C How to Contribute Software to the Yohkoh System

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C How to Contribute Software to the Yohkoh System

We encourage users to contribute SW to the system, however we strongly recommend that people at remote sites do not make changes or additions to the directories under $ys. If additions must be made, we recommend that they be placed in the $ys/site/soft branch of the Yohkoh software tree. Software in the $ys/site/soft branch are not changed during software installations and upgrades. The routines placed in the $ys/site/soft branch should not be modified versions of ``official'' routines since updates to those routines will not be accessed.      See the discussion of IDL_PATH to understand how you can have both Yohkoh Software directories and personal directories accessible at the same time.

We have a system in place to facilitate contributions via anonymous FTP from remote systems. A set of Unix script files is used to automate the transfer (all FTP commands are handled within the scripts) and to help the Yohkoh SW managers to handle the contributions in a systematic fashion gif.

There are several categories of user contributions which we are interested in having remote sites submit to the system:

  1. Software: Software contributions are expected to follow the guidelines described in appendix of the Reference Guide.

  2. Non-Software:

Submissions may be made through the use of the one line command gif: % ys_contrib files [README] [/ysmod]

   Where: files   = SW source, tar or compressed tar file
          README  = optional special announcement or description (file) 
          /ysmod  = flag modifications to existing/distributed Yohkoh SW

Some examples are: % ys_contrib stepper.pro /ysmod% ys_contrib spec_fitter.pro spec_filter2.pro% ys_contrib HINTS% ys_contrib local_lib.tarOn remote machines, this command (Unix alias) will execute a set of script files which

On ISAS local machines, it checks to see if the person has a /ys/ucon/soft directory and copies it there if it exists. If not, it follows the steps shown above for remote machines.

A cron job running on the SW master will monitor the activity of the user contribution area. It would perform any decompression and tar extraction required (.Z and .tar files) and sends mail to the Yohkoh SW managers if contributions sit around too long without access. Possible disposition of contributed items include:

Contributed File Name Conventions - the following restrictions apply.

File Type               Required Name

tar                     <name>.tar
compressed              <name>.Z
compressed-tar          <name>.tar.Z
idl source code         <routine>.pro

If <routine> is a correction or an enhancement of an existing routine, then the file name must be identical to the existing routine which it corrects or modifies. If filename is HINTS, it is assumed to be ``non-software'' and may get included in newsletter verbatim.

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