GENE_ATCC_ID - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: Clone is an ATCC numbered clone
GENE_BAD_DATA - Static variable in class MJAbase
property: has bad data
GENE_BAD_LOCAL_SPOT_BKGRD - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: bad local spot background
GENE_BAD_MID - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: the gene is bad, good gene name
GENE_BAD_SPOT - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: non-analyzable gene (eg.
GENE_BAD_SPOT_GEOMETRY - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: bad spot geometry
GENE_DUP_SPOT - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: is duplicate of another gene on array
GENE_GOOD_MID - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: the gene is good, good gene name.
GENE_IMAGE_ID - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: Clone is an I.M.A.G.E.
GENE_IS_CUR_GENE - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: is Current Gene (not normally used)
GENE_IS_EGL_GENE - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: is an E.G.
GENE_IS_FILTERED - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: is a gene that did pass data Filter
GENE_IS_KMEANS - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: Is a K-means node gene
GENE_IS_NOT_FILTERED - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: is a gene that did not pass data Filter
GENE_LOW_SPOT_REF_SIGNAL - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: low spot reference signal
GENE_MARGINAL_SPOT - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: Marginal spot
GENE_USE_GBID_FOR_CLONEID - Static variable in class MJAbase
Gene property: use GenBank ID for Clone ID
get_abortFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_abortFlag() - get "abortFlag" flag status
get_addExprProfileFlag() - Method in class MJAreport
get_addExprProfileFlag() - get flag: add EP ratios in gene REPORTS
get_addHP_XYstatFlag() - Method in class MJAreport
get_addHP_XYstatFlag() - get flag: add HP_XY statistics in gene REPORTS
get_allowNegQuantDataFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_allowNegQuantDataFlag() - get "allowNegQuantData" flag status allow Negative Quantified intensity data
get_Clone_ID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_Clone_ID() - get Clone_ID for default gene, if exists
get_clusterNodeNbr() - Method in class MJAgene
get_clusterNodeNbr() - get clusterNodeNbr for default gene, if exists
get_clusterOnFilteredGenesFlag() - Method in class MJAcluster
get_clusterOnFilteredGenesFlag() - get flag to cluster on Filtered genes else All genes.
get_coeffOfVarTestMode() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_coeffOfVarTestMode() - get samples-to-use mode for testing coefficient of variation threshold.
get_conditionsData() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_conditionsData() - data[0:nConditions-1][sampleNbrInClass] for computations of N-condition F-test
get_data() - Method in class MJAgene
get_data() - get data for default gene, if exists
get_data1() - Method in class MJAgene
get_data1() - get data1 for default gene, if exists
get_data2() - Method in class MJAgene
get_data2() - get data2 for default gene, if exists
get_dbEST3ID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_dbEST3ID() - get dbEST3 ID for default gene, if exists
get_dbEST5ID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_dbEST5ID() - get dbEST5 ID for default gene, if exists
get_defaultFloat() - Method in class MJAutil
get_defaultFloat() - default float value for conversions
get_deltaBinH() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_deltaBinH() - width of the histogram bins computed as: nBinsH/(maxDataH-minDataH) previously computed
get_dF() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_dF() - CALC: degrees of freedom previously computed
get_dKS() - Method in class MJAmath
get_dKS() - K-S statistic for Kolmogorov-Smirnov stat d & prob of the null hypothesis of 2 bins of data.
get_doGCFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_doGCFlag() - get "doGCflag" flag status invoke the Garbage Collector when have time as determined by the main idle loop
get_duplMIDlist() - Method in class MJAgene
get_duplMIDlist() - get list of MIDs for duplicate genes for default gene, if exists
get_f() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_f() - CALC: calculated f statistic previously computed
get_fStat() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_fStat() - CALC: f-statistic previously computed
get_gangSpotDuplicatesFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_gangSpotDuplicatesFlag() - get "gangSpotDuplicates" flag status display and report ganged (F1,F2) data else just F1 data
get_GenBankAcc3ID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_GenBankAcc3ID() - get GenBank Acc 3' ID for default gene, if exists
get_GenBankAcc5ID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_GenBankAcc5ID() - get GenBank Acc 5' ID for default gene, if exists
get_GenBankAccID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_GenBankAccID() - get GenBankAcc ID for default gene, if exists
get_Gene_Name() - Method in class MJAgene
get_Gene_Name() - get Gene_Name for default gene
get_Generic_ID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_Generic_ID() - get Generic_ID for default gene, if exists
get_genomicDB_URLs() - Method in class MJAgenomicDB
get_genomicDB_URLs() - get user-defined genomic DB URLs
get_GenomicID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_GenomicID() - geta list of additional genomic IDs for the default gene, if exists.
get_goodSpotTestMode() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_goodSpotTestMode() - get samples-to-use mode for testing for good spots (as determined by QualCheck field in .quant data files.
get_hist() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_hist() - histogram of size [0:nBinsH-1] previously computed
get_HP_EclustersMembershioFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_HP_EclustersMembershioFlag() - get flag for filter by HP-E clustering membership
get_HP_SampleName(int, boolean) - Method in class MJAsampleList
get_HP_SampleName() - get HP sample name for sample number
get_isZscoreNormFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_isZscoreNormFlag() - get "isZscoreNorm" flag status using one of the Zscore normalizations
get_LocusID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_LocusID() - get LocusID for default gene, if exists
get_Master_ID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_Master_ID() - get Master_ID for default gene
get_MasterGeneName() - Method in class MJAgene
get_MasterGeneName() - get MasterGeneName for default gene
get_maxDataH() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_maxDataH() - max value in data[] for histogram previously computed
get_meanAbsDevH() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_meanAbsDevH() - mean absolute deviation for histogram previously computed
get_meanH() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_meanH() - mean of data[] for histogram previously computed
get_meanIdx() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_meanIdx() - index of mean in hist[] previously computed
get_meansAllConditions() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_meansAllConditions() - means of samples in each of the nConditions used in computation of N-condition F-test
get_medianH() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_medianH() - mode of data[] for histogram previously computed
get_medianIdx() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_medianIdx() - index of median in hist[] previously computed
get_minDataH() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_minDataH() - min value in data[] for histogram previously computed
get_mnX() - Method in class MJAmath
get_mnX() - get mean X previously computed
get_mnY() - Method in class MJAmath
get_mnY() - get mean Y previously computed
get_modeH() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_modeH() - mode of data[] for histogram previously computed
get_modeIdx() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_modeIdx() - index of mode in hist[] previously computed
get_nBinsH() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_nBinsH() - 0 if none.
get_nCond_dfBetween() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_nCond_dfBetween() - get dfBetween degrees of freedom used in computation of N-condition F-test
get_nCond_dfWithin() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_nCond_dfWithin() - get dfWithin degrees of freedom used in computation of N-condition F-test
get_nCond_pValue() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_nCond_pValue() - get p-value computed of N-condition F-test
get_nCondFstat() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_nCondFstat() - get f-statistic computed in N-condition F-test
get_nConditions() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_nConditions() - get nConditions used in computation of N-condition F-test
get_nCondMeanSqBetweenVariance() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_nCondMeanSqBetweenVariance() - get mnSqBetween variance used in computation of N-condition F-test
get_nCondMeanSqWithinVariance() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_nCondMeanSqWithinVariance() - get mnSqWithin variance used in computation of N-condition F-test
get_nDuplGenes() - Method in class MJAgene
get_nDuplGenes() - # duplicate genes in duplMIDlist[] for default gene, if exists
get_nGeneClustersCnt() - Method in class MJAgene
get_nGeneClustersCnt() - get nGeneClustersCnt for default gene, if exists
get_nGenomicID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_nGenomicID() - get # additional genomic IDs in the GenomicID[] list for the default gene, if exists.
get_normHierClusterByRatioHPFlag() - Method in class MJAcluster
get_normHierClusterByRatioHPFlag() - get flag to that normalizing each HP-E gene expression vector dataV[1:nHP] by the ratio of HP-X dataV[HP-X].
get_NratiosToReport() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_NratiosToReport() - get # of ratios to report
get_nSamplesAllConditions() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_nSamplesAllConditions() - # of samples in each of the nConditions used in computation of N-condition F-test
get_nXY() - Method in class MJAmath
get_nXY() - # of genes used in calcXYstat computation
get_okBetaCF() - Method in class MJAmath
get_okBetaCF() - test if nr_betaCF() was ok
get_okBetaI() - Method in class MJAmath
get_okBetaI() - test if nr_betai() was ok
get_okProbKS() - Method in class MJAmath
get_okProbKS() - test if Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was ok
get_pF() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_pF() - CALC: f-test p-value w/NULL hypoth previously computed
get_plate_col() - Method in class MJAgene
get_plate_col) - get original plate_col for default gene, if exists
get_plate_row() - Method in class MJAgene
get_plate_row() - get original plate_row for default gene, if exists
get_plate() - Method in class MJAgene
get_plate() - get original plate for default gene, if exists
get_positiveQuantTestMode() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_positiveQuantTestMode() - get samples-to-use mode for testing for positive spot quantification values.
get_presentationViewFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_presentationViewFlag() - get "presentationView" flag status use larger fonts and graphics for presentations
get_probKS() - Method in class MJAmath
get_probKS() - probability of null hypoth same distrib for previously computed Kolmogorov-Smirnov stat d & prob of the null hypothesis of 2 bins of data.
get_properties() - Method in class MJAgene
get_properties() - get properties for default gene, if exists
get_pT() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_pT() - CALC: t-test p-value w/NULL hypoth previously computed
get_pValue() - Method in class MJAgene
get_pValue() - get pValue for default gene, if exists
get_pValueThr() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_pValueThr() - get Sample p-Value for t-Test Filter threshold
get_ratioCy3Cy5RangeMode() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_ratioCy3Cy5RangeMode() - get inside/outside mode for testing sample Cy3/Cy5 ratio range.
get_ratioRangeMode() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_ratioRangeMode() - get inside/outside mode for testing sample ratio range.
get_rSq() - Method in class MJAmath
get_rSq() - get correlation coefficient previously computed
get_sampleIntensityRangeMode() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_sampleIntensityRangeMode() - get inside/outside mode for testing sample intensity range.
get_sdX() - Method in class MJAmath
get_sdX() - get standard deviation X previously computed
get_sdY() - Method in class MJAmath
get_sdY() - get standard deviation Y previously computed
get_spotIntensityCompareMode() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_spotIntensityCompareMode() - get how-to compare samples mode for testing spot intensity range.
get_spotIntensityRangeMode() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_spotIntensityRangeMode() - get inside/outside mode for testing spot intensity range.
get_spotIntensityTestMode() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_spotIntensityTestMode() - get samples-to-use mode for testing spot intensity range.
get_stdDevAllConditions() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_stdDevAllConditions() - stdDev of samples in each of the nConditions used in computation of N-condition F-test
get_stdDevH() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_stdDevH() - standard deviation of data[] for histogram previously computed
get_SwissProtID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_SwissProtID() - get SwissProt ID for default gene, if exists
get_t() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_t() - CALC: t or t' statistic computed previously computed
get_thrClusterDist() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrClusterDist() - get Sample gene-gene cluster distance threshold
get_thrCR1() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrCR1() - get Sample Cy3/Cy5 lower limit CR1 threshold
get_thrCR2() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrCR2() - get Sample Cy3/Cy5 lower limit CR2 threshold
get_thrDiff() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrDiff() - get Sample diff (HP-X,HP-Y) Filter threshold
get_thrI1() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrI1() - get Sample Intensity lower limit I1 threshold
get_thrI2() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrI2() - get Sample Intensity lower limit I2 threshold
get_thrNbrClusters() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrNbrClusters() - get # of clusters in K-means clustering
get_thrPercentOK() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrPercentOK() - get % of samples meeting Spot Intensity criteria threshold
get_thrQualCheck() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrQualCheck) - get Sample QualCheck threshold
get_thrR1() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrR1() - get Sample Ratio lower limit R1 threshold
get_thrR2() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrR2() - get Sample Ratio lower limit R2 threshold
get_thrSI1() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrSI1() - get Spot Intensity lower limit SI1 threshold
get_thrSI2() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrSI2() - get Spot Intensity lower limit SI2 threshold
get_thrSpotCV() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_thrSpotCV() - get Sample spot Coefficient Of Variation Filter threshold
get_title() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_title() - title for data used in histogram previously computed
get_UGclusterName() - Method in class MJAgene
get_UGclusterName() - get UGclusterName for default gene, if exists
get_Unigene_ID() - Method in class MJAgene
get_Unigene_ID() - get Unigene_ID for default gene, if exists
get_updatePseudoImgFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_updatePseudoArrayImageFlag() - get "updatePseudoArrayImage" flag status.
get_useAbsDiffFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useAbsDiffFilterFlag() - get flag for filter by absolute diff |HP-X - HP-Y|
get_useAutoStateScrollersPopupFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useAutoStateScrollersPopupFlag() - flag for Auto state-scroller popup window
get_useClusterCountsDisplayFlag() - Method in class MJAcluster
get_useClusterCountsDisplayFlag() - get flag to show if gene cluster counts cluster method is active.
get_useClusterDistanceCacheFlag() - Method in class MJAcluster
get_useClusterDistanceCacheFlag() - get flag to use cluster distance cache to speed up computations.
get_useCorrelationCoefficientFlag() - Method in class MJAcluster
get_useCorrelationCoefficientFlag() - get gene-gene distance metric flag.
get_useCVmeanElseMaxInFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useCVmeanElseMaxInFilterFlag() - flag for use mean of CV else use max in Coefficient of Variation filter
get_useCy5OverCy3Flag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_useCy5OverCy3Flag() - get "useCy5OverCy3Flag" flag status Swap Cy3/Cy to Cy5/Cy3 for reporting purposes
get_useDbESTViewerFlag(boolean) - Method in class MJAgenomicDB
get_useDbESTViewerFlag() - access popup Web browser dbEST database
get_useDichromasyDisplayFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_useDichromasyDisplayFlag() - get "useDichromasyDisplay" flag status enable Dichromasy color-blindness display options
get_useEGLgeneListFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useEGLgeneListFilterFlag() - flag for filter by genes in EGL
get_useEPrawIntensityValuesFlag() - Method in class MJAreport
get_useEPrawIntensityValuesFlag() - get flag: use Raw intensity for EP ratios in gene REPORTS
get_useExprProfileOverlayFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_useExprProfileOverlayFlag() - get "useExprProfileOverlay" flag status Plot EP list as overlay 2Dplot else scrollable EP list
get_useF_TestOCLFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useF_TestOCLFilterFlag() - flag for filter passing ur.
get_useGenBankViewerFlag(boolean) - Method in class MJAgenomicDB
get_useGenBankViewerFlag() - access popup Web browser GenBank database
get_useGeneClassMbrFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useGeneClassMbrFilterFlag() - flag for filter by GeneClass membership
get_useGeneSetFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useGeneSetFilterFlag() - flag for filter by user gene set membership
get_useGoodGeneGIPOfilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useGoodGeneGIPOfilterFlag() - flag for filter by GIPO Good Genes List
get_useGoodSpotDataFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useGoodSpotDataFlag() - flag for filter by Good spot data
get_useHierClusterDisplayFlag() - Method in class MJAcluster
get_useHierClusterDisplayFlag() - get flag show hierarchical clusters in the pseudoarray image for All Filtered genes.
get_useHighRatiosFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useHighRatiosFilterFlag() - flag for Use highest X/Y ratios filter
get_useHP_E_ListDataFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_useHP_E_ListDataFlag() - get "useMeanHPeListDataFlag" flag status use mean HP-E 'list' data else single current HP sample data
get_useHPxySetsDataFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_useHPxySetsDataFlag() - get "useHPxySetsData" flag status use mean HP-X,Y 'sets' data else HP-X,HP-Y single samples data
get_useIntensHistBinsFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useIntensHistBinsFilterFlag() - flag for filter by Intensity histogram bin
get_useIntensityFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useIntensityFilterFlag() - flag for filter by intensity threshold
get_useKmeansClusterCountsDispFlag() - Method in class MJAcluster
get_useKmeansClusterCountsDispFlag() - get flag show K-means cluster counts for all Filtered genes in the pseudoarray image.
get_useKStestXYsetsFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useKStestXYsetsFilterFlag() - flag for filter passing HP-X,HP-Y 'sets' KS-test
get_useLocksLinkViewerFlag(boolean) - Method in class MJAgenomicDB
get_useLocksLinkViewerFlag() - access popup Web browser LocusLink database
get_useLowRatiosFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useLowRatiosFilterFlag() - flag for Use lowest X/Y ratios filter
get_useLSQmagnitudeNormalizationFlag() - Method in class MJAcluster
get_useLSQmagnitudeNormalizationFlag() - get flag to normalize cluster expression vector geneEPvect[] to 1.0 for clustering
get_useMadbViewerFlag(boolean) - Method in class MJAgenomicDB
get_useMadbViewerFlag() - access popup Web browser mAdb clone database
get_useMedianForKmeansClusteringFlag() - Method in class MJAcluster
get_useMedianForKmeansClusteringFlag() - get flag for K-median else K-means clustering
get_useMedMinerViewerFlag(boolean) - Method in class MJAgenomicDB
get_useMedMinerViewerFlag() - access popup Web browser MedMiner database
get_useMouseOverFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_useMouseOverFlag() - get "useMouseOver" flag status
get_useOmimViewerFlag(boolean) - Method in class MJAgenomicDB
get_useOmimViewerFlag() - access popup Web browser OMIM database
get_usePIRViewerFlag(boolean) - Method in class MJAgenomicDB
get_usePIRViewerFlag() - access popup Web browser PIR database
get_usePosQuantIntensDataFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_usePosQuantIntensDataFlag() - get flag for filter by postive intensity data
get_useRatioCy3Cy5FilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useRatioCy3Cy5FilterFlag() - flag for filter by Cy3/Cy5 ratio range threshold
get_useRatioDataFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_useRatioDataFlag() - get "useRatioData" flag status data is Cy3/Cy5 ratio else Intensity
get_useRatioFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useRatioFilterFlag() - flag for filter by ratio threshold
get_useRatioHistBinsFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useRatioHistBinsFilterFlag() - flag for filter by Ratio histogram bin
get_useReplicateGenesFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useReplicateGenesFilterFlag() - flag for filter by => 2 replicates/gene
get_useShortClusterDistanceCacheFlag() - Method in class MJAcluster
get_useShortClusterDistanceCacheFlag() - get flag t ouse short[] cluster distance cache to save memory
get_useSimilarGeneClusterDisplayFlag() - Method in class MJAcluster
get_useSimilarGeneClusterDisplayFlag() - get flag to show if similar genes cluster method is active.
get_useSpotCVfilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useSpotCVfilterFlag() - get flag for filter by Spot Coefficient of Variation
get_useSpotIntensityFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useSpotIntensityFilterFlag() - flag for filter by intensity threshold
get_useSwissProtViewerFlag(boolean) - Method in class MJAgenomicDB
get_useSwissProtViewerFlag() - access popup Web browser SwissProt database
get_useTest() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_useTest() - CALC: 'B' or 'T' - t-test to use computed using F-statistic previously computed
get_useTtestXYfilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useTtestXYfilterFlag() - get flag for filter genes passing HP-X,-Y t-test
get_useTtestXYsetsFilterFlag() - Method in class MJAfilter
get_useTtestXYsetsFilterFlag() - flag for filter passing HP-X,HP-Y 'sets' t-test
get_useUniGeneViewerFlag(boolean) - Method in class MJAgenomicDB
get_useUniGeneViewerFlag() - access popup Web browser UniGene database
get_varianceAllConditions() - Method in class MJAstatistics
get_varianceAllConditions() - variance of samples in each of the nConditions used in computation of N-condition F-test
get_viewFilteredSpotsFlag() - Method in class MJAstate
get_viewFilteredSpotsFlag() - get "viewFilteredSpots" flag status in PseudoArray image show Filtered spots else don't show overlays
getActiveNormalization() - Method in class MaeJavaAPI
getActiveNormalization() - get active normalization.
getAllCondNames() - Method in class MJAcondition
getAllCondNames()- get a list of all condition names.
getAllF1F2dataForSample(float[], float[], int) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getAllF1F2dataForSample() - get all (f1,f2,prop) lists of Field (F1,F2) data for sample in (f1List[], f2List[]) for ALL gene data.
getAllGenRbits() - Method in class MJAReval
getAllGenRbits() - get GenR Bits using R_GENR_xxxx bits for current RLO.
getAllHP_XandYsamplesData(float[], float[], int, int) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getAllHP_XandYsamplesData() - get all (X,Y,prop) lists of X and Y samples data for single samples in (Xdata[],Ydata[]) for ALL genes.
getAllHP_XandYsetDataForSample(float[], float[]) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getAllHP_XandYsetDataForSample() - get all HP-X, -Y 'sets' (X,Y) normalized data lists for sample in (Xdata[],Ydata[] for ALL genes.
getAllHPdataForSample(float[], int) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getAllHPdataForSample() - get all normalized (data,prop) list single sample's data for sample in (dataList[]) for ALL genes.
getAllMeanDataForCondition(float[], float[], String) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getAllMeanDataGeneListDataForCondition() - get all (mn,SD,prop) list Condition samples' normalized data for genes in the specified gene list and samples in the condition list and save in in (meanData[], stdDevData[]) for data filtered by the specified gene list.
getAllProcessBits() - Method in class MJAReval
getAllRawF1F2DataAndBkgdForSample(float[], float[], float[], float[], int[], int[], int) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getAllawF1F2DataAndBkgdForSample() - get all spot list raw intensity and background data for genes and return it in the arrays pre-specified by the user.
getAllSampleNames() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getAllSampleNames()- get list of all active sample names used in DB
getAllSampleNamesInDB() - Method in class MJAcondition
getAllSampleNamesInDB() - get list of all sample names in the database
getClassXname() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getClassXname() - get the current Class X name.
getClassYname() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getClassYname() - get the current Class Y name.
getClusterOfSimilarGenes(String, float, int) - Method in class MJAcluster
getClusterOfSimilarGenes() - get Hashtable list of gene cluster similar to seed gene.
getComputedMaxMeanEP() - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getComputedMaxMeanEP() - max mean of the current EP sample data
getConditionIdxInOrderedCondList(String, String) - Method in class MJAcondition
getConditionIdxInOrderedCondList() - get condition index in named ordered condition list.
getConditionsInOrderedCondList(String) - Method in class MJAcondition
getConditionsInOrderedCondList() - get list of names conditions in OCL
getCondListLength(String) - Method in class MJAcondition
getCondListLength() - get # of samples in the condition list
getCondListsNames() - Method in class MJAcondition
getCondListsNames() - get list of active condition lists names
getCondListsSizes() - Method in class MJAcondition
getCondListsSizes() - get list of active condition lists sizes
getCondParamNames() - Method in class MJAcondition
getCondParamNames() - get list of condition parameter names for all conditions
getCondParamValues(String) - Method in class MJAcondition
getCondParamValues() - get list of parameter values for specific condition
getCorrCoefQuantDataList(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getCorrCoefQuantDataList() - get spot intensity correlation coefficient data for the given sample.
getCurCondition() - Method in class MJAcondition
getCurGeneCol() - Method in class MJAgene
getCurGeneCol() - get the column in the grid for current gene
getCurGeneField() - Method in class MJAgene
getCurGeneField() - get the MID (Master Gene ID) number for current gene
getCurGeneGIDG() - Method in class MJAgene
getCurGeneGIDG() - get the GIDG (Ganged Grid layout ID) number for current gene
getCurGeneGrid() - Method in class MJAgene
getCurGeneGrid() - get the grid for current gene
getCurGeneMID() - Method in class MJAgene
getCurGeneMID() - get the MID (Master Gene ID) number for current gene
getCurGeneRow() - Method in class MJAgene
getCurGeneRow() - get the rowin the grid for current gene
getCurGeneXcoord() - Method in class MJAgene
getCurGeneXcoord() - get the X coordinate in the pseudoarray for current gene
getCurGeneYcoord() - Method in class MJAgene
getCurGeneYcoord() - get the Y coordinate in the pseudoarray for current gene
getCurOCL() - Method in class MJAcondition
getCurrent_HP_index() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getCurrent_HP_index() - get Current HP sample index.
getCurrent_HP_name(boolean) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getCurrent_HP_name() - get Current HP sample name
getCurrent_HP_X_index() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getCurrent_HP_X_index() - get Current HP-X sample index.
getCurrent_HP_X_name(boolean) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getCurrent_HP_X_name() - get Current HP-X sample name
getCurrent_HP_Y_index() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getCurrent_HP_Y_index() - get Current HP-Y sample index.
getCurrent_HP_Y_name(boolean) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getCurrent_HP_Y_name() - get Current HP-Y sample name
getCurrentGeneClassIndex() - Method in class MJAgeneList
getCurrentGeneClassIndex() - get index of current gene class in DB
getCurrentRLOid() - Method in class MJAReval
getCurrentRLOid() - get the current RLO analysis method id
getCurrentRLOmenuName() - Method in class MJAReval
getCurrentRLOmenuName() - get the current RLO analysis menu string name
getCurrentRLOmenuStubName() - Method in class MJAReval
getCurrentRLOmenuStubName() - get the current RLO analysis menu stub string name
getCurrentRLORscriptName() - Method in class MJAReval
getCurrentRLORscriptName() - get current RLO analysis .R script file name
getCVtestMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getCVtestMode() - get Coefficient of Variation (CV) test mode: SS_MODE_xxxx
getDbEstURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getDbEstURL() - get the current url value
getDoMeanPlotsFlag() - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getDoMeanPlotsFlag() - flag to generate mean plots (of the clusters) else individual plots
getEditMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getEditMode() - get EGL mode for 'edited gene list': EDIT_xxxx
getEPmaxMeanSampleData() - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getEPmaxMeanSampleData() - max mean normalized sample data scale factor computed over all samples and all genes being used in a list of expression profiles.
getEPsamplesCV(int) - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getEPsamplesCV() - opt.
getEPsamplesData(int) - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getEPsamplesData() - list of normalized HP-E samples data for MID.
getEPsamplesMean(int) - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getEPsamplesMean() - opt.
getEPsamplesStdDev(int) - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getEPsamplesStdDev() - opt.
getF1F2dataForSample(float[], float[], int[], int, String) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getF1F2dataForSample() - get filtered (f1,f2,prop) lists of Field (F1,F2) data for sample in (f1List[], f2List[], propList[]) for FILTERED data by the specified gene list.
getFGRCtoGIDmap() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getFGRCtoGIDmap() - get map of [field][grid][grid_row][grid_col] to gid (GridCoords index GID).
getFlourescentLabel1Name() - Method in class MJAproperty
getFlourescentLabel1Name() - get current fluorescent label 1 name.
getFlourescentLabel2Name() - Method in class MJAproperty
getFlourescentLabel2Name() - get current fluorescent label 1 name.
getFrame() - Method in class MaeJavaAPI
getFrame() - provide the dominate Frame for other AWT components
getFullGEOplatformDataTableURL() - Method in class MJAproperty
getFullGEOplatformDataTableURL() - get URL for current full GEO platform data table
getFullRoutputFilePath() - Method in class MJAReval
getFullRoutputFilePath() - get full path of R output file after file setup
getFullRscriptInputPath() - Method in class MJAReval
getFullRscriptInputPath() - full path of R input script file after file setup
getFullRunRfilePath() - Method in class MJAReval
getFullRunRfilePath() - full path of batch R startup script file after file setup
getFullSampleTextBySampleNbr(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getFullSampleTextBySampleNbr() - lookup the full sample text description by sample number.
getGbid2LocusLinkURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getGbid2LocusLinkURL() - get the current url value
getGenBankCloneURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getGenBankCloneURL() - get the current url value
getGenBankCloneURLepilogue() - Method in class MJAstate
getGenBankCloneURLepilogue() - get the current url value
getGeneBankAccURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getGenBankAccURL() - get the current url value
getGeneBitsetData(String) - Method in class MJAgeneList
getGeneBitsetData() - get Hashtable list of GeneBitSet data by GeneBitSet name.
getGeneCardURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getGeneCardURL() - get the current url value
getGeneFeatureLine(int) - Static method in class MJAgene
getGeneFeatureLine() - get spot feature summary of gene.
getGeneFieldDataFromGeneList(String, String) - Method in class MJAgeneList
getGeneFieldDataFromGeneList() - get String list of Gene fields for gene list.
getGeneGenomicLine(int) - Static method in class MJAgene
getGeneGenomicLine() - get spot genomic data summary of gene.
getGeneListData(String) - Method in class MJAgeneList
getGeneListData() - get Hashtable list of GeneList data by GeneList name.
getGeneListNames() - Method in class MJAgeneList
getGeneListNames() - get list of the names for all of the GeneLists
getGeneMeasurementSummary(int, int) - Static method in class MJAgene
getGeneMeasurementSummary() - get spot quantitation summary of (gene,sample).
getGEOplatformID() - Method in class MJAproperty
getGEOplatformID() - get current GEO platform ID for this database
getGIDtoFGRCmap() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getGIDtoFGRCmap() - get the map of GIDs to FGRC 5-tuples Each map entry is {gid, field, grid, row, column}
getGIDtoGangGIDmap() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getGIDtoGangGIDmap() - get the map from GIDs to Ganged GIDs
getGIDtoMIDmap() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getGIDtoMIDmap() - get the map from GIDs to MIDs
getGoodSpotTestMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getGoodSpotTestMode() - get Good Spot (QualCheck) test mode: SS_MODE_xxxx
getGrandMeanCalDNA(boolean) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getGrandMeanCalDNA() - get compute grand mean of calibration DNA
getGrandMeanUseGeneSet(boolean) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getGrandMeanUseGeneSet() - get compute grand mean of 'Use Gene Set'
getGridIDnbr() - Method in class MJAgene
getGridIDnbr() - get the GID (Grid layout ID) number for current gene
getGridIndexMap() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getGridIndexMap() - get the map of mid to gene.
getHierClusterOfGenes(String) - Method in class MJAcluster
getHierClusterOfGenes() - get Hashtable list of hierarchical gene cluster of genes.
getHierClustMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getHierClustMode() - get hierarchical clustering linkage mode: HIER_CLUST_xxxxx
getHP_Elist_SampleIDs() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_Elist_SampleIDs()- get list of HP-E 'list' sample IDs used in DB
getHP_Elist_SampleNames() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_Elist_SampleNames()- get list of HP-E 'list' sample IDs used in DB
getHP_Elist_SampleNbrs() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_Elist_SampleNbrs()- get list of HP-E 'list' sample numbers used in DB
getHP_XandYsamplesData(float[], float[], int[], int, int, String) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_XandYsamplesData() - get filtered (X,Y,prop) lists of X and Y samples data for single samples in (Xdata[],Ydata[], propList[]) for FILTERED data by the specified gene list.
getHP_XandYsetDataForSample(float[], float[], int[], String) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_XandYsetDataForSample() - get normalized HP-X, -Y 'sets' (X,Y,prop) data lists for sample in (Xdata[],Ydata[], propList[] for FILTERED data by the specified gene list.
getHP_Xset_SampleIDs() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_Xset_SampleIDs()- get list of HP-X 'set' sample IDs used in DB
getHP_Xset_SampleNames() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_Xset_SampleNames()- get list of HP-X 'set' sample names used in DB
getHP_Xset_SampleNbrs() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_Xset_SampleNbrs()- get list of HP-X 'set' sample numbers used in DB
getHP_XYsetsStatistics(int) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_XYsetsStatistics() - get HP-X and HP-Y 'set statistics for gene.
getHP_Yset_SampleIDs() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_Yset_SampleIDs()- get list of HP-Y 'set' sample IDs used in DB
getHP_Yset_SampleNames() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_Yset_SampleNames()- get list of HP-Y 'set' sample names used in DB
getHP_Yset_SampleNbrs() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHP_Yset_SampleNbrs()- get list of HP-Y 'set' sample numbers used in DB
getHPdataForSample(float[], int[], int, String) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getHPdataForSample() - get normalized filtered (data,prop) list single sample's data for sample in (dataList[], propList[]) for FILTERED data by the specified gene list.
getIMAGE2GenBankURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getIMAGE2GenBankURL() - get the current url value
getIMAGE2unigeneURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getIMAGE2unigeneURL() - get the current url value
getInputDataFileNames() - Method in class MJAReval
getInputDataFileNames() - get current RLO list of input data file names
getInputDataTypes() - Method in class MJAReval
getInputDataTypes() - get current RLO list of input data file types
getInputRscriptFileName() - Method in class MJAReval
getInputRscriptFileName() - get current name of .R input script file
getKmeansClusters(String, int, int) - Method in class MJAcluster
getKmeansClusters() - get Hashtable list of K-means clustering data.
getLastorderedCondListName() - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getLastorderedCondListName() - get name of last ordered condition list computation computed using calcOrderedCondListExprProfile().
getListCondListsStr() - Method in class MJAcondition
getListCondListsStr() - get list of Conditions pretty-print string
getListFilterNames() - Method in class MJAfilter
getListFilterNames() - getlist of active data Filter names.
getListOfAllActiveHPsampleIndices() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getListOfAllActiveHPsampleIndices() - get list of all active sample HP indices.
getListOfGeneFieldsForMID(int) - Method in class MJAgeneList
getListOfGeneFieldsForMID() - get list of Gene fields for a gene by MID DataFieldNames: "GeneName", "GenBankID", "GenBank3ID", "GenBank5ID", "CloneID", "LocusID", "UniGeneID", "SwissProtID", "RefSeqID", "Master_ID", "MasterGeneName", "Generic_ID"
getListOfGEOplatformsURL() - Method in class MJAproperty
getListOfGEOplatformsURL() - get URL for list of current GEO platforms
getListOfHPEsampleIndices() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getListOfHPEsampleIndices() - get list of sample indices in HP-E list.
getListOfHPXsampleIndices() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getListOfHPXsampleIndices() - get list of sample indices in HP-X set.
getListOfHPYsampleIndices() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getListOfHPYsampleIndices() - get list of sample indices in HP-Y set.
getListOfMenuActionCmds() - Method in class MJAeval
getListOfMenuActionCmds() - get list of current menu action short-form commands
getListOfMenuActionLabels() - Method in class MJAeval
getListOfMenuActionLabels() - get list of current menu action commands labels
getListOfMenuCheckboxLabels() - Method in class MJAeval
getListOfMenuCheckboxLabels() - get list of current menu checkbox label commands.
getListOfMenuStubNames() - Static method in class MJAutil
getListOfMenuStubNames() - get list of menu stub names
getListofRLOmenuNames() - Method in class MJAReval
getListofRLOmenuNames() - get list of all menuNames
getListofRLOscriptNames() - Method in class MJAReval
getListofRLOscriptNames() - get list of all R script names
getListOfSampleMenuEntries() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getListOfSampleMenuEntries() - get list of sample menu names as appears in the MAExplorer Samples menu.
getListOfSampleNames() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getListOfSampleNames() - get list sample database file name (no .quant).
getListOfSampleProjectEntries() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getListOfSampleProjectEntries() - get list of sample project names.
getListOfSampleStageNames() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getListOfSampleStageNames() - get list of sample full stage text names.
getListScrollerNames() - Method in class MJAfilter
getListScrollerNames() - get list of ALL State Scrollers
getListsOfEPsamplesCV(int[]) - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getListsOfEPsamplesCV() - lists of normalized HP-E samples CoefOfVar EPs for list of MIDs.
getListsOfEPsamplesData(int[]) - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getListsOfEPsamplesData() - lists of normalized HP-E samples data EPs for list of MIDs.
getListsOfEPsamplesMean(int[]) - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getListsOfEPsamplesMean() - lists of normalized HP-E samples Means EPs for list of MIDs Compute expression profiles for all of the mid's in the midList[] that are legal (i.e.
getListsOfEPsamplesStdDev(int[]) - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getListsOfEPsamplesStdDev() - lists of normalized HP-E samples StdDev EPs for list of MIDs.
getListsOfOrderedCondListCVs() - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getListsOfOrderedCondListCVs() is last conditions Coeff of Variation[] from ordered condition list computation computed using calcOrderedCondListExprProfile().
getListsOfOrderedCondListMeans() - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getListsOfOrderedCondListMeans() is last conditions means[] from ordered condition list computation computed using calcOrderedCondListExprProfile().
getListsOfOrderedCondListNames() - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getListsOfOrderedCondListNames() is last conditions means[] from ordered condition list computation computed using calcOrderedCondListExprProfile().
getListsOfOrderedCondListNbrs() - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getListsOfOrderedCondListNbrs() is last conditions sizes [] from ordered condition list computation computed using calcOrderedCondListExprProfile().
getListsOfOrderedCondListStdDevs() - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getListsOfOrderedCondListStdDevs() is last conditions StdDev[] from ordered condition list computation computed using calcOrderedCondListExprProfile().
getLocusLinkURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getLocusLinkURL() - get the current url value
getMAdbURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getMAdbURL() - get the current url value
getMaeBrowserTitle() - Method in class MJAproperty
getMaeBrowserTitle() - get current browser MAExplorer title.
getMaeCurProjectPath() - Method in class MJAproperty
getMaeCurProjectPath() - get path of current project MAExplorer session.
getMaeDatabaseTitle() - Method in class MJAproperty
getMaeDatabaseTitle() - get current MAExplorer database title.
getMaeDbSubsetTitle() - Method in class MJAproperty
getMaeDbSubsetTitle() - get current MAExplorer DB subset title.
getMAERlibrBasePath() - Method in class MJAReval
getMAERlibrBasePath() - get current base path of MAExplorer MAELibr/ directory lives in "{installation directory}/".
getMaps() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getMaps() - get Hashtable list of a MAExplorer maps
getMasterGeneIDMap() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getMasterGeneIDMap() - get the map of mid to gene.
getMasterGeneIDname() - Method in class MJAgeneList
getMasterGeneIDname() - get the type of name used for Master Gene ID
getMasterGeneName() - Method in class MJAgeneList
getMasterGeneName() - get the type of name used for Master Gene Name
getMasterIDMode() - Method in class MJAgeneList
getMasterIDMode() - get the mode of name used for Master Gene ID It will be either MASTER_GENE_NAME or MASTER_UG_NAME
getMasterNameMode() - Method in class MJAgeneList
getMasterGeneName() - get the mode of name used for Master Gene Name It will be either MASTER_GENE_NAME or MASTER_UG_NAME
getMaxCondListSize() - Method in class MJAcondition
getMaxCondListSize() - get maximum # of samples condition list can hold
getMaxFields() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getMaxFields() - get the number of Max replicate grid Fields
getMaxGenes() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getMaxGenes() - get number of genes in the database
getMaxGridCols() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getMaxGridCols() - get the number of columns/grid in the array
getMaxGridRows() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getMaxGridRows() - get the number of rows/grid in the array
getMaxGrids() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getMaxGrids() - get the number of Max Grids in the array not counting replicate fields.
getMaxNbrCondParams() - Method in class MJAcondition
getMaxNbrCondParams() - get maximum # of condition parameters DB may hold
getMaxNbrOCLParams() - Method in class MJAcondition
getMaxNbrOCLParams() - return max number of Ordered Condition List parameters.
getMaxNbrSamplesInDB() - Method in class MJAcondition
getMaxNbrSamplesInDB() - get maximum # of samples database list can hold
getMaxOrderedCondListSize() - Method in class MJAcondition
getMaxOrderedCondListSize() - get maximum # of condition lists that an ordered condition list can hold
getMeanDataForCondition(float[], float[], int[], String, String) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getMeanDataGeneListDataForCondition() - get filtered (mn,SD,prop) list Condition samples' normalized data for genes in the specified gene list and samples in the condition list and save in (meanData[], stdDevData[], propList[]) for data filtered by the specified gene list.
getMedMinerURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getMedMinerURL() - get the current url value
getMedMinerURLepilogue() - Method in class MJAstate
getMedMinerURLepilogue() - get the current url value
getMenuHook() - Method in class MaeJavaAPI
getMenuHook() - get the menu hook for the plugin
getMIDindicesForFilterGeneList() - Method in class MJAgeneList
getMIDindicesForFilterGeneList() - get list MIDs for data Filter GeneList.
getMIDindicesFromGeneList(String) - Method in class MJAgeneList
getMIDindicesFromGeneList() - get list of GeneList MIDs by GeneList name.
getMIDtoGIDmap() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getMIDtoGIDmap() - get the map from MIDs to GIDs
getNamedOrderedCondListIdx(String) - Method in class MJAcondition
getNamedOrderedCondListIdx() - get named ordered condition list index
getNbrActiveFilters() - Method in class MJAfilter
getNbrActiveFilters) - get number of active data Filters
getNbrAnalyses() - Method in class MJAReval
getNbrAnalyses() - get the number of analyses in the RLO DB
getNbrCondLists() - Method in class MJAcondition
getNbrCondLists() - get # of active condition lists
getNbrCondParams() - Method in class MJAcondition
getNbrCondParams() - get the number of condition parameters
getNbrGeneBitSubsets() - Method in class MJAgeneList
getNbrGeneBitSubsets() - get total # of gene list bit subsets in DB
getNbrGenesPassingFilter() - Method in class MJAfilter
getNbrGenesPassingFilter() - get boolean flags for genes passing data Filter indexed by MID.
getNbrGeneSubsets() - Method in class MJAgeneList
getNbrGeneSubsets() - get total # of gene subsets in DB
getNbrGridIDs() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getNbrGridIDs() - get the number of genes
getNbrHPsamples() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getNbrHPsamples() - get # of ALL HP samples currently loaded in DB
getNbrMasterIDs() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getNbrMasterIDs() - get the number of Master Gene IDs
getNbrOrderedCondLists() - Method in class MJAcondition
getNbrOrderedCondLists() - get # of active ordered condition lists
getNbrSpecialGeneSubsets() - Method in class MJAgeneList
getNbrSpecialGeneSubsets() - get # of special gene subsets in DB
getNbrSpots() - Method in class MJAgeometry
getNbrSpots() - get the number of Nbr Spots in entire array
getNormalizationState() - Method in class MaeJavaAPI
getNormalizationState() - update Normalization state based on normalization method selected in plugins.
getNormMethod() - Method in class MJAnormalization
getNormMethod() - get name of current normalization method
getNormMethodDisplayName() - Method in class MJAnormalization
getNormMethodDisplayName() - get display name of current normalization method
getNormToOneFlag() - Method in class MJAexprProfile
getNormToOneFlag() - flag of normalize expression profile to 1.0 flag
getNumbersOfGenesInGeneSubsets() - Method in class MJAgeneList
getNumbersOfGenesInGeneSubsets() - get list of # genes in each of the gene subsets
getOrderedCondListsNames() - Method in class MJAcondition
getOrderedCondListsNames() - get list of active ordered condition lists names
getOrderedCondListsSizes() - Method in class MJAcondition
getOrderedCondListsSizes() - get list of active ordered condition lists sizes
getOrderedCondNamesInCondList(String) - Method in class MJAcondition
getOrderedCondNamesInCondList() - get a list of all condition names in ordered cond list
getOrderedCondParamNames() - Method in class MJAcondition
getOrderedCondParamNames() - return list of Ordered condition paramter names.
getOrderedCondParamValues(String) - Method in class MJAcondition
getOrderedCondParamValues() - return list of Ordered condition paramter values.
getOutputDataFileNames() - Method in class MJAReval
getOutputDataFileNames() - get current RLO list of output data file names.
getOutputDataTypes() - Method in class MJAReval
getOutputDataTypes() - get current RLO list of output data file types
getPassword() - Method in class MJAproperty
getPassword() - get current user password name if exists
getPirURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getPirURL() - get the current url value
getPlotModeImage() - Method in class MJAproperty
getPlotModeImage() - get pseudoarray image plot mode: PLOT_xxxx_IMAGE
getPluginHashState(String, String) - Method in class MJAstate
getPluginHashState() - get state object value from MAEPlugin hash state storage.
getPluginHashState(String, String, boolean) - Method in class MJAstate
getPluginHashState() - get boolean state value from MAEPlugin hash state storage This looks for a symbol with the name (pluginName + "." + varName) in the global hash store.
getPluginHashState(String, String, byte) - Method in class MJAstate
getPluginHashState() - get byte state value from MAEPlugin hash state storage This looks for a symbol with the name (pluginName + "." + varName) in the global hash store.
getPluginHashState(String, String, double) - Method in class MJAstate
getPluginHashState() - get double state value from MAEPlugin hash state storage This looks for a symbol with the name (pluginName + "." + varName) in the global hash store.
getPluginHashState(String, String, float) - Method in class MJAstate
getPluginHashState() - get float state value from MAEPlugin hash state storage This looks for a symbol with the name (pluginName + "." + varName) in the global hash store.
getPluginHashState(String, String, int) - Method in class MJAstate
getPluginHashState() - get int state value from MAEPlugin hash state storage This looks for a symbol with the name (pluginName + "." + varName) in the global hash store.
getPluginHashState(String, String, long) - Method in class MJAstate
getPluginHashState() - get long state value from MAEPlugin hash state storage This looks for a symbol with the name (pluginName + "." + varName) in the global hash store.
getPluginHashStateFileName() - Method in class MJAstate
getPluginHashStateFileName() - get the MAEPlugin hash state disk file name.
getPosQuantTestMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getPosQuantTestMode() - get positive Quant data test mode: SS_MODE_xxxx
getProject() - Method in class MJAproperty
getProject() - get current project associated with database
getProjectNameBySampleNbr(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getProjectNameBySampleNbr() - lookup the sample project name by sample number.
getQualCheckList(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getQualCheckList() - get list of QualCheck data for sample number.
getQualCheckQuantDataList(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getQualCheckQuantDataList() - get spot QualCheck good spot data list for the given sample.
getRatioCy3Cy5RangeMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getRatioCy3Cy5RangeMode() - get Cy3/Cy5 range restriction mode for threshold filter: RANGE_xxxx
getRatioRangeMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getRatioRangeMode() - get Ratio range restriction for threshold mode: RANGE_xxxx
getRatioStr() - Method in class MJAutil
getRatioStr() - get "F1/F2", "Cy3/Cy5" or "Cy5/Cy3", etc.
getRatioString() - Method in class MJAproperty
getRatioString() - get "F1/F2", "Cy3/Cy5" or "Cy5/Cy3", or user-defined channels "channel1/channel2" etc.
getRawBackgroundDataByGID(int, int) - Method in class MJAgene
getRawBackgroundDataByGID() - return spot raw background intensity data specified by gid (Grid Index ID) and data type.
getRawBkgrdQuantDataList(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getRawBkgrdQuantDataList() - get raw spot background quant data for the given sample.
getRawDataByGID(int, int) - Method in class MJAgene
getRawDataByGID() - return spot intensity data specified by gid (Grid Index ID) and data type.
getRawF1F2DataAndBkgdForSample(float[], float[], float[], float[], int[], int[], int, String) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getRawF1F2DataAndBkgdForSample() - get filtered spot list raw intensity and background data for genes and return it in the arrays pre-specified by the user.
getRawHP_XandYsamplesData(float[], float[], float[], float[], int[], int, int, String) - Method in class MJAsampleList
getAllRawHPdataForSample() - get all raw (data,prop) list single sample's intensity data for single samples in (Xdata[],Ydata[], propList[]) for FILTERED data by the specified gene list.
getRawIntensData(int, boolean) - Method in class MJAgene
getRawIntensData() - get spot raw (Intensity - Background) data specified by gid (Grid Index ID) and data type.
getRawIntensityQuantDataList(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getRawIntensityQuantDataList() - get raw spot intensity quant data list for the given sample.
getRawSampleData(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getRawSampleData() - get list of a sample's total histogram statistics.
getReportBasePath() - Method in class MJAReval
getReportBasePath() - get current path of MAExplorer /Report/
getReportFontFamily() - Method in class MJAproperty
getReportFontFamily() - get current Report font family
getReportFontSize() - Method in class MJAproperty
getReportFontSize() - get current Report font size
getReportTestMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getReportTestMode() - get Report type mode: 'RPT_xxxx'
getRLObasePath() - Method in class MJAReval
getRLObasePath() - get current path of /RLO/
getRLOidByRscriptName(String) - Method in class MJAReval
getRLOidByRscriptName() - get the current RLO analysis method id by RscriptName
getRLOinputFile(int, int) - Method in class MJAReval
getRLOinputFile() get the nth Input Data file by input file type.
getRLOoutFile(int, int) - Method in class MJAReval
getRLOoutFile() get the nth Output Data file by out file type.
getRLOstring(String) - Method in class MJAReval
getRLOstring() - get prettyprint string for the current RLO
getRreportStr() - Method in class MJAReval
getRreportStr() - get R report after doing eval of .R script after file setup
getRscriptBasePath() - Method in class MJAReval
getRscriptBasePath() - get current path of /R/
getRstartupOptions() - Method in class MJAReval
getRstartupOptions() - get R command line startup options
getRstartupOptions(String) - Method in class MJAReval
setRstartupOptions() - set R command line startup options
getSampleCalibDNAdata(int, boolean) - Method in class MJAsample
getSampleCalibDNAdata() - get list of a Sample calibration DNA data this sample.
getSampleF1F2Extrema(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getSampleF1F2Extrema() - get list of sample's normalized F1F2 intensity extrema and 1st order histogram statistics.
getSampleHistStats(int, boolean) - Method in class MJAhistogram
getSampleHistStats() - compute Filtered sample intensity histogram and get list of statistics and return list of statistics
getSampleIDbySampleNbr(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getSampleIDbySampleNbr() - lookup the sample ID name by sample number.
getSampleIntensRangeMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getSampleIntensRangeMode() - get Sample intensity range restriction mode for filter: RANGE_xxxx
getSampleNamesInCondList(String) - Method in class MJAcondition
getSampleNamesInCondList() - get list of sample names in named condition.
getSampleNbrByCondNameAndSampleName(String, String) - Method in class MJAcondition
getSampleNbrByCondNameAndSampleName() - get sample number by sample name and condition name.
getSamplesDataVector(float[], int[], int) - Method in class MJAsample
getSamplesDataVector() - get sample data for sample indexes for gene mid.
getSamplesInCondList(String) - Method in class MJAcondition
getSamplesInCondList() - get list of sample numbers in named condition.
getSampleStatisticsTable() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getSampleStatisticsTable() - get list of all Sample statistics table.
getSampleTotHistStats(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getSampleTotHistStats() - get list of a sample's total histogram statistics.
getSampleTotHistStats(Object) - Method in class MaeJavaAPI
getSampleTotHistStats() - get Hashtable list of a sample's total histogram statistics.
getSampleTypeFlags(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getSampleVsSampleCorrelationsTable() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getSampleVsSampleCorrelationsTable() - get list of Sample Vs Sample correlations table.
getScaledSpotData(int, boolean) - Method in class MJAgene
getScaledSpotData() - get scaled spot (Intensity - Background) data specified by gid (Grid Index ID) and data type.
getScaledSpotData1(int, boolean) - Method in class MJAgene
getScaledSpotData1() - get scaled spot (Intensity - Background) data1 specified by gid (Grid Index ID) and data type.
getScaledSpotData2(int, boolean) - Method in class MJAgene
getScaledSpotData2() - get scaled spot (Intensity - Background) data2 specified by gid (Grid Index ID) and data type.
getScaleFactors(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getSampleScaleFactors() - get list of a sample's scale factors.
getSetR2MaeFileNames() - Method in class MJAReval
getSetR2MaeFileNames() - get current RLO list of R2Mae data file names.
getSetR2MaeObjNames() - Method in class MJAReval
getSetR2MaeObjNames() - get current RLO list of R2Mae object names
getSetR2MaeObjTypes() - Method in class MJAReval
getSetR2MaeObjTypes() - get current RLO list of R2Mae object types
getSizeOf_HP_E_set() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getSizeOf_HP_E_set() - get # of HP-E 'set' samples.
getSizeOf_HP_X_set() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getSizeOf_HP_X_set() - get # of HP-X 'set' samples
getSizeOf_HP_Y_set() - Method in class MJAsampleList
getSizeOf_HP_Y_set() - get # of HP-Y 'set' samples
getSpotIntensCompareMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getSpotIntensCompareMode() - get Spot Intensity compare restriction mode for filter: COMPARE_xxxx
getSpotIntensRangeMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getSpotIntensRangeMode() - get Spot intensity range restriction mode for filter: RANGE_xxxx
getSpotIntensTestMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getSpotIntensTestMode() - get spot intensity test mode: SS_MODE_xxxx
getStartupRscriptFileName() - Method in class MJAReval
getStartupRscriptFileName() - get name of batch R startup script file to exec() by the OS after file setup
getStateScrollersStatus() - Method in class MJAfilter
getStateScrollersStatus() - get list of active status of ALL State Scrollers
getSwissProtURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getSwissProtURL() - get the current url value
getTableRowFieldByRowIdx(int, String) - Method in class SimpleTable
getTableRowFieldByRowIdx() - get field in row by Table row index
getTableRowFieldIdxByRowIdx(int, int) - Method in class SimpleTable
getTableRowFieldIdxByRowIdx() - get data by field idx with row index
getTblFmtMode() - Method in class MJAproperty
getTblFmtMode() - get Report table format mode: RPT_FMT_xxxx
getTempBasePath() - Method in class MJAReval
getTempBasePath() - get current path of MAExplorer /Temp/
getUniGeneClusterIdURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getUniGeneClusterIdURL() - get the current url value
getUniGeneURL() - Method in class MJAstate
getUniGeneURL() - get the current url value
getUserName() - Method in class MJAproperty
getUserName() - get current user login name if exists
getXYdataList(int) - Method in class MJAsample
getXYdataList() - get list of XY coordinates data for sample.