Results for the nonlocal real space implementation


1. Accuracy

1a. For total energy

1b. For forces

1c. For stress

2. Efficiency

        2a. For total energy

        2b. For forces and stress


1.   Accuracy

1a. For total energy


            1. 16 Si atoms  - (2x2x2 k-point  .5 .5. 5 offset)   volume= 2090.32  25 Ry cutoff


                   radius                              error in  Energy  (Ry)                 

                     6.7                                      2.8 x 10-6                                   

                     4.7                                      2.2 x  10-6

                     3.7                                      8.3 x 10-6                                   

                     3.2                                      4.2 x  10-5

                     2.7                                      1.8 x 10-3

                     2.2                                      0.4


               12 Ry cutoff

                   radius                              error in  Energy  (Ry)                 

                      6.7                                     2.9 x 10-5          

                      4.7                                     3.8 x 10-6

                      4.2                                     4.3 x 10-5

                      3.7                                     6.8 x10-5

                      3.2                                      2.3x10-5

                      2.7                                      8.2x10-4


            Significant differences do not occur until a radius of 2.7. Interestingly the error increases

            slightly from a radius of 4.7 to 6.7.


            2. volume = 2330

                    radius                                   error in Energy  (Ry)

                       6.7                                       9.4 x 10-6

                       4.7                                       1.4 x 10-5

                    3.2                                       3.7 x 10-5


               The error in the energy does increase as the atoms move further apart.


            3. Same as (1) above with several atoms moved by up to .144 bohr.

                One lattice vector is also stretched by 10% making a monoclinic cell


                      radius                                   error in Energy  (Ry)

                         6.7                                       8.0 x 10-6                                   

                         4.7                                       4.8 x 10-6 

                         4.2                                       2.4 x 10-5 

                         3.7                                       1.2 x 10-5 

                         3.2                                       4.5 x 10-5 


               The error in energy is slightly affected again by the movement of the atoms.


            4. Same as above 4x4x4 mesh

                     radius                                   Energy  (Ry)   

                        4.7                                        9.7 x 10-6


               One can see the accuracy doesn’t change dramatically for higher k-point meshes


5.     54 Si atoms  -  gamma point  (3x3x3 supercell)

                     radius                                   Energy  (Ry)   

                       4.7                                       3.1 x 10-5         

                       3.7                                       1.1 x 10-4

                       3.2                                       1.8 x 10-4

                       2.7                                       6.1 x 10-3


            6.  128 Si atoms   gamma point  (4x4x4 supercell)

                       radius                                   Energy  (Ry)  

                          4.2                                       3.2 x 10-4

                          3.7                                       2.5 x 10-4

                          3.2                                       4.3 x 10-4

                          2.7                                       1.4 x  10-2

            7.  250 atom

                       radius                                   Energy  (Ry)   

                          3.2                                        8.5 x 104

                          4.2                                        6.2 x 10-4

1b. For forces


1.     Same as 1a. Ex. 3

                                            Error in the force (Ry/Bohr)

     radius                         x                        y                    z                                               

        6.7                  -1.23 x 10-5           1.16 x 10-5        5.80 x 10-5       

        4.7                   1.16 x 10-4          -9.59x  10-5       -6.30 x 10-5

        4.3                   2.72 x 10-4          -2.19 x 10-4       -1.40 x 10-4         

              3.7                  5.74 x 10-4          -4.43 x 10-4       -2.78 x 10-4         

        3.2                   1.07 x 10-3           -7.68 x 10-4      -4.62 x 10-4                   


    We can see that the necessary accuracy for the forces for a given radius

    is comparable for the forces and the energy


1c. For stress


              1.  16 Si atoms  - 2x2x2 k-point mesh   volume = 2090.32

                   Real space used in energy minimization to obtain eigenfunctions, but

                   stress calculated in G-space


                         radius           stress xx=yy=zz (Gpa)

k-space                                          0.32512 

                          4.7                       0.32509   

3.7                                                        0.32507   

3.2                       0.32516        

                          2.7                       0.31534  

 2.2                      -2.08488


                  Si 54  -  gamma point 

                       radius           stress xx=yy=zz (Gpa)

k-space                                       2.42050    

                         4.7                     2.42055             

                         3.7                     2.42037    

                         3.2                     2.42062     

                         2.7                     2.41013  


                  Si128    -  gamma point 

                       radius           stress xx=yy=zz (Gpa)

   Kspace                                    1.00722   

                         3.7                    1.00709                

                         3.2                    1.00734 

                         2.7                    0.99706       


                    The stress is accurate up to a radius of 3.2 (the same as the nergy)



2. Same as above, but stress calculated in real space

                     radius           stress xx=yy=zz (Gpa)

                     6.7                        0.34262

                                  4.7                        0.06012

                   Once can readily see that these elements of the stress field are much longer range

                   than the non-local force and energy fields.


3. Same as above but volume=2330.32 and stress in real space

                         radius           stress xx=yy=zz (Gpa)

k-space                                          -8.29552   

                          6.7                       -8.28100  

                          4.7                       -8.51441  

                       3.2                     -12.18045 


                A radius of 3.2 which seemed acceptable for the accuracy of the energy and forces

                proves to be inadequate for these stress fields.


             4. Same as 1a. Ex. 3. Stress calculated in real space


                 radius            xx                 yy           zz          xy               yz             zx

k-space                      2.77314     2.57061    -2.96587    -1.97145     3.88317    -6.30879

                  6.7           2.76645     2.50404    -2.84039    -2.00233     3.75694    -6.37091

                  4.7           2.51409     2.24949    -3.18161    -2.00428     3.74466    -6.36816

                  4.2           2.06363     1.79952    -3.65964    -2.00231     3.73648    -6.35837

                  3.7           0.93295     0.67099    -4.81743    -1.99701     3.72417    -6.33734

                  3.2          -1.85748    -2.11362    -7.62670    -1.98453     3.70508    -6.29287


                 With this system, we see that it is only the xx, yy, and zz stress fields which are

                  long range. This is not surprising since if one stretches the cell in the x-direction

                  the grid points parallel to the x-axis will move the farthest and thus giving a long

                  range stress field.


5.     Same as above with 4x4x4 k-point mesh


                 radius            xx                 yy           zz          xy               yz             zx

k-space                    2.73493     2.64246    -2.94995    -0.85818     5.00887    -5.32778

                  4.7         2.45031     2.34708    -3.16438    -0.82413     4.98236    -5.27374

G-sp. Str.   4.7         2.73473     2.64226    -2.95014    -0.85824     5.00890    -5.32785


                 We can see that increasing the k-points affects mostly the off-diagonal terms

                  in the stress field. The biggest errors between the real space and G-space stress

                 again are in the diagonal terms calculation are in the diagonal terms. Also the error

                 is small for the energy minization in real space, but the stress in G-space.


            6. Same as (2) with  1 lattice vector stretched by 10%      

                 radius            xx                 yy           zz          xy               yz             zx

k-space                    -6.19177    -6.19177   -11.44270    -1.34064     3.75907    -3.75907

                  6.7         -6.21953    -6.21953   -11.34375    -1.39913     3.75590    -3.75590

                  4.7         -6.42959    -6.42959   -11.62475    -1.40273     3.74439    -3.74439


                 The error for the diagonal terms consistently stays at a lower value of around -.2

                  For this and previous systems.


6.     In a geometry relaxation, a radius of 4.7 did not give the lowest energy for the smallest stress. The accuracy varied on the system between 2x10-4 and 4x10-5.

A radius of 6.7 did give energies that decreased with lowering stress.

                  The final energy accuracy was 2.9 x 10-5. where 4.7 gave an accuracy of 4.4 x 10-4


Comments: For geometry relaxations, the force and stress calculations take a small percentage

of the total time. Given that one would need a larger radius for accurate stresses, it is better to do the calculation in G-space since the longer radius would cause much longer times in the energy minimization. If one was doing molecular dynamics where the percentage cost was appreciable

for the forces then one could do them in real space. If one needed to have stress information

 in a MD run, a separate radius for the diagonal stress terms would be beneficial.


2. Efficiency


            1. 16 Si atoms  - (2x2x2 k-point  .5 .5. 5 offset)   volume= 2090.32

                4 proc t3e 

                   radius                              time spent in NL

  k-space                                                  15.097                           

                    4.7                                     238.671    

                    3.7                                     125.840

                    3.2                                       90.199

                    2.7                                       63.092

                   2.2                                        43.319


            2.  54 Si atoms  -  gamma point  8 proc  t3e

                   radius                          time spent in NL


                    4.7                                  442.615

                    3.7                                  273.511

                    3.2                                  197.473

                    2.7                                  219.008


            3. 128 Si atoms 16 proc IBM Sp2 Seaborg

                   radius                              time spent in NL

Kspace                                                 351.785

                    4.2                                   846.370

                    3.7                                   627.631

                    3.2                                   448.872

2.7                                                                                      311.198

               On seaborg the G-space is still faster for radii of 3.2 and above.


                t3e mcurie                   G-space - 25.75 seconds / H*Ψ

                                          3.2  real space -  22.89 seconds / H*Ψ


               On mcurie the real space is faster. These times are for all parts of the H*Ψ procedure


            4. 250 Si atoms  64 proc

                   radius                              time spent in NL

G-space                                               740.512

                     3.2                                  512.51

 4.2                                  841.83


                  t3e mcurie                     gspace - 84.67  seconds / H* Ψ

                                            3.2  real space - 66.7   seconds / H* Ψ