. Enters in the flux factor for the photon rate, and thereby in cross sections. = 0 ; x, i.e. energy fraction in the rest frame of the event. = 1 ; y, i.e. lightcone fraction. * MSTP(32) : (D=8) has been expanded with new options for the choice of Q2 scale, specifically intended for processes with incoming virtual photons. The new options are ordered from a "minimal" dependence on the virtualities to a "maximal" one, based on reasonable kinematics considerations. The old default value MSTP(32)=2 forms the starting point, with no dependence at all, and the new default is some intermediate choice. Notation is that P1**2 and P2**2 are the virtualities of the two incoming particles, pT the transverse momentum of the scattering process, and m3 and m4 the masses of the two outgoing partons. For a direct photon, P**2 is the photon virtuality and x=1. For a resolved photon, P**2 still refers to the photon, rather than the unknown virtuality of the reacting parton in the photon, and x is the momentum fraction taken by this parton. = 6 : Q2 = (1 + x1*P1**2/shat + x2*P2**2/shat)* (pT**2 + m3**2/2 + m4**2/2). = 7 : Q2 = (1 + P1**2/shat + P2**2/shat)* (pT**2 + m3**2/2 + m4**2/2). = 8 : Q2 = pT**2 + (P1**2 + P2**2 +m3**2 + m4**2)/2. = 9 : Q2 = pT**2 + P1**2 + P2**2 +m3**2 + m4**2. = 10 : s (the full energy-squared of the process). Note: options 6 and 7 are motivated by assuming that one wants a scale that interpolates between that for small that and uhat for small uhat, such as Q2 = - that*uhat/(that+uhat). When kinematics for the 2 -> 2 process is constructed as if an incoming photon is massless when it is not, it gives rise to a mismatch factor 1 + P**2/shat (neglecting the other masses) in this Q2 definition, which is then what is used in option 7 (with the neglect of some small cross-terms when both photons are virtual). When a virtual photon is resolved, the virtuality of the incoming parton can be anything from x*P**2 and upwards. So option 6 uses the smallest kinematically possible value, while 7 is more representative of the typical scale. Option 8 and 9 are more handwaving extensions of the default option, with 9 specially constructed to ensure that the Q2 scale is always bigger than P**2. * MSTP(66) has been expanded with new default option for the selection of lower parton-shower cut-off (and primordial kT). MSTP(66) : (D=5) choice of lower cut-off for initial-state QCD radiation in VMD or anomalous photoproduction events. = 0 : the lower Q2 cut-off is the standard one in PARP(62)^2. = 1 : for anomalous photons, the lower Q2 cut-off is the larger of PARP(62)^2 and VINT(283) or VINT(284), where the latter is the virtuality scale for the gamma -> q qbar vertex on the appropriate side of the event. The VINT values are selected logarithmically even between PARP(15)^2 and the Q2 scale of the parton distributions of the hard process. = 2 : extended option of the above, intended for virtual photons. For VMD photons, the lower Q2 cut-off is the larger of PARP(62)^2 and the P^2_{int} scale of the SaS parton distributions. For anomalous photons, the lower cut-off is chosen as for =1, but the VINT(283) and VINT(284) are here selected logarithmically even between P^2_{int} and the Q2 scale of the parton distributions of the hard process. = 3 : simplified option, default in versions 6.143 - 6.147. The k_T of the anomalous/GVMD component is distributed like 1/k_T^2 between k_0 and p_Tmin(W^2). Apart from the change of the upper limit, this option works just like = 1. = 4 : a stronger damping at large k_T, like dk_T^2/(k_T^2 + Q^2/4)^2 with k_0 < k_T < p_Tmin(W^2). Apart from this, it works like = 1. = 5 : a k_T generated as in =4 is added vectorially with a standard Gaussian k_T generated like for VMD states. Ensures that GVMD has typical k_T's above those of VMD, in spite of the large primordial k_T's implied by hadronic physics. (Probably attributable to a lack of soft QCD radiation in parton showers.) * New processes - 146 e + gamma -> e* 169 q + qbar -> e + e* - similar to existing processes 147,148 or 167,168 for q*. * Several new processes for technicolour production. NOTE: as of version 6.126 changes/additions appear according to the next section. - 191 f_i + fbar_i -> rho_techni0 192 f_i + fbar_j -> rho_techni+- 193 f_i + fbar_i -> omega_techni0 194 f_i + fbar_i -> f_k + fbar_k - The first three processes are based on s-channel production of the respective resonance. All decay modes implemented can be simulated separately or in combination, in the standard fashion. These include pairs of fermions, of gauge bosons, of technipions, and of mixtures gauge bosons + technipions. - Process 194 includes full interference between rho_techni0 and omega_techni0. It can only be used for one final-state flavour at a time. This flavour is set in KFPR(194,1). - The physics parameters of the technicolour scenario are: PARP(140) : (D=0.0) multiplicative fudge factor, entering quadratically in the width for pi_tech+ -> W+ b bbar. PARP(141) : (D=0.33333) sin(chi), sinus of mixing angle between gague bosons and technipions in the decay of technirhos; if 0 the decay is entirely to technipions and if 1 entirely to gauge bosons. PARP(142) : (D=82 GeV) F_T, decay constant of the technipion states; the technipion widths are proportional to 1/F_T^2. PARP(143) : (D=1.0) Q_U, charge of the up-type technifermions; the down-type ones have Q_D = Q_U - 1 and thus do not require a separate parameter. PARP(144) : (D=4.0) N_TC, the number of technicolours, that enters in several cross sections and decay rates. PARP(145) : (D=200 GeV) M_T, mass parameter for the decay omega_techni0 -> gamma + pi_techni0; the partial width is proportional to 1/M_T^2. PARP(146) - PARP(148) : (D=1.0, 1.0, 1.0) multiplicative fudge factors, entering quadratically in the widths of technipions to a fermion pair. The three numbers are for pi_tech0, pi_tech+ and pi_tech'0, respectively. PARP(149) - PARP(150) : (D=1.0, 0.0) multiplicative fudge factors, entering linearly in the widths of technipions to a gluon pair. The two numbers are for pi_tech0 and pi_tech'0, respectively. - The main references are E. Eichten and K. Lane, Phys. Lett. B388 (1996) 803 E. Eichten, K. Lane and J. Womersley, in preparation * Starting with version 6.126, the simulation of the production and decays of technicolor particles has been substantially upgraded. - The processes 149, 191, 192, and 193 are to be considered obsolete, and are temporarily retained to allow cross checking with the new processes. - Process 194 has been changed to more accurately represent the mixing between the photon, Z, techni_rho0, and techni_omega particles in the Drell-Yan process. Process 195 is the analogous process including W and techni_rho+/- mixing. By default, the final state fermions are e+ e- and e+/- nu_e, respectively. These can be changed through the parameters KFPR(194,1) and KFPR(195,1), respectively (the KFPR value should represent a charged fermion). - The full set of recommended processes are: Drell--Yan (ETC == Extended TechniColor) 194 f+fbar -> f'+fbar' (ETC) 195 f+fbar' -> f"+fbar"' (ETC) techni_rho0/omega 361 f + fbar -> W_L+ W_L- 362 f + fbar -> W_L+/- pi_T-/+ 363 f + fbar -> pi_T+ pi_T- 364 f + fbar -> gamma pi_T0 365 f + fbar -> gamma pi_T0' 366 f + fbar -> Z0 pi_T0 367 f + fbar -> Z0 pi_T0' 368 f + fbar -> W+/- pi_T-/+ charged techni_rho 370 f + fbar' -> W_L+/- Z_L0 371 f + fbar' -> W_L+/- pi_T0 372 f + fbar' -> pi_T+/- Z_L0 373 f + fbar' -> pi_T+/- pi_T0 374 f + fbar' -> gamma pi_T+/- 375 f + fbar' -> Z0 pi_T+/- 376 f + fbar' -> W+/- pi_T0 377 f + fbar' -> W+/- pi_T0' - All of the processes from 361 to 377 can be accessed at once by setting MSEL=50. - The production and decay rates depend on several "Straw Man" technicolor parameters: Techniparticle masses PMAS(51,1) : (D=110.0 GeV) neutral techni_pi mass PMAS(52,1) : (D=110.0 GeV) charged techni_pi mass PMAS(53,1) : (D=110.0 GeV) neutral techni_pi' mass PMAS(54,1) : (D=210.0 GeV) neutral techni_rho mass PMAS(55,1) : (D=210.0 GeV) charged techni_rho mass PMAS(56,1) : (D=210.0 GeV) techni_omega mass Note: the rho and omega masses are not pole masses Lagrangian parameters PARP(141) : (D= 0.33333) sine of chi, the mixing angle between technipion interaction and mass eigenstates PARP(142) : (D=82.0000 GeV) F_T, the technipion decay constant PARP(143) : (D= 1.3333) Q_U, charge of up-type technifermion; the down-type technifermion has a charge Q_D=Q_U-1 PARP(144) : (D= 4.0000) N_TC, number of technicolors; fixes the relative values of g_em and g_etc PARP(145) : (D= 1.0000) C_c, coefficient of the technipion decays to charm; appears squared in the decay rate PARP(146) : (D= 1.0000) C_b, coefficient of the technipion decays to bottom; appears squared in the decay rate PARP(147) : (D= 0.0182) C_t, coefficient of the technipion decays to top, estimated to be m_b/m_t; appears squared in the decay rate PARP(148) : (D= 1.0000) C_tau, coefficient of the technipion decays to tau; appears squared in the decay rate PARP(149) : (D=0.00000) C_pi, coefficient of technipion decays to gg PARP(150) : (D=1.33333) C_pi', coefficient of technipion' decays to gg ****Note the switch from PARP to PARJ**** PARJ(172) : (D=200.000 GeV) M_V, vector mass parameter for technivector decays to transverse gauge bosons and technipions PARJ(173) : (D=200.000 GeV) M_A, axial mass parameter for technivector decays to transverse gauge bosons and technipions PARJ(174) : (D=0.33300) sine of chi', the mixing angle between the technipion' interaction and mass eigenstates PARJ(175) : (D=0.05000) isospin violating technirho/techniomega mixing amplitude - As a final comment, it is worth mentioning that the decays products of the W and Z bosons are distributed according to phase space, regardless of their designation as W_L/Z_L or transverse gauge bosons. The exact meaning of longitudinal or transverse polarizations in this case requires more thought. - References: K. Lane, hep-ph/9903369 K. Lane, hep-ph/9903372 * Several new processes for doubly charged Higgs production in left-right-symmetric models, with an additional righthanded SU(2) gauge group. - 341 l + l -> H_L++/-- 342 l + l -> H_R++/-- 343 l + gamma -> H_L++/-- + e-/+ 344 l + gamma -> H_R++/-- + e-/+ 345 l + gamma -> H_L++/-- + mu-/+ 346 l + gamma -> H_R++/-- + mu-/+ 347 l + gamma -> H_L++/-- + tau-/+ 348 l + gamma -> H_R++/-- + tau-/+ 349 f + fbar -> H_L++ + H_L-- 350 f + fbar -> H_R++ + H_R-- 351 f_i + f_j -> f_k + f_l + H_L++/-- 352 f_i + f_j -> f_k + f_l + H_R++/-- - Default model masses are code name mass (GeV) 61 H_L++ 200 62 H_R++ 200 63 W_R+ 750 64 nu_Re 750 65 nu_Rmu 750 66 nu_Rtau 750 - Main decays implemented are H_L++ -> l_i+ l_j+ (i, j generation index) -> W_L+ W_L+ H_R++ -> l_i+ l_j+ -> W_R+ W_R+ W_R+ -> q_i qbar_j (assuming standard CKM matrix) -> l_i+ nu_Ri (if kinematically allowed) - The physics parameters of this scenario are PARP(181) - PARP(189) : (D = 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.3) Yukawa couplings of leptons to H++, assumed same for H_L++ and H_R++. Is a symmetric 3*3 array, where PARP(177+3*i+j) gives the coupling to a lepton pair with generation indices i and j. Thus the default matrix is dominated by the diagonal elements and especially by the tau-tau one. PARP(190) : (D=0.64) g_L = e/sin(theta_W). PARP(191) : (D=0.64) g_R, assumed same as g_L. PARP(192) : (D=5 GeV) v_L vacuum expectation value of the left-triplet. The corresponding v_R is assumed given by v_R = sqrt(2) M_W_R / g_R and is not stored explicitly. - The main references are K. Huitu, J. Maalampi, A. Pietil\"a and M. Raidal, Nucl. Phys. B487 (1997) 27 and private communication; G. Barenboim, K. Huitu, J. Maalampi and M. Raidal, Phys. Lett. B394 (1997) 132. * Two new processes for chi_c production. - 104 g + g -> chi_0c 105 g + g -> chi_2c - These are the lowest-order equivalents of processes 87 and 89. Note that g + g -> chi_1c is forbidden, and so not included as a match to process 88. - Reference Bai83. * Three new processes for J/psi production. - 106 g + g -> J/psi + gamma 107 g + gamma -> J/psi + g 108 gamma + gamma -> J/psi + gamma - All of these are closely related to the existing process 86, g + g -> J/psi + g; only the colour- and charge-related prefactors differ in the matrix element expressions. - References: 106: M. Drees and C.S. Kim, Z. Phys. C53 (1991) 673 107: E.L. Berger and D. Jones, Phys. Rev. D23 (1981) 1521 108: H. Jung, private communication; H. Kharraziha, private communication * Process 1 has been modified so that masses are included in the expression for the decay polar angle distribution. * Processes 15, 19, 22, 30 and 35 have been corrected for an inconsistent use of width definition in the Breit-Wigner shape, which affected the low-mass part of the gamma*/Z0 spectrum. * The previous process 131, g + g -> Z + b + bbar, has been removed, for reasons of inefficient phase space generation. This implies that - all the RK... routines are gone - all code related to ISET(ISUB)=6 is removed - variables MINT(35) and VINT(81-84) are unused - cuts CKIN(51-56) are restricted in usage - options 5 and 6 of PYOFSH are removed (with old option 7 moved to 5) * Processes 147, 148, 167 and 168 have been modified to take into account changes in d*, u*, e* and nu*_e codes. * New parameter and new default behaviour of the program. MSTP(9) : (D=0) inclusion of top (and fourth generation quarks) as allowed remnant flavours q' in processes that involve q -> q' + W branchings and where the matrix elements have been calculated under the assumption that q' is massless. = 0 : no. = 1 : yes, but it is possible, as before, to switch off individual channels by the setting of MDME switches. Mass effects are taken into account, in a crude fashion, by rejecting events where kinematics becomes inconsistent when the q' mass is included. * Many processes proceed via an s-channel resonance, described by a Breit-Wigner. In some instances this description is not really valid far away from the resonance position, e.g. because interference with other graphs should then be included. The wings of the Breit-Wigner are therefore routinely cut out in most processes, though not all. This cut has been modified and can now be set by the user. PARP(48) : (D=50.) the Breit-Wigner factor in the cross section is set to vanish for masses that deviate from the nominal one by more than PARP(48) times the nominal resonance width (i.e. the width evaluated at the nominal mass). Is used in most processes with a single s-channel resonance, but there are some exceptions, notably gamma/Z0 and W+-. * The PYSTAT routine has been expanded with a new option 6. A CALL PYSTAT(6) will produce a list of all subprocesses implemented in the program. * New parameter. PARP(104) : (D=0.8 GeV) minimum energy above threshold for the evaluation of total, elastic and diffractive cross sections. Below this lower cut, the cross section is made to vanish. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE E+E- ROUTINES * The e+e- routines PYEEVT and PYONIA (formerly LUEEVT and LUONIA) have been kept in this version, but may disappear in the future. The functionality of PYEEVT is obtained with PYTHIA subprocess 1 and that of PYONIA by the decay of Upsilon in PYDECY. Some differences exist between the respective alternatives. - The PYEEVT flavour selection and resonance shape handling is not as good as the subprocess 1 one. - The PYEEVT initial-state photon radiation is based on exact first order rather than exponentiated structure functions, and is inferior in terms of total photon energy radiated but may be better for high-angle photons (here subprecess 19 can also be used, however). - Further examples could be given. * Formerly, the main difference was that LUEEVT also had a number of matrix-element options, in addition to the default parton-shower one. These options are now available also from PYTHIA subprocess 1, as follows. - MSTP(48) : (D=0) switch for the treatment of gamma*/Z0 decay for process 1 in e+e- events. = 0 : normal PYTHIA machinery. = 1 : if the decay of the Z0 is to either of the five lighter quarks, d, u, s, c or b, the special treatment of Z0 decay is accessed, including matrix element options. - This option is based on the machinery of the PYEEVT and associated routines when it comes to the description of QCD multijet structure and the angular orientation of jets, but relies on the normal PYEVNT machinery for everything else: cross section calculation, initial state photon radiation, flavour composition of decays (i.e. information on channels allowed), etc. - The initial state has to be e+e; forward-backward asymmetries would not come out right for quark-annihilation production of the gamma*/Z0 and therefore the machinery defaults to the standard one in such cases. - You can set the behaviour for the MSTP(48) option using the normal matrix element related switches. This especially means MSTJ(101) for the selection of first- or second-order matrix elements (=1 and =2, respectively). Further selectivity is obtained with the switches and parameters MSTJ(102) (for the angular orientation part only), MSTJ(103) (except the production threshold factor part), MSTJ(106), MSTJ(108) - MSTJ(111), PARJ(121), PARJ(122), PARJ(125) - PARJ(129). Information can be read from MSTJ(120), MSTJ(121), PARJ(150), PARJ(152) - PARJ(156), PARJ(168), PARJ(169), PARJ(171). - The other e+e- switches and parameters should not be touched. In most cases they are simply not accessed, since the related part is handled by the PYEVNT machinery instead. In other cases they could give incorrect or misleading results. Beam polarization as set by PARJ(131) - PARJ(134), for instance, is only included for the angular orientation, but is missing for the cross section information. PARJ(123) and PARJ(124) for the Z0 mass and width are set in the PYINIT call based on the input mass and calculated widths. - The cross section calculation is unaffected by the matrix element machinery. Thus also for negative MSTJ(101) values, where only specific jet multiplicities are generated, the PYSTAT cross section is the full one. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARTON DISTRIBUTIONS * The "structure function" expression is replaced by "parton distribution". Hence routines PYST** are renamed PYPD**. * A number of old proton distributions have been removed, and newer ones inserted. The current list of distributions available in MSTP(51) is - MSTP(51) : (D=4) = 1 : CTEQ 3L (leading order). = 2 : CTEQ 3M (MSbar). = 3 : CTEQ 3D (DIS). = 4 : GRV 94L (leading order). = 5 : GRV 94M (MSbar). = 6 : GRV 94D (DIS). = 7 : CTEQ 5L (leading order). = 8 : CTEQ 5M1 (MSbar; slightly updated version of CTEQ 5M). = 11: GRV 92L (leading order). = 12: EHLQ 1 (leading order). = 13: EHLQ 1 (leading order). = 14: DO 1 (leading order). = 15: DO 2 (leading order). - References: CTEQ Collaboration, H.L. Lai et al., Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 4763, hep-ph/9903282; M. Gluck, E. Reya and A. Vogt, Z. Phys. C67 (1995) 433 - New routines: PYCTEQ, PYGRVL, PYGRVM, PYGRVD, PYGRVV, PYGRVW, PYGRVS PYCT5L, PYCT5M and PYPDPO. - Note 1: distributions 11-15 are obsolete and should not be used for current physics studies. They are only implemented to have some sets in common between Pythia 5 and 6, for crosschecks. - Note 2: distribution 16 is an undocumented toy model with all parton distributions like 1/x; see code for details. * The SaS parton distributions (accessed with MSTP(55) = 5 - 12) have been upgraded from version 1 to version 2 of the SaSgam library (as before, with routines and commonblocks renamed). This is no change for real photons, as have been studied so far, but allows in the future several new alternatives to extend the distributions to virtual photons. - MSTP(60) : (D=7) extension of the SaS real-photon distributions to off-shell photons, especially for the anomalous component. For details, see G.A. Schuler and T. Sjostrand, Phys. Lett. B376 (1996) 193. = 1 : dipole dampening by integration; very time-consuming. = 2 : P_0^2 = max( Q_0^2, P^2 ) = 3 : P'_0^2 = Q_0^2 + P^2. = 4 : P_{eff} that preserves momentum sum. = 5 : P_{int} that preserves momentum and average evolution range. = 6 : P_{eff}, matched to P_0 in P2 -> Q2 limit. = 7 : P_{int}, matched to P_0 in P2 -> Q2 limit. - The PYGGAM argument list is expanded with one further input parameter IP2 SUBROUTINE PYGGAM(ISET,X,Q2,P2,IP2,F2GM,XPDFGM) where MSTP(60) is used as IP2 value in internal calls. - PYGVMD and PYGANO has VXPGA(-6:6) as new last argument. The array contains the valence part ofd the distributions at return. - COMMON/PYINT9/VXPVMD(-6:6),VXPANL(-6:6),VXPANH(-6:6),VXPDGM(-6:6) Purpose: to give the valence parts of the photon parton distributions (x-weighted, as usual) when the PYGGAM routine is called. Companion to /PYINT8/, which gives the total parton distributions. VXPVMD(KFL) : valence distributions of the VMD part; matches XPVMD in /PYINT8/. VXPANL(KFL) : valence distributions of the anomalous part of light quarks; matches XPANL in /PYINT8/. VXPANH(KFL) : valence distributions of the anomalous part of heavy quarks; matches XPANH in /PYINT8/. VXPDGM(KFL) : gives the sum of valence distributions parts; matches XPDFGM in the PYGGAM call. Note 1: the Bethe-Heitler and direct contributions in XPBEH(KFL) and XPDIR(KFL) in /PYINT8/ are pure valence-like, andtherefore are not duplicated here. Note 2: the sea parts of the distributions can be obtained by taking the appropriate differences between the total distributions and the valence distributions. * The default set for the parton distributions of the pion has been changed: MSTP(53) (D=3) choice of pion parton distribution set; default is GRV LO (updated version). * New argument KFA for PYPDEL routine, which now also can handle muons and taus. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARTON SHOWERS * PYSHOW allows the photon emission cutoff parameter to be set separately for quarks and leptons. The former function remains with PARJ(83), while the latter introduces the new parameter PARJ(90), with default 0.0001 GeV. Thus photon emission off leptons becomes more realistic, covering a larger part of the phase space. Since the lepton mass is not explicitly included in the shower formalism, the emission rate is still not well reproduced (underestimated!) for lepton-photon invariant masses smaller than roughly twice the lepton mass itself. * PYSHOW has been modified and expanded with new options related to mass effects in the shower. A first set of modifications were introduced in version 6.130, but the description of mass effects was further significantly improved in 6.154, and it is the latter that is described here. Further details are found in E. Norrbin and T. Sjostrand, in preparation. The starting point is the calculation of processes a -> b c and a -> b c g where the ratio WME(x_1,x_2) = 1/sigma(a -> b c) * dsigma(a -> b c g)/dx_1 d x_2 gives the process-dependent differential gluon-emission rate. Here the phase space variables are x_1 = 2E_b/m_a and x_2 = 2E_c/m_a, expressed in the rest frame of parton a. Using the standard model and the minimal supersymmetric extension thereof as templates, a wide selection of colour and spin structures have been addressed, exemplified by Z^0 -> q qbar, t -> b W^+, H^0 -> q qbar, t -> b H^+, Z^0 -> squark squarkbar, squark -> squark' W^+, H^0 -> squark squarkbar, squark -> squark' H^+, chi -> q squarkbar, squark -> q chi, t -> stop chi, gluino -> q squarkbar, squark -> q gluino, and t -> stop gluino. The mass ratios r_1 = m_b / m_a and r_2 = m_c/m_a have been kept as free parameters. When allowed, processes have been calculated for an arbitrary mixture of ``parities'', i.e. without or with a gamma_5 factor, like in the vector/axial vector structure of gamma*/Z^0. All the matrix elements are encoded in the new function PYMAEL(NI,X1,X2,R1,R2,ALPHA). In order to match to the singularity structure of the massive matrix elements, the evolution variable Q^2 is changed from m^2 to m^2 - m_{on-shell}^2, i.e. 1/Q^2 is the propagator of a massive particle. Furthermore, the z variable of a branching needs to be redefined, which is achieved by reducing the three-momenta of the daughters in the rest frame of the mother. For the shower history b -> b g this gives a differential probability WPS_1(x_1,x_2) = alpha_s/2pi * C_F * dQ^2/Q^2 * 2dz/(1-z) * 1/dx_1 d x_2 = alpha_s/2pi * C_F * 2/(x_3 (1 + r_2^2 - r_1^2 - x_2)) where the numerator 1 + z^2 of the splitting kernel for q -> q g has been replaced by a 2 in the shower algorithm. For a process with only one radiating parton in the final state, such as t -> b W^+, the ratio WME/WPS_1 gives the acceptance probability for an emission in the shower. The singularity structure exactly agrees between ME and PS, giving a well-behaved ratio always below unity. If both b and c can radiate, there is a second possible shower history that has to be considered. The matrix element is here split in two parts, one arbitrarily associated with b -> b g branchings and the other with c -> c g ones. A convenient choice is WME_1 = WME (1 + r_1^2 - r_2^2 - x_1)/x_3 and WME_2 = WME (1 + r_2^2 - r_1^2 - x_2)/x_3, which again gives matching singularity structures in WME_i/WPS_i and thus a well-behaved Monte Carlo procedure. Also subsequent emissions of gluons off the primary particles are corrected to WME. To this end, a reduced-energy system is constructed, which retains the kinematics of the branching under consideration but omits the gluons already emitted, so that an effective three-body shower state can be mapped to an (x_1, x_2, r_1, r_2) set of variables. For light quarks this procedure is almost equivalent with the original one of using the simple universal splitting kernels after the first branching. For heavy quarks it offers an improved modelling of mass effects also in the collinear region. Furthermore and somewhat separately, the description of g -> q qbar branchings has been expanded with several new options, in order to explore a larger range of uncertainty in predictions. - FUNCTION PYMAEL(NI,X1,X2,R1,R2,ALPHA) Purpose: Returns the ratio 1/sigma(a -> b c) * dsigma(a -> b c g)/dx_1 d x_2 * (alpha_s/2pi * C_F)^-1 i.e. the differential rate of gluon emission normalized to the lowest order expression without gluon emission, and omitting some simple factors, where the running of alpha_s probably is done better in shower language anyway. NI : code of the matrix element to be used, see E. Norrbin and T. Sjostrand, in preparation, Table 1. X1, X2 : standard energy fractions of the two daughters. R1, R2 : mass of the two daughters normalized to the mother mass. ALPHA: fraction of the no-gamma_5 (i.e. vector/scalar/...) part of the cross section; a free parameter for some matrix element options. - MSTJ(42) : (D=2) coherence level in shower. = 3 : in a branching a -> b g, where m_b is nonvanishing, the decay angle is reduced by a factor 1 + (m_b^2/m_a^2) (1-z)/z, thereby taking into account mass effects in the decay. Therefore more branchings are acceptable from an angular ordering point of view. In the definition of the angle in a g -> q qbar branchings, the naive massless expression is reduced by a factor sqrt(1 - 4 m_q^2/m_g^2), which can be motivated by a corresponding actual reduction in the p_T by mass effects. The requirement of angular ordering then kills fewer potential g -> q qbar branchings, i.e. the rate of such comes up. The g -> g g branchings are not changed from =2. This option is fully within the range of uncertainty that exists. = 4 : as = 3 for a -> b g and g -> g g branchings, but no angular ordering requirement conditions at all are imposed on g -> q qbar branchings. This is an unrealistic extreme, and results obtained with it should not be overstressed. However, for some studies it is of interest. For instance, it not only gives a much higher rate of charm and bottom production in showers, but also affects the kinematical distributions of such pairs. = 5 : new "intermediate" coherence level, where the consecutive gluon emissions off the original pair of branching partons is not contrained by angular ordering at all. The subsequent showering of such a gluon is angular ordered, however, starting from its production angle. At LEP energies, this gives almost no change in the total parton multiplicity, but this multiplicity now increases somewhat faster with energy than before, in better agreement with analytical formulae. (It has been pointed out that the PYSHOW algorithm overconstrains the shower by ordering emissions in mass and then vetoing increasing angles. This is a first simple attempt to redress the issue.) Other branchings as in = 2. = 6 : "intermediate" coherence level as =5 for primary partons, unchanged for g -> g g and reduced angle for g -> q qbar and secondary q -> q g as in =3. = 7 : "intermediate" coherence level as =5 for primary partons, unchanged for g -> g g, reduced angle for secondary q -> q g as in =3 and no angular ordering for g -> q qbar as in =4. - MSTJ(44) (D=2) alpha-strong argument in shower. = 3 : While pT^2 is used as alpha_strong argument in q -> q g and g -> gg branchings, as in =2, instead m^2/4 is used as argument for g -> q qbar ones. The argument is that the soft-gluon resummation results suggesting the pT^2 scale in the former processes is not valid for the latter one, so that any multiple of the mass of the branching parton is a perfectly valid alternative. The m^2/4 ones then gives continuity with pT^2 for z=1/2. Furthermore, with this choice,it is no longer necessary to have the requirement of a minimum pT in branchings, else required in order to avoid having alpha_strong blow up. Therefore, in this option, that cut has been removed for g -> gg branchings. Specifically, when combined with MSTJ(42)=4, it is possible to reproduce the naive 1 + cos^2(theta) angular distribution of g -> gg branchings, which is not possible in any other approach. (However, as noted above, it may give too high a charm and bottom production rate in showers.) = 4 : pT^2 as in =2, but scaled down by a factor (1 - m_b^2/m_a^2)^2 for a branching a -> b g with b massive, in an attempt better to take into account the mass effect on kinematics. = 5 : as for =4 for q -> q g, unchanged for g -> g g and as =3 for g -> q qbar. - MSTJ(47) : (D=3) matrix-element-motivated corrections to the shower emission rate in generic processes of the type a -> b c g. = 0 : no corrections. = 1 - 5 : yes; try to match to the most relevant matrix element and default back to an assumed source (e.g. a vector for a q qbar pair) if the correct mother particle cannot be found. = 6 - : yes, match to the specific matrix element code NI = MSTJ(47) of the PYMAEL function. Warning: since a process may contain sequential decays involving several different kinds of matrix elements, it may be dangerous to fix MSTJ(47) to a specialized value >5; see MSTJ(38). - MSTJ(38) : matrix element code NI for PYMAEL; as in MSTJ(47). If nonzero, the MSTJ(38) value overrides MSTJ(47), but is then set =0 in the PYSHOW call. The usefulness of this switch lies in processes where sequential decays occur and thus there are several showers, each requiring its matrix element. Therefore MSTJ(38) can be set in the calling routine when it is known, and when not set one defaults back to the attempted matching procedure of MSTJ(47)=3 (e.g.). - PARJ(80) : alpha value for the PYMAEL routine, to be used when MSTJ(38) is nonvanishing. * PYSSPA is improved by new scheme for merging matrix-element and parton-shower descriptions of initial-state radiation in the production of a single gauge-boson resonance, i.e. Z/gamma*, W, Z', W' and R. Also for other processes the possibility of changing the maximal scale of shower radiation is introduced, although here without the complete matrix-element correction machinery. The scheme is based on the study by G. Miu and T. Sjostrand, LU TP 98-30 and hep-ph/9812455; see also G. Miu, LU TP 98-9, hep-ph/9804317. As a consequence, the MSTP(68) variable takes on a new meaning. MSTP(68) : (D=1) choice of maximum virtuality scale and matrix-element matching scheme for initial-state radiation. = 0 : maximum shower virtuality is the same as the Q2 choice for the parton distributions, see MSTP(32). (Except that the multiplicative extra factor PARP(34) is absent and instead PARP(67) can be used for this purpose. No matrix-element correction. = 1 : as =0 for most processes, but new scheme for processes 1, 2, 141, 142 and 144, i.e. single s-channel colourless gauge boson production: gamma*/Z0, W+-, Z', W'+- and R. Here the maximum scale of shower evolution is s, the total squared energy. The nearest branching on either side of the hard scattering, of the types q -> q + g, f -> f + gamma, g -> q + qbar or gamma -> f + fbar, are corrected by the ratio of the first-order matrix-element weight to the parton-shower one, so as to obtain an improved description. See the references above for a detailed description. Note that the improvements apply both for incoming hadron and lepton beams. = 2 : the maximum scale for initial-state shower evolution is always selected to be s, except for the 2 -> 2 QCD processes 11, 12, 13, 28, 53 and 68. Based on the experience in the references above, there is reason to assume that this does give an improved qualitative description of the high-pT tail, although the quantitative agreement is currently beyond our control. No matrix-element corrections, even for the processes in =1. The QCD exception is to avoid the doublecounting issues that could easily arise here. = -1 : as =0, except that there is no requirement on uhat being negative, see point 2 below. Note that the default behaviour of PYSSPA is changed, in several respects. 1) For the processes listed in MSTP(68)=1, as a consequence of the new default MSP(68) value (the old one was =0). This clearly is very important for the high-pT tail and hence implies a significant improvement here. 2) A new cut is imposed on the combination of z and Q2 values in a branching, uhat = Q2 - shat_old * (1-z)/z = Q2 - shat_new * (1-z) < 0, where the association with the uhat variable is relevant if the branching is reinterpreted in terms of a 2 -> 2 scattering. Usually such a requirement comes out of the kinematics, and therefore is imposed eventually anyway. The corner of emissions that do not respect this requirement is that where the Q2 value of the spacelike emitting parton is little changed and the z value of the branching is close to unity. (That is, such branchings are kinematically allowed, but since the mapping to matrix-element variables would assume the first parton to have Q2=0, this mapping gives an unphysical uhat, and hence no possibility to impose a matrix-element correction factor.) The correct behaviour in this region is beyond leading-log preditivity. It is mainly important for the hardest emission, i.e. with largest Q2. The effect of this change is to reduce the total amount of emission by a non-negligible amount when no matrix-element correction is applied. (Witness results with the special option MSTP(68)=-1.) For matrix-element corrections to be applied, this requirement must be used for the hardest branching, and then whether it is used or not for the softer ones is less relevant. 3) The PARP(65) parameter for minimum gluon energy emitted in a spacelike showers is modified by an extra factor roughly corresponding to the 1/gamma factor for the boost to the hard subprocess frame. Earlier, when a subsystem was strongly boosted, i.e. at large rapidities in the cm frame of the collision, the PARP(65) requirement became quite stringent on the low-energy incoming side. Therefore much radiation could be cut out. Since this point gives changes of opposite sign to point 2, the net result of both changes gives a small net result. 4) The angular-ordering requirement is based on ordering p_T/p rather than p_T/p_L, i.e. replacing tan(theta) by sin(theta). Earlier the starting value tan(theta)_max = 10 could actually be violated by some bona fide emissions for strongly boosted subsystems, where one side has small p_L. Therefore some emissions were incorrectly removed when MSTP(62)=3, i.e. default. 5) For incoming muon (and tau) beams the kinematical variables are better selected to represent the differences in lepton mass. * PARP(67): (D=1) new default value to better represent matching between hard-process scale and initial-statee-radiation scale in QCD processes. * New variable MSTP(69), replacing some of the functionality previously provided by MSTP(68) but removed with the change in PYSSPA with Pythia 6.119: MSTP(69) (D=0) possibility to change Q2 scale for parton distributions from the MSTP(32) choice, especially for e+e-. = 0 : use MSTP(32) scale. = 1 : in lepton-lepton collisions, the QED lepton-inside-lepton parton distributions are evaluated with s, the full squared CM energy, as scale. = 2 : s is used as parton distribution scale also in other processes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UNDERLYING EVENTS * The assumption of a (more or less) energy-independent pTmin or pT0 lower cut-off of jet production in multiple interactions was developed in the days when parton distributions were normally assumed flat at small x (i.e. x*f_i(x,Q2) -> constant for x -> 0 at small Q2). In view of the HERA data this is no longer a valid assumption, and parton distributions have evolved to reflect this. The consequence is that the jet rate above some fixed small pTmin is increasing much faster than originally assumed. If unchecked, it leads to a much too fast increase in the multiple interaction rate, based on comparisons with data or with physics intuition. While we have no understanding of the detailed physics mechanisms, it appears sensible to introduce an explicit energy-dependence of pTmin and pT0 that closely matches this small-x dependence or, alternatively, the increase of the total cross section by the Pomeron term. Therefore the form used internally is now pTmin = PARP(81) * (ECM/PARP(89))**PARP(90), alternatively pT0 = PARP(82) * (ECM/PARP(89))**PARP(90), with ECM the current center of mass energy. Two new parameters are introduced, PARP(89) and PARP(90), and the default values of PARP(81) and PARP(82) are changed. PARP(81) : (D=1.9 GeV) effective mimimum transverse momentum pTmin for multiple interactions with MSTP(82) = 1, at the reference energy scale PARP(89), with the degree of energy rescaling given by PARP(90). PARP(82) : (D=2.1 GeV) regularization scale pT0 of the transverse momentum spectrum for multiple interactions with MSTP(82) >= 2, at the reference energy scale PARP(89), with the degree of energy rescaling given by PARP(90). (Current default based on MSTP(82)=4 option, without any change of MSTP(2) or MSTP(33).) PARP(89) : (D=1000 GeV) reference energy scale, at which PARP(81) and PARP(82) give the pTmin and pT0 values directly. Has no physical meaning in itself, but is used for convenience only. (A form pTmin = PARP(81) * ECM**PARP(90) would have been equally possible, but then with a less transparent meaning of PARP(81).) For studies of the pTmin dependence at some specific energy it is convenient to choose PARP(89) equal to this energy. PARP(90) : (D=0.16) power of the energy-rescaling term of the pTmin and pT0 parameters, which are assumed proportional to ECM**PARP(90). The default value is inspired by the rise of the total cross section by the Pomeron term, s**epsilon = ECM**(2*epsilon) = ECM**(2*0.08), which is not inconsistent with the small-x behaviour. It is also reasonably consistent with the energy-dependence implied with a comparison with the UA5 multiplicity distributions at 200 and 900 GeV. PARP(90) = 0 is an allowed value, i.e. it is possible to have energy-independent parameters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HADRONIZATION * Additions and changes to the baryon production models: see separate section below. * The possibility of colour rearrangement has been introduced for subprocess 25, W+W- pair production. - For a description of the basic physics ideas and the scenarios implemented, see T. Sjostrand and V.A. Khoze, Z. Phys. C62 (1994) 281. Available is also an alternative (the GH one) loosely based on G. Gustafson and J. Hakkinen, Z. Phys. C64 (1994) 659. - Only events where both W's decay hadronically (and not to top) are affected. At most one reconnection is allowed per event. - The code is based on the one available since long for the PYTHIA 5.7 program as a freestanding extension. The former version provided further information on where in an event a reconnection occurs, but was less well integrated in the PYTHIA framework than is the current implementation. - A new subroutine SUBROUTINE PYRECO(IW1,IW2,NSD1,NAFT1) has been added with the different scenarios. It is called from PYRESD where appropriate. - MSTP(115) : (D=0) (C) choice of colour rearrangement scenario. = 0 : no reconnection. = 1 : scenario I, reconnection inspired by a type I superconductor, with the reconnection probability related to overlap volume in space and time between the W+ and W- strings. Related parameters are found in PARP(115) - PARP(119), with PARP(117) of special interest. = 2 : scenario II, reconnection inspired by a type II superconductor, with reconnection possible when two string cores cross. Related parameter in PARP(115). = 3 : scenario II', as model II but with the additional requirement that a reconnection will only occur if the total string length is reduced by it. = 5 : the GH scenario, where the reconnection can occur that reduces the total string length (Lambda measure) most. PARP(120) gives the fraction of such event where a reconnection is actually made; since almost all events could allow a reconnection that would reduce the string length, PARP(120) is almost the same as the reconnection probability. = 11 : the intermediate scenario, where a reconnection is made at the "origin" of events, based on the subdivision of all radiation of a q-qbar system as coming either from the q or the qbar. PARP(120) gives the assumed probability that a reconnection will occur. A somewhat simpleminded model, but not quite unrealistic. = 12 : the instantaneous scenario, where a reconnection is allowed to occur before the parton showers, and showering is performed inside the reconnected systems with maximum virtuality set by the mass of the reconnected systems. PARP(120) gives the assumed probability that a reconnection will occur. Is completely unrealistic, but useful as an extreme example with very large effects. - PARP(115) : (D=1.5 fm) (C) the average fragmentation time of a string, giving the exponential suppression that a reconnection cannot occur if strings decayed before crossing. Is implicitly fixed by the string constant and the fragmentation function parameters, and so a significant change is not recommended. - PARP(116) : (D=0.5 fm) (C) width of the type I string, giving the radius of the Gaussian distribution in x and y separately. - PARP(117) : (D=0.6) (C) k_I, the main free parameter in the reconnection probability for scenario I; the probability is given by PARP(117) times the overlap volume, up to saturation effects. - PARP(118), PARP(119) : (D=2.5,2.0) (C) f_r and f_t, respectively, used in the Monte Carlo sampling of the phase space volume in scenario I. There is no real reason to change these numbers. - PARP(120) : (D=1.0) (D) (C) fraction of events in the GH, intermediate and instantaneous scenarios where a reconnection is allowed to occur. For the GH one a further suppression of the reconnection rate occurs from the requirement of reduced string length in a reconnection. - MSTI(32) : information on whether a reconnection occured in the current event; is 0 normally but 1 in case of reconnection. - MINT(32) : information on whether a reconnection occured in the current event; is 0 normally but 1 in case of reconnection. * The Bose-Einstein description is expanded with several new options. The earlier global method to ensure energy conservation (MSTJ(54)=0) has been replaced by a local one, i.e. the default behaviour haschanged. - For a description of the basic physics ideas and the scenarios implemented, see L. Lonnblad and T. Sjostrand, Eur. Phys. J. C2 (1998) 165. - Some new switches and parameters have been added. - MSTJ(53) (D=0) In e+e- -> W+W-, apply BE algorithm = 0 : on all pion pairs. = 1 : only on pairs were both pions come from the same W. = 2 : only on pairs were the pions come from different Ws. = -1 : on all pairs except unequal pions coming from different Ws. = -2 : when calculating balancing shifts for pions from same W, only consider pairs from this W. - MSTJ(54) (D=2) Alternative local energy compensation. (Notation in brackets refer to the one used in the above paper.) = 0 : global energy compensation (BE_0). = 1 : compensate with identical pairs by negative BE enhancement with a third of the radius (BE_3). = 2 : ditto, but with the compensation constrained to vanish at Q=0, by an addional 1-exp(-Q2*R2/4) factor (BE_32). = -1 : compensate with pair giving the smallest invariant mass (BE_m). = -2 : compansate with pair giving the smallest string length (BE_lambda). - MSTJ(55) (D=0) Calculation of difference vector. = 0 : in the lab frame. = 1 : in the CMS of the given pair. - MSTJ(56) (D=0) In e+e- -> W+W-, include distance between W's. = 0 : radius is the same for all pairs. = 1 : radius for pairs from different W's is R+deltaR_WW. (When considering W pairs with an energy well above threshold, this should give more realistic results.) - MSTJ(57) (D=1) Penalty for shifting particles with close-by identical neighbors in local energy compensation, MSTJ(54) < 0. = 0 : no penalty. = 1 : penalty. - PARJ(95) :(R) Set to the energy imbalance after the BE algorithm, before rescaling of momenta. - PARJ(96) : (R) Set to the alpha needed to retain energy-momentum conservation in each event for relevant models. * Particle data has in part been updated to the PDG 1996 edition (Particle Data Group, R.M. Barnett et al.,Phys. Rev. D54 (1996) 1. Not yet updated are the weakly decaying charm and bottom hadron branching ratios - here new information is added continuously, but still without a coherent picture. (In the PDG attempts at constrained fits, i.e. the numbers relevent for generators, 24% of D0 decays are left unexplained, 36% of D+, 82% of D_s, 93% of Lambda_c, and no attempt at all is made in the bottom sector.) * A new decay channel may be selected in PYDECY after 200 failures. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BARYON PRODUCTION MODELS * New advanced scheme for baryon production with the popcorn mechanism, plus some minor changes in the default older popcorn scheme. - New code written by Patrik Eden, patrik@thep.lu.se. - For a description of the new popcorn scheme, see P. Eden and G. Gustafson, Z. Phys. C75 (1997) 41. * The default baryon production option, MSTJ(12)=2, is not changed in any significant way. Advance warning is given, however, that the default may be changed in future versions, at least to MSTJ(12)=3 and possibly to MSTJ(12)=5. * Three new features for the baryon production are introduced. - Improved treatment of SU(6) symmetry requirements. + If q -> B + (qq)bar is SU(6)-rejected it may now change to q -> M + q'. + If qq -> M + qq', SU(6) symmetry is included in the weights for qq'; qq is kept with unit probability. + As before, qq is kept and only q is reselected when qq -> B + qbar is SU(6)-rejected. + As before, the joining qq + q -> B (when joining the two string sides) suffers no SU(6) suppression. The arguments for this procedure are presented below. It should not be regarded as a new model, rather a more correct implementation of the old. However, in order to enable the user to see the effects of the SU(6) weighting separately, both procedures are available as different options. - Suppression of diquark vertices with small Gamma values. This is based on a study of the production dynamics of the three quarks that form a baryon. The main experimental consequence is a suppression of the baryon production rate at large momentum fraction. - New flavour algorithm for baryons and popcorn (also using the small-Gamma suppression). While the old popcorn alternative allowed at most one meson to be produced in between the baryon and the antibaryon, the new model allows an arbitrary number. The new flavour model makes explicit use of the popcorn suppression exp(-2*m_T*M_T/k), where m_T is the transverse mass of the quark creating the colour fluctuation, M_T is the total invariant transverse mass of the popcorn meson system, and k is the string tension constant. Thus two parameters, representing the mean 2*m_T/k for light quarks and s-quarks, respectively, governs both diquark and popcorn meson production. A corresponding parameter is introduced for the fragmentation of strings that contain diquarks already from the beginning, i.e. baryon remnants. * The arguments for the the new flavour SU(6) rules are as follows. - In case of rejection due to SU(6) when q -> B + (qq)bar, one again chooses between a diquark or a quark. If choosing diquark, a new one is selected and tested, etc. In earlier versions of JETSET and PYTHIA, the algorithm was instead to always produce a new diquark if the previous one had been rejected. This leads to a slightly faster algorithm and a better interpretation of the input parameter for the diquark-to-quark production rate. However, the probability that a quark will produce a baryon and a antidiquark is then flavour independent, which is not in agreement with the model. With JETSET 7.4 default values, this leads e.g. to an enhancement of the Omega- relative to primary proton production with approximately a factor 1.2. - When selecting flavours according to the popcorn model for qq -> M + qq', the quark coming from the accepted qq is kept, and the other member of qq', as well as the spin of qq', is chosen with weights taking SU(6) symmetry into account. Thus the flavour of qq is not influenced by SU(6) factors for qq', but the popcorn meson is. - When a diquark has been fitted into a symmetrical three-particle state, it should not suffer any further SU(6) suppressions. Thus the accompanying antidiquark should "survive" with unit probability. When producing a quark to go with a previously produced diquark, this is achieved by testing the configuration against the proper SU(6) factor, and in case of rejection keep the diquark and pick a new quark, which then is tested, etc. - There is no obvious corresponding algorithm available when a quark from one side and a diquark from the other are joined to form the last hadron of the string. In this case the quark is a member of a pair, in which the antiquark already has formed a specific hadron. Thus the quark flavour cannot be reselected. One could consider the SU(6) rejection as a major joining failure, and restart the fragmentation of the original string, but then the the already accepted diquark DOES suffer extra SU(6) suppression. In the program the joining of a quark and a diquark is always accepted. * While the default behaviour of the older diquark and popcorn scenarios is essentially unchanged, the new implementation of baryon production does imply some minor differences also here. - The "brute force" suppression of rank 1 baryons by a paramter PARJ(19), is no longer a special option (previously MSTJ(12)=3). For backward compatibility, it is however not removed. Instead it is in fact always on, but is effectively off by keeping PARJ(19)=1, its default value. - New, but fairly equivalent treatment of baryon production in closed strings. (Calling the probability for diquark production x, the probability for baryon production is changed from x at 1st vertex and (1-x)x at 2nd, to 0 at 1st and x+(1-x)x at 2nd.) - New treatment of random flavour selection - the 'rndmflav' decay product - in hadron decays. If the production of daughters fails, a new rndmflav is now selected. Previously the same one was used until successful. (This is changed for the following reason: if rndmflav is a diquark, at least one BB~ pair is produced, which makes it more difficult to fulfill energy conservation, especially if the decaying hadron is light.) - New treatment of a low-mass closed string = cluster -> 2 hadrons. (If splitting the cluster by a diquark, the old model approximation of only one popcorn meson means that only one member of the diquark-antidiquark pair should be allowed to split to a popcorn meson. This is accounted for when splitting larger closed strings in PYSTRF, and when selecting rndmflav's in PYDECY. However, it was previously not done in PYPREP.) * How to use the baryon production options. - Use of the old diquark and popcorn models, MSTJ(12) = 1 and 2, is essentially unchanged. Note, however, that PARJ(19) is available for an ad-hoc suppression of first-rank baryon production. - Use of the old popcorn model with new SU(6) weighting: + Set MSTJ(12)=3. + Increase PARJ(1) by approximately a factor 1.2 to retain about the same effective baryon production rate as in MSTJ(12)=2. + Note: the new SU(6) weighting e.g. implies that the total production rate of charm and bottom baryons is reduced. - Use of the old flavour model with new SU(6) treatment and modified fragmentation function for diquark vertices (which softens baryon spectra): + Set MSTJ(12)=4. + Increase PARJ(1) by about a factor 1.7 and PARJ(5) by about a factor 1.2 to restore the baryon and popcorn rates of the MSTJ(12)=2 default. - Use of the new flavour model (automatically with modified diquark fragmentation function.) + Set MSTJ(12)=5. + Increase PARJ(1) by approximately a factor 2. + Change PARJ(18) from 1 to approx. 0.19. + Instead of PARJ(3-7), tune PARJ(8-10,18). (Here PARJ(10) is used only in collisions having remnants of baryon beam particles.) + Note: the proposed parameter values are based on a global fit to all baryon production rates. This e.g. means that the proton rate is lower than in the MSTJ(12)=2 option, with current data somewhere in between. The PARJ(1) value would have to be about 3 times higher in MSTJ(12)=5 than in =2 to have the same total baryon production rate (=proton+neutron), but then other baryon rates would not match at all. - The new options MSTJ(12)=4 and =5 (and, to some extent, =3) soften baryon spectra in such a way that PARJ(45) (delta-a for diquarks in the Lund symmetric fragmentation function) is available for a retune. It affects i.e. baryon-antibaryon rapidity correlations and the baryon excess over antibaryons in quark jets. * Changes in and additions to the commonblocks. MSTU(121-125) : Internal flags and counters; only MSTU(123) may be touched by user. MSTU(121) : Popcorn meson counter. MSTU(122) : Points at the proper diquark production weights, to distinguish between ordinary popcorn and rank 0 diquark systems. Only needed if MSTJ(12)=5. MSTU(123) : Initalization flag. If MSTU(123) is 0 in a PYKFDI call, PYKFIN is called and MSTU(123) set to 1. Would need to be reset by the user if flavour parameters are changed in the middle of a run. MSTU(124) : First parton flavour in decay call, stored to easily find random flavour partner in a popcorn system. MSTU(125) : Maximum number of popcorn mesons allowed in decay flavour generation. If a larger popcorn system passes the fake string suppressions, the error KF=0 is returned and the flavour generation for the decay is restarted. MSTU(131-140) : Store of popcorn meson flavour codes in decay algorithm. Purely internal. MSTJ(12) : (D=2) Main switch for choice of baryon production model. Suppression of rank 1 baryons by a parameter PARJ(19) is no longer governed by the MSTJ(12) switch, but instead turned on by setting PARJ(19)<1. Three new options are available: = 3 : as =2, but with improved SU(6) treatment. = 4 : as =3, but also suppressing diquark vertices with low Gamma values. = 5 : Revised popcorn model. Independent of PARJ(3-7). Depending on PARJ(8-10). Including the same kind of suppression as =4. PARJ(8), PARJ(9) : (D=0.6,1.2 GeV^-1) The new popcorn parameters B_u and dB = B_s - B_u. Used to suppress popcorn mesons of total invariant mass M_T by exp(-B_q*M_T). PARJ(10) : (D=0.6 GeV^-1) Corresponding parameter for suppression of leading rank mesons of transverse mass M_T in the fragmentation of diquark jets. PARF(131-187) : Different diquark and popcorn weights, calculated in PYKFIN. PARF(191) : (D=0.2 GeV) Non-constituent mass of ud_0 diquark, which has a slight influence on the weights in the new algorithm. PARF(192) : (D=0.5) Gamma suppression parameter. The suppression factor is 1 - PARF(192)**Gamma, with Gamma in GeV^2. PARF(193,194) : Store of some parameters used by the present popcorn system. PARF(201-1400) : Weights for every possible popcorn meson construction in the MSTJ(12)=5 option. Thus MSTJ(12)=5 is forbidden to be combined with MSTJ(15)=1. * In summary, all commonblock variables are completely internal, except MSTU(123), MSTJ(12), PARJ(8-10) and PARF(191-192). - PARF(191-192) should not need to be changed. - MSTU(123) should be 0 when starting, and reset to 0 whenever changing a switch or parameter which influences flavour weights. - With MSTJ(12)=4, PARJ(5) may need to increase. - With MSTJ(12)=5, a preliminary tune suggests PARJ(8,9,10) = 0.6, 1.2, 0.6, PARJ(1)=0.20 and PARJ(18)=0.19. * Three new subroutines are added, but are only needed for internal use. SUBROUTINE PYKFIN : Precalculates a set of diquark and popcorn weights. Called by PYKFDI if MSTU(123)=0. Sets MSTU(123) to 1. SUBROUTINE PYNMES(KFDIQ) : If KFDIQ=0, it generates the number of popcorn mesons and stores some relevant parameters. If KFDIQ not 0 it generates number of leading rank mesons in the fragmentation of a diquark string with original diquark KFDIQ. Called by PYKFDI. SUBROUTINE PYDCYK(KFL1,KFL2,KFL3,KF) : Handles flavour production in the decay of unstable particles and small string clusters. Is essentially the same as PYKFDI, but takes into acount the effects of string dynamics on flavour selection in the MSTJ(12)>3 options. KFL1,KFL2,KFL3 and KF are the same as for PYKFDI. Called by PYDECY and PYPREP. * The complete list of subprogram changes is as follows. PYCOMP : Taking internal popcorn flags on diquarks into account. PYDECY, PYMASS : No longer checking diquarks for popcorn flags before calling PYCOMP. PYKFDI : Quite differently formulated, but equivalent algorithm introduced. Improved treatment of SU(6) symmetry requirements. New flavour algorithm, based on advanced popcorn model. PYNMES : New function. Selects number of popcorns mesons in a popcorn system. (Also used in the reformulated algorithm of the old model, when it always returns 0 or 1 popcorn meson.) PYKFIN : New subroutine. Precalculates a large set of flavour production weights from the input parameters. PYSTRF : The rank 1 baryon suppression no longer depends on any switch, but merely on the suppression parameter. Default is no suppression. New option, suppressing diquark vertices at small Gamma, introduced. New (but corresponding) treatment of baryon production at first and second vertex of closed string. Suppression factors of popcorn meson system due to its transverse mass in new flavour algorithm introduced. Junction strings forbidden to be combined with new popcorn options. PYINDF : The rank 1 baryon suppression no longer depends on any switch, but merely on the suppression parameter. Default is no suppression. Warning message if trying to combine with new popcorn options. (No new options implemented.) PYDCYK : New subroutine, handles flavour selection in new popcorn model for the case of cluster and hadron decays, where no dynamical string variables are present. Generalized to take care of old flavour models as well. PYDECY : Uses PYDCYK instead of PYKFDI to a large extent. Reselects random flavour which failed. PYPREP : Uses PYDCYK instead of PYKFDI in cluster decays. This implies a better treatment of closed string clusters, where previously both a random flavour diquark and its antidiquark partner was tested for popcorn. PYDATA : PARJ(8-10) given default values for new flavour algorithm. Old model kept as default in MSTJ(12), PARJ(1) and PARJ(18). PARF(131-194,201-1400) and MSTU(121-140) used internally. * Internally the diquark codes have been extended to store the necessary further popcorn information. As before, an initially existing diquark has a code of the type 1000*q_a + 100*q_b + 2s+1, where q_a > q_b. Diquarks created in the fragmentation process now have the longer code 10000*q_c + 1000*q_a + 100*q_b + 2s+1, i.e. one further digit is set. Here q_c is the curtain quark, i.e. the flavour of the quark-antiquark pair that is shared between the baryon and the antibaryon, either q_a or q_b. The non-curtain quark, the other of q_a and q_b, may have its antiquark partner in a popcorn meson. In case there are no popcorn mesons this information is not needed, but is still set at random to be either of q_a and q_b. The extended code is used internally in PYSTRF and PYDECY and in some routines called by them, but is not visible in any event listings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERFACES TO OTHER GENERATORS * In e+e- annihilation events, a convenient classification of electroweak physics is by the number of fermions in the final state. Two fermions from Z0 decay is LEP1 physics, four fermions can come e.g. from W+W- or Z0Z0 events at LEP2, and at higher energies six fermions are produced by three-gauge-boson production or top-antitop. Often interference terms are non-negligible, requiring much more complex matrix-element expressions than are normally provided in PYTHIA. Dedicated electroweak generators often exist, however, and the task is therefore to interface them to the generic parton showering and hadronization machinery available in PYTHIA. In the LEP2 workshop (I.G. Knowles et al., in Physics at LEP2, CERN 96-01, eds. G.Altarelli, T. Sjostrand and F. Zwirner, p. 103) one possible strategy was outline to allow reasonably standardized interfaces between the electroweak and the QCD generators. The LU4FRM routine was provided for the key four-fermion case. This routine is now included here, in slightly modified form, together with two new siblings for two and six fermions. The former is trivial and included mainly for completeness, while the latter is rather more delicate. - CALL PY2FRM(IRAD,ITAU,ICOM) Purpose: to allow a parton shower to develop and partons to hadronize from a two-fermion starting point. The initial list is supposed to be ordered such that the fermion precedes the antifermion. In addition, an arbitrary number of photons may be included, e.g. from initial-state radiation; these will not be affected by the operation and can be put anywhere. The scale for QCD (and QED) radiation is automatically set to be the mass of the fermion-antifermion pair. (It is thus not suited for Bhabha scattering.) IRAD : final-state QED radiation. = 0 : no final-state photon radiation, only QCD showers. = 1 : photon radiation inside each final fermion pair, also leptons, in addition to the QCD one for quarks. ITAU : handling of tau lepton decay (where PYTHIA does not include spin effects, although some generators provide the helicity information that would allow a more sophisticated modelling). = 0 : taus are considered stable. = 1 : taus are allowed to decay. ICOM : place where information about the event (flavours, momenta etc.) is stored at input and output. = 0 : in the HEPEVT commonblock (meaning that information is automatically translated to PYJETS before treatment and back afterwards). = 1 : in the PYJETS commonblock. All fermions and photons can e.g. be given with status code K(I,1)=1, flavour code in K(I,2) and five-momentum (momentum, energy, mass) in P(I,J). The V vector and remaining components in the K one are best put to zero. Also remember to set the total number of entries N. - CALL PY4FRM(ATOTSQ,A1SQ,A2SQ,ISTRAT,IRAD,ITAU,ICOM) Purpose: to allow a parton shower to develop and partons to hadronize from a four-fermion starting point. The initial list of fermions is supposed to be ordered in the sequence fermion (1) - antifermion (2) - fermion (3) - antifermion (4). The flavour pairs should be arranged so that, if possible, the first two could come from a W+ and the second two from a W-; else each pair should have flavours consistent with a Z0. In addition, an arbitrary number of photons may be included, e.g. from initial-state radiation; these will not be affected by the operation and can be put anywhere. Since the colour flow need not be unique, three real and one integer numbers are providing further input. Once the colour pairing is determined, the scale for QCD (and QED) radiation is automatically set to be the mass of the fermion-antifermion pair. (This is the relevant choice for normal fermion pair production from resonance decay, but is not suited e.g. for 2-gamma processes dominated by small-t propagators.) The pairing is also meaningful for QED radiation, in the sense that a four-lepton final state is subdivided into two radiating subsystems in the same way. Only if the event consists of one lepton pair and one quark pair is the information superfluous. ATOTSQ : total squared amplitude for the event, irrespective of colour flow. A1SQ : squared amplitude for the configuration with fermions 1 + 2 and 3 + 4 as the two colour singlets. A2SQ : squared amplitude for the configuration with fermions 1 + 4 and 3 + 2 as the two colour singlets. ISTRAT : the choice of strategy to select either of the two possible colour configurations. Here 0 is supposed to represent a reasonable compromize, while 1 and 2 are selected so as to give the largest reasonable spread one could imagine. = 0 : pick configurations according to relative probabilities A1SQ : A2SQ. = 1 : assign the interference contribution to maximize the 1 + 2 and 3 + 4 pairing of fermions. = 2 : assign the interference contribution to maximize the 1 + 4 and 3 + 2 pairing of fermions. IRAD : final-state QED radiation. = 0 : no final-state photon radiation, only QCD showers. = 1 : photon radiation inside each final fermion pair, also leptons, in addition to the QCD one for quarks. ITAU : handling of tau lepton decay (where PYTHIA does not include spin effects, although some generators provide the helicity information that would allow a more sophisticated modelling). = 0 : taus are considered stable. = 1 : taus are allowed to decay. ICOM : place where information about the event (flavours, momenta etc.) is stored at input and output. = 0 : in the HEPEVT commonblock (meaning that information is automatically translated to PYJETS before treatment and back afterwards). = 1 : in the PYJETS commonblock. All fermions and photons can e.g. be given with status code K(I,1)=1, flavour code in K(I,2) and five-momentum (momentum, energy, mass) in P(I,J). The V vector and remaining components in the K one are best put to zero. Also remember to set the total number of entries N. - CALL PY6FRM(P12,P13,P21,P23,P31,P32,PTOP,IRAD,ITAU,ICOM) Purpose: to allow a parton shower to develop and partons to hadronize from a six-fermion starting point. The initial list of fermions is supposed to be ordered in the sequence fermion (1) - antifermion (2) - fermion (3) - antifermion (4) - fermion (5) - antifermion (6). The flavour pairs should be arranged so that, if possible, the first two could come from a Z0, the middle two from a W+ and the last two from a W-; else each pair should have flavours consistent with a Z0. Specifically, this means that in a t-tbar event, the t decay products would be found in 1 (b) and 3 and 4 (from the W+ decay) and the tbar ones in 2 (bbar) and 5 and 6 (from the W- decay). In addition, an arbitrary number of photons may be included, e.g. from initial-state radiation; these will not be affected by the operation and can be put anywhere. Since the colour flow need not be unique, further input is needed to specify this. The number of possible interference contributions being much larger than for the four-fermion case, we have not tried to implement different strategies. Instead six probabilities may be input for the different pairings, that the user e.g. could pick at the six possible squared amplitudes, or according to some more complicated scheme for how to handle the interference terms. The treatment of cascades must be quite different for top events and the rest. For a normal three-boson event, each fermion pair would form one radiating system, with scale set equal to the fermion-antifermion invariant mass. (This is the relevant choice for normal fermion pair production from resonance decay, but is not suited e.g. for 2-gamma processes dominated by small-t propagators.) In the top case, on the other hand, the b (bbar) would be radiating with a recoil taken by the W+ (W-) in such a way that the t (tbar) mass is preserved, while the W dipoles would radiate as normal. Therefore the user need also supply a probability for the event to be a top one, again e.g. based on some squared amplitude. P12, P13, P21, P23, P31, P32 : relative probabilities for the six possible pairings of fermions with antifermions. The first (second) digit tells which antifermion the first (second) fermion is paired with, with the third pairing given by elimination. Thus e.g. P23 means the first fermion is paired with the second antifermion, the second fermion with the third antifermion and the third fermion with the first antifermion. Pairings are only possible between quarks and leptons separately. The sum of probabilities for allowed pairings is automatically normalized to unity. PTOP : the probability that the configuration is a top one; a number between 0 and one. In this case, it is important that the order described above is respected, with the b and bbar coming first. No colour ambiguity exists if the top interpretation is selected, so then the P12 - P32 numbers are not used. (One could imagine colour reconnection at later stages of the process, e.g. between the two W's. However, we are then no longer speaking of ambiguities related to the hard process itself but rather to the possibility of subsquent reconnection, e.g. at the nonperturbative level. This is an interesting topic in itself, but not the one addressed here, where the colour assignment is used for the full cascade evolution.) IRAD : final-state QED radiation. = 0 : no final-state photon radiation, only QCD showers. = 1 : photon radiation inside each final fermion pair, also leptons, in addition to the QCD one for quarks. ITAU : handling of tau lepton decay (where PYTHIA does not include spin effects, although some generators provide the helicity information that would allow a more sophisticated modelling). = 0 : taus are considered stable. = 1 : taus are allowed to decay. ICOM : place where information about the event (flavours, momenta etc.) is stored at input and output. = 0 : in the HEPEVT commonblock (meaning that information is automatically translated to PYJETS before treatment and back afterwards). = 1 : in the PYJETS commonblock. All fermions and photons can e.g. be given with status code K(I,1)=1, flavour code in K(I,2) and five-momentum (momentum, energy, mass) in P(I,J). The V vector and remaining components in the K one are best put to zero. Also remember to set the total number of entries N. * The above routines are not set up to handle QCD four-jet events, i.e. events of the types q qbar g g and q qbar q' qbar' (with q' qbar' coming from a gluon branching). Such events are generated in normal parton showers, but not necessarily at the right rate (a problem that may be especially interesting for massive quarks like b). Therefore one would like to start a QCD parton shower from a given four-parton configuration. Already some time ago, a machinery was developed to handle this kind of occurences, see J. Andre and T. Sjostrand, Phys. Rev. D57 (1998) 5767. This approach has now been adapted to Pythia 6.1, in a somewhat modified form. The main change is that, in the original work, the colour flow was picked in a separate first step (not discussed in the publication, since it is part of the standard Jetset 4-parton configuration machinery), which reduces the number of allowed q qbar g g parton-shower histories. In the current implementation, more geared towards completely external generators, no colour flow assumptions are made, meaning a few more possible shower histories to pick between. Another change is that mass effects are better respected by the z definition. In its structure, the new code is rather different from the original Jetset 7.4 based one. The code contains one new user routime, PY4JET, two new auxiliary ones, PY4JTW and PY4JTS, and significant additions to the PYSHOW showering routine. - CALL PY4JET(PMAX,IRAD,ICOM) Purpose: to allow a parton shower to develop and partons to hadronize from a q qbar g g or q qbar q' qbar' original configuration. The partons should be ordered exactly as indicated above, with the primary q qbar pair first and thereafter the two gluons or the secondary q' qbar' pair. (Strictly speaking, the definition of primary and secondary fermion pair is ambiguous. In practice, however, differences in topological variables like the pair mass should make it feasible to have some sensible criterion on an event by event basis.) Within each pair, fermion should precede antifermion. In addition, an arbitrary number of photons may be included, e.g. from initial-state radiation; these will not be affected by the operation and can be put anywhere. The program will select a possible parton shower history from the given parton configuration, and then continue the shower from there on. The history selected is displayed in lines Nold+1 to Nold+6, where Nold is the N value before the routine is called. Here the masses and energies of intermediate partons are clearly displayed. The lines Nold+7 and Nold+8 contain the equivalent on-mass-shell parton pair from which the shower is started. PMAX : the maximum mass scale (in GeV) from which the shower is started in those branches that are not already fixed by the matrix-element history. If PMAX is set zero (actually below PARJ(82), the shower cutoff scale), the shower starting scale is instead set to be equal to the smallest mass of the virtual partons in the reconstructed shower history. A fixed PMAX can thus be used to obtain a reasonably exclusive set of four-jet events (to that PMAX scale), with little five-jet contamination, while the PMAX=0 option gives a more inclusive interpretation, with five- or more-jet events possible. Note that the shower is based on evolution in mass, meaning the cut is really one of mass, not of pT, and that it may therefore be advantageous to set up the matrix elements cuts accordingly if one wishes to mix different event classes. This is not a requirement, however. IRAD : final-state QED radiation. = 0 : no final-state photon radiation, only QCD showers. = 1 : photon radiation is allowed in the QCD shower (but currently a photon cannot be one of the four original partons). ICOM : place where information about the event (flavours, momenta etc.) is stored at input and output. = 0 : in the HEPEVT commonblock (meaning that information is automatically translated to PYJETS before treatment and back afterwards). = 1 : in the PYJETS commonblock. All fermions and photons can e.g. be given with status code K(I,1)=1, flavour code in K(I,2) and five-momentum (momentum, energy, mass) in P(I,J). The V vector and remaining components in the K one are best put to zero. Also remember to set the total number of entries N. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTOGRAMS * The GBOOK package was written in 1979, at a time when HBOOK was not available in Fortran 77. It has been used since as a small and simple histogramming program. For this new version of PYTHIA the program has been updated to run together with PYTHIA in double precision. Only the one-dimensional histogram part has been retained, and subroutine names have been changed to fit PYTHIA conventions. These modified routines are now distributed together with PYTHIA. They would not be used for final graphics, but may be handy for simple checks. * Basic principles. - There is a maximum of 1000 histograms at the disposal of the user, numbered in the range 1 to 1000. Before a histogram can be filled, space must be reserved (booked) for it, and histogram information provided. - Histogram contents are stored in a commonblock of dimension 20000, in the order they are booked. Each booked histogram requires NX+28 numbers, where NX is the number of x bins and the 28 include limits, under/overflow and the title. If you run out of space, the program can be recompiled with larger dimensions. - Histograms can be manipulated with a few routines. - Histogram output is "line printer" style, i.e. no graphics. * CALL PYBOOK(ID,TITLE,NX,XL,XU) Purpose: to book a one-dimensional histogram. ID : histogram number, integer between 1 and 1000. TITLE : histogram title, at most 60 characters. NX : number of bins (in x direction) in histogram, integer between 1 and 100. XL, XU : lower and upper bound, respectively, on the x range covered by the histogram. * CALL PYFILL(ID,X,W) Purpose: to fill a one-dimensional histogram. ID : histogram number. X : x coordinate of point. W : weight to be added in this point. * CALL PYFACT(ID,F) Purpose: to rescale the contents of a histogram. ID : histogram number. F : rescaling factor, i.e. a factor that all bin contents (including overflow etc.) are multiplied by. Remark: a typical rescaling factor could be f = 1/(bin size * number of events) = NX/(XU-XL) * 1/(number of events). * CALL PYOPER(ID1,OPER,ID2,ID3,F1,F2) Purpose: this is a general purpose routine for editing one or several histograms, which all are assumed to have the same number of bins. Operations are carried out bin by bin, including overflow bins etc. OPER: gives the type of operation to be carried out, a one-character string or a CHARACTER*1 variable. = '+', '-', '*', '/': add, subract, multiply or divide the contents in ID1 and ID2 and put the result in ID3. F1 and F2, if not 1D0, give factors by which the ID1 and ID2 bin contents are multiplied before the indicated operation. (Division with a vanishing bin content will give 0.) = 'A', 'S', 'L': for 'S' the square root of the content in ID1 is taken (result 0 for negative bin contents) and for 'L' the 10-logarithm is taken (a nonpositive bin content is before that replaced by 0.8 times the smallest positive bin content). Thereafter, in all three cases, the content is multiplied by F1 and added with F2, and the result is placed in ID3. Thus ID2 is dummy in these cases. = 'M': intended for statistical analysis, bin-by-bin mean and standard deviation of a variable, assuming that ID1 contains accumulated weights, ID2 accumulated weight*variable and ID3 accumulated weight*variable-squared. Afterwards ID2 will contain the mean values (=ID2/ID1) and ID3 the standard deviations (=sqrt(ID3/ID1-(ID2/ID1)**2)). In the end, F1 multiplies ID1 (for normalization purposes), while F2 is dummy. ID1, ID2, ID3 : histogram numbers, used as described above. F1, F2 : factors or offsets, used as described above. * CALL PYHIST Purpose: to print all histograms that have been filled, and thereafter reset their bin contents to 0. * CALL PYPLOT(ID) Purpose: to print out a single histogram. ID : histogram to be printed. * CALL PYNULL(ID) Purpose: to reset all bin contents, including overflow etc., to 0. ID : histogram to be reset. * CALL PYDUMP(MDUMP,LFN,NHI,IHI) Purpose: to dump the contents of existing histograms on an external file, from which they could be read in to another program. MDUMP : the action to be taken. = 1 : dump histograms, each with the first line giving histogram number and title, the second the number of x bins and lower and upper limit, the third the total number of entries and under-, inside- and overflow, and subsequent ones the bin contents grouped five per line. If NHI=0 all existing histograms are dumped and IHI is dummy, else the NHI histograms with numbers IHI(1) through IHI(NHI) are dumped. = 2 : read in histograms dumped with MDUMP=1 and book and fill histograms according to this information. (With modest modifications this option could instead be used to write the info to HBOOK/HPLOT format, or whatever.) NHI and IHI are dummy. = 3 : dump histogram contents in column style, where the first column contains the x values (average of respective bin) of the first histogram, and subsequent columns the histogram contents. All histograms dumped this way must have the same number of x bins, but it is not checked whether the x range is also the same. If NHI=0 all existing histograms are dumped and IHI is dummy, else the NHI histograms with numbers IHI(1) through IHI(NHI) are dumped. A file written this way can be read e.g. by GNUPLOT. LFN : the file number to which the contents should be written. You must see to it that this file is properly opened for write (since the definition of file names is machine dependent). NHI : number of histograms to be dumped; if 0 then all existing histograms are dumped. IHI : array containing histogram numbers in the first NHI positions for NHI nonzero. * COMMON/PYBINS/IHIST(4),INDX(1000),BIN(20000) Purpose: to contain all information on histograms. IHIST(1) : (D=1000) maximum allowed histogram number, i.e. dimension of the INDX array. IHIST(2) : (D=20000) size of histogram storage, i.e. dimension of the BIN array. IHIST(3) : (D=55) maximum number of lines per page assumed for printing histograms. 18 lines are reserved for title, bin contents and statistics, while the rest can be used for the histogram proper. IHIST(4) : internal counter for space usage in the BIN array. INDX : gives the initial address in BIN for each histogram. If this array is expanded, also IHIST(1) should be changed. BIN : gives bin contents and some further histogram information for the booked histograms. If this array is expanded, also IHIST(2) should be changed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS * Improved clarity of code and comments. - The contents of DO loops are indented two steps. - The header info given for each subroutine has been moved and modified. - Title page with PYLOGO has been modified. * LUDBRB has been removed. The new PYROBO always requires two integer arguments to give range of action, followed by the angles and the boost vector. The integer arguments can be picked 0 to indicate standard range (1-N). * MSTP(126) is now by default 50, giving the number of documentation lines at the beginning of the record. * PYGIVE has been updated with new commonblock variables and changed array dimensions. * The random number generator PYR now works in double precision, i.e. 48 bits are set. The Marsaglia-Zaman algorithm is used, as before, with a minor extension at the initialization stage. * PYCLUS has been expanded with new options 5 and 6, which do the Durham algorithm as option 3 and 4 do the JADE one. * A new subroutine PYTIME has been added to give the date and time, for use in PYLOGO and elsewhere. Since Fortran 77 does not contain a standard way of obtaining this information, the routine is dummy, to be replaced by the user. The output is given in an integer array ITIME(6), with components year, month, day, hour, minute and second. If there should be no such information available on a system, it is acceptable to put all the numbers above to 0. * Extra check in PYSCAT for low remnant energies (mainly for heavy quarks). * A new function PYMRUN to allow running (Q2-dependent) masses. - PM = PYMRUN(KF,Q2) Purpose: to give running masses of d, u, s, c and b quarks. For all other particles, the PYMASS function is called by PYMRUN to give the normal mass. KF : flavour code. Q2 : the scale at which the mass is evaluated. Note: The nominal values, valid at a reference scale Q2ref = max((PARP(37)*nominalmass)^2 , 4*Lambda^2), are stored in PARF(91)-PARF(95). - PARF(91) - PARF(95) : (D = 0.0099, 0.0056, 0.199, 1.35, 4.5 GeV) default nominal masses, used to give the running masses. (Note change of b quark mass from the 5 GeV previously used.) - The result is that, for the d, u, s, c and b quarks, there are now three different sets of masses in use in the program. PMAS(KF,1) : the "on-shell" masses used to set up the kinematics of partonic state produced in an event. PARF(100+KF) : constituent masses, used in the fragmentation description, recommended not to change. PARF(90+KF) : the current algebra style masses, used as input for running masses in Higgs physics. For diquarks, only the first two exist, and for the others only the first one. * For the HEPEVT common, NMXHEP is 4000 rather than 2000 and real variables are DOUBLE PRECISION, to conform with the LEP 2 workshop agreement. * Some bug fixes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES FROM BASELINE VERSION 6.100 : 4 March 1997 - baseline. 6.101 : 17 March 1997 - PYRECO: DETER(I,J,K) -> DETER(I,J,L) to avoid problems with some compilers. - PYDUMP: bug END=180 -> END=170. - PYWIDT: calculation of beta threshold factor reorganized to avoid overflow at high energies and to remove an inconsistency. - PYSTAT: option 2 changed to allow listing of third decay product in some channels. - PYTIME: alternative timing suited for GNU LINUX libU77. - PYRAND: information on where in phase space a maximum has been violated has been reduced (MSTP(122)=0 : not at all; =1 : only when error (i.e. not for warnings); =2 : always). 6.102 : 22 April 1997 - PYMASS: the special options for MSTJ(93) nonzero, used especially in the fragmentation process, have been corrected. This corrects an error in the translation from JETSET 7.4 to PYTHIA 6.1. The error has somewhat suppressed the amount of baryon production relative to JETSET 7.4, but effects are not drastic. - PYMULT: the comparison XT2.LE.0.01D0*VINT(149) has been changed to 0.01001 to avoid possibility of infinite loop. - PYSIGH: further check for process 145 that IA not equal to JA (purely preventive; not known to have caused any problems). 6.103 : 23 May 1997 - PYSIGH, PYVACU, PYHGGM: some updates/corrections of the SUSY generation. - PYUPIN: allow external process numbers up to 500. 6.104 : 30 June 1997 - Three new processes for J/psi production: 106 - 108, see above, in the section on `hard processes'. - PYRESD: a major bug in the angular distribution of process 1, caused by a missing factor of 2 in the WTMAX expression. This leads to an essentially flat distribution in cos(theta). 6.110 : 10 October 1997 - Modified code for baryon production. The default behaviour is essentially unchanged, while an advanced popcorn scheme has been added as a further option. Also some intermediate new options are implemented. The physics aspects are described above, in the section on `baryon production models'. - The Breit-Wigner evaluation in process 35 corrected in the same way as has already been implemented for the other Z-production processes (but apparently overlooked here). - Restore bug fix to process 145, erroneously not carried over to version 6.104. - In the fixed-alpha_s option MSTU(111)=0 the Lambda=PARU(117) is set so that the first-order running alpha_s agrees with the desired fixed alpha_s for the Q2 value used. Of no consequence except as extra safety. - Error message if PYFILL is used with an unbooked histogram number. - Further line added to output/input for PYDUMP options 1 and 2, giving information on the total number of entries and under-, inside- and overflow. 6.111 : 27 October 1997 - Forgotten values for XLO and XHI inserted in PYFINT routine. - Change of sign convention for RMSS(16) in PYAPPS routine. 6.112 : 30 October 1997 - PYRESD has been modified to cope with the decay t -> W + b + Z (note order of decay products), by including the necessary colour flow option and by setting angular weight according to isotropic decay of the W and Z. The program does not calculate the partial width to this potential channel. 6.113 : 11 November 1997 - PYEIG4 has been expanded to cover a missed ambiguity in the solution of a fourth-degree equation. This ambiguity could, for some parameter values, give the wrong mass eigenstates in the neutralino sector. 6.114 : 19 November 1997 - GOTO jump into IF...ENDIF block removed from PYSTRF. - Underscore replaced by W in some PYKFIN variable names. 6.115 : 27 January 1998 - In the intermediate scenario of colour reconnection, MSTP(115)=11, the QCD radiation has been reduced until now by an untentional application of the colour interference machinery. This is now solved by having MSTJ(50)=0 during the shower call. - A factor 1/SH has been missing in the width expression for t -> stop + neutralino, thus giving too large partial width. - Two errors in PYRESD corrected for the case the routine is called from outside the standard PYINIT/PYEVNT machinery, i.e. without having a subprocess number defined. The first ensures isotropic decay angles, the second correct history pointers in K(I,3). - D-format changed to E-format in PYDUMP(3), to be consistent with GNUPLOT input conventions. - Further check on allowed histogram numbers in PYFILL, PYFACT, PYOPER, PYPLOT and PYNULL. - Removed redundant/erroneous check on MSTU(183) in PYLOGO. - MSTP(48) default changed from 2 to 0 as intended. (Should not have mattered anywhere.) 6.116 : 8 July 1998 - Initial-state radiation for a muon beam is now allowed (and also for a tau beam). The radiation machinery is as for an electron, with a trivial replacement of the electron mass. To distinguish the e/mu/tau cases, the PYPDEL routine has KFA as a further argument and PYPDFU is modified accordingly. - Ten new processes, 131 - 140, for reactions involving virtual photons. The (square root with appropriate sign of the) photon virtualities can be set in P(1,5) and P(2,5) when PYINIT is called with the 'FIVE' option. - Two new processes, 104 and 105, for chi_c production. - PYPDFU and other routines are modified to allow virtual photons. A dummy copy of STRUCTP (the PDFLIB routine for virtual photons) is included in case PDFLIB is not linked. - New variable VINT(120) coincides with VINT(3) or VINT(4), depending on which side of the event is considered. Is used to bring information on the user-defined virtuality of a photon beam to the parton distributions of the photon. - GRV 92L parton distribution is reinserted, for crosschecks with Pythia 5.7. Affects PYPDPR, PYPDFU and PYINIT. - The technipi partial width to quarks corrected down by factor 3 (avoiding doublecounting of colour factor). - A fudge factor PARP(146) has been introduced for the technipi partial width to a fermion pair. - Address of the Pythia webpage is updated. - In PYSHOW an IF-test has been broken into two nested ones to avoid testing on meaningless condition. - PYMAXI has been modified to handle the case when a user-defined process is implemented but switched off (calculation of XSEC(0,1)). - Protection against square root of negative number in PYTHRG. 6.117 : 19 August 1998 - New options 11 - 25 for MSTP(14) to mix alternatives for virtual photons. - PYCLUS and PYCELL modified to ensure that N is unchanged and MSTU(3)=0 when NJET is negative (to signal failure of the algorithm). 6.118 : 13 September 1998 - Bottom squark production is now treated separately, as for the top squark. However, there are more processes because bottom is in the PDF. The new processes 281 - 296 are listed in the Hard Subprocess section above. - Displaced vertices are now produced for resonances. This can be particularly important for delayed decays of SUSY particles to gravitinos, e.g. ~chi0_2 -> ~gravitino + photon. - The angular distribution in chargino pair production has been reversed (i.e. that <-> uhat) for some charge combinations. - The width for ~g -> ~squark + quark has been fixed. The sign of a squark mixing angle was reversed. - PYMSIN modified so that several (SUSY parameter) initializations can be done in a single run without setting up conflicting information. - Some bugs in the technicolor decay widths have been fixed, and some new options are now available, see PARP(146) - PARP(151). - New option IMSS(5)=1 added. - New Higgs pair production processes 297-301. A few of these are already available as Z' decays, where the Z' part can be killed, but this provides a more direct implementation. - Expanded top decays to include gravitino stop and gluino stop. Added entries for virtual chargino decays of stop that might be important for light stop and light staus: ~t_1 -> ~nu_tauL tau+ b ~t_1 -> ~tau_1+ nu_tau b Also added entries for the neutralino: ~chi_10 -> c dbar e- -> d sbar nu_e The latter two would be R-parity violating decays. The status of these decays modes is -1, and they have not been tested. - The branching ratios are zeroed out before refilling when initializing SUSY decays. 6.119 : 25 September 1998 - Machinery introduced to allow photon inside lepton beam. See further description above, section on hard processes. - Extended Bose-Einstein treatment, with many new options for W pair studies, see above on hadronization. Default behaviour changed. - PYSSPA modified so that the PARP(65) parameter for minimum gluon energy emitted in spacelike showers is modifed by an extra factor roughly corresponding to the 1/gamma factor for the boost to the hard subprocess frame. Earlier, when a subsystem was strongly boosted, i.e. at large rapidities in the cm frame of the collision, the PARP(65) requirement became quite stringent on the low-energy incoming side. Therefore much radiation could be cut out. - PYSSPA modified so that the angular ordering requirement is based on ordering p_T/p rather than p_T/p_L, i.e. replacing tan(theta) by sin(theta). Earlier the starting value tan(theta)_max = 10 could actually be violated by some bona fide emissions for strongly boosted subsystems, where one side has small p_L. Therefore some emissions were incorrectly removed when MSTP(62)=3, i.e. default. - PYSSPA now sets relevant mass for QED emission to be mu or tau one rather than e one for such incoming beams. (For a collider between two different lepton species, the more massive one is used as reference.) - PYSHOW modified, so that photon emission off a lepton is governed by the PARJ(90) parameter rather than PARJ(83) (see PARTON SHOWERS). - PYUPDA corrected for bug in calculation of phase space available in decay (generated unnecessary warnings). - PYRESD modified to avoid calculation of undefined four-products when called for an odd resonance (i.e. one not part of the standard PYTHIA machinery, e.g. filled with PY1ENT). - In pair production of heavy flavour (top) in processes 81,82, 84 and 85, earlier only one of the masses was used in the matrix element, under the assumption that the two were identical. Since we do not have expressions involving the two separately, we now use an average value constructed so that the beta kinematics factor is the same for both having the average as for each having its correct value. - Move technicolour parameter PARP(151) to PARP(140) to avoid clash. - Effects of secondary widths included if leptoquark decays to top (or fourth-generation fermions). 6.120 : 1 October 1998 - The pTmin and pT0 cutoff parameters of the multiple interactions scenario(s) are now made explicitly energy-dependent (see MISCELLANEOUS). - MINT(45), MINT(46) set correctly to allow photon radiation off a muon beam. Also some other minor bugs corrected for muon beams. Note, however, that the MSTP(12)=1 option to obtain e.g. electrons inside photons inside electrons does not work for muons. - PYSSPA modified so lower Q2 cutoff for QED radiation off lepton is always at least twice the mass-squared, in addition to the cutoff provided by PARP(68). - W2 limits in CKIN(39) and CKIN(40) not checked if process 10 is called for two lepton beams. - Labels cleaned up. 6.121 : 15 October 1998 - New routines PY2FRM, PY4FRM and PY6FRM added as generic interfaces to two-, four- and six-fermion generators, see MISCELLANEOUS. - The MSTP(14) switch has been expanded so that MSTP(14)=20 and =25 works also for gamma-hadron, not only for gamma-gamma. These two values would therefore be the two main alternatives for users. The default has been changed to MSTP(14)=20. - The MSTP(32) parameter for choice of Q2 scale has been expanded with new options intended for virtual incoming photons. - New function PYMRUN(KF,Q2) gives running (MSbar) mass of d, u, s, c and b quarks. For all other KF, the PYMASS function is called by PYMRUN to give the normal mass. PYWIDT and PYSIGH has been modified for Higgs (and some technicolour) widths and production processes to call PYMRUN rather than to implement the running inline. The code for the running is identical, so the difference is that now the PMAS(KC,1) masses can be set to the "on-shell" values expected rather than the MSbar ones. The nominal b quark mass has been reduced from 5 to 4.5 GeV, affecting some Higgs branching ratios. The technipi rate to leptons has been somewhat changed. See also MISCELLANEOUS. - Correct minor bug in partial width of top to gravitino + stop. - Reimplement PARP(146)-(148) in code (had been lost). - Minor correction in the initialization printout. 6.122 : 4 January 1999 - New matrix-element correction scheme for initial-state radiation, especially relevant for the production of a single s-channel resonance. This allows much better description e.g. of the pT properties of W and Z produced in hadron colliders. See MISCELLANEOUS for further details. - Change in PYRESD so that, when Z' or W' decays to (one or two) top quarks, these are allowed to decay isotropically. (Previously the matrix element for Z' -> W+ W- -> 4 fermions was erroneously called.) - Minor change in PYSHOW to catch one case where K(I,1) values can become incorrectly set if the routine is called for a lepton pair of very low mass (roughly below 1 GeV). - The lepton-inside-lepton parton distribution is changed. Previously f_e^e(x) was normal for x < 1 - 10^-4, scaled up for 1 - 10^-4 < x < 1 - 10^-6 and 0 for x > 1 - 10^-6, where the rescaling was arranged so as to give the correct integral of f_e^e(x) from 0 to 1. Now the border at 1 - 10^-4 has been moved to 1 - 10^-7 and the one at 1 - 10^-6 to 1 - 10^-10. This way any irregularities in the line shape has been pushed into a much narrower region; of some interest e.g. for a muon collider. - Angular distribution included in decay of W in process 36, gamma + f -> W + f', by analogy with process 31. - DATA PARU split in two statements to avoid the 19-continuation-lines limit. - Extra safety check in PYREMN to avoid division by zero if chi = 0 or 1. - Matrix-element code MDME(IDC,2)=32 restored for h0, H0, A0, H+- -> q qbar (set 0 in recent versions). This code is irrelevant when resonance decays is performed in PYRESD, as is almost always the case. - PYMSIN modified so that MWID(KC) and MDCY(KC,1) values are saved and restored for the lightest supersymmetric particle. Is relevent where a single run contains several PYINIT calls for different SUSY parameter sets, and hence different LSP's: it switches back on the decays of a particle that was LSP but no longer is it. - PYLOGO, PYTIME and PYHIST slightly modified for year 2000-compatible output. - New option MSTP(39)=5, where the Q2 scale of the gg, qqbar -> QQbarH processes is set equal to the squared nominal Higgs mass (cf. MSTP(39)=3 is the actual Higgs mass, i.e. fluctuating between events). - Introduce a line IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) in routines. This helps avoid a bug in the SGI Fortran compiler. 6.123 : 2 February 1999 - New process machinery for doubly charged Higgs production in a left-right-symmetric scenario. Includes new particles and new hard subprocesses; see these subsections. - Introduce missing shat factor in cross section for process 140. - Correct logic of photon virtuality choice in processes 131 - 136, which gave erroneous results for the direct*resolved cases of gamma*gamma* events. - Explicit DOUBLE PRECISION declaration for EXTERNAL functions and some DATA statements moved after all declarations to avoid problems on some compilers. - The pT^2 fluctuation margin allowed for independent fragmentation in PYTEST increased. 6.124 : 7 February 1999 - The effects of longitudinal resolved photons can be approximated by a multiplicative factor to the transverse resolved cross sections, see PARP(165) in the hard processes section. - Possibility to choose between e -> gamma splitting variable being energy fraction x or lightcome fraction y, see MSTP(16). - Cross sections for direct photon processes 137-140 corrected by a factor shat/lambda, usually very close to unity, to better describe phase space relations. - A few bug corrections in the new popcorn scenario (see section above on baryon production models). Especially, one bug also came to affect the default baryon production scenario, and could in some cases result in charge and baryon number nonconservation in the beam remnant fragmentation process (PYREMN). - PYKFIN extensively rewritten. Mostly cosmetics, but also 1) For MSTJ(12)=5, a factor 2 was misplaced for ud_1 and uu_1 diquark production in the process (rank 0 qq) -> ... M + B + ... 2) In the old algorithm the diquark SU(6) survival factor was not considered when generating the final diquark of a popcorn system. In Pythia 6.110, this factor was introduced for the new options MSTJ(12)>2, but unintentionally also for MSTJ(12)=2. For backward compatibility, the diquark SU(6) survival factors are now set to 1 if MSTJ(12)<3. - IN PYRAND the VINT(25) = x_T^2 calculation was incorrect for a user-defined process; normalization now changed from VINT(1) to VINT(2). Will have given too high a starting x_T for multiple interactions. - The well-known but harmless rho0 -> eta gamma and a_2 -> eta' pi possibilities of looping in PYDECY no longer cause a warning message. - In process 23 the cross section in PYSIGH is explicitly ensured to be non-negative. This is likely a problem of the far-out wings of the Breit-Wigners, which the cross section is not set up to handle. 6.125 : 21 February 1999 - PYSTRF corrected for a bug in the choice of the string region which defines the longitudinal directions of the final two hadrons. In principle the bug is severe, but in practice its consequences are limited, since in many events the final string region is uniquely defined so that the choice is irrelevent, and since, even when there is a choice, the procedure would work whichever of the two possible regions is selected. - PYSSPA treatment of QED showers corrected, in three respect. First, lower x cutoff (XEE) changed from 1D-7 to 1D-10 to match changes in lepton-in-lepton distributions of 6.122. Second, the matrix-element matching can made also for QED processes. Third, a scattered lepton does not (occasionally) get K(I,1)=3. - New (default) option for lower parton-shower cutoff (and `primordial kT') in resolved photons, see MSTP(66) above. - New parameter and default behaviour for multiple interactions in the VMD component of virtual photons, see MSTP(84) above. - For non-QCD processes, a photon is now assumed unresolved when MSTP(14)=10, 20 or 25. (In principle, both the resolved and direct possibilities ought to be explored, but this mixing is not currently implemented, so picking direct at least will explore one of the two main alternatives rather than none.) Also a minor change in PYMAXI to correct the calculation of number of points in y* for a photon beam. - New option MSTP(32)=10 : Q2 scale is equal to CM energy. No special reason except as extreme contrast (or not so extreme, for many e+e- processes). 6.126 : 26 March 1999 - The simulation of the production and decays of technicolor particles has been substantially upgraded. The processes 149, 191, 192, and 193 are to be considered obsolete, and are temporarily retained to allow cross checking with the new processes. Process 194 has been changed to more accurately represent the mixing between the photon, Z, techni_rho0, and techni_omega particles in the Drell-Yan process. Process 195 is the analogous process including W and techni_rho+/- mixing. Processes 361 - 377 are completely new. For a listing of processes and parameters, see the description in the Hard Processes section. - The possibility of flavor--dependent Z0' couplings has been considered. The previous set of parameters PARU(121)--PARU(128) now affect only the first generation of fermions. As before, these parameters represent the V and A couplings for the d-quark, u-quark, electron, and nu_e, respectively. The parameters PARJ(180)--PARJ(187) and PARJ(188)--PARJ(195) represent the V and A couplings of the s-quark, c-quark, muon, nu_mu and b-quark, t-quark, tau, and nu_tau, respectively. The default value for all parameters are the standard model values. - PYMSIN : improve zeroing of branching ratios when several parameter sets are considered in the same run. 6.127 : 18 May 1999 - In process 226, for chargino pair production, the sign in the u quark inteference term in the cross section is changed. - In PYRESD, the HGZ array of relative Z/gamma weights in processes 15, 19, 30 and 35 was not always stored and read out with the same index, leading to a potentially incorrect angular distribution in the Z decay, specifically concerning forward-backward asymmetries. - In process 25, W pair production, the contribution from Z exchange to the cross section is now evaluated with a fixed width for the Z in the propagator, in PYSIGH. That is, the GMMZ = mass * width in the denominator of the progagator is used with the nominal mass and width of the Z. Previously the actual mass and the running width were used, which gave rise to divering cross sections, by imperfect gauge cancellation, at large energies. - In process 140, for longitudinal photon interactions, the cross section corrected for an erroneous factor shat too much. - In photon physics, the setting of MINT(15), MINT(16), VINT(307) and VINT(308) have been corrected for some cases, affecting PYRAND, PYGAGA, PYMAXI and PYINPR. - The normalizing cross section used for multiple interactions in photon collisions is scaled by a factor m^4/(m^2+Q^2)^2 for virtual photons, rather than only the square root of that. - New variable MSTP(69), replacing some of the functionality previously provided by MSTP(68) but removed with the change in PYSSPA with Pythia 6.119: MSTP(69) : (D=0) possibility to change Q2 scale for parton distributions from the MSTP(32) choice, especially for e+e-. = 0 : use MSTP(32) scale. = 1 : in lepton-lepton collisions, the QED lepton-inside-lepton parton distributions are evaluated with s, the full squared CM energy, as scale. = 2 : s is used as parton distribution scale also in other processes. - Insert WID2=1 in a few more places in PYWIDT, to avoid it being undefined. - THE, PHI, CHI -> THEZ, PHIZ, CHIZ in the special e+e- -> Z option of PYRESD, to avoid a name clash. - Insert extra demand when storing THE2T in PYSSPA, for consistency (to avoid storing an undefined variable). - Replace SQMW*PMAS(24,2)**2 by GMMW**2 in PYSIGH. - Remove unused SR2 in PYSIGH. - Further examples of PYTIME solutions on some machines have been added. 6.128 : 3 June 1999 - Introduce new options for MINT(47): = 6 : parton distribution is peaked at x=1 for target and no distribution at all for beam. = 7 : parton distribution is peaked at x=1 for beam and no distribution at all for target. This prompts modifications in several routines, especially PYSIGH and PYKMAP, with modified checks and phase space factors, and also e.g. the possibility of having a 1/(1-tau) term in the selecion procedure of e-gamma collisions. - Put MINT(15 or 16) = 22 in PYGAGA for a photon whenever MSTP(14)=0. - Modify the cross section for process 35 to depend on the virtuality of the incoming photon in e gamma* -> e Z0. (Exact form ambiguous, but hopefully sensible choice.) - In PYOFSH the modification of the allowed resonace mass range by CKIN values is modified when the other particle is not a resonance. 6.129 : 9 July 1999 - Correct severe bug in colour reconnection with PYRECO, whereby the W+ and W- decay vertices were swapped if the resonaces were given in the order W- W+. This is the case when PYINIT is called with the beam arguments 'e-','e+' rather than 'e+','e-'. In scenarios I, II and II', the rearrangement rate is then overestimated. - Allow to switch on colour reconnection also for subprocess 22, Z0Z0 pair production, analogously with rearrangement in W+W- events. Note, however, that the Z0 decay vertex position is calculated without any regard to the gamma* component of the cross section. Thus, the description in scenarios I, II and II' would not be sensible e.g. for a light-mass gamma*gamma* pair. - The width of the A0 higgs particle to a fermion pair is corrected to be like beta (=velocity), rather than like beta**3. - Default decay status for Higgs modes to supersymmetric particles changed from -1 to 1 in MDME(IDC,1) in PYDATA. - New options to take into account the effects of resolved longitudinal photons, see above MSTP(17), PARP(165), PARP(167) and PARP(168) (PYSIGH routine). - When calling virtual-photon PDF's via PDFLIB, ensure that P^2 < Q^2. For GRS, also ensure the specific cuts in that parameterization, specifically P^2 < Q^2/5. 6.130 : 6 September 1999 - pi0 decay was unintentionally switched off by default from version 6.126 onwards, but is now again allowed to decay. - A major bug has been corrected in the PYBOEI routine for Bose-Einstein corrections. It does not affect the BE_0, BE_3 and BE_32 (default) options, but only the BE_m and BE_lambda alternatives, MSTJ(54)=-1 and -2 (when MSTJ(57)=1, which is default). The weight used to define the most likely particles to carry the energy/momentum compensation of BE pairs contained a sign error in an exponential, which meant that not always the intended particles were selected. This affects several of the distributions obtained with these algorithms in the past. The predicted average W mass shift is among the quantities changed, but stays of the same order. - PYSHOW has been modified and expanded with new options, see the PARTON SHOWERS section above for further details. First, the emission of gluons off primary quarks in gamma*/Z0 decays has been modified. This increases the amount of gluon radiation off heavier quarks like b's (by about 5% at LEP1), while light quarks are not affected. Second, the description of g -> q qbar branchings has been expanded with several new options, MSTJ(42)=3 and 4 and MSTJ(44)=3, in order to explore a larger range of uncertainty in predictions. - PY6FRM has been improved, so that if an event is classified as a ttbar one, the t pair is allowed to radiate gluons before the top decay. Radiation off the b's and in the W decays is there as earlier. 6.131 : 13 September 1999 - New routine PY4JET introduced (with auxiliary routines PY4JTW and PY4JTS, and significant additions to PYSHOW) to provide interface from a four-jet QCD generator to a parton-shower evolution. See further description in section on INTERFACES TO OTHER GENERATORS. 6.132 : 23 September 1999 - Default (pseudo)rapidity limits in CKIN(9)-CKIN(16) changed from +-10 to +-40, since former still can imply an unwanted pTmin cut. - Also PYKLIM modified to avoid erroneous rejections at extreme (pseudo)rapidities. - When MINT(15)=1 is set before a PYWIDT call, the original value is restored afterwards. - Incoming/outgoing lepton mass included in cross section for process 35. 6.133 : 29 September 1999 - Correct the calculation of that and uhat for process 35 when the incoming photon is virtual, so that masses are assigned assuming that incoming parton number 2 is the photon (for the internal numbering). - Introduce a missing factor of 1/2 in the cross section for processes 351 and 352, H++/H-- production, and change the rules for when t^ and u^ contributions should be symmetrized so it is only done for identical leptons. 6.134 : 10 October 1999 - New internally available parton distribution parameterizations for the proton, CTEQ 5L and CTEQ 5M1. These are obtained with MSTP(51)=7 and =8, respectively. Internally: changes in PYPDPR and PYINIT, and additions of new routines PYCT5L and PYCT5M. All is based on code written by Jon Pumplin, with minor modifications to fit the PYTHIA framework. 6.135 : 3 November 1999 - Major modifications in routine PYPREP, intended e.g. to improve modelling of charm/bottom production from small-mass parton systems, "clusters". It is now possible to select between a few alternative descriptions of how energy/momentum is shuffled when a cluster collapses to a single particle, and to have anisotropic decay when a cluster gives two particles. See E. Norrbin and T. Sjostrand, Phys. Lett. B442 (1998) 407 and in preparation. MSTJ(16) : (D=2) mode of cluster treatment. = 0 : old scheme. Cluster decays (to two hadrons) are isotropic. In cluster collapses (to one hadron), energy-momentum compensation is to/from the parton or hadron furthest away in mass. = 1 : intermediate scheme. Cluster decays are anisotropic in a way that is intended to mimic the Gaussian pT suppression and string 'area law' of suppressed rapidity orderings of ordinary string fragmentation. In cluster collapses, energy-momentum compensation is to/from the string piece most closely moving in the same direction as the cluster. Excess energy is put as an extra gluon on this string piece, while a deficit is taken from both endpoints of this string piece as a common fraction of their original momentum. = 2 : new default scheme. Essentially as above, except that a energy deficit is preferentially taken from the endpoint of the string piece that is moving closest in direction to the cluster. MSTJ(17) : (D=2) number of attempts made to find two hadrons that have a combined mass below the cluster mass, and thus allow a cluster to decay to two hadrons rather than collapse to one. Thus the larger MSTJ(17), the smaller the fraction of collapses. At least one attempt is always made, and this was the old default behaviour. - In order to better match the data on charm production asymmetries, the quark masses in PMAS(I,1) have been changed to be in line with constituent quark masses. These are the masses that are used for kinematics construction, and also influence production cross sections. After the introduction of the PYMRUN routine for running quark masses of relevance e.g. as Higgs couplings, there is no longer the previous need to store current algebra masses in PMAS. (Actually, this is thereby a return to the practice in very old versions of the program, before the Higgs considerations lead to a change.) PMAS(1,1) - PMAS(5,1) : (D= 0.33, 0.33, 0.5, 1.5, 4.8 GeV) - The default primordial kT value has been raised by about a factor of two to better account for a number of production characteristics, such as charm azimuthal correlations. The new default is very difficult to consider as a purely nonperturbative number, but could be viewed as also resumming some soft perturbative gluon emissions. PARP(91) : (D=1 GeV) Gaussian width. PARP(92) : (D=0.4 GeV) equivalent exponential width. PARP(93) : (D=5 GeV) upper cut on primordial kT spectrum. PARP(99) : (D=1 GeV) Gaussian width for photon remnant. PARP(100) : (D=5 GeV) upper cut on primordial kT spectrum for photon remnant. - The default MSTP(92) value has been changed to 3. This provides a somewhat more even energy sharing between two coloured beam remnants, and again helps improve charm production phenomenology. - Changed parameterization of the probability for reverse rapidity ordering in the joining of the final two hadrons in string fragmentation, and now also for a cluster decaying to two hadrons. P_rev = 1/(1 + exp(b Delta)) with Delta = Gamma_2 - Gamma_1 = sqrt((mT0**2 - mT1**2 - mT2)**2)**2 - 4 mT1**2 mT2**2). Here Gamma_1 and Gamma_2 are the string squared invariant times of the two possible breaks, of a subsystem with transverse masses mT0 -> mT1 + mT2. For Lund fragmentation functions, b = PARJ(42), and thus PARJ(38) is no longer used, while for other functions b = PARJ(39) has been refitted. Note that this does not represent any noticeable change of the physics output. PARJ(39) (D=0.08 GeV^-2) related to probability for reverse rapidity ordering for Field-Feynman type fragmentation functions, as above. - PYDIFF: remove a check on minimum invariant masses that, for the new default quark masses, could lead to an infinite loop. - PYSSPA, PYREMN: remove a check on and rescaling of (boost) beta values close to 1, that were leftovers from the single-precision version. In some rare events at very high energies, this could give significant energy-momentum nonconservation. - PYDATA: adjust the length of some PROC character constants that had wrong number of trailing blanks. - PYDECY: change a DO 310 I=1,4 to I=1,NQ to avoid that the routine may copy unnitialized values, which gives problems on some compilers. - PYSHOW: change dimension of ISSET from 2 to 3. The too small size may have given problems for showers in Upsilon decays, but not in normal showers from two partons. 6.136 : 30 November 1999 - PYSSPA: two changes, for initial-state showers related to flavour excitation, where a c (or b) quark enters the hard scattering and should be reconstructed by the shower as coming from a g -> c cbar (or g -> b bbar) branching. First, an x value for the incoming c above Q_max^2/(Q_max^2 + m_c^2) does not allow a kinematical reconstruction of the gluon branching with an x_g < 1, and is thus outside the allowed phase space. Such events (with some safety margin) are rejected. Currently they will appear in PYSTAT(1) listings in the 'Fraction of events that fail fragmentation cuts', which is partly misleading, but has the correct consequence of suppressing the physical cross section. Second, the Q^2 value of the backwards evolution of a c quark is by force kept above m_c^2, so as to ensure that the branching g -> c cbar is not 'forgotten' by evolving Q^2 below Q_0^2. Thereby the possibility of having a c in the beam remnant proper is eliminated. Warning: as a consequence of the changes above, flavour excitation is not at all possible too close to threshold. If the KFIN array in PYSUBS is set so as to require a c (or b) on either side, and the phase space is closed for such a c to come from a g -> c cbar branching, the program will enter an infinite loop. - The older EHLQ1, EHLQ2, DO1 and DO2 parton distributions of the proton have been ported from Pythia 5 and inserted as MSTP(51) = 12 - 15. Not intended for current studies, but good for checks of backwards compatibility. In this connection, the default of MSTP(58) is changed from 6 to 5, since the EHLQ distributions also contain top, that one nowadays probably would not want to see included by default. - PYREMN is modified, so that when a hadronic remnant is split in two, the primordial kT recoil is shared evenly between them (with a relative pT kick added). - The default for MSTP(94) is changed from 2 to 3, meaning that the standard Lund symmetric fragmentation function is used for the lightcome momentum fraction of the hadron produced from a multiquark remnant. - PYTHRG: protect against negative square root (by roundoff) in RT(1,2). 6.137 : 2 February 2000 - Introduce new process 146, e + gamma -> e*. - Process 161 Breit-Wigner corrected to suppress low-mass tail. - PYSHOW corrected for possibility of populating unallowed region of phase space (and thereby breaking energy-momentum conservation) in the option where a given four-parton configuration is used to start the shower, e.g. from PY4JET. - The default value of PARP(67) changed from 4 to 1; relates to scale matching between initial-state parton shower and hard scattering. 6.138 : 2 March 2000 - Introduce new process 169, q + qbar -> e + e*. - For QCD processes in the multiple interactions description, also c and b quarks are allowed as incoming partons. Thus also charm and bottom production by flavour excitation is included in this framework. (Only for the hardest interaction, however, related to limitations in the beam-remnant treatment.) - Exclude by default the possibility of top-antitop pair production for processes where a new flavour pair is produced at a gluon or photon vertex, i.e. processes 12, 53, 54, 58, 96 and 135-140. (This is achieved by changing the g, gamma -> t + tbar decay channels to MDME(IDC,1)=0.) - Correct severe errors in the width calculation in PYWIDT for Z'/Z. Affects process 141. - Insert missing SQMW and SQMZ definitions for techni-rho width calculations. - Redistribute colour interference term of cross section in process 11 (and corresponding part of process 96) to avoid some part of the cross section from becoming negative. - Avoid rare division by zero in boost in PYSTRF. - Minor further improvement of the PYSHOW modification of the 6.137 version. - Minor modification to PYSSPA to allow Q2 scale to be raised slightly if g -> Q + Qbar branching is kinematically problematical. 6.139 : 23 March 2000 - A severe bug has been found for the multiple interactions scenario when MSTP(82) >= 3, i.e. when using variable impact parameters. It is only important when the main, "hard" process (the one(s) selected with the MSEL oand MSUB switches) can become rather soft, like e.g. in gamma*/Z production at small masses. Here follows more details. The traditional multiple interactions procedure is to let the main interaction set the upper pT scale for subsequent multiple interactions. For QCD, this is a matter of avoiding doublecounting. Other processes normally are hard, so the procedure is then also sensible. However, for a soft main interaction, further softer interactions are hardly possible, i.e. multiple interactions are more or less killed. For MSTP(82) >= 3 it is even worse, since also the events themselves are likely to be rejected in the impact-parameter selection stage. Thus the spectrum of main events that survive is biased, with the soft tail suppressed. Such a behaviour could be motivated by the rejected events instead appearing as part of the interactions underneath a normal QCD hard interaction, but in practice the latter mechanism is not implemented. (And would have been very inefficient to work with, had it been.) Furthermore, even when events are rejected by the impact parameter procedure, this is not reflected in the cross section for the process, as it should have been. Therefore the default behaviour has been modified, so that only for QCD processes is the main process enforcing a limit on the subsequent interactions. Note that this also allows more underlying event activity in the default options MSTP(82)<=2. MSTP(86) : (D=2) requirements on multiple interactions based on the hardness scale of the main process. = 1 : the main collision is harder than all the subsequent ones (old behaviour, for backwards compatibility, with dangers and errors as noted above). = 2 : when the main process is of the QCD jets type (the same as those in multiple interactions) subsequent jets are requested to be softer, but for other processes no such requirement exists. = 3 : no requirements at all that multiple interactions have to be softer than the main interactions (of dubious use for QCD processes but intended for crosschecks). Note : process cross sections are unreliable whenever the main process does restrict subsequent interactions, and the main process can become soft. For QCD jet studies in this region it is then better to put CKIN(3) < PARP(81) or PARP(82) and get the "correct" total cross section. - The default primordial kT value has been raised by about a factor of two for protons in version 6.136; now also the photons are changed the same way. PARP(99) : (D=1 GeV) Gaussian width for photon remnant. PARP(100) : (D=5 GeV) upper cut on primordial kT spectrum for photon remnant. - Correct minor bug in PYBOEI, causing division by zero in rare cases. 6.140 : 2 May 2000 - Correct bug in PYSCAT for processes 203, 206 and 209, giving wrong colour flow. - Correct final mass selection machinery in PYSCAT, for cases when a generic quark happens to become a top (or another heavy one) and thus have to be assigned a large and variable mass. - Change PYSSPA for a photon beam so that a c (or b) heavy quark is not necessarily to be reconstructed as coming from a branching g -> c + cbar. (Since a photon has a c/b valence quark content, unlike normal hadronic beam particles.) - Introduce new loop counter to PYSSPA, to interrupt event in case it seems to be impossible to find a consistent kinematics for shower branchings. (Rare, but can happen for heavy flavours.) 6.143 : 15 May 2000 - New machinery for treatment of minimum bias processes in gamma*-p and gamma* gamma* processes, not yet quite complete but released to give some first feedback. Extensive changes in PYXTOT, PYGAGA, PYRAND, PYSCAT, PYINPR, PYSIGH, PYMULT, PYSSPA and PYKLIM. Default behaviour changed, both by changes of the code and by changes of some default values. While it should be possible to recover most of the old behaviour by suitable changes of switches and parameters, complete backwards compatibility is not assured. Therefore it is better to think of this version as a clean break in the area of minimum bias physics for virtual photons. The machinery can be used either for photons of fixed virtuality, by using the 'FIVE' option of the PYINIT call, or for a spectrum of photon virtualities by using the GAMMA/E beam particle option. For the latter option, photon kinematics can be constrained with CKIN variables. In either case, the CKIN(3) variable is used to switch between a minimum-bias and a jet description, just like for hadronic collisions. MSEL=2 also gives diffractive and 'elastic' events. What is still missing is mainly the admixing of DIS-type events; work is underway. Further details can be found in the HARD PROCESSES section above. - Bug found and corrected for process 137-140, where before the flavour selection machinery did not allow the production of gamma * gamma* -> lepton+ lepton-, even when this kind of processes were switched on and included in the cross section. - Checks on the x values allowed for colliding beams have been extended. For a hadron beam, x is not allowed to be above 1 - 2 * PARP(111)/E_CM. This ensures that the hadronic beam remnant has an energy of at least PARP(111) in the rest frame of the event, as is required (with some safety margin) in order to construct a realistic beam renmnant. The need emerged out of studies with anomalous photons, where the parton distributiosn are large close to x = 1, but the correction is applied to all kinds of hadronic events. - Break out of loop in PYPOLE routine if no convergence after 100 iterations. 6.144 : 25 May 2000 - New process 99, for DIS scattering gamma* + q -> q, where it is assumed that the photon flux is provided separately. New code ISET(ISUB)=8 represents this kinematics. New routine PYDISG to handle the kinematics of this process. Thus the gamma*-p and gamma* gamma* machineries are extended also to include automatic mixing with DIS processes, see comment for version 6.143. Many changes in code. New options for MSTP(14), MSTP(18), MSTP(19), and several MINT and VINT variables. New default value MSTP(14)=30 gives automatic mix with DIS processes. - Enhancement from longitudinal photons (see MSTP(17)) did not work in 6.143 and has now been corrected. - Default values for x_min and y_min of emitted photons (CKIN(61), CKIN(63), CKIN(73), CKIN(75) changed from 0.01 to 0.0001). - PYTECM declarations changed to Pythia standard ones. - PYK: minor change to nest IF requirements to avoid problems with some compilers. 6.145 : 29 May 2000 - Insert forgotten conversion factor in process 99 cross section. - Exclude leptons from direct*direct process for MSEL=1 or 2. - Check against infinite loop for small systems with diffraction. - Correct error in mother pointer for cluster collapse. - Correct mixup of process types in PYSTAT(1) listing. - Modify initialization scale for DIS processes. 6.146 : 8 June 2000 - Updated PYDISG routine now handles beam remnant in DIS processes like in PYREMN and includes final-state radiation of scattered quark. (Initial-state radiation still missing.) - Correct bug in PYRAND that reset pTmin incorrectly when asking for high-pT events only in gamma*-p or gamma*-gamma*. - Document DIS process with pT = PARI(17) = 0. - Increase initialization/maximum search scale for DIS * anomalous. - Include kinematical factor 1/(1-x) in the conversion formula from F2 to photon cross section. 6.147 : 19 June 2000 - PYSIGH updated in a few places to avoid division by zero. The error occured in calculations that are ultimately not used, so therefore do not affect any output. - Avoid a division by zero in PYSHOW, appearing in the showering of the new DIS process 99. 6.148 : 27 June 2000 - New treatment of elastic/diffractive processes of the GVMD component. VINT(69) and VINT(70) denote the masses of the GVMD states. See above, section on hard processes. - New and upgraded treatment of primordial kT of anomalous photon, which also before contained a bug. Also affects e.g. DIS scattering off an anomalous photon. New options MSTP(66)=4 and =5, with the latter new default. See above, section on hard processes. - Switch off DIS process 99 if vanishing maximum at initialization. Stop run if no process has nonvanishing maximum. 6.150 : 30 June 2000 - Include virtuality dependence for a photon target in the form factor of the DIS process 99 in PYSIGH (this factor accounts for overlap with the direct*direct process). - Some insignificant changes for better Fortran 77 standard conformance. 6.151 : 7 August 2000 - Increase the maximum scale of final-state shower evolution for DIS events in the PYDISG routine by a factor of 2, to obtain a smoother matching to the activity in the direct process group. - For elastic and diffractive scattering, store m**2/4 (approximately pT**2) in VINT(283) or VINT(284), respectively. Here m is the mass of the state being diffracted, which may be of interest when analyzing GVMD diffractive scattering. - Join two COMPLEX*16 declarations in PYSIGH (cosmetics). 6.152 : 17 August 2000 - Include factor in PYSIGH cross section to take into account the effects of longitudinal resolved photons probed in the DIS process (99), by mistake missing so far. - PYRECO colour reconnection for scenario I: check that selected space-time point is in the forward light cone before studying it further (thereby saving some time). 6.154 : 29 September 2000 - Significantly modified final-state showering routine PYSHOW, with greatly improved description of radiation from heavy quarks, newly introduced radiation off supersymmetric particles (squarks, gluinos), and a source dependence for the radiation pattern. New routine PYMAEL with a host of different matrix elements used by PYSHOW. New options for MSTJ(42), MSTJ(44) and MSTJ(47), and new MSTJ(38) and PARJ(80). See PARTON SHOWER section above for further details. - PYRESD: improved search new position for showering resonances (new case with two showering gluinos that have to be distinguished). - Process 167, 168 and 169 for excited fermion production corrected in PYSCAT to avoid incorrect mass selection. - PYEVNT, PYRESD modified by checks on MDCY(KCA,1) for decay of odd resonances (i.e. not caught by ordinary description). 6.155 : 7 November 2000 - Two new processes included for excited graviton production: 391 f fbar -> G* 392 g g -> G* The G*, introduced as new particle code 41, is intended to represent the lowest excited state in a Randall-Sundrum scenario of extra dimensions. Decay channels to f fbar, gg, gamma gamma, Z0 Z0 and W+ W- contribute to the total width. The correct angular distributions are included for decays to a fermion pair, whereas other decays currently are taken to be isotropic. The G* mass is to be considered a free parameter. The other degree of freedom in this scenario is PARP(50) : (D=0.054) dimensionless coupling, which enters quadratically in all partial widths of the G* resonance, kappa * m_G* = sqrt(2) * x_1 * k /M_Pl, where x_1 = 3.83... is the first zero of the J_1 Bessel function and M_Pl is the modified Planck mass scale. - PYSHOW, PYTIME, PYMSIN, PYRESD: minor bug fixes. - Standardize technicolor particle notation to index _tc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------