Trend Analysis Form

Draft version for review only!

This part of the Home Page allows you to select a species, a region, and a starting and ending year, and the Home Page will conduct an analysis for that species, region, and period. This is experimental, so exercise caution in reviewing the results.

Analysis methods

Most of you realize that analysis of BBS data can be controversial. The survey covers such a large area that regional differences in number and quality of survey routes are inevitable. Also, the count data collected in the survey are only indexes to the population, and the proportion of animals counted can differ among routes and observers. For more information on these issues, visit our description of the BBS.

Consequently, there are many notions of how to analyze the data, and some of the differences in methods can provide quite different results. We provide 2 alternative procedures for analysis, a linear route-regression approach based on estimating equations, and a LOESS-based route-regression approach. We have compared the results of these analyses on the large (survey-wide) scale, and found that they provide generally similar results. If you want to see a summary of the comparison, and our opinions on which analysis to use, click here.

Occasionally, if a route is omitted from the regional analysis, a message will be printed. These can be ignored.

Please enter the species name:
(Tip: to find a species name, click in the selection box, then type the first letter of the name. It will find the next occurrence of that letter)

Please enter the region of interest:

Please enter the first year:

Please enter the last year:

Please select analysis method:

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ver 2000.0, 14 March 2001, Authors: J. R. Sauer and J. E. Hines.

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So, these data are provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Also, use of trade names or commercial products in this home page is solely for the purpose of providing specific information, and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Government.