Package jpl.mipl.mdms.FileService.komodo.messaging.msg

Package containing classes for messaging messages and utilities for Komodo server.


Interface Summary
MessageType Purpose: Type defining the behavior of message types for the Messaging package.

Class Summary
AgentMsgType Purpose: Agent message for non-file operations.
AgentType Purpose: Message describing an agent including agent name, ip and time.
ComplexType Purpose: Base class for complex MessageTypes, which can have MessageTypes as children.
ContributeType Purpose: Message includes attributes for file contribution info such as the user and server.
EventMsgType Purpose: Event message type.
FileMsgType Purpose: This message holds information on file operation.
FileTimeType Purpose: This message holds attributes for file creation and modification times.
FileType Purpose: This class holds file information such as name, size, type, etc.
FiletypeType Purpose: File type message contains the attributes of type and server group.
MessageBase Purpose: Base class of message types.
MessageFactory Purpose: Factory class that creates new messages.
MessageHelper Purpose: Collection of helper methods for creating and dealing wth MessageTypes instances.
MessageUtils Purpose: Message utililies of convenience methods for creating message types.
SimpleType Purpose: Simple message type, consisting of no child messages.

Package jpl.mipl.mdms.FileService.komodo.messaging.msg Description

Package containing classes for messaging messages and utilities for Komodo server.