NCBI C Toolkit Cross Reference


  1 /*  $Id: ddvopen.h,v 1.23 2000/07/17 17:46:48 hurwitz Exp $
  2 * ===========================================================================
  3 *
  4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
  5 *            National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
  6 *
  7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
  8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
  9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
 10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
 11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
 12 *  Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
 13 *  We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
 14 *  any work or product based on this material
 15 *
 16 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
 17 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
 18 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
 19 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
 20 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
 21 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
 22 *  purpose.
 23 *
 24 * ===========================================================================
 25 *
 26 * File Name:  ddvopen.h
 27 *
 28 * Author:  Patrick Durand
 29 *
 30 * Version Creation Date:   06/19/99
 31 *
 32 * $Revision: 1.23 $
 33 *
 34 * File Description: 
 35 *
 36 * Modifications:
 37 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 38 * $Log: ddvopen.h,v $
 39 * Revision 1.23  2000/07/17 17:46:48  hurwitz
 40 * made it so show/hide dialog only updates view when ok is clicked
 41 *
 42 * Revision 1.22  2000/07/08 20:43:58  vakatov
 43 * Get all "#include" out of the 'extern "C" { }' scope;  other cleanup...
 44 *
 45 * Revision 1.21  2000/06/16 14:57:03  lewisg
 46 * move entrez calls out of desktop
 47 *
 48 * Revision 1.20  2000/05/15 23:39:34  lewisg
 49 * shred cblast, add menu items for gapped/ungapped, fix pdbheaders
 50 *
 51 * Revision 1.19  2000/05/15 22:00:36  hurwitz
 52 * put save-edits query into DDV_SlaveQuit where it belongs
 53 *
 54 * Revision 1.18  2000/05/11 16:28:44  wheelan
 55 * made DDV_ShredAln NLM_EXTERN
 56 *
 57 * Revision 1.17  2000/04/17 13:30:42  durand
 58 * removed g_hParent and unused functions DDV_LaunchAlignViewer and DDV_LaunchAlignEditor
 59 *
 60 * Revision 1.16  2000/04/08 00:37:32  lewisg
 61 * multiple seqentries, NEWSEQ message, etc.
 62 *
 63 * Revision 1.15  2000/03/27 22:15:08  lewisg
 64 * add show/hide row dialog
 65 *
 66 * Revision 1.14  2000/03/24 20:34:58  lewisg
 67 * add blast from file, bug fixes, get rid of redundant code, etc.
 68 *
 69 * Revision 1.13  2000/01/26 13:38:54  durand
 70 * update the GUI for the editor. Add functions to create the data to be used by the editor
 71 *
 72 * Revision 1.12  2000/01/12 21:52:17  durand
 73 * add import function; update menus when DDV is loaded from Cn3D
 74 *
 75 * Revision 1.11  1999/12/30 21:08:45  lewisg
 76 * bioseq import dialog
 77 *
 78 * Revision 1.10  1999/12/29 22:55:03  lewisg
 79 * get rid of seqalign id
 80 *
 81 * Revision 1.9  1999/12/20 20:20:41  lewisg
 82 * allow cn3d to do color and ddv to do case when both are running
 83 *
 84 * Revision 1.8  1999/12/03 23:17:23  lewisg
 85 * Patrick's new global update msg, argument passing when launching ddv, experimental editing
 86 *
 87 * Revision 1.7  1999/11/29 15:26:26  durand
 88 * designed a new GUI to fix problems under MacOS, Linux and SGI
 89 *
 90 * Revision 1.6  1999/11/03 21:29:47  durand
 91 * add CTRL and SHFT keys for mouse selection. redesign the loader functions of DDV to properly register the message callbacks
 92 *
 93 * Revision 1.5  1999/10/29 19:04:21  durand
 94 * move DDVUpdateMSG in objmgr.h
 95 *
 96 * Revision 1.4  1999/10/29 14:15:39  durand
 97 * add simple mouse selection functions
 98 *
 99 * Revision 1.3  1999/10/20 13:17:18  durand
100 * add display for disc. SeqAlign tails
101 *
102 * Revision 1.2  1999/10/16 15:02:25  durand
103 * fixes due to toolkit build failed
104 *
105 * Revision 1.1  1999/09/30 14:10:28  durand
106 * add ddv to toolkit
107 *
108 * Revision 1.8  1999/09/28 17:29:41  durand
109 * add include of udviewer.h
110 *
111 * Revision 1.7  1999/09/16 13:07:53  durand
112 * add File|Close and File|Open|Network commands
113 *
114 * Revision 1.6  1999/09/09 21:55:06  durand
115 * instantiate the Fle|Close command of DDV
116 *
117 * Revision 1.5  1999/07/29 12:43:07  durand
118 * update DDV_GetAndCheckSeqAlign
119 *
120 * Revision 1.4  1999/07/01 15:28:29  durand
121 * validate function loaders of DDV
122 *
123 * Revision 1.2  1999/06/28 22:07:21  durand
124 * add loader functions and clean the code with Lint and Purify
125 *
126 * Revision 1.1  1999/06/19 17:21:07  durand
127 * add Vibrant DDV code
128 *
129 *
130 *
131 * ==========================================================================
132 */
134 #ifndef _DDVOPEN_
135 #define _DDVOPEN_
137 #include <ncbi.h>
138 #include <udviewer.h>
139 #include <samutil.h>
140 #include <accentr.h>
141 #include <pgppop.h>
142 #include <alignmgr.h>
144 #undef NLM_EXTERN
145 #ifdef NLM_IMPORT
147 #else
148 #define NLM_EXTERN extern
149 #endif
151 #ifdef __cplusplus
152 extern "C" {
153 #endif
156 /******************************************************************************
158         ERROR / Information messages from DDV_OPEN module 
160 ******************************************************************************/
161 #define DVV_MSG_O_I_NOMAINDATA   2000
162 #define DVV_MSG_O_E_READFILE     2001
163 #define DVV_MSG_O_E_READGI       2002
164 #define DVV_MSG_O_E_NOFETCHFUNC  2003
165 #define DVV_MSG_O_E_BADTYPE      2004
166 #define DVV_MSG_O_E_NOTHINGTODO  2005
167 #define DVV_MSG_O_E_OPENFILEFAIL 2006
169 /******************************************************************************
171         other defines
173 ******************************************************************************/
174         /*use only by the standalone version of DDV */
175 #define REG_DDV_AUTO_EDIT ObjMgrProcLoad(OMPROC_EDIT, \
176                 "DDV", "MSA_Editor", OBJ_SEQALIGN, 0, OBJ_SEQALIGN, 0, \
177                 NULL, DDV_ObjRegMasterEditDDV, 0)       
178 #define REG_DDV_AUTO_VIEW ObjMgrProcLoad(OMPROC_VIEW, \
179                 "DDV", "MSA_Viewer", OBJ_SEQALIGN, 0, OBJ_SEQALIGN, 0, \
180                 NULL, DDV_ObjRegMasterViewDDV, 0)       
182         /*slave 1 : the editor in a separate window*/
183 #define REG_DDV_SLA_EDIT ObjMgrProcLoad(OMPROC_EDIT, \
184                 "DDV", "MSA_Editor", OBJ_SEQALIGN, 0, OBJ_SEQALIGN, 0, \
185                 NULL, DDV_ObjRegSlaveEditDDV, 0)        
187         /*slave 2 : the viewer in a separate window*/
188 #define REG_DDV_SLA_VIEW ObjMgrProcLoad(OMPROC_VIEW, \
189                 "DDV", "MSA_Viewer", OBJ_SEQALIGN, 0, OBJ_SEQALIGN, 0, \
190                 NULL, DDV_ObjRegSlaveViewDDV, 0)        
192 /*the following are used to delete data when closing DDV*/
193 #define DDV_OPENTYPE_NOTRESP ((Uint1)1)/*if DDV is not responsible to delete
194                                          data when closing*/
195 #define DDV_OPENTYPE_FILE    ((Uint1)2)/*if ReadAsnFastaOrFlatFile was used*/
196 #define DDV_OPENTYPE_SEP     ((Uint1)3)/*if get a SEP*/
197 #define DDV_OPENTYPE_GI      ((Uint1)4)/*if fetch GI from DB was used*/
199 /******************************************************************************
201         Data structures
203 ******************************************************************************/
204 typedef struct dlgfileopendata {/*use to manage the FileOpen dialog box*/
205         WindoW          parent;                 /*main window of the application*/
206         TexT            FNameEditCtrl;  /*handle of the file text control*/
207         ButtoN          Ok;                             /*handle of the Ok button*/
208         GrouP           ReadMode;               /*handle of the file type control*/
209 } DlgFileOpenData, PNTR DlgFileOpenDataPtr;
211 typedef struct ddvopendata {
212         Uint1           choice;
213         SeqEntryPtr     sep;
214         ValNodePtr      vnp;
215         } DdvOpenData, PNTR DdvOpenDataPtr;
217 typedef struct ddvupdatelayoutdata{
218         /*color display ?*/
219         Boolean bUseColors;
220         /*styles for a disc. seqalign*/
221         Boolean ShowLeftTail;
222         Boolean ShowRightTail;
223         Uint1   DispDiscStyle;
224         Uint1   SpacerSize;
225     Uint1   DiscJustification;
226         /*style for sequences*/
227         Int4    nSeq;   /*number of rows (sequences) to update*/
228         Int4Ptr SeqList; /*list of row number; one-based array*/
229         Uint1   RulerStyle;
230         /*DDV panel handle*/
231         PaneL   ddv_panel;
232         }DDVUpdateLayoutData, PNTR DDVUpdateLayoutDataPtr;
234 struct _DDV_ImportDialog;
235 typedef void (*DDV_ImportProcCB)(struct _DDV_ImportDialog *idp, SeqAlign *salpdest,
236                                  SeqAlign *salp);
238 typedef Int4 (*DDV_AccessionCB)(CharPtr string, Boolean IsAmino);
240 /* for the BLAST import dialog */
241 typedef struct _DDV_ImportDialog {
242     WindoW DDV_wImport; /*the import dialog*/
243     GrouP DDV_gAccType; /*the type of accession*/
244     ButtoN DDV_bImportAccept; /*accept button*/
245     TexT DDV_tAccession; /* the accession */
246     LisT DDV_lsip;  /* list box of sips */
247     SeqId *sip;  /* the master sequence */
248     SeqAlign *sap; /* the seqalign to add to */
249     SeqId *sipslave;  /* the slave sequence if it exists */
250     void *userdata; /* for the update message */
251     DDV_ImportProcCB callback;  /* called after alignment created */
252     ValNode *pvnSips;  /* list of sips to blast against */
253     Int4 mode; /* see below */
254     SeqEntry *sep;  /* used to pass new seqentry to call back */
255     Bioseq *bsp; /* the bioseq being added */
256     Boolean Gap; /* should the alignment used gapped blast? */
257     DDV_AccessionCB AccessionCB; /* converts accession to gi */
258 } DDV_ImportDialog;
260 /* import to sequence to seqalign */
261 #define DDVIMPSE2SA 0x0
262 /* import sequence to sequence */
263 #define DDVIMPSE2SE 0x1
264 #define DDVIMP2SE 0x1
265 /* import net sequence to seqalign */
266 #define DDVIMPNET2SA 0x2
267 #define DDVIMPNET 0x2
268 /* import net sequence to sequence */
269 #define DDVIMPNET2SE 0x3
271 struct _DDV_HideDialog;
272 typedef void (*DDV_HideProcCB)(struct _DDV_HideDialog *hdp);
274 typedef struct _DDV_HideDialog {
275     WindoW DDV_wHide; /*the show/hide dialog*/
276     LisT DDV_lsip;  /* multilist box of sips */
277     SeqAlign *salp; /* the seqalign that is shown/hid */
278     SeqAlign *target; /* the original seqalign */
279     AMAlignIndexPtr amaip; /* target index */
280     void *userdata; /* for the update message */
281     DDV_HideProcCB callback;  /* called on every show/hide */
282     Int4 numrows;  /* true number of rows in target seqalign */
283     Int4 LastValidRow; /* must be 2 valid rows in list, this and master */
284 } DDV_HideDialog;
286 /******************************************************************************
288         Extern functions
290 ******************************************************************************/
291 extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK DDV_ObjRegMasterEditDDV (Pointer data);
292 extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK DDV_ObjRegMasterViewDDV (Pointer data);
293 extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK DDV_ObjRegSlaveEditDDV (Pointer data);
294 extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK DDV_ObjRegSlaveViewDDV (Pointer data);
295 extern void DDV_OpenFile(IteM i);
296 extern void DDV_OpenNetwork(IteM i);
297 extern ValNodePtr DDV_GetAndCheckSeqAlign(FILE *fp,Int4 gi,SeqEntryPtr sep2,
298         UdvFetchSeqEntryProc fetchSepProc,DdvOpenDataPtr dodp,Uint2Ptr entityID);
299 extern WindoW DDV_StartMainWin_Slave(SAM_ViewGlobal *vgp,Boolean bEditor);
301 extern ValNodePtr DDV_GetSelectedRegions(SelStructPtr om_slp, Uint2 bsp_eID,
302         Uint2 bsp_iID);
303 extern Boolean DDV_IsLetterSelected(ValNodePtr vnp_bsp, Int4 bsp_pos);
305 NLM_EXTERN void DDV_ImportBioseqDlg(DDV_ImportDialog *idp);
306 NLM_EXTERN void DDV_ImportBioseq(IteM i);
307 NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr DDV_ShredAln(SeqAlignPtr sap);
308 NLM_EXTERN void DDV_DoAlign(DDV_ImportDialog *idp);
309 NLM_EXTERN void DDV_ImportCB(DDV_ImportDialog *idp, SeqAlign *salpdest,
310                              SeqAlign *salp);
311 NLM_EXTERN SeqAlign *DDV_Blast2Seqs(Bioseq *bsp1, Bioseq *bsp2, Boolean gapped,
312                          Char *progname);
313 extern void DDV_ImportNucSeqAlign(IteM i);
314 extern void DDV_ImportProtSeqAlign(IteM i);
315 NLM_EXTERN void DDV_HideDlgItem(IteM i);
316 NLM_EXTERN void DDV_HideDlg(DDV_HideDialog *hdp);
317 NLM_EXTERN void DDV_GetCharBufferForEditor(ParaGPtr pgp,CharPtr szEditSeq);
318 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr DDV_GetMtdpListForEditor(ValNodePtr row,Int4 from_disp,
319                 Int4 to_disp);
320 NLM_EXTERN MsaParaGPopListPtr DDV_CreateDataForEditor(MsaParaGPopListPtr mpplp, 
321         Int4 from_disp,Int4 to_disp);
322 NLM_EXTERN void DDV_SlaveQuit(WindoW w);
325 #ifdef __cplusplus
326 }
327 #endif
329 #undef NLM_EXTERN
330 #ifdef NLM_EXPORT
332 #else
333 #define NLM_EXTERN
334 #endif
336 #endif /* ndef _DDVOPEN_ */

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