OP-SF Net Volume 9 #2

-----Original Message-----
From: mailer@siam.org [mailto:mailer@siam.org]
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 10:37 AM
Subject: OP-SF Net Volume 9 #2

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                                                March 15, 2002

       O P - S F   N E T                    Volume 9, Number 2
       Martin Muldoon                       muldoon@yorku.ca

       The Electronic News Net of the SIAM Activity Group
       on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions

               Please send contributions to:     poly@siam.org
               Subscribe by mailing to:  poly-request@siam.org
                                 or to:  listproc@nist.gov

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Today's Topics:
      1. Communications Committee
      2. Message from the Chair
      3. SIDE V conference
      4. Chennai Meeting on Special Functions and Their Applications
      5. Leuven Summer School
      6. Fourth ISAAC Congress 2003
      7. Book "The Mysteries of the Real Prime"
      8. Book on Quantum Calculus
      9. Preprints in xxx Archive
     10. About the Activity Group
     11. Submitting contributions to OP-SF NET and Newsletter

Calendar of Events:


May 11-18: Conference on Operator Theory in Bedlewo, Poland        8.6 #3
May 16-18: 9th International Krawtchouk Conference
              Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine                                 9.1 #4
June 21-26: Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations
             (SIDE V), Giens, France                               9.2 #3
June 27 - July 2: van Moerbeke on Random Matrices, etc.,
               Leeds, UK                                           9.1 #5
June 24-27: International Workshop on Orthogonal Polynomials,
           Leganes, Madrid                                         8.6 #4
July 1-5: International Conference on Differential, Difference
          Equations and their Applications. Patras, Greece 8.4 #3, 9.1 #7
July 8-12 - SIAM 50th Anniversary & Annual Meeting
                  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA                  8.6 #5
July 22 - August 2: IMA Summer Program "Special Functions in the
              Digital Age" Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA      8.2 #7 8.6 #9
August 5-14: Workshop on Special Functions at FoCM'02, "Foundations of
              Computational Mathematics" Minneapolis,
              Minnesota, USA                               8.1 #1 8.6 #10
August 12-17: Summer school in Orthogonal Polynomials and
              Special Functions, Leuven, Belgium            8.4 #4 9.2 #5
September 2-6: Summer School on Approximation Methods in Systems
              Theory, Laredo, Spain.                               9.1 #6
September 23-27: International Conference on Special Functions
              and their Applications, Chennai, India               9.2 #4

July 7-11: 5th International Congress on Industrial and Applied
                Mathematics, ICIAM 2003, Sydney, Australia.        8.6 #6
August 11-16: Fourth ISAAC Congress, Toronto, Canada               9.2 #6
August 18-22: Seventh International Symposium on Orthogonal
               Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications,
               Copenhagen, Denmark                                8.6 #7

Future plans:
There are plans to organize a summer school on Orthogonal Polynomials and
Special Functions in Portugal in July 2003.  (Contact person: Amilcar
Branquinho). This is in the series Laredo (2000), Inzell (2001)
and Leuven (2002; see Topic #5). The coordinator of the three
summer schools is Erik Koelink (koelink@dutiaw4.twi.tudelft.nl). These
summer schools are part of our Activity Group's scientific program. The
scientific committee consists of Erik Koelink, Rupert Lasser, Amilcar
Branquinho, Paco Marcellan and Walter Van Assche.

Topic #1  -------------   OP-SF NET 9.2  -------------- March 15, 2002
From: OP-SF NET Editor <muldoon@yorku.ca>
Subject: Communications Committee

Immediately below (Topic #2), in the Message from the Chair, you will see a
proposal for a Communications Committee, which I am going to Chair. The
communications job is a large one and we need several people to help. My
idea, which will be discussed with the committee is that we should have a
person in charge of the meetings calendar, one in charge of soliciting
reports of past meetings, one on charge book announcements and reviews, one
to report on preprints in the xxx archive, etc. I hope that this will
increase the service to readers without putting an undue burden on any of
the volunteers.  I would like to hear your views on this and also welcome
volunteers for the committee.

Topic #2  -------------   OP-SF NET 9.2  -------------- March 15, 2002
From: Dan Lozier <lozier@nist.gov>
Subject: Message from the Chair

Over the next 3 years the newly elected leadership of the activity group
will be working hard to bring you the kinds of programs and services that
we hope you will find interesting and useful.  Below I will describe three
developments that are in various stages of planning.

1.  Communications Committee.  The idea of forming this committee arose at
an OPSF activity group meeting that was held during the Rome OPSFA
conference in June 2001.  Our printed and electronic newsletters, and our
Web site, do a good job of disseminating information about orthogonal
polynomials and special functions.  The four people who provide this
service are named at the end of every newsletter: Renato Alvarez-Nodarse,
Rafael Yanez, Martin Muldoon, and Bonita Saunders. Each has explicit
responsibility to use a particular communications channel to present
essentially the same information.  But the responsibility to gather this
information is implicit.  The new Communications Committee will be
responsible as a team both to gather information and to disseminate it.
The committee will determine its own internal structure and division of
work among its members.  Martin Muldoon has agreed to coordinate the
development of the committee.  Some OPSF members have already offered to
serve on the committee, and others may be asked to serve.  If you are
interested in this opportunity, please contact Martin directly.

2.  Szego Prize.  SIAM has a number of prizes in various areas of applied
mathematics that are named after prominent researchers.  The idea of
working with SIAM to establish a prize for research in OPSF has been
discussed among the activity group officers from time to time, most
recently at the activity group meeting in June 2001.  The name Szego Prize
was introduced at that meeting.  Subsequently I talked with SIAM executive
director Jim Crowley and SIAM technical director Bill Kolata. They support
the idea, provided the financial arrangements can be worked out.  Each SIAM
prize has what I will call an endowment, for lack of a better term, from
which the earnings provide cash to cover most of the expenses associated
with the prize.  SIAM manages prize endowments as part of its regular
investment program.  A big task for us, in addition to establishing the
terms of the prize, will be to establish the endowment.  I hope that we
will be able to push forward with this idea, and I will make sure you are
informed as progress is made.

3.  SSFA Conference in India.  Our activity group has a sister society in
India, the Society for Special Functions and Applications.  It was formed,
using our SIAM charter as a model, after a successful conference in 1997 in
which some of our members were participants.  Another conference is being
planned for September 23 - 27, 2002, to be preceded by a week-long workshop
on computer algebra and the software packages Hyp and Hyp-q.  Some of our
members are on the advisory committee and the tentative list of speakers.
There was hope that a funding contribution of $5000 might come from the
U.S.  SIAM identified a possible NSF program and offered to prepare the
application, with technical input from us, but further investigation made
it clear that the application would not be successful.  I hope the
conference will take place as planned even without U.S. support.  Watch the
Forthcoming Meetings and Conferences section of the newsletter for further

Let me close by welcoming new officer Peter Clarkson and returning officers
Walter Van Assche and Paco Marcellan.  I also wish to thank Peter McCoy and
Charles Dunkl, our founder, first chair and outgoing secretary, for running
for the offices of Secretary and Vice Chair, respectively.

Topic #3  -------------   OP-SF NET 9.2  -------------- March 15, 2002
From: Walter Van Assche <Walter.VanAssche@wis.kuleuven.ac.be>
Subject: SIDE V conference

The next conference on "Symmetries and Integrability of Difference
Equations"  (SIDE V) will be a Euresco Conference. The topics covered by
this conference are
- analytic and algebraic aspects of difference equations
- difference Galois theory
- the Painlev\'e property and singularity analysis
- growth and branching phenomena in rational mappings
- difference analogues of the Painlev\'e equations
- isomonodromic deformation theory
- asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials
- symmetries of difference equations
~ applications to numerical analysis

The conference will take place in Giens (near Toulon) in France, from June
21 to June 26, 2002. Grants are available for young scientists from the
European Community and its associated states and some INTAS support is
available for young scientists from the New Independent States of the
former Soviet Union. Speakers will include Mark Ablowitz, Claude Brezinski,
Peter Clarkson, Robert Conte, Rod Halburn, Peter Hydon, Gertruida Immink,
Arieh Iserles, Alexander Its, Nalini Joshi, Martin Kruskal, Ilpo Laine,
Decio Levi, Jean-Marie Maillard, Frank Nijhoff, Vassilis Papageorgiou,
Reinout Quispel, Alfred Ramani, Konstantin Rerikh, Jacques Sauloy, Junkichi
Satsuma, Walter Van Assche, Alexander Veselov, Pawel Winternitz.

More information and the registration procedure  can be found at

Topic #4  -------------   OP-SF NET 9.2  -------------- March 15, 2002
From: OP-SF NET Editor <muldoon@yorku.ca>
Subject: Chennai Meeting on Special Functions and Their Applications

[This information is taken from a poster sent electronically by the

An international conference "Special Functions and Their Applications" will
be held in Chennai, India in the period September 23-27, 2002.

General Information

This is an International conference on Special Functions and their
Applications, to be held at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
Chennai, India, from September 23-27, 2002. The Plenary lectures ad Invited
Talks by experts, the Papers/Posters by researchers will emphasize recent
trends and the developments in the topics of interest to be covered. The
objective of the Conference, cosponsored by the Society for Special
Functions and their Applications (SSFA) of India and the Orthogonal
Polynomials and Special Functions (OPSF) Activity Group of SIAM, is to
bring together experts and active research workers with a broad spectrum of
interests for fruitful exchange of ideas.

Plenary/Invited Speakers

R. P. Agarwal (Lucknow, India)
S. Akiyama (Niigata Univ., Japan)
S. Balasubramanian (IMSc, India)
B. C. Berndt (UIUC, USA)
S. Bhargava (Univ. Mysore, India)
F. Calogero (INFN, Rome, Italy)
M. Hata (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
M. E. H. Ismail (Univ. South Florida, USA)
S. Kanemitsu (Fukuoka Univ., Japan)
A. U. Klymik (ITP, Kiev, Ukraine)
K. Miyake (Tokyo Univ., Japan)
Y. Tanigawa (Nagoya Univ., Japan)
D. Lozier (NIST, USA)
W. Van Assche (KULeuven, Belgium)
G. Vanden Berghe (Univ. Gent, Belgium)
J. Van der Jeugt (Univ. Gent, Belgium)
A. Verma (IIT, Roorkee, India)
M. Waldschmidt (Univ. Paris, France)
M. Yoshida (Fukuoka Univ., Japan)


Participants should be active research scientists, students in the field of
Special Functions and their Applications. The topics of the conference are:

Number Theory
Hypergeometric series
Numerical Methods
Group Theory of Special Functions
Non-linear ODES
Orthogonal Polynomials
Applications to Physics

Interested participants are requested to send by e-mail (or on plain paper)
details giving their name, address, age, qualifications, present position
and a resume of research work done. (Maximum number of participants: about

Address for Correspondence:
Prof. K. Srinivasa Rao,
Convener - Organizing Committee - ICSF2002,
Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
C.I.T. Campus,
Chennai - 600 113, INDIA

e-mail: icsf2002@imsc.ernet.in
FAX: +91-44-254 1586
URL: http://www.imsc.ernet.in/~icsf2002

Topic #5  -------------   OP-SF NET 9.2  -------------- March 15, 2002
From: Erik Koelink <h.t.koelink@its.tudelft.nl>
Subject: Leuven Summer School

As announced in OP-SF NET 8.3, Topic #4, the third summer school in
Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions will take place in Leuven,
Belgium from August 12 to 17, 2002.

The following people will give a series of lectures at the
summer school.

Wolfram Koepf (Kassel, Germany)
Computer Algebra Algorithms for Orthogonal Polynomials
and Special Functions

Arno Kuijlaars (Leuven, Belgium)
Riemann-Hilbert Analysis of Orthogonal Polynomials

Adri Olde Daalhuis (Edinburgh, UK)
Exponential Asymptotics

Margit Roesler (Goettingen, Germany)
Dunkl Operators: Theory and Applications

Dennis Stanton (Minnesota, USA)
Enumeration and Special Functions

Joris Van der Jeugt (Gent, Belgium)
3nj-Coefficients and Orthogonal Polynomials of Hypergeometric Type

The registration fee is 150 euro until Juy 15, 2002, and 200 euro
after July 15, 2002.

Accommodation: housing in a student residence building is 20 euros
per night

Depending on sponsors, there will be the possibility of (partial)
funding of participants.

For more information and registration visit
or contact
Walter Van Assche at walter.vanassche@wis.kuleuven.ac.be
Erik Koelink at h.t.koelink@its.tudelft.nl.

Topic #6  -------------   OP-SF NET 9.2  -------------- March 15, 2002
From: Man-Wah Wong <mwwong@mathstat.yorku.ca>
Subject: Fourth ISAAC Congress 2003

On behalf of the ISAAC (International Society for Analysis, its
Applications and Computation) board, the local organizing committee and the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University, I am pleased
to announce that the fourth ISAAC Congress will be held at York University
in Toronto, Canada, from August 11, 2003 to August 16, 2003.

We hope to be able to announce the list of plenary speakers and the list
of special sessions in the near future.

Editors Note:

Information on the 3rd ISAAC Congress is at
This series should not be confused with the meetings sponsored by ISSAC
(International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation).  Nor
should we confuse this ISAAC with another one: International Society for
Augmentative and Alternative Communication.

Topic #7  -------------   OP-SF NET 9.2  -------------- March 15, 2002
From: Tom Koornwinder <thk@science.uva.nl>
Subject: Book "The Mysteries of the Real Prime"

The following book announcement is from the web site:

The Mysteries of the Real Prime
M.J. SHAI HARAN, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

In this important and original monograph, useful for both academic and
professional researchers and students of mathematics and physics, the
author describes his work on the Riemann zeta function and its adelic
interpretation. It provides an original point of view, bringing new, highly
useful dictionaries between different fields of mathematics. It develops an
arithmetical approach to the continuum of real numbers and unifies many
areas of mathematics including: Markov Chains, q-series, Elliptic curves,
the Heisenberg group, quantum groups, and special functions (such as the
Gamma, Beta, Zeta, theta, Bessel functions, the Askey-Wilson and the
classical orthogonal polynomials) The text discusses real numbers from a
p-adic point of view, first mooted by Arakelov. It includes original work
on coherent theory, with implications for number theory and uses ideas from
probability theory including Markov chains and noncommutative geometry
which unifies the p-adic theory and the real theory by constructing a
theory of quantum orthogonal polynomials.

$75.00 (06)  0198508689 2001

London Mathematical Society Monographs, New Series 25

Table of Contents


                       1. The Real Prime
                       1.1. Algebra and geometry
                       1.2. The real prime
                       1.3. The mystery

                       2. The zeta function and gamma distribution
                       2.1. The local zeta function
                       2.2. The gamma distribution
                       2.3. Remarks on global theory

                       3. The Beta distribution
                       3.1. Phase space
                       3.2. The beta distribution
                       3.3. Special values
                       3.4. Remarks on the global theory

                       4. The p-adic hyperbolic point of view
                       4.1. Chains and trees
                       4.2. The p-adic gamma chain
                       4.3. The p-adic symmetric beta chain
                       4.4. The p-adic beta chain

                       5. Some real hyberbolic chains
                       5.1. The hyperbolic plane
                       5.2. N-adic expansion
                       5.3. Continued fraction expansion

                       6. Ramanujan's garden
                       6.1 The q-zeta function.
                       6.2. Elliptic curves
                       6.3. q-series

                       7. The q-Gamma and q-Beta chains
                       7.1. The q-gamma chain
                       7.2. The q-beta chains
                       7.3. The Heisenberg relation and special basis

                       8. The real beta chains
                       8.1. The beta chain
                       8.2. The Heisenberg relations and the special basis
                       8.3. The real units

                       9. Global 'chains' and higher dimensions
                       9.1. Restricted direct products of chains
                       9.2. Higher dimensional beta chains

                       10. The Fourier transform
                       10.1. The Tate distribution and the beta function at
                             imaginary argument
                       10.2. The Fourier-Bessel transform
                       10.3. Symmetric convolution
                       10.4. The basic basis and the Laguerre basis
                       10.5. The beta measure
                       10.6. The pure gamma basis and the cut-off basis
                       10.7. The pure beta basis
                       10.8. The Askey-Wilson polynomials

                       11. The quantum group SU(1,1)
                       11.1. The quantum enveloping algebra U<i>q
                       11.2. Highest weight representation
                       11.3. The Hopf algebra structure
                       11.4. The universal R-matrix

                       12. The Heisenberg group
                       12.1. The Heisenberg group and its fundamental
                       12.2. Twisted convolution and multiplication
                       12.3. Matrix coefficients
                       12.4. The local lattice model
                       12.5. Special basis
                       12.6. The global lattice model
                       12.7. Automorphic forms on the Heisenberg group

                       13. The Riemann zeta function
                       13.1. The Riemann zeta function and the theta function
                       13.2. The explicit sums
                       13.3. The Eisenstein series connections
                       13.4. The Eisenstein series and the intertwining operator
                       13.5. The Riesz potential connection


Topic #8  -------------   OP-SF NET 9.2  -------------- March 15, 2002
From: Tom Koornwinder <thk@science.uva.nl>
Subject: Book on Quantum Calculus

The following book announcement is from the web site:

V. Kac and P. Cheung, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA

Quantum Calculus

2002. IX, 112 pp. Softcover
Series: Universitext.

Recommended Retail Price: EUR 34,95

Simply put, quantum calculus is ordinary calculus without taking limits.
This undergraduate text develops two types of quantum calculi, the
q-calculus and the h-calculus. As this book develops quantum calculus along
the lines of traditional calculus, the reader discovers, with a remarkable
inevitability, many important notions and results of classical mathematics.

This book is written at the level of a first course in calculus and linear
algebra and is aimed at undergraduate and beginning graduate students in
mathematics, computer science, and physics. It is based on lectures and
seminars given by Professor Kac over the last few years at MIT.

>From the contents: q-derivative and h-derivative.- Generalized Taylor's
formula for polynomials.- q-analogue of (x-a)n, n an integer, and
q-derivatives of binomials.- q-Taylor's formula for polynomials.- Gauss'
binomial formula and a non-commutative binomial formula.- Properties of
q-binomial coefficients.- q-binomial coefficients and linear algebra over
finite fields.- q-Taylor's formula for formal power series and Heine's
binomial formula.- Two Euler identities and two q-exponential functions.-
q-trigonometric functions.- Jacobi's triple product identity.- Classical
partition function and Euler's product formula.- q-hypergeometric functions
and Heine's formula.

Topic #9  -------------   OP-SF NET 9.2  -------------- March 15, 2002
From: OPSF NET Editor <muldoon@yorku.ca>
Subject: Preprints in xxx Archive

The following preprints related to the fields of orthogonal polynomials
and special functions were recently posted or cross-listed to one of the
subcategories of the xxx archives. See especially:

     Title: Rim Hook Tableaux and Kostant's $\eta$-Function Coefficients
     Authors: Ron M. Adin, Avital Frumkin
     Comments: 22 pages
     Subj-class: Combinatorics; Representation Theory

     Title: Ap\'ery-like difference equation for Catalan's constant
     Authors: Wadim Zudilin (Moscow)
     Comments: 10 pages
     Subj-class: Number Theory; Classical Analysis; Numerical Analysis
     MSC-class: Primary 39A05, 11B37, 11J70; Secondary 33C20, 33C60, 11B65,

     Title: The moment zeta function and applications
     Authors: Igor Rivin
     Comments: 19 pages, supersedes a part of cs.LG/0107033
     Subj-class: Number Theory; Classical Analysis
     MSC-class: 11M06; 60F99; 60C05

     Title: Restricted 132-Involutions and Chebyshev Polynomials
     Authors: O. Guibert, T. Mansour
     Comments: 18 pages, 1 figure
     Subj-class: Combinatorics

     Title: On the Eulerian Polynomials of Type D
     Authors: Chak-On Chow
     Comments: 18 pages
     Subj-class: Combinatorics
     MSC-class: 05A15

     Title: Asymptotics and 6j-symbols
     Authors: Justin Roberts
     Comments: For proceedings of Kyoto conference on quantum invariants, Sept.
     Subj-class: Quantum Algebra; Mathematical Physics
     MSC-class: 22E99; 81R05, 51M20

     Title: Nodal curves and Riccati solutions of Painlev\'e equations
     Authors: Masa-Hiko Saito, Hitomi Terajima (Kobe University)
     Comments: 30 pages, 4 figures
     Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry; Quantum Algebra
     MSC-class: 14D15, 34M55, 32G10

     Title: Bilinear summation formulas from quantum algebra representations
     Authors: Wolter Groenevelt
     Comments: 27 pages, 1 figure
     Subj-class: Quantum Algebra; Classical Analysis
     MSC-class: 33D45, 33D80, 20G42

     Title: Cyclic Identities Involving Jacobi Elliptic Functions
     Authors: Avinash Khare, Uday Sukhatme
     Comments: 14 pages, 0 figures
     Subj-class: Mathematical Physics

     Title: Spectral bounds for the cutoff Coulomb potential
     Authors: Richard L. Hall, Qutaibeh D. Katatbeh
     Comments: 11 pages, 2 figures
     Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
     Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. A 294, 163-167 (2002)

     Title: On the derivatives of generalized Gegenbauer polynomials
     Authors: W. Garcia Fuertes, A.M. Perelomov (U. Oviedo)
     Comments: 3 pages, no figures; submitted to Theor. Math. Phys
     Subj-class: Mathematical Physics

     Title: Coupling coefficients of SO(n) and integrals over triplets of Jacobi
         and Gegenbauer polynomials
     Authors: Sigitas Alisauskas
     Comments: 27
     Subj-class: Mathematical Physics; Representation Theory

     Title: Application of the $\tau$-function theory of Painlev\'e equations to
        random matrices: \PV, \PIII, the LUE, JUE and CUE
     Authors: P.J. Forrester, N.S. Witte
     Comments: AMSLatex with CIMS macros
     Subj-class: Mathematical Physics; Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
     MSC-class: 15A52;34M55;20F55;60K35

     Title: "Exact WKB integration'' of polynomial 1D Schr\"odinger (or
          Sturm-Liouville) problem
     Authors: A. Voros (CEA/Saclay, SPhT, France)
     Comments: latex txt12.tex, 4 files, 3 figures, 18 pages Differential
       equations and Stokes phenomenon Groningen, The Netherlands May 28-30 2001
     Subj-class: Mathematical Physics

     Title: Hyperelliptic Solutions of Sine-Gordon Equation and Weierstrass al
     Authors: Shigeki Matsutani
     Comments: AMS-Tex, 12 pages
     Subj-class: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; Algebraic Geometry;
       Differential Geometry; Mathematical Physics

     Title: Divergent Cesaro and Riesz means of Jacobi and Laguerre expansions
     Authors: Christopher Meaney
     Comments: 8 pages
     Subj-class: Classical Analysis
     MSC-class: 42C05, 33C45, 42C10

     Title: Lax pairs for the equations describing compatible nonlocal Poisson
      brackets of hydrodynamic type, and integrable reductions of the Lame
     Authors: O. I. Mokhov
     Comments: 13 pages
     Subj-class: Differential Geometry; Symplectic Geometry; Exactly Solvable and
         Integrable Systems; Mathematical Physics

     Title: Jack polynomials for the $BC_n$ root system and generalized spherical
     Authors: Alexei Oblomkov
     Comments: 22 pages
     Subj-class: Representation Theory

     Title: Asymptotic analysis for the Dunkl kernel
     Authors: Margit Rösler, Marcel de Jeu
     Comments: LaTeX2e, 16 pages, 1 figure
     Subj-class: Classical Analysis; Representation Theory
     MSC-class: 33C52 (Primary) 33C67 (Secondary)

     Title: An elementary proof of Apery's theorem
     Authors: Wadim Zudilin (Moscow)
     Comments: 8 pages
     Subj-class: Number Theory; Classical Analysis; General Mathematics
     MSC-class: 11J72

     Title: On an analytic estimate in the theory of the Riemann Zeta function
      and a Theorem of Baez-Duarte
     Authors: Jean-Francois Burnol
     Comments: 9 pages
     Subj-class: Number Theory
     MSC-class: 11M26

     Title: Enveloping algebra U(gl(3)) and orthogonal polynomials in several
          discrete indeterminates
     Authors: Alexander Sergeev (University of Stockholm)
     Comments: 12p., Latex
     Subj-class: Representation Theory
     MSC-class: 17B10 (Primary) 17B65, 33C45, 33C80 (Secondary)
     Journal-ref: Duplij S., Wess J. (eds.) Noncommutative structures in
           mathematics and physics,
     Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Kiev, 2000. Kluwer, 2001, 113--124

     Title: Linear combinations of sections and tails of Mittag-Leffler functions
          and their zeros
     Authors: N.A. Zheltukhina
     Comments: 14 pages
     Subj-class: Complex Variables; Classical Analysis
     MSC-class: 30C15

     Title: Reduction formulae for Karlsson-Minton type hypergeometric functions
     Authors: Hjalmar Rosengren
     Comments: 17 pages; Corollary 4.11 and Theorem 5.2 not contained in previous
     Subj-class: Classical Analysis
     MSC-class: 33D15, 33D67

     Title: Asymptotic properties of a family of solutions of the Painleve
         equation PVI
     Authors: O Costin, R D Costin
     Subj-class: Classical Analysis
     MSC-class: 34M55; 34M30

     Title: A class of generalized gamma functions
     Authors: Jean-Paul Jurzak
     Comments: LaTeX file. 9 pages
     Subj-class: Number Theory

     Title: Dilogarithme Quantique et 6j-Symboles Cycliques
     Authors: Stephane Baseilhac
     Comments: 40 pages, in French (abstract in English). Former 3rd chapter of
         the Author's PhD thesis
     Subj-class: Quantum Algebra

     Title: Partial Euler products as a new approach to Riemann hypothesis
     Authors: Jean-Paul Jurzak
     Comments: LaTeX file. 22 pages
     Subj-class: Number Theory

     Title: Vicious walkers, friendly walkers and Young tableaux III: Between two
     Authors: Christian Krattenthaler (Universität Wien), Anthony J. Guttmann
          (University of Melbourne), Xavier G. Viennot (Université Bordeaux 1)
     Comments: 15 pages, LaTeX
     Subj-class: Statistical Mechanics; Combinatorics
     MSC-class: 82B23 (Primary) 05A15 05E05 82B20 (Secondary)

     Title: Symbolic computation of exact solutions expressible in hyperbolic and
     elliptic functions for nonlinear partial differential and
      differential-difference equations
     Authors: D. Baldwin, U. Goktas, W. Hereman, L. Hong, R. S. Martino, J.
     Comments: 36 pages. Software available from Willy Hereman's home page at
     Subj-class: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems

     Title: Onsager's algebra and partially orthogonal polynomials
     Authors: G. von Gehlen
     Comments: 8 pages, no figures
     Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Exactly Solvable and Integrable

     Title: Rational solutions to the Pfaff lattice and Jack polynomials
     Authors: Mark Adler, Vadim B. Kuznetsov, Pierre van Moerbeke
     Comments: 57 pages
     Subj-class: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems

     Title: On a class of algebraic solutions to Painlev\'e VI equation, its
        determinant formula and coalescence cascade
     Authors: Tetsu Masuda
     Comments: 35 pages
     Subj-class: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems

Topic #10  -------------   OP-SF NET 9.2  --------------  March 15, 2002
From: OP-SF NET Editor <muldoon@yorku.ca>
Subject: About the Activity Group

The SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
consists of a broad set of mathematicians, both pure and applied.  The
Group also includes engineers and scientists, students as well as experts.
We have around 140 members scattered about in more than 20 countries.
Whatever your specialty might be, we welcome your participation in this
classical, and yet modern, topic.  Our WWW home page is:


This is a convenient point of entry to all the services provided by the
Group.  Our Webmaster is Bonita Saunders (bonita.saunders@nist.gov).

The Activity Group sponsors OP-SF NET, which is transmitted periodically by
SIAM.  It is provided as a free public service; membership in SIAM is not
required.  The OP-SF Net Editor is Martin Muldoon (muldoon@yorku.ca).

To receive the OP-SF NET, send your name and email address to

Back issues can be obtained at the WWW addresses:


The NET provides fast turnaround compared to the printed Newsletter, also
sponsored by the Activity Group, and edited by Renato Alvarez-Nodarse and
Rafael Yanez.  It appears three times a year and is mailed by SIAM.  Back
issues are accessible at:


To receive the Newsletter, you must be a member of SIAM and of the Activity
Group.  SIAM has several categories of membership, including low-cost
categories for students and residents of developing countries. For current
information on SIAM and Activity Group membership, contact:

  Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  3600 University City Science Center
  Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 USA
  phone: +1-215-382-9800
  email: service@siam.org
  WWW : http://www.siam.org

Finally, the Activity Group operates an email discussion group, called
OP-SF Talk.  To subscribe, send the email message

  subscribe opsftalk Your Name

to listproc@nist.gov.  To contribute an item to the discussion, send email
to opsftalk@nist.gov.  The archive of all messages is accessible at:


Topic #11  -------------   OP-SF NET 9.2  --------------  March 15, 2002
From: OP-SF NET Editor <muldoon@yorku.ca>
Subject: Submitting contributions to OP-SF NET and Newsletter

To contribute a news item to OP-SF NET, send email to poly@siam.org with a
copy to the OP-SF Editor <muldoon@yorku.ca>.  Please note that submissions
to the Net are automatically considered for the Newsletter, and vice versa,
unless the contributor requests otherwise.

Contributions to OP-SF NET 9.3 should be sent by May 1, 2002.

Please send your (printed) Newsletter contributions directly to the Editors:

Renato Alvarez-Nodarse
Departamento de Analisis Matematico
Universidad de Sevilla
Apdo. Postal 1160,
Sevilla E-41080 Spain
fax: +34-95-455-7972
e-mail: ran@us.es

Rafael J. Yanez
Departamento de Matematica Aplicada
Universidad de Granada
E-18071 Granada, Spain
phone: +34-58-242941
fax: +34-58-242862
e-mail: ryanez@ugr.es

preferably by email, and in latex format. Other formats are also acceptable
and can be submitted by email, regular mail or fax.

The deadline for submissions to be included in the June 2002 issue is
May 15, 2002, and for the October 2002 issue is September 15, 2002.

o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o
   OP-SF NET is a forum of the SIAM Activity Group on
   Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials.
   We disseminate your contributions on anything of interest to the
   special functions and orthogonal polynomials community.  This
   includes announcements of conferences, forthcoming books, new
   software, electronic archives, research questions, job openings.
o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o
   Send submissions to:              poly@siam.org
   Subscribe by mailing to:  poly-request@siam.org
                     or to:  listproc@nist.gov
   Get back issues from URL: http://turing.wins.uva.nl/~thk/opsfnet/
   WWW home page of this Activity Group:
   Information on joining SIAM
      and this activity group:  service@siam.org
o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o
       The elected Officers of the Activity Group (2002-2004) are:
               Daniel W. Lozier, Chair
               Walter Van Assche, Vice Chair
               Peter Clarkson, Secretary
               Francisco Marcellan, Program Director
       The appointed officers are:
               Renato Alvarez-Nodarse and Rafael J. Yanez,
                            Newsletter Editors
               Martin Muldoon, OP-SF NET editor
               Bonita Saunders, Webmaster
o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o

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