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This observation ) [28 50 72 28 51 49 33 44 33 39 78 44 28 28 33 44 50 78 27 51 28 50 33 44 33 50 33 33 44 44 39 28 50 78 33 72 44 39 33 50 50 39 44 33 50 44 50 33 33 50 33 33 28 50 44 33 33 28 33 39 28 33 28 28 78 44 25 33 61 50 28 39 33 50 50 39 44 33 50 44 28 27 50 51 0]xS 366 1659 M (became the basis for the development of the Surface Plasma Source \(SPS\) for efficient production ) [50 44 44 44 78 44 32 28 51 44 32 50 44 39 28 39 32 33 50 34 32 28 50 45 32 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 32 50 33 32 28 50 44 32 56 50 34 34 44 44 44 32 56 28 44 39 78 44 32 56 50 50 34 44 44 32 33 56 56 56 33 32 33 50 33 32 45 33 33 28 44 28 44 50 28 32 51 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 0]xS 366 1889 M (of negative ions. In the SPS, negative ions are produced from the interact) [50 33 38 50 44 50 44 28 28 50 44 38 28 50 50 39 25 39 31 50 38 28 50 44 39 56 56 56 25 38 50 44 49 44 28 28 50 44 38 28 50 50 39 38 44 33 44 38 50 33 50 50 50 44 44 50 38 33 33 50 78 38 28 50 44 38 28 50 28 44 34 45 44 0]xS 3446 1889 M (ion of plasma particles )[28 50 50 38 50 33 38 50 28 44 39 78 44 38 50 44 33 28 28 44 28 44 39 0]xS 366 2119 M (with electrodes on which adsorbed cesium reduces the surface work function. Following this ) [72 28 28 50 52 44 28 44 44 28 33 50 50 44 39 52 50 50 52 72 50 28 44 50 52 44 50 39 50 33 50 44 50 52 44 44 39 28 50 78 52 33 44 51 50 44 44 39 52 28 50 44 52 39 50 33 33 44 45 44 52 72 50 33 50 52 33 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 25 52 55 50 28 28 50 72 28 50 49 52 28 50 28 39 0]xS 366 2349 M (discovery, the emission current density of negative ions increased rapidly from j ~ 0.01 A/cm) [50 28 39 44 50 50 44 35 48 25 25 28 50 44 26 44 78 28 39 39 28 50 50 25 45 50 33 33 44 50 28 25 50 44 50 39 28 30 48 25 50 34 25 50 45 49 44 28 28 51 44 25 28 50 50 39 25 28 50 44 33 45 44 39 44 50 26 33 44 50 28 50 30 48 25 34 33 50 78 25 28 25 54 25 50 25 50 50 25 72 28 44 0]xS /F1S43 F1 [67 0 0 -67 0 0 ] mFS F1S43 Ji 4105 2303 M (2)S F1S64 Ji 4139 2349 M ( to 3.7 )[25 28 50 25 50 26 49 0]xS 366 2578 M (A/cm)[72 28 44 0]xS F1S43 Ji 588 2532 M (2)S F1S64 Ji 622 2578 M ( with a flat cathode and up to 8 A)[34 72 28 28 50 34 44 34 33 28 44 27 34 44 44 28 50 50 50 44 34 44 50 50 34 50 50 34 28 50 34 50 34 0]xS 2036 2578 M (/cm)[28 44 0]xS F1S43 Ji 2185 2532 M (2)S F1S64 Ji 2219 2578 M ( with optimized geometrical focusing in a long pulse )[34 72 28 27 50 34 50 50 28 28 78 27 45 44 50 34 49 44 50 78 44 28 33 28 44 44 28 35 33 50 44 50 39 28 50 49 34 28 50 34 44 34 28 50 50 49 34 50 50 28 39 44 0]xS 366 2808 M (SPS and up to 1 A/cm)[56 56 56 34 44 50 50 34 50 50 33 28 50 34 50 34 72 28 44 0]xS F1S43 Ji 1297 2762 M (2)S F1S64 Ji 1330 2808 M ( for a DC SPS. Discovery of charge)[33 33 50 33 34 44 34 72 67 34 56 56 56 25 34 72 28 39 44 50 50 44 33 48 35 50 33 34 44 51 44 34 49 0]xS 2818 2808 M (-)S 2851 2808 M (exchange cooling decrease a negative )[44 51 44 50 44 51 49 44 34 44 51 50 28 28 50 49 34 50 44 44 34 44 44 40 44 34 44 34 50 45 49 44 28 28 51 45 0]xS 366 3038 M (ion temperature below 1 eV and increase the negative ion brightness by many orders to a level ) [28 50 50 41 28 44 78 50 44 33 44 28 50 33 44 41 50 44 28 50 72 41 50 41 44 72 41 44 50 50 41 28 50 44 33 44 44 39 44 41 28 50 44 41 50 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 41 28 50 50 41 50 33 28 49 50 28 51 44 39 39 41 51 49 41 78 44 51 47 41 51 33 50 44 33 39 41 28 50 41 44 41 28 44 50 44 29 0]xS 366 3268 M (compatible w)[44 50 78 50 44 28 28 50 28 44 27 0]xS 909 3268 M (ith the best proton sources, B = j/T > 1 A/cm)[28 28 50 27 28 50 44 27 50 44 39 28 27 50 33 50 28 50 50 27 39 50 50 33 44 44 39 25 28 66 27 56 27 28 28 61 27 57 27 50 27 72 28 44 0]xS F1S43 Ji 2722 3222 M (2)S F1S64 Ji 2756 3268 M ( eV. The intensity of negative ion beams )[27 44 72 25 27 61 50 44 27 28 50 28 44 50 39 28 29 48 27 50 33 27 51 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 27 28 50 50 27 50 44 44 79 40 0]xS 366 3498 M (was increased from mA to tens of Amperes. Features of different SPS\222s, negative ion beam ) [72 44 39 52 28 50 44 33 45 44 39 44 50 52 34 33 50 78 52 78 72 52 28 50 52 28 44 50 39 52 50 33 52 72 78 50 44 33 44 39 26 52 55 44 44 28 50 34 44 39 52 50 33 52 50 28 33 34 44 33 44 50 28 53 56 56 56 33 39 25 52 50 44 49 44 28 28 50 44 52 28 50 50 52 50 45 44 78 0]xS 366 3728 M (formation, transportation, space)[33 50 33 78 44 28 28 50 50 25 37 28 33 44 50 39 50 51 33 28 44 28 28 50 50 25 37 39 50 44 45 0]xS 1662 3728 M (-)S 1695 3728 M (charge neutralization)[44 51 44 34 49 45 37 50 44 50 28 34 44 28 28 45 44 28 28 50 0]xS 2550 3728 M (-)S 2583 3728 M ( over neutralization and )[37 50 50 44 33 37 51 44 50 28 33 44 28 28 45 44 28 28 50 50 37 44 50 50 0]xS 3603 3728 M (instability damping )[28 50 39 28 44 50 28 28 28 29 48 38 50 44 78 50 28 51 50 0]xS 366 3958 M (are considered. Practical aspects of SPS operation and high brightness beam production will be ) [44 33 44 42 44 50 50 39 28 51 44 33 44 50 25 42 56 34 44 44 28 28 44 44 29 42 44 39 50 44 44 28 39 42 50 33 42 56 56 56 42 50 50 44 33 44 28 29 50 50 42 44 50 50 42 50 28 49 50 42 51 33 28 49 50 28 51 44 39 39 42 50 44 44 78 42 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 42 72 28 28 28 42 51 44 0]xS 366 4188 M (discussed.)[50 28 39 44 50 39 39 44 50 0]xS 774 4188 M ( )S 444 4418 M ( )S /F0S64 F0 [100 0 0 -100 0 0 ] mFS F0S64 Ji 366 4750 M (I. INTRODUCTION)[39 25 25 39 72 67 72 78 72 72 72 67 39 78 0]xS 1255 4750 M ( )S F1S64 Ji 444 5003 M (One practical result of development of high brightness negative ion source is accepting of the ) [72 50 44 40 50 33 45 44 28 28 44 44 28 40 34 44 39 50 28 28 40 50 33 40 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 40 50 33 40 50 29 49 50 40 50 33 29 49 50 28 50 44 39 39 40 50 45 50 44 28 28 50 44 40 28 50 50 40 39 51 50 33 44 44 40 28 39 40 45 44 44 44 50 28 28 51 49 40 50 33 40 28 50 45 0]xS 366 5233 M (charge)[44 50 44 32 50 0]xS 630 5233 M (-)S 663 5233 M (exchange in)[44 51 44 50 44 51 50 44 51 28 0]xS 1170 5233 M (jection in circular accelerators for a routine operation. Today, negative ion ) [28 44 44 28 29 50 50 51 28 50 51 44 28 33 44 50 28 44 33 52 44 44 45 44 28 44 34 44 28 50 33 39 51 33 50 33 51 44 52 33 50 50 28 28 50 44 51 50 50 44 34 44 29 28 50 50 25 49 54 50 50 45 42 25 51 50 45 50 44 28 28 50 44 51 28 51 49 0]xS 366 5463 M (sources are the )[39 50 50 33 44 44 39 46 45 33 44 46 28 51 44 0]xS F2S64 Ji 1048 5463 M (Source of life)[50 50 50 35 45 44 47 50 28 46 28 28 28 0]xS F1S64 Ji 1621 5463 M ( for gigantic accelerator complexes such as FNAL, BNL, DESY, ) [46 33 50 33 47 49 28 50 44 50 28 28 44 46 45 44 45 45 28 44 33 44 28 50 33 47 44 50 78 50 28 44 51 44 39 46 39 50 44 50 46 44 39 46 55 73 73 60 25 47 66 73 60 25 46 72 61 56 59 26 0]xS 366 5693 M (KEK\205, for pulsed neutron sources, for many synchrotrons and storage rings. The efficien) [72 61 72 100 25 42 33 50 33 42 50 50 28 39 44 50 42 50 44 50 29 33 50 50 42 39 50 50 33 44 44 39 25 42 33 51 33 42 78 44 52 48 42 39 48 51 44 51 33 50 28 33 50 50 39 42 44 50 50 42 39 28 50 33 45 50 45 42 33 28 50 49 39 25 40 61 50 44 43 44 32 33 28 44 28 44 0]xS 4177 5693 M (t and )[28 42 44 50 51 0]xS 366 5923 M (reliable operation of negative ion sources is largely responsible for the productivity of these ) [33 44 28 28 44 50 28 44 53 50 50 44 34 44 28 28 50 50 53 50 33 53 50 44 49 44 28 28 50 44 53 28 50 50 53 39 50 50 33 44 44 39 53 28 39 53 28 45 32 49 44 30 47 54 33 44 39 50 50 50 39 28 50 28 44 53 33 50 33 53 28 51 44 53 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 28 29 48 53 50 33 53 28 50 44 39 44 0]xS LH (%%[Page: 1]%%) = %%PageTrailer %%EndPageComments %%BeginPageSetup /DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def mysetup concat colspRefresh %%EndPageSetup /DeviceGray dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def 0 0 scol 366 432 M (facilities. Many discoveries in high)[33 44 44 28 28 28 28 28 44 39 25 36 89 44 51 48 36 50 28 39 44 50 51 44 34 28 44 39 36 28 50 36 50 28 49 0]xS 1817 432 M (-)S 1850 432 M (energy physics were made as a direct result of using the SPS ) [44 50 45 32 51 48 36 50 52 48 39 28 44 39 36 72 44 33 44 36 78 44 51 44 36 44 39 36 44 36 50 28 33 45 45 28 36 33 44 39 50 28 28 36 50 33 36 50 39 28 50 49 36 28 50 44 36 56 56 55 0]xS 366 662 M (negative ion source. The rapid development of high brigh)[50 44 50 44 28 28 50 44 25 28 50 50 25 39 50 50 33 45 44 25 23 61 50 44 26 33 44 50 28 50 25 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 25 50 34 25 50 28 50 50 25 50 33 28 49 0]xS 2665 662 M (tness H)[28 50 44 39 39 25 0]xS F1S43 Ji 2963 616 M (-)S F1S64 Ji 2985 662 M ( sources was stimulated by the first )[25 39 50 50 33 45 44 39 26 72 44 39 25 39 28 28 78 50 28 44 28 44 50 25 51 48 25 28 51 44 25 33 28 34 39 28 0]xS 366 892 M (success of high current proton beam accumulation using charge) [39 50 44 44 44 39 39 28 50 33 28 50 29 49 50 29 44 50 33 34 44 50 28 28 51 33 50 28 50 50 28 50 44 44 78 28 45 44 44 50 78 50 28 44 28 28 50 51 28 50 39 28 50 49 28 44 51 44 32 50 0]xS 2933 892 M (-)S 2966 892 M (exchange injection [1]. Research in )[44 51 44 50 44 51 50 44 28 28 50 28 44 44 28 28 50 50 28 34 50 34 25 28 67 44 39 44 44 33 44 50 28 28 50 0]xS 366 1122 M (this area was supported by the interest in \223Star Wars\224 [2]. In fact, these defense interests were also ) [28 50 28 39 31 44 33 44 44 31 72 44 39 31 39 50 50 50 50 33 28 44 50 32 51 48 31 28 50 44 31 28 50 28 44 33 44 39 28 31 28 50 31 44 54 28 44 33 30 87 44 33 39 44 31 34 50 34 24 32 31 50 31 33 45 44 28 25 31 28 50 44 39 44 31 50 44 33 44 50 39 44 31 28 50 28 44 34 44 39 28 39 31 72 44 33 44 32 44 28 39 50 0]xS 366 1352 M (the main r)[28 50 44 37 78 44 28 50 37 0]xS 795 1352 M (eason for the long delay of the first publication of results. Nonofficial communication, ) [44 44 39 50 50 37 33 51 33 37 28 50 44 38 28 50 50 49 37 50 44 28 46 48 37 51 33 37 28 50 44 37 33 28 33 39 28 37 51 50 50 28 28 44 44 28 28 50 50 37 50 33 37 33 44 39 50 28 28 39 25 37 72 50 50 50 31 33 28 44 28 44 28 37 44 50 78 78 50 50 28 44 44 28 28 50 50 26 0]xS 366 1582 M (however, was relatively fast. Main early works in SPS development have been collected in report ) [50 50 72 44 50 44 29 25 35 73 44 39 35 33 44 28 44 28 28 50 44 30 48 36 33 44 39 28 25 35 89 44 28 50 35 44 44 33 30 48 35 72 50 33 50 39 35 29 50 35 56 56 55 35 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 35 50 44 50 44 35 50 44 44 50 35 44 50 28 28 44 44 29 44 50 35 28 50 35 33 44 50 50 34 27 0]xS 366 1812 M ([3]. Before 1971, main attention was concentrated on development of the) [34 50 34 25 45 66 44 33 50 33 45 45 50 50 50 50 25 45 78 44 28 51 46 44 28 28 44 50 28 28 50 50 45 72 44 39 46 44 50 50 45 44 50 28 33 44 29 44 50 45 50 50 45 51 44 50 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 45 51 33 45 29 50 0]xS 3498 1812 M ( charge)[45 44 51 44 32 50 0]xS 3808 1812 M (-)S 3841 1812 M (exchange ion )[44 51 44 50 44 51 49 45 45 28 50 50 0]xS 366 2042 M (sources because there was no hope of extracting more than 10 mA of H) [39 50 50 33 44 44 39 32 50 45 44 44 50 40 44 32 28 50 44 34 44 32 73 44 39 32 50 50 32 50 50 50 44 32 50 34 32 44 51 28 33 44 44 28 28 50 50 33 78 50 33 44 32 28 50 44 50 32 50 50 32 79 66 32 50 33 32 0]xS F1S43 Ji 3311 1996 M (-)S F1S64 Ji 3333 2042 M ( directly from the plasma. )[33 50 28 33 44 44 28 29 48 33 33 33 50 78 32 28 50 44 32 50 29 44 39 78 45 24 0]xS 366 2272 M (On July 1, 1971, at the Institute of Nuclear Physic \(INP\), Novosibirsk, the author unexpectedly ) [72 50 41 40 50 29 47 41 50 25 41 50 50 50 50 25 41 44 28 41 28 50 44 42 31 50 39 28 28 28 50 28 44 41 50 33 41 72 50 44 28 45 44 33 41 56 50 48 40 28 44 41 34 32 72 57 33 25 41 72 50 50 50 39 28 50 28 33 39 50 25 41 28 50 44 41 44 50 28 50 50 33 41 50 50 44 51 50 44 44 28 44 51 29 49 0]xS 366 2502 M (observed a very short duration enhancement )[50 50 39 44 33 50 44 50 28 44 28 50 45 35 47 28 39 50 51 33 28 28 50 50 33 44 28 28 50 50 28 44 50 50 44 50 45 44 78 44 50 28 0]xS 2176 2502 M (of negative ion emission from a magnetron \(planotron\) )[50 33 28 50 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 28 28 50 50 28 44 78 28 39 39 28 50 50 28 33 33 50 78 28 44 28 78 44 49 50 44 28 34 50 50 28 33 50 28 44 50 50 28 33 50 50 34 0]xS 366 2732 M (plasma source following the introduction of a cesium admixture to the gas discharge. ) [50 28 44 39 78 44 25 39 50 50 33 44 44 26 33 50 28 28 50 72 28 50 49 26 28 50 44 25 28 50 28 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 25 50 33 25 44 25 45 44 39 28 50 78 25 44 50 78 28 51 28 50 33 44 25 28 50 25 28 50 44 25 49 44 39 26 50 28 39 44 50 44 32 49 44 25 0]xS 3790 2732 M ( )S 444 2962 M (Fortunately, this brief observation, considered in review [4], was not overlooked and was ) [55 50 33 28 50 50 44 28 44 30 42 25 57 28 50 28 39 57 50 33 28 44 33 58 50 50 39 44 33 50 44 28 28 50 50 25 57 44 50 50 39 28 50 45 33 44 51 57 28 50 57 33 44 50 28 44 72 57 34 50 34 25 57 72 44 39 57 51 50 28 57 50 50 44 33 28 50 50 50 44 50 57 44 50 51 57 72 44 40 0]xS 366 3192 M (developed and understood a)[50 44 50 44 28 50 50 44 50 52 44 50 50 52 50 50 50 44 33 39 28 51 50 50 52 0]xS 1565 3192 M (s a new method of negative ion production that results from the ) [39 52 44 52 50 44 72 52 78 44 28 50 50 50 52 49 33 52 50 44 50 44 28 28 50 44 52 28 50 50 52 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 52 28 50 44 28 52 33 44 39 50 28 28 39 52 33 33 50 78 51 28 49 44 0]xS 366 3422 M (interaction of plasma with a surface. It became the basis for development of Surface Plasma Sources ) [28 50 28 44 33 44 44 28 28 50 50 25 50 34 25 50 28 44 39 78 44 25 72 28 29 50 25 44 25 39 50 34 33 44 45 44 25 26 32 29 25 50 44 45 44 78 44 25 28 50 45 25 50 44 39 28 39 25 33 50 34 25 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 29 25 50 34 25 56 50 33 33 44 45 44 25 56 28 44 39 78 44 25 56 50 50 34 44 44 40 0]xS 366 3652 M (\(SPS\) [4, 5]. The original patent application [6] states \223\205 a method of negative ion product) [33 56 56 56 33 33 34 50 25 33 50 34 24 32 61 50 44 33 50 33 28 49 28 51 45 28 33 50 44 28 44 50 28 33 44 50 50 28 28 45 44 28 28 50 50 33 34 50 34 33 39 28 44 28 44 39 33 44 100 34 44 33 78 44 28 50 50 51 33 50 33 33 51 45 49 44 28 28 50 45 33 28 50 50 33 50 33 50 50 51 44 0]xS 4154 3652 M (ion in )[28 50 50 33 28 49 0]xS 366 3882 M (gas discharges, distinguished by adding to the discharge, along with a working substance, an ) [49 44 39 50 50 28 39 44 51 44 32 50 44 39 25 50 50 28 39 28 28 50 49 51 28 39 50 44 50 50 51 48 50 44 50 50 28 51 49 50 28 50 50 28 50 45 50 50 28 39 44 50 44 32 49 44 25 51 44 28 50 51 49 50 72 28 28 50 50 44 50 72 50 33 50 28 51 49 50 39 50 50 39 28 44 50 44 44 25 51 45 50 0]xS 366 4112 M (admixture of substance with a low ionization potential such as cesium, to enhance the negative ion ) [44 50 78 28 51 28 50 33 44 31 50 33 31 39 50 50 38 28 44 50 44 44 31 72 28 28 50 31 44 31 28 50 72 30 28 50 50 28 45 44 28 28 50 49 31 50 50 27 44 50 28 28 44 28 31 39 50 44 50 31 44 39 31 44 44 39 28 50 78 25 31 28 49 31 44 50 50 44 50 44 44 31 28 50 44 31 50 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 31 28 50 50 0]xS 366 4342 M (formation.\224 Further development of the SPS was conducted )[33 50 33 78 44 28 28 50 50 25 44 31 55 50 33 28 50 45 33 30 51 44 50 45 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 30 50 33 30 28 50 45 30 56 56 56 30 72 44 39 31 44 50 50 50 50 44 28 44 50 0]xS 2822 4342 M (by cooperation Belchenko, Dimov and )[52 48 31 44 50 50 51 44 33 44 28 28 51 50 30 67 44 28 44 50 44 50 50 50 26 30 72 28 78 50 50 30 44 50 51 0]xS 366 4572 M (Dudnikov \(BDD\) [7]. The theoretical bases of SPS operation were understood rapidly and ) [72 50 50 50 28 50 50 50 60 33 66 73 72 33 60 34 50 34 25 58 61 50 44 60 28 50 44 50 33 44 28 28 45 44 28 60 50 44 39 44 39 61 50 33 60 56 56 56 60 50 50 44 33 44 28 28 50 50 60 72 44 33 45 60 50 50 50 44 33 39 28 50 50 50 60 33 44 50 28 50 30 48 60 44 51 50 0]xS 366 4802 M (enhancement of negative ion emission was explained [4, 5, 7]. The first high brightness SPS for ) [44 50 50 44 50 45 44 78 44 50 28 38 50 33 38 50 45 50 44 28 28 50 44 38 28 50 50 38 44 78 28 39 39 28 50 50 38 72 44 39 38 44 51 50 28 44 28 50 44 50 38 34 50 25 38 50 25 38 50 34 25 36 61 50 44 38 33 28 33 39 28 38 50 28 49 50 38 50 33 29 49 50 28 50 44 39 39 38 56 56 56 38 33 50 33 0]xS 366 5032 M (accelerator was developed by the auth)[44 44 45 44 28 44 33 44 28 51 33 43 72 44 39 43 50 44 50 44 28 50 51 44 50 43 51 48 43 28 50 44 43 44 50 28 0]xS 1978 5032 M (or [8]. The Semiplanotron SPS with efficient geometrical )[50 33 43 34 50 34 25 41 60 50 44 43 56 44 78 28 50 28 44 50 50 28 33 50 50 43 56 55 56 42 72 28 28 50 43 44 31 33 28 44 28 44 50 28 43 50 44 50 78 44 28 33 28 45 44 28 0]xS 366 5262 M (focusing was developed by the author in 1977 [9]. Further R&D of high brightness SPS was ) [33 50 44 50 39 28 50 50 47 73 44 39 47 50 44 51 44 28 50 50 44 51 47 52 48 47 28 50 45 47 44 50 28 50 50 34 47 28 50 47 50 50 50 51 47 34 50 34 25 47 55 50 33 28 50 44 34 47 67 77 73 47 50 34 48 50 28 49 50 47 51 33 28 49 50 28 51 44 39 39 47 56 56 56 47 72 45 38 0]xS 366 5492 M (conducted in cooperation with Derevyankin. Investigation and adaptation of SPS began very soon ) [44 50 50 50 50 44 28 44 50 34 28 50 34 44 50 50 50 45 33 44 28 28 51 50 34 72 28 28 50 34 72 44 33 44 52 48 44 50 50 28 50 25 35 32 50 51 44 39 28 28 49 44 28 28 50 50 34 44 50 50 35 44 50 44 50 28 44 28 28 50 51 34 50 33 34 56 56 56 34 50 44 49 44 50 34 50 44 35 48 34 39 50 51 50 0]xS 366 5722 M (afterward in ma)[44 33 28 44 33 73 44 33 50 32 28 51 32 78 0]xS 1013 5722 M (ny laboratories in the U.S.A., Europe and Japan and International Symposiums for ) [52 48 32 28 44 50 51 34 44 28 50 33 28 44 39 32 28 50 32 28 50 45 32 72 25 56 25 72 25 25 32 61 51 33 50 50 44 32 45 50 50 32 40 44 50 44 50 32 44 50 51 33 32 50 28 45 34 50 44 28 28 50 50 44 28 32 57 48 78 50 50 39 28 50 78 39 32 33 50 34 0]xS 366 5952 M (Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams were held [10]. Now, the Surface Plasma ) [56 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 25 44 50 50 25 72 44 50 28 33 44 28 28 45 44 28 28 50 50 25 50 33 25 72 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 27 32 50 50 39 25 44 51 50 25 66 45 44 78 39 25 72 44 34 44 25 50 44 28 50 25 34 50 50 34 25 24 72 50 66 25 25 28 50 44 25 56 50 33 33 44 45 44 25 56 28 44 39 78 45 0]xS LH (%%[Page: 2]%%) = %%PageTrailer %%EndPageComments %%BeginPageSetup /DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def mysetup concat colspRefresh %%EndPageSetup /DeviceGray dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def 0 0 scol 366 432 M (Method of negative ion production and SPS are discussed in many reviews and bo) [89 44 28 50 50 50 33 50 33 33 50 44 49 44 28 28 50 44 33 28 50 50 33 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 33 44 50 50 33 56 56 55 33 44 33 44 33 50 28 39 44 50 39 39 44 50 33 28 50 33 78 44 51 47 33 34 44 50 28 45 72 39 33 44 50 50 33 50 0]xS 3756 432 M (oks \(recently in )[50 50 39 33 33 33 44 44 44 50 28 29 48 33 29 49 0]xS 366 662 M (book [11]\). Good reviews of SPS for accelerators are presented in the reports of J. Peters [12) [50 50 50 50 33 34 46 50 34 33 25 33 72 50 50 50 33 33 44 50 28 44 73 39 33 50 33 33 56 56 56 33 33 50 33 33 44 44 44 44 28 45 33 44 28 50 33 40 33 44 33 44 33 50 34 44 39 44 50 28 44 50 33 28 50 33 28 50 44 34 33 44 51 50 33 28 39 33 50 33 33 40 25 33 56 44 28 44 33 39 33 34 50 0]xS 4202 662 M (-)S 4235 662 M (14]. )[50 50 33 24 0]xS 366 892 M (The development of a high current SPS \(tens of Amperes\) for thermonuclear plasma heating is in ) [61 50 44 34 50 44 51 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 34 50 33 35 44 34 50 29 49 50 35 44 50 33 34 44 50 28 34 56 56 56 34 33 28 44 50 39 34 50 33 30 72 78 50 44 33 44 39 34 34 33 50 34 34 28 50 44 33 78 50 50 50 45 28 44 44 33 34 50 28 44 39 79 44 34 50 45 44 28 28 50 50 34 28 39 34 28 51 0]xS 366 1122 M (progress and is now used in experiments [15])[50 33 50 50 33 44 39 39 45 44 50 50 45 28 39 45 50 50 72 45 50 40 44 50 45 28 50 45 44 51 50 44 33 28 78 44 50 28 39 45 34 50 49 0]xS 2320 1122 M (. Adaptation of a SPS for polarized negative ion )[24 39 72 50 44 50 28 44 28 28 50 50 45 50 33 45 44 45 56 56 56 45 33 50 33 45 50 50 28 44 33 28 45 44 50 45 50 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 45 28 51 50 0]xS 366 1352 M (production by charge )[50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 32 51 48 33 44 50 44 32 50 44 0]xS 1259 1352 M (-)S 1292 1352 M ( exchange with a slow negative ion has been developed in cooperation with ) [32 45 51 44 50 44 50 49 44 32 72 28 28 50 32 44 32 39 28 50 72 32 50 45 50 44 28 28 50 44 32 28 50 50 32 50 44 39 32 50 44 44 50 32 50 44 51 44 29 50 50 44 50 32 28 50 32 44 50 50 50 44 34 44 28 28 50 50 32 72 28 28 50 0]xS 366 1582 M (A. Belov and INR team [16, 17]. This development has permitted use of charge exchange injection ) [72 25 30 66 44 28 50 50 30 44 50 50 31 32 72 67 30 28 44 44 78 30 34 50 50 25 30 50 49 34 25 28 61 50 28 39 30 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 78 43 50 28 30 50 44 39 30 50 44 33 78 28 28 28 44 50 30 50 39 44 30 50 33 30 44 50 44 32 49 44 30 44 51 44 50 44 51 49 44 30 28 50 28 44 44 28 28 50 51 0]xS 366 1812 M (for accumulatio)[33 50 33 25 44 45 44 50 78 50 28 44 28 28 0]xS 996 1812 M (n of high intensity beams of polarized ions in circular accelerators [18]. ) [50 25 50 33 25 50 28 49 50 26 28 50 28 44 50 39 28 29 47 25 51 44 44 78 39 25 50 33 25 50 50 28 45 33 29 45 44 50 25 28 50 50 39 25 28 50 25 44 28 33 44 50 28 44 33 25 44 45 44 44 29 44 33 44 28 50 33 39 25 34 50 50 34 25 0]xS 3882 1812 M ( )S 444 2042 M (Research and development of a heavy negative ion SPS for industrial application has had good ) [67 44 39 44 44 33 44 51 36 44 50 50 36 50 44 51 44 28 50 50 78 45 50 28 36 50 33 36 44 36 50 44 44 52 48 36 51 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 36 29 50 50 36 56 56 56 36 33 50 33 36 28 50 50 50 39 28 33 28 44 28 36 44 50 50 28 28 44 44 28 28 50 50 36 50 44 39 36 50 44 50 37 49 50 50 50 0]xS 366 2272 M (success [19] but it is still necessary to further improve the DC SPS for heavy negative) [39 50 44 44 44 39 39 52 34 50 50 34 52 50 50 28 52 28 28 52 28 39 52 39 28 28 28 28 52 50 44 44 44 39 39 44 35 48 52 28 51 52 33 50 33 28 50 45 34 52 28 78 50 33 50 50 44 52 28 50 45 52 72 67 52 56 56 56 52 33 50 33 52 50 45 44 52 48 52 51 45 49 44 28 28 50 0]xS 4211 2272 M ( ion )[52 28 50 51 0]xS 366 2502 M (production to meet the broad requirements of many industrial applications.) [50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 25 28 50 25 78 44 44 28 25 28 50 44 25 50 34 50 44 50 25 33 44 50 50 28 34 44 78 44 50 28 39 25 50 33 25 78 44 51 48 26 28 50 50 50 39 28 33 28 44 28 25 44 50 50 28 28 45 44 28 28 50 50 39 0]xS 3360 2502 M ( )S 366 2732 M ( )S F0S64 Ji 366 2964 M (II. FEATURES OF SPS )[39 39 25 25 60 67 72 67 72 72 67 56 25 78 60 25 57 60 57 25 25 0]xS 1464 2964 M ( )S F1S64 Ji 366 3192 M (Many versions of the SPS have been developed and optimized for different applications. Cesium ) [89 44 51 48 37 51 44 33 39 28 50 50 39 37 50 33 37 28 50 44 37 56 56 56 37 50 44 50 44 37 50 44 44 50 37 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 44 51 37 44 50 50 37 50 50 28 28 78 28 45 44 50 37 33 50 33 37 50 28 33 33 44 33 44 50 28 37 44 50 50 28 28 44 44 28 28 50 50 39 25 37 67 44 39 28 50 79 0]xS 366 3422 M (admixture enhances negative ion formation in all types of )[44 50 78 28 51 28 50 33 44 26 44 50 50 44 50 44 44 39 26 50 44 50 45 28 28 50 44 26 28 50 50 26 33 50 33 78 44 28 28 50 50 26 28 49 26 44 28 28 25 27 48 51 44 39 26 50 33 0]xS 2700 3422 M (discharges, but the most efficient negative )[50 28 39 44 50 45 34 49 44 39 25 26 50 50 28 26 28 50 44 26 78 50 39 28 26 44 33 33 28 44 28 44 50 28 26 50 44 49 44 28 28 50 45 0]xS 366 3652 M (ion production and highest beam quality is attained using an SPS that is optimized for each ) [28 50 50 51 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 51 44 50 50 51 50 28 49 50 44 39 28 51 50 44 44 78 51 50 50 44 28 28 29 47 51 28 39 51 44 29 28 44 28 50 44 50 51 50 39 28 50 49 51 44 50 51 56 56 56 51 28 49 44 28 51 28 39 51 50 50 28 28 77 28 45 44 50 51 33 50 33 51 44 44 44 50 0]xS 366 3882 M (application. Some basic discharge configurations of SPS are presented in Fig.1. Compact SPS ) [44 50 50 28 28 44 44 28 28 50 50 25 47 56 50 78 44 47 50 44 39 28 45 47 50 28 39 44 50 44 34 50 44 47 44 50 51 33 28 49 51 33 44 28 28 50 51 39 47 50 33 47 56 56 56 47 44 33 45 47 50 33 44 40 44 50 28 44 51 47 28 50 47 55 29 49 25 50 25 47 67 50 78 50 45 44 28 47 56 56 55 0]xS 366 4112 M (\(CSPS\) such as magnetrons \(p)[33 67 56 56 56 33 43 39 50 44 50 43 44 39 43 78 44 49 50 44 28 34 50 50 39 43 33 0]xS 1654 4112 M (lanotrons\) are seen in \()[28 44 50 50 28 33 50 50 39 33 43 44 33 44 43 39 45 45 50 43 28 50 43 0]xS F2S64 Ji 2642 4112 M (a)S F1S64 Ji 2692 4112 M (\) and \()[33 43 44 50 50 43 0]xS F2S64 Ji 2988 4112 M (b)S F1S64 Ji 3038 4112 M (\). A Penning discharge CSPS is )[33 25 43 72 43 56 44 50 50 28 50 49 43 50 28 39 44 50 44 34 50 44 43 67 56 56 56 42 27 38 0]xS 366 4342 M (shown in \()[39 50 50 72 50 26 28 50 26 0]xS F2S64 Ji 790 4342 M (c)S F1S64 Ji 834 4342 M (\). A semiplanotron is shown in \()[33 25 26 72 26 39 44 78 28 50 28 44 51 50 28 33 50 50 26 28 39 26 39 50 50 72 50 26 28 50 26 0]xS F2S64 Ji 2132 4342 M (d)S F1S64 Ji 2182 4342 M (\), and \(e\) is a hollow cathode SPS using a cold cathode )[33 25 26 44 51 50 26 33 44 33 26 28 39 26 44 26 50 50 28 28 50 72 26 44 44 28 50 50 51 44 27 56 56 56 26 50 39 28 50 49 26 44 26 44 50 28 50 26 44 44 28 50 50 50 44 0]xS 366 4572 M (glow discharge in a crossed E x B field. These CSPS have high plasma density, high emission ) [49 28 50 72 42 50 28 39 44 50 44 34 50 44 42 28 50 42 44 42 44 33 50 39 39 44 50 42 61 41 51 42 66 42 33 28 44 28 50 25 42 61 50 44 39 44 42 67 56 55 56 42 50 44 50 44 42 50 28 49 50 42 50 28 44 39 77 44 42 50 44 50 39 28 29 48 25 42 50 28 49 50 42 44 78 28 39 39 28 50 51 0]xS 366 4802 M (current density of negative ions \(up to 8 A/cm)[44 50 33 33 44 50 28 33 51 44 50 39 28 29 48 33 51 33 33 50 45 49 44 28 29 50 44 33 28 50 50 39 33 33 50 50 33 28 50 33 50 33 72 28 44 0]xS F1S43 Ji 2274 4756 M (2)S F1S64 Ji 2308 4802 M (\), small \(1)[33 26 33 39 78 44 28 28 33 33 0]xS 2733 4802 M (-)S 2766 4802 M (5 mm\)gap between cathode)[50 33 78 78 33 50 44 50 33 50 44 29 72 44 44 50 33 45 44 28 50 50 50 0]xS 3892 4802 M (-)S 3925 4802 M ( emitter \(2\) )[34 44 78 28 28 28 44 33 33 33 51 33 0]xS 366 5032 M (and extraction aperture in the anode \(1\). They are very simple and effective, have a high brightness ) [44 50 50 29 44 51 28 33 44 44 28 28 50 50 29 44 50 44 33 28 50 33 44 29 29 50 29 28 50 44 29 44 50 50 50 44 29 33 50 33 25 29 61 50 46 48 29 45 34 44 29 50 44 35 48 29 39 28 78 50 28 44 29 44 50 50 29 44 33 34 44 44 28 29 50 44 25 29 50 44 50 44 29 44 29 50 29 49 50 29 50 33 29 49 50 28 50 44 40 38 0]xS 366 5262 M (and high pulsed gas efficiency. CSPS\222s are very good for p)[44 50 50 41 50 29 49 50 41 50 50 28 39 44 51 42 49 44 39 42 44 33 33 29 44 28 44 50 46 48 25 41 67 56 56 56 33 39 41 44 34 44 41 50 45 35 49 41 49 50 50 51 41 33 50 34 41 0]xS 2893 5262 M (ulsed operation but electrode power )[50 28 39 44 50 41 50 51 44 33 44 28 29 50 50 41 50 50 28 41 44 28 45 44 28 33 50 50 44 41 50 51 72 44 34 0]xS 366 5492 M (density is often too high for DC operation. The opposite situation exists in the Large Volume SPS ) [50 44 50 39 28 29 48 32 28 39 32 50 33 28 44 50 32 28 50 50 32 50 29 49 51 32 33 50 33 32 72 67 32 50 50 44 34 44 28 28 50 50 25 32 61 50 44 33 50 50 50 50 39 28 28 44 32 39 28 28 50 44 28 28 50 50 32 44 51 28 38 28 39 31 28 50 32 28 50 44 33 59 45 34 49 44 32 72 50 28 50 78 44 32 56 57 55 0]xS 366 5722 M (\(LVSPS\), presented in Fig.1, )[34 60 72 56 56 56 33 25 35 50 33 44 39 44 50 28 44 50 35 28 50 35 56 28 49 25 50 25 0]xS F2S64 Ji 1591 5722 M (f)S F1S64 Ji 1619 5722 M (, )[25 0]xS F2S64 Ji 1679 5722 M (g)S F1S64 Ji 1729 5722 M (, )[25 0]xS F2S64 Ji 1789 5722 M (h)S F1S64 Ji 1839 5722 M (, and first developed in Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory \(LBL\) )[25 35 44 50 50 35 33 28 33 39 28 35 50 45 50 44 28 50 50 44 50 35 28 50 36 60 44 72 33 44 51 44 44 36 66 45 33 50 44 28 46 48 36 60 44 50 51 33 44 28 50 35 48 35 34 60 68 60 34 0]xS 366 5952 M ([20]. The gap between emit)[34 50 50 34 25 27 61 50 44 27 49 44 50 27 51 44 28 72 45 44 50 27 45 78 28 0]xS 1478 5952 M (ter \(5\) and extractor aperture is very large \(8)[28 44 33 27 33 50 33 27 44 50 51 27 44 51 28 33 44 44 28 50 33 28 45 50 44 33 28 50 33 44 27 28 39 27 51 44 35 48 27 29 44 34 49 45 27 33 0]xS 3272 5952 M (-)S 3305 5952 M (12 cm\) and the plasma and )[51 50 27 44 78 33 27 44 50 51 27 28 50 44 27 50 28 44 39 78 45 27 44 51 50 0]xS LH (%%[Page: 3]%%) = %%PageTrailer %%EndPageComments %%BeginPageSetup /DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def mysetup concat colspRefresh %%EndPageSetup /DeviceGray dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def 0 0 scol 366 432 M (gas density must be kept low to prevent negative ion destruction. LVSPSs use a hot filament \(7\), an ) [49 44 40 27 50 44 50 39 28 30 48 27 78 50 39 28 27 50 45 27 50 44 50 28 28 28 50 72 27 28 50 27 50 33 44 51 44 50 28 27 50 45 50 44 28 28 50 44 27 29 50 50 27 50 44 39 28 33 50 44 28 28 50 50 25 28 60 72 56 56 56 39 28 50 39 44 27 44 27 50 50 29 27 33 28 28 44 78 44 50 28 28 33 50 33 25 28 44 50 0]xS 366 662 M (RF coil \(9\), or microwave discharge and multicusp magnets \(8\) for plasma confineme) [67 55 35 44 50 28 28 35 33 50 33 25 35 50 33 35 78 28 44 33 50 72 44 50 44 35 50 28 39 44 50 44 34 49 44 35 44 50 50 35 78 50 28 28 28 44 50 39 50 35 78 44 49 50 44 28 39 35 33 50 33 35 33 50 33 35 50 28 44 40 78 44 35 44 50 50 33 28 50 44 78 0]xS 3915 662 M (nt. LVSPSs )[50 28 25 36 59 72 56 56 56 39 0]xS 366 892 M (have a low power density and can be used for DC operation. Emission current density is only about ) [50 44 50 44 28 44 28 28 50 72 28 50 50 72 45 33 28 50 44 50 39 28 29 48 29 44 50 50 29 44 44 50 28 50 44 28 50 39 44 50 29 33 50 33 28 73 67 28 50 50 44 33 44 28 28 50 50 25 28 61 78 28 39 39 28 50 50 28 44 50 33 33 44 50 28 28 50 44 50 39 28 30 47 28 28 39 28 50 50 30 48 28 44 50 51 50 27 0]xS 366 1122 M (10 mA/ cm)[50 50 42 78 72 28 42 44 0]xS F1S43 Ji 850 1076 M (2)S F1S64 Ji 884 1122 M ( and the brightness is not so high. Some versions of LVSPS with emitter \(5\) were ) [42 44 50 50 42 28 50 44 42 50 33 28 49 50 28 50 44 39 39 42 28 39 42 50 50 28 42 39 50 42 50 28 49 50 25 43 56 50 78 44 42 50 44 33 39 28 50 50 39 42 50 33 43 59 72 56 57 56 42 72 28 28 50 42 44 78 28 28 28 44 33 42 33 50 33 42 72 44 33 44 0]xS 366 1352 M (adapted for heavy negative ion production [19]. LVSPS wi)[44 50 44 50 28 44 50 39 33 51 33 39 50 44 44 52 48 39 51 45 49 44 29 28 50 44 39 28 50 50 39 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 39 34 50 50 34 24 40 59 72 56 56 56 39 72 0]xS 2836 1352 M (th production of negative ions on the )[28 50 39 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 39 50 33 39 50 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 39 28 50 50 39 39 50 50 39 28 51 44 0]xS 366 1582 M (plasma grid )[50 28 44 39 78 44 46 50 33 28 50 0]xS 902 1582 M (surface \(anode production on Fig.1)[39 50 33 33 45 44 44 47 33 44 51 50 50 44 46 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 46 50 50 46 55 29 49 26 0]xS F2S64 Ji 2389 1582 M (g)S F1S64 Ji 2439 1582 M (\) were adopted for high current \(up to 40 A\) )[33 46 72 44 34 44 46 44 50 50 50 28 44 50 47 33 50 33 46 50 29 49 50 46 44 51 33 33 44 50 28 47 33 50 50 46 28 50 46 50 50 46 73 33 0]xS 366 1812 M (negative ion beam production for plasma heating )[50 44 50 44 28 28 50 44 25 28 50 50 25 50 44 44 78 25 50 33 50 50 51 44 28 28 50 50 25 33 50 33 25 50 28 44 39 78 44 25 50 45 44 28 28 50 49 0]xS 2351 1812 M ([15]. )[34 50 50 34 25 0]xS 2569 1812 M ( )S 366 2042 M (The efficiency of negative ion formation depends very much on the cat) [61 50 44 25 45 33 33 28 44 28 44 51 46 48 25 50 34 25 50 45 49 44 28 28 51 44 25 28 50 50 25 33 50 33 79 44 28 28 50 50 25 50 44 50 44 50 50 40 26 50 44 35 48 25 78 50 44 51 25 50 50 25 28 50 44 26 44 44 0]xS 3210 2042 M (alytic property of the surface, )[44 30 48 28 29 44 25 50 33 50 50 45 33 30 48 25 50 34 25 28 50 44 25 39 50 34 33 44 45 44 25 0]xS 366 2272 M (mainly the work function. For enhanced negative ion formation in the SPS, a mixture of substances ) [78 44 28 50 29 48 28 28 50 45 28 72 50 33 51 28 33 50 51 44 28 28 50 50 25 28 55 50 34 28 44 50 51 44 50 44 44 51 28 50 45 50 44 28 28 50 45 28 28 50 50 28 33 50 33 78 44 28 28 50 50 28 28 51 28 28 50 44 28 56 57 56 25 28 44 28 78 28 51 28 50 33 44 28 50 33 28 39 50 50 39 28 44 51 44 45 38 0]xS 366 2502 M (with a low ionization energy, such as alkaline or alkaline earth elements or compounds, are used. ) [72 28 28 50 35 44 35 28 50 72 35 28 50 50 27 45 44 28 28 50 49 35 44 50 44 34 51 48 25 35 39 50 44 50 35 44 39 35 44 28 50 44 28 28 50 44 35 50 34 35 44 28 50 44 28 28 50 44 35 44 44 33 28 50 35 44 28 44 78 44 50 28 39 35 50 33 35 44 50 78 50 50 50 50 50 39 25 35 44 33 44 35 50 39 44 50 25 0]xS 366 2732 M (Most efficient is the additi)[89 50 39 28 31 44 33 33 28 44 28 44 50 28 31 28 39 31 28 51 44 31 44 50 51 28 28 0]xS 1447 2732 M (on of cesium. Still, the surface work)[50 50 31 50 33 31 44 44 39 28 50 78 25 31 56 28 28 28 28 25 31 28 50 44 31 39 50 33 33 45 44 44 32 72 50 33 0]xS 2933 2732 M (-)S 2966 2732 M (function and catalytic properties of )[33 50 51 44 28 28 50 50 31 45 50 50 31 44 44 28 44 30 48 28 28 44 31 51 33 50 50 44 33 28 28 44 39 31 51 34 0]xS 366 2962 M (the surface for negative ion formation depends on many parameters including surface) [28 50 44 51 39 50 33 34 44 44 45 51 33 50 34 51 50 45 50 44 28 28 50 45 51 28 50 50 51 33 50 33 79 44 28 28 50 50 51 50 44 50 44 50 50 40 51 50 50 51 78 44 52 48 52 50 44 34 44 78 44 28 44 33 40 51 29 50 44 28 50 50 28 50 49 51 39 51 33 33 45 44 0]xS 4075 2962 M (-)S 4109 2962 M (cesium )[44 44 39 28 50 78 0]xS 366 3192 M (concentration, admixtures of other compounds, such as oxides, halides, nitrides, and surfa) [44 50 50 44 44 50 28 34 44 28 28 50 50 25 56 44 50 78 28 51 28 50 33 44 39 56 50 33 56 50 28 50 45 33 56 44 50 78 50 50 50 50 50 40 25 56 39 50 44 50 56 44 39 56 50 51 28 50 44 39 25 56 50 44 28 28 51 44 39 25 56 50 28 28 33 28 50 44 39 25 56 44 50 50 56 39 51 33 33 0]xS 4304 3192 M (ce )[45 43 0]xS 366 3422 M (temperature. Small changes in the surface condition dramatically change the efficiency of negative ) [28 44 78 50 44 33 44 28 50 34 44 25 31 56 78 44 28 28 31 44 50 44 51 49 44 40 31 28 50 31 28 50 44 31 39 50 34 33 44 45 44 31 44 50 50 50 28 29 28 50 50 31 50 33 44 78 44 28 28 44 44 28 30 48 31 44 51 44 51 49 44 32 28 50 44 31 44 33 33 29 44 28 44 50 46 48 31 51 33 31 50 45 50 44 28 28 50 45 0]xS 366 3652 M (ion formation. It is a fine art and some magic to optimize the surface and plasma conditions for high ) [28 50 50 26 33 50 33 78 44 28 28 50 50 25 27 31 28 26 28 39 26 45 26 33 28 50 45 26 44 33 28 26 44 50 50 26 39 50 78 44 26 78 45 49 28 45 26 28 50 26 50 50 28 28 78 28 45 44 26 28 50 44 26 39 50 33 33 44 44 44 26 44 50 50 26 51 28 44 39 78 44 26 44 50 50 50 28 28 28 50 50 39 26 33 50 33 26 50 28 49 52 0]xS 366 3882 M (efficiency negative ion formation. This is the main )[44 33 33 28 44 28 44 51 46 48 28 50 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 28 28 50 50 28 34 50 33 78 44 28 28 50 50 25 28 61 50 28 39 28 28 39 28 28 50 44 28 78 44 27 50 0]xS 2441 3882 M (reason for the variation in efficiency of negative )[33 44 44 39 50 50 28 33 50 33 28 28 51 44 28 50 44 33 28 44 28 28 50 51 28 28 50 28 44 33 33 28 44 28 44 50 46 48 28 51 33 28 50 45 49 44 28 28 50 46 0]xS 366 4112 M (ion production even though conditions may look very similar. ) [28 50 50 25 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 25 44 50 44 50 25 28 50 50 51 49 50 25 44 50 50 50 28 28 28 50 50 39 25 78 46 48 25 28 50 50 50 25 51 44 35 48 25 39 28 78 28 28 44 33 25 0]xS 2866 4112 M ( )S 366 4342 M (Small changes in the surface condition can increase or decrease the intensity of a negative ion beam ) [56 78 44 28 28 27 44 50 44 50 50 44 39 27 28 50 27 28 50 44 27 39 50 33 34 44 44 44 28 44 50 50 50 28 28 28 50 50 27 44 44 50 27 28 50 44 34 44 44 40 44 27 50 33 27 50 45 44 33 45 44 39 44 27 28 50 44 27 28 50 28 44 50 39 28 29 48 28 50 33 28 44 27 50 45 50 44 28 28 50 44 27 28 50 50 27 50 44 44 79 0]xS 366 4572 M (by large factors. Often, the intensity of )[51 48 42 28 44 34 50 44 42 33 45 44 28 50 33 39 25 42 72 33 28 44 50 25 43 28 50 44 42 28 50 28 44 50 39 28 29 47 42 51 33 0]xS 2058 4572 M (H)S F1S43 Ji 2130 4526 M (-)S F1S64 Ji 2152 4572 M ( and D)[42 44 50 50 43 0]xS F1S43 Ji 2453 4526 M (-)S F1S64 Ji 2475 4572 M ( beams from a 1 x 10 mm emission slit as a )[42 50 44 44 78 39 42 33 33 50 78 42 44 42 50 42 51 42 50 50 42 78 78 42 44 78 28 39 39 28 50 50 42 39 27 28 28 42 44 39 42 44 0]xS 366 4802 M (function of discharge current I)[33 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 37 50 33 37 50 28 39 44 51 44 34 49 45 37 44 51 33 33 44 50 28 38 0]xS F1S43 Ji 1630 4815 M (d)S F1S64 Ji 1664 4802 M ( has been observed to vary from 250 mA to 10 mA for the same ) [37 50 44 40 37 50 44 44 51 37 50 50 39 44 33 51 44 50 37 28 50 37 50 44 35 48 38 33 33 50 78 37 51 50 50 37 79 72 37 28 50 37 50 50 37 78 72 38 33 50 33 37 28 50 45 37 39 45 78 44 0]xS 366 5032 M (discharge current. A stronger variation can be seen in the beam brightness. The effective ion ) [50 28 39 44 50 44 34 49 44 49 44 51 33 33 44 50 28 25 49 72 49 39 28 34 50 50 49 45 33 49 50 44 33 28 44 28 28 50 50 49 44 44 50 49 51 44 49 39 44 44 50 49 28 50 49 28 50 44 49 50 44 44 78 49 50 33 28 49 51 28 50 44 39 39 25 49 61 50 44 49 44 33 33 45 44 28 28 50 44 49 28 50 51 0]xS 366 5262 M (temperature can v)[28 44 78 50 44 33 44 28 50 34 44 47 44 44 50 47 0]xS 1125 5262 M (ary from a part of eV to several keV. It is relatively easy to obtain stable ) [44 35 48 48 33 34 50 78 47 44 47 50 44 33 28 47 50 33 47 47 44 72 47 28 50 47 39 44 50 44 33 44 28 47 50 44 72 25 48 32 28 47 28 39 47 33 44 28 44 28 28 50 45 29 48 47 44 44 41 48 47 28 50 47 50 50 28 44 28 50 47 39 28 44 50 28 44 0]xS 366 5492 M (operation with low beam parameters such as current of ~ 30 )[50 50 44 33 44 28 28 50 50 27 72 28 28 50 27 28 50 72 27 50 44 44 78 27 50 44 33 44 78 44 28 44 33 39 27 39 50 44 50 27 44 39 27 44 50 34 33 45 50 28 27 50 33 27 54 27 50 49 0]xS 2807 5492 M (-)S 2840 5492 M ( 50 mA, emission current density of ~ )[27 50 50 27 78 72 25 27 44 77 28 38 39 28 50 50 27 44 50 33 33 44 50 28 27 50 44 50 39 28 29 47 27 51 33 27 27 54 0]xS 366 5722 M (0.5 )[50 25 50 0]xS 536 5722 M (-)S 569 5722 M ( 1 A/cm)[45 50 45 72 28 44 0]xS F1S43 Ji 931 5676 M (2 )[34 0]xS F1S64 Ji 1002 5722 M (and transverse ion temperature, T)[44 50 50 45 28 33 44 50 40 50 44 33 39 44 45 28 50 50 45 28 44 78 50 45 33 44 28 50 34 44 25 46 0]xS F1S43 Ji 2424 5735 M (i)S F1S64 Ji 2443 5722 M ( ~ 5)[45 54 45 0]xS 2637 5722 M (-)S 2670 5722 M (10 eV. Present experience )[50 50 45 44 72 25 45 56 33 44 40 44 50 28 45 45 51 50 44 33 28 44 50 44 44 0]xS 3819 5722 M (permits better )[50 44 33 78 28 28 39 45 50 44 28 28 45 33 0]xS 366 5952 M (optimization for long time stable production of high)[50 50 28 28 78 28 45 44 28 28 50 50 38 33 50 33 38 28 50 50 49 38 28 28 78 44 38 39 28 44 50 28 44 38 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 38 50 34 38 50 28 49 0]xS 2537 5952 M (-)S 2570 5952 M (brightness, high)[50 33 29 49 50 28 50 44 39 39 25 38 50 29 49 0]xS 3222 5952 M (-)S 3255 5952 M (intensity beams of negative )[28 51 28 44 50 39 28 29 48 38 50 44 44 78 39 38 51 33 38 50 45 49 44 28 28 51 44 0]xS LH (%%[Page: 4]%%) = %%PageTrailer %%EndPageComments %%BeginPageSetup /DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def mysetup concat colspRefresh %%EndPageSetup /DeviceGray dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def 0 0 scol 366 432 M (ions \(I ~ 0.1 )[28 50 50 39 27 34 31 28 54 27 50 25 50 0]xS 886 432 M (-)S 919 432 M ( 0.15 A, B = J/Ti > 1 A/cm)[27 50 25 50 50 27 72 25 28 66 28 56 27 40 28 61 28 27 56 27 50 27 72 28 44 0]xS F1S43 Ji 2016 386 M (2)S F1S64 Ji 2050 432 M ( eV, lifetime N > 10)[27 44 72 25 27 28 28 33 44 28 28 78 44 27 72 27 56 27 50 0]xS F1S43 Ji 2865 386 M (8)S F1S64 Ji 2899 432 M ( )S 2926 432 M (-)S 2959 432 M ( 10)[27 50 0]xS F1S43 Ji 3086 386 M (9)S F1S64 Ji 3120 432 M ( pulses\). The highest brightness )[27 50 50 28 39 44 39 33 25 27 61 50 44 27 50 29 49 50 44 39 28 27 50 33 29 49 50 28 50 44 39 40 0]xS 366 662 M (can be reached only with noiseless operat)[44 44 50 29 50 44 30 33 44 45 44 50 44 50 29 50 50 30 48 29 72 28 28 51 29 50 50 28 39 44 28 44 39 39 29 50 50 44 33 44 0]xS 2050 662 M (ion. The level of discharge noise \(hash\) depends on many )[28 50 50 25 29 61 50 45 29 28 44 50 44 28 29 50 33 29 50 28 39 44 50 45 34 49 44 29 50 50 28 39 44 30 33 50 44 39 50 33 29 50 44 51 44 50 50 39 29 50 50 29 78 44 52 49 0]xS 366 892 M (parameters. For stable discharge, the surface properties should be favorable for stable conditions ) [50 44 33 44 78 44 28 45 33 39 25 39 55 50 33 39 39 28 44 50 29 44 39 50 28 39 44 50 44 34 49 44 25 39 28 50 44 39 39 50 34 33 44 45 44 39 50 33 51 50 44 33 28 28 44 39 39 39 50 50 50 28 50 39 50 44 39 33 44 50 50 34 45 50 28 44 39 33 50 33 39 39 28 44 50 28 44 39 44 50 50 50 28 28 28 50 50 39 0]xS 366 1122 M (and the frequency of electron scattering by plasma particles should be higher than the Larmour ) [44 50 50 42 28 50 44 42 33 33 44 50 50 44 51 46 47 42 51 33 42 44 28 44 44 28 33 50 50 42 39 44 44 28 28 44 33 28 51 49 42 52 48 42 50 28 45 39 78 44 42 50 44 33 28 28 44 28 44 39 42 39 50 50 50 28 50 42 50 44 42 50 28 49 50 44 33 42 28 50 44 50 42 28 50 44 43 60 44 33 78 51 50 33 0]xS 366 1352 M (frequ)[33 33 44 50 0]xS 576 1352 M (ency. Discharge noise can be suppressed by a decrease of magnetic field and by an increase of ) [44 51 46 48 25 28 72 28 39 44 50 44 34 50 44 28 50 50 28 39 44 28 44 44 50 28 50 44 28 39 50 50 50 33 44 39 39 44 50 28 52 47 29 44 28 50 44 44 33 45 44 39 44 28 50 33 28 78 45 49 50 44 28 28 44 28 33 29 44 28 50 28 44 50 50 28 51 47 29 44 50 28 28 50 44 33 45 44 39 44 28 50 34 0]xS 366 1582 M (the gas or Cs density. An admixture of heavy gas could be useful for noise suppression, but it ) [28 50 44 42 50 44 39 42 50 33 42 67 39 42 50 44 50 39 28 30 48 25 43 72 50 42 44 50 78 28 51 28 50 33 44 42 50 33 42 50 44 44 52 48 43 49 44 39 43 44 50 50 28 50 42 50 44 42 50 39 45 33 50 28 42 33 50 33 43 50 50 28 39 44 42 39 50 50 50 33 44 39 39 28 50 50 25 42 50 50 28 42 28 28 0]xS 366 1812 M (increases sputtering. )[28 50 44 33 44 44 40 44 39 25 39 50 50 28 28 44 33 28 50 49 25 0]xS 1206 1812 M ( )S 366 2042 M (The first versions of the SPS developed for )[61 50 44 32 33 28 33 39 28 32 50 44 33 39 28 50 50 39 32 50 34 32 28 50 44 33 56 56 56 32 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 44 50 32 33 50 33 0]xS 2172 2042 M (charge)[44 50 45 34 50 0]xS 2439 2042 M (-)S 2472 2042 M (exchange injection of protons had an operating )[44 51 44 50 44 51 49 44 32 28 50 28 45 44 28 28 50 50 32 50 33 33 50 33 50 28 50 50 39 32 50 44 50 32 44 50 32 50 50 45 33 44 28 28 51 49 0]xS 366 2272 M (intensity I ~ 50 mA with pulse lengths of 0.05 to 1.0 ms, noisy discharges and a repetition rate up to ) [28 50 28 44 50 39 28 29 48 27 32 26 55 26 50 50 26 78 72 26 72 28 28 50 27 50 50 28 39 44 26 28 44 51 49 28 50 39 26 50 33 26 50 25 50 50 26 28 50 26 51 25 50 26 78 39 25 26 50 50 28 40 48 26 50 28 39 44 51 44 34 49 44 40 26 45 50 50 26 44 26 34 44 50 44 28 28 28 28 50 50 26 33 44 28 45 26 50 50 26 28 51 0]xS 366 2502 M (50 Hz [8,11)[50 50 30 72 45 29 34 50 25 50 0]xS 851 2502 M (-)S 884 2502 M (14,21]. H)[50 50 25 50 50 34 25 30 0]xS F1S43 Ji 1270 2456 M (-)S F1S64 Ji 1292 2502 M ( beam parameters of these SPS were sufficient for normal operation of large ) [30 49 44 44 78 30 50 44 33 44 79 44 28 44 33 39 30 50 33 30 28 50 44 39 44 31 56 56 56 30 72 44 33 44 30 39 50 33 33 28 44 28 44 50 28 30 33 50 33 31 50 50 33 78 44 28 30 50 50 44 33 44 28 28 50 50 30 50 33 30 28 44 34 50 44 0]xS 366 2732 M (p)S 416 2732 M (roton accelerator complexes for the past 25 years without significant modernization of ion sources. ) [33 50 28 50 50 27 44 44 44 44 28 45 33 44 28 50 33 27 44 50 78 50 29 44 51 44 39 27 33 50 33 27 28 50 44 27 50 44 39 28 27 50 50 28 47 45 44 33 40 27 72 28 28 50 50 50 28 27 39 28 49 50 28 33 28 44 44 50 28 27 78 50 50 44 33 50 28 45 44 28 28 50 50 27 50 33 27 28 50 50 27 39 50 50 33 44 44 39 24 0]xS 366 2962 M (Now, new accelerator projects require an increase of the ion beam intensity and brightness. Some ) [72 50 72 25 34 50 44 72 35 44 44 45 44 28 44 34 44 28 50 33 34 50 34 50 28 44 44 28 39 34 33 44 50 50 28 34 44 34 44 50 34 28 50 45 33 44 44 40 44 34 50 33 34 28 50 44 34 28 50 50 34 50 45 44 78 34 28 50 28 44 50 40 28 29 48 34 44 50 50 34 50 33 29 49 50 28 50 44 39 39 25 34 56 50 78 45 0]xS 366 3192 M (upgrading of existing SPSs could achieve the necessary incr)[50 50 49 34 44 50 28 51 49 30 50 33 31 44 51 28 39 28 28 50 49 30 56 56 56 39 30 44 50 50 28 50 30 44 44 50 28 44 51 44 30 28 50 44 30 51 44 45 44 39 39 44 35 48 30 28 50 45 0]xS 2813 3192 M (ease of intensity, duty factor and beam )[44 44 40 44 30 50 34 30 28 50 28 44 50 39 28 29 48 25 30 50 50 30 48 30 34 44 44 28 50 34 30 44 50 50 30 51 44 44 79 0]xS 366 3422 M (quality without degradation of reliability and availability of the achieved satisfaction level.) [50 50 44 28 28 29 48 25 72 28 28 50 50 50 28 25 50 45 49 33 44 51 44 28 28 50 50 25 50 33 25 33 44 28 28 44 50 28 28 28 29 48 26 44 50 50 25 44 50 44 28 29 44 50 28 28 28 29 48 25 50 33 25 28 50 44 25 45 44 50 28 44 50 44 50 25 40 45 28 28 39 33 44 44 28 28 50 50 25 28 44 50 44 28 0]xS 3998 3422 M ( )S 366 3652 M (The Fermilab Magnetron SPS has been operational since 1978 [21]. The peak current of the H) [61 50 44 30 55 45 33 78 28 28 44 50 30 89 45 49 50 44 28 33 50 51 30 56 56 56 30 50 44 39 30 50 44 44 50 30 50 50 44 33 44 28 28 50 51 44 28 30 39 28 50 44 44 30 50 50 50 50 30 34 50 50 34 25 30 61 50 44 30 50 44 44 50 30 44 50 34 33 44 50 28 30 50 33 30 28 50 44 31 0]xS F1S43 Ji 4212 3606 M (-)S F1S64 Ji 4234 3652 M ( ion )[30 28 51 49 0]xS 366 3882 M (beam at the exit of the )[50 44 44 78 35 44 28 35 28 50 44 36 44 51 28 28 35 50 33 35 28 50 44 0]xS 1343 3882 M (750 keV)[50 50 50 35 50 44 0]xS 1694 3882 M ( )S Pscript_WinNT_Incr begin %%BeginResource: file Pscript_Win_GdiObject 5.0 0 /SavedCTM null d/CTMsave{/SavedCTM SavedCTM currentmatrix d}b/CTMrestore {SavedCTM setmatrix}b/mp null d/ADO_mxRot null d/GDIHMatrix null d /GDIHPatternDict 22 dict d GDIHPatternDict `/PatternType 1 d/PaintType 2 d/Reps L2?{1}{5}? d/XStep 8 Reps mul d/YStep XStep d/BBox[0 0 XStep YStep]d/TilingType 1 d/PaintProc{` 1 Lw[]0 sd PaintData , exec E}b/FGnd null d/BGnd null d /HS_Horizontal{horiz}b/HS_Vertical{vert}b/HS_FDiagonal{fdiag}b/HS_BDiagonal {biag}b/HS_Cross{horiz vert}b/HS_DiagCross{fdiag biag}b/MaxXYStep XStep YStep gt{XStep}{YStep}? d/horiz{Reps{0 4 M XStep 0 - 0 8 +}repeat 0 -8 Reps mul + K}b /vert{Reps{4 0 M 0 YStep - 8 0 +}repeat 0 -8 Reps mul + K}b/biag{Reps{0 0 M MaxXYStep @ - 0 YStep neg M MaxXYStep @ - 0 8 +}repeat 0 -8 Reps mul + 0 YStep M 8 8 - K}b/fdiag{Reps{0 0 M MaxXYStep @ neg - 0 YStep M MaxXYStep @ neg - 0 8 +}repeat 0 -8 Reps mul + MaxXYStep @ M 8 -8 - K}b E/makehatch{4 -2 $/yOrg ~ d /xOrg ~ d GDIHPatternDict/PaintData 3 -1 $ put CTMsave GDIHMatrix setmatrix GDIHPatternDict matrix xOrg yOrg + mp CTMrestore ~ U ~ 2 ^ put}b/h0{/h0 /HS_Horizontal makehatch}b/h1{/h1/HS_Vertical makehatch}b/h2{/h2/HS_FDiagonal makehatch}b/h3{/h3/HS_BDiagonal makehatch}b/h4{/h4/HS_Cross makehatch}b/h5{/h5 /HS_DiagCross makehatch}b/GDIBWPatternMx null d/pfprep{save 8 1 $ /PatternOfTheDay 8 1 $ GDIBWPatternDict `/yOrg ~ d/xOrg ~ d/PaintData ~ d/yExt ~ d/Width ~ d/BGnd ~ d/FGnd ~ d/Height yExt RepsV mul d/mx[Width 0 0 Height 0 0]d E build_pattern ~ !}b/pfbf{/fEOFill ~ d pfprep hbf fEOFill{O}{L}? restore}b /GraphInit{GDIHMatrix null eq{/SavedCTM matrix d : ADO_mxRot concat 0 0 snap + : 0.48 @ GDIHPatternDict ` YStep mul ~ XStep mul ~ nonzero_dsnap YStep V ~ XStep V ~ E +S/GDIHMatrix matrix currentmatrix readonly d ; : 0.24 -0.24 +S GDIBWPatternDict ` Width Height E nonzero_dsnap +S/GDIBWPatternMx matrix currentmatrix readonly d ; ;}if}b %%EndResource %%BeginResource: file Pscript_Win_GdiObject_L3 5.0 0 /GDIBWPatternDict 25 dict @ `/PatternType 1 d/PaintType 1 d/RepsV 1 d/RepsH 1 d /BBox[0 0 RepsH 1]d/TilingType 1 d/XStep 1 d/YStep 1 d/Height 8 RepsV mul d /Width 8 d/mx[Width 0 0 Height neg 0 Height]d/FGnd null d/BGnd null d /SetBGndFGnd{BGnd null ne{BGnd aload ! scol BBox aload ! 2 ^ sub ~ 3 ^ sub ~ rf}if FGnd null ne{FGnd aload ! scol}if}b/PaintProc{` SetBGndFGnd RepsH{Width Height F mx PaintData imagemask Width 0 +}repeat E}b E d/mp/makepattern , d /build_pattern{CTMsave GDIBWPatternMx setmatrix/nupangle where{! nupangle -90 eq{nupangle R}if}if GDIBWPatternDict @ ` Width Height ne{Width Height gt{Width Height V 1}{1 Height Width V}? +S}if xOrg yOrg E matrix + mp CTMrestore}b/hbf {setpattern}b/hf{:/fEOFill ~ d ~ ! setpattern fEOFill{O}{L}? ;}b/pbf{: ! /fEOFill ~ d GDIBWPatternDict `/yOrg ~ d/xOrg ~ d/PaintData ~ d/OutputBPP ~ d /Height ~ d/Width ~ d/PaintType 1 d/PatternType 1 d/TilingType 1 d/BBox[0 0 Width Height]d/XStep Width d/YStep Height d/mx xOrg yOrg matrix + d 20 dict @ ` /ImageType 1 d/Width Width d/Height Height d/ImageMatrix[1 0 0 1 0 0]d /BitsPerComponent 8 d OutputBPP 24 eq{/Decode[0 1 0 1 0 1]d}{OutputBPP 8 eq{ /Decode[0 1]d}{/Decode[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]d}?}?/DataSource{PaintData}d E/ImageDict ~ d/PaintProc{` ImageDict image E}b & mx makepattern setpattern E fEOFill{O}{L} ? ;}b/mask_pbf{:/fEOFill ~ d 20 dict `/yOrg ~ d/xOrg ~ d/PaintData ~ d/Height ~ d/Width ~ d/PatternType 1 d/PaintType 2 d/TilingType 1 d/BBox[0 0 Width Height] d/XStep Width d/YStep Height d/mx xOrg yOrg matrix + d/PaintProc{` Width Height T[1 0 0 1 0 0]{PaintData}imagemask E}b & mx makepattern setpattern E fEOFill{O} {L}? ;}b/grf4{4 dict `/ShadingType 4 d/DataSource ~ d/ColorSpace ~ d & E shfill}b %%EndResource end reinitialize : N 1694 3893 35 5 rp C L ; 1729 3882 M (accelerator column is I)[45 44 44 44 29 44 33 44 28 50 33 36 44 50 29 50 78 50 35 28 39 36 0]xS F1S43 Ji 2673 3895 M (b)S F1S64 Ji 2707 3882 M ( ~70 mA with U)[35 54 50 50 35 78 72 35 72 28 28 50 36 0]xS F1S43 Ji 3402 3895 M (ex)[29 0]xS F1S64 Ji 3464 3882 M ( = 25 kV with a beam )[36 56 35 50 50 35 50 72 35 72 28 28 50 35 44 36 50 44 45 77 0]xS 366 4112 M (pulse length T= 0.075 msec at 15 Hz. Next Generation Accelerators need to have reliable operation ) [50 50 28 39 44 27 28 44 50 49 28 50 27 61 56 27 50 25 50 50 50 27 78 39 44 44 27 44 28 27 50 50 27 72 45 25 27 27 72 43 51 28 27 72 44 50 44 33 44 28 28 50 50 27 72 44 44 44 28 45 33 44 28 50 33 39 27 50 45 44 50 27 28 50 27 50 44 50 44 27 33 44 28 28 44 50 28 44 27 50 50 44 33 44 28 28 51 50 0]xS 366 4342 M (with peak current after extraction \(bending magnet\) of I)[72 28 28 50 27 50 44 44 50 27 44 50 34 33 44 50 28 27 45 33 28 44 33 28 45 51 28 33 44 44 28 28 50 50 27 33 50 44 50 50 28 50 49 27 78 45 49 51 44 28 33 27 50 33 28 0]xS F1S43 Ji 2614 4355 M (b)S F1S64 Ji 2648 4342 M ( up to 0.15 A, pulse duration o)[27 50 50 27 28 50 27 50 25 50 50 27 72 25 27 50 50 29 39 44 27 50 50 33 44 28 28 50 50 27 0]xS 3882 4342 M (f T ~ 0.25 to )[33 27 61 27 54 27 50 26 50 50 27 28 50 0]xS 366 4580 M (1ms, repetition rate F = 60 to 100 Hz and normalized emittance, ) [50 78 39 25 30 33 44 50 44 28 28 28 28 50 50 30 33 44 28 45 30 56 30 57 31 50 50 30 28 50 30 50 50 50 30 72 45 30 44 50 50 30 50 51 33 78 45 28 28 45 44 50 30 44 78 28 28 28 44 50 44 44 25 0]xS %%IncludeResource: font Symbol F /F3 0 /2 F /Symbol mF /F3S64 F3 [100 0 0 -100 0 0 ] mFS F3S64 Ji 3020 4580 M (e)S F1S64 Ji 3063 4580 M (\(90%\) = 1 )[33 50 50 84 33 30 31 56 30 50 0]xS F3S64 Ji 3541 4580 M (p)S F1S64 Ji 3595 4580 M ( mm mrad. An SPS )[30 78 78 30 78 34 44 50 25 30 72 51 30 56 56 55 0]xS 366 4817 M (with close parameters was tested with a relatively long run [22]. ) [72 28 28 50 25 44 28 50 39 44 25 50 44 33 44 79 44 28 44 33 39 25 73 45 39 25 28 44 39 28 44 50 25 72 28 28 50 25 44 25 33 44 28 44 28 28 50 44 30 48 26 28 50 50 49 25 33 50 50 25 34 50 50 34 25 0]xS 2955 4817 M ( )S 366 5047 M (The lifetime of the SPS is determined by electrode sputtering and formation of fl) [61 50 44 53 28 28 33 44 28 28 78 44 53 50 33 53 28 50 44 53 56 55 56 53 28 39 53 50 44 28 44 33 78 28 50 44 50 53 51 47 53 44 29 45 44 28 33 50 50 44 53 39 50 50 28 28 44 33 28 51 49 53 44 50 50 53 34 50 33 78 44 28 28 50 50 53 50 33 53 33 0]xS 3957 5047 M (akes. It is )[44 50 44 39 25 54 31 28 53 29 38 0]xS 366 5277 M (dominated by cathode or anode sputtering caused by backward accelerated positive ions. ) [50 50 78 28 50 44 28 44 50 68 52 48 68 45 44 28 50 50 50 45 68 50 33 68 44 50 50 51 44 68 39 50 50 28 28 44 33 28 51 50 69 44 44 50 39 44 50 68 52 48 69 50 45 44 50 72 45 33 50 68 45 44 44 44 28 45 33 44 28 44 51 68 50 50 39 28 28 28 50 44 68 28 50 50 39 25 0]xS 366 5507 M (Suppression of positive ions is important for increased lifetime. Optimized cesium film recycling ) [56 50 50 50 33 44 39 39 28 50 50 37 50 33 37 50 50 39 28 28 28 50 44 36 28 50 50 39 37 28 39 37 27 78 50 50 33 28 44 50 28 37 33 50 33 37 28 50 44 33 44 44 39 44 50 37 28 28 33 44 28 28 78 44 25 37 72 50 28 28 78 28 45 44 50 37 44 44 39 28 50 78 37 33 28 28 78 37 33 44 46 48 44 28 28 51 49 0]xS 366 5737 M (\(adsorption)[33 44 50 39 50 33 50 28 28 50 0]xS 821 5737 M (-)S 854 5737 M ( desorption\) can be used for shielding of elect)[31 50 44 39 50 33 50 28 28 50 50 33 31 44 44 50 31 50 44 31 50 39 44 50 31 33 50 33 31 39 50 28 44 28 50 28 50 50 31 50 33 31 44 28 44 44 0]xS 2726 5737 M (rodes from sputtering and can reduce the )[33 50 50 44 39 31 33 33 50 78 31 39 50 50 28 28 44 33 28 50 49 31 44 50 50 31 45 44 50 31 33 44 50 50 45 44 31 28 50 44 0]xS 366 5967 M (sputtering to a very low level. Cesium in the SPS acts like oil in an engine, increasing the ) [39 50 50 28 28 44 33 28 50 49 52 28 50 52 44 52 50 44 35 47 52 28 51 72 52 28 44 50 44 28 25 52 67 44 39 28 50 78 52 28 49 52 28 50 43 52 56 55 56 52 44 44 28 39 52 28 28 50 44 52 49 28 28 51 28 50 52 43 50 52 44 50 49 28 50 44 25 52 28 50 44 34 44 44 39 28 51 49 52 28 50 45 0]xS LH (%%[Page: 5]%%) = %%PageTrailer %%EndPageComments %%BeginPageSetup /DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def mysetup concat colspRefresh %%EndPageSetup /DeviceGray dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def 0 0 scol 366 432 M (operational lifetime. \223Cold start\224 of the discharge without cesium for a few minutes is more ) [50 50 44 33 44 28 28 50 50 44 28 51 28 28 33 44 28 28 78 44 25 51 44 67 50 28 50 51 39 28 44 33 28 44 51 50 33 51 28 50 44 51 50 28 39 44 50 43 33 50 44 51 72 28 28 50 50 50 28 51 44 44 39 28 50 78 51 33 50 33 51 44 51 33 44 72 51 78 28 50 50 28 44 39 51 28 38 51 78 50 32 45 0]xS 366 662 M (destructive than many hours o)[50 44 39 28 33 50 44 28 28 50 44 33 28 50 44 50 33 79 44 52 48 33 51 50 50 33 39 33 0]xS 1604 662 M (f low voltage operation. Emission current density of H)[33 33 28 50 72 33 50 50 28 28 45 49 45 33 50 50 44 34 44 28 28 50 50 25 33 33 61 78 28 39 39 28 50 50 33 44 50 33 33 44 50 28 34 50 44 50 39 28 29 48 33 50 34 33 0]xS F1S43 Ji 3882 616 M (-)S F1S64 Ji 3904 662 M ( up to J ~ 1 )[33 50 50 33 28 50 33 40 33 54 33 51 0]xS 366 892 M (A/cm)[72 28 44 0]xS F1S43 Ji 588 846 M (2 )[34 0]xS F1S64 Ji 656 892 M (has been observed in discharges without cesium but these discharges cannot be used for ) [50 44 39 42 50 44 44 50 42 50 50 39 45 33 50 45 50 42 28 50 42 50 28 39 44 50 44 34 49 44 40 42 72 28 28 50 50 50 28 42 44 44 39 28 50 78 42 50 50 28 42 28 50 44 39 44 42 50 28 39 44 51 44 34 49 44 39 43 44 44 50 50 50 28 42 50 45 42 50 39 44 50 42 33 51 34 0]xS 366 1122 M (longtime operation. A fingerprint with a trace of Na or K could increase the efficiency of H) [28 50 50 49 28 28 78 44 47 50 50 44 33 44 28 28 50 50 25 47 72 47 34 28 50 49 44 33 51 33 28 50 28 47 72 28 28 50 47 44 47 28 33 44 44 44 47 50 33 47 72 44 47 50 33 47 72 47 44 50 50 28 50 47 28 50 44 33 45 44 39 44 47 28 50 44 47 44 33 33 28 44 29 44 50 46 48 47 50 33 47 0]xS F1S43 Ji 4369 1076 M (-)S F1S64 Ji 4392 1122 M ( )S 366 1352 M (production significantly. But the power density in a discharge without cesium is very high and the ) [50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 32 39 28 49 50 28 33 28 45 44 50 28 29 48 25 33 66 50 28 32 28 50 44 32 50 50 72 45 33 32 50 44 50 39 28 29 48 32 28 51 32 44 32 50 28 39 44 50 44 34 49 44 33 72 28 28 50 50 50 28 32 44 44 39 28 50 78 32 28 39 32 50 44 34 48 32 50 29 49 50 32 44 50 50 32 28 51 45 0]xS 366 1582 M (sputtering rate is much higher. Electron emission from an ion source without cesium is very high. ) [39 50 50 28 28 44 33 28 50 49 34 33 44 28 44 33 28 39 33 78 51 44 50 33 51 28 49 50 44 33 26 33 61 28 44 44 28 33 50 51 33 44 78 28 39 39 28 50 50 33 33 33 50 78 33 44 51 33 28 50 50 33 39 50 50 33 45 44 33 72 28 28 51 50 50 28 33 44 44 39 28 50 78 33 28 39 33 50 44 35 48 34 50 28 49 50 26 0]xS 366 1812 M (Recently, a new version of RF SPS has been developed in DES)[67 44 44 44 50 28 29 48 25 31 44 31 51 44 72 31 50 44 33 39 28 50 50 31 50 33 31 67 55 31 56 56 55 31 50 44 39 31 50 44 44 50 31 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 44 50 31 28 50 31 72 61 0]xS 2961 1812 M (Y [12)[72 31 34 50 0]xS 3198 1812 M (-)S 3231 1812 M (14]. An SPS with pulsed arc )[50 49 34 24 31 72 50 31 56 55 56 31 72 28 28 49 31 50 50 28 39 44 50 31 44 33 45 0]xS 366 2042 M (discharge was tested in Frankfurt University and in KEK for a high intensity Proton Driver.) [50 28 39 44 50 44 34 49 44 25 73 44 39 25 28 44 39 28 44 50 25 28 50 25 56 33 44 50 50 33 50 33 28 25 72 50 28 51 44 33 39 28 29 48 26 44 50 50 25 28 50 25 72 61 72 25 33 50 33 26 44 25 50 28 49 50 25 28 50 28 44 50 39 28 29 48 26 56 33 50 28 50 50 25 72 33 28 50 45 33 0]xS 4028 2042 M ( )S 366 2272 M ( )S F0S64 Ji 366 2504 M (III. LOW ENERGY BEAM TRANSPORT )[39 39 39 25 25 67 78 100 25 67 72 67 72 77 72 25 67 67 72 94 25 67 72 72 72 57 60 78 72 67 0]xS 2222 2504 M ( )S F1S64 Ji 366 2732 M (The ion beam from a compact SPS has a very high current density \(j ~ 1 to 3 A/cm) [61 50 44 26 28 50 50 26 50 44 44 78 26 33 33 50 78 27 44 26 44 51 78 50 44 44 28 26 56 56 56 26 50 44 39 26 44 26 50 44 35 48 26 50 28 49 50 26 44 51 33 33 44 50 28 26 51 44 50 39 28 29 48 26 33 28 26 54 26 50 26 29 50 26 50 26 72 28 44 0]xS F1S43 Ji 3698 2686 M (2)S F1S64 Ji 3732 2732 M (\) and perveance.)[33 26 44 50 50 26 50 44 33 50 45 44 50 45 44 0]xS 4392 2732 M ( )S 366 2962 M (For transport of these beams it is necessary to use a deep space) [55 50 33 74 28 33 44 50 39 50 51 33 28 74 50 33 74 28 50 44 39 45 74 50 44 44 78 39 74 28 28 74 28 39 74 50 44 44 44 39 39 44 34 48 75 28 50 74 50 39 44 74 44 74 50 45 44 50 74 39 50 45 44 0]xS 3468 2962 M (-)S 3501 2962 M (charge neutralization )[44 51 44 34 50 44 74 50 44 50 28 33 44 28 28 45 44 28 28 50 50 0]xS 366 3192 M (\(compensation\) or very strong continuous focusing by electrostatic forces as in the RFQ. Partial ) [33 44 50 78 50 44 50 39 44 28 28 50 50 33 40 50 33 40 51 44 35 48 41 39 28 33 50 50 49 40 44 50 50 28 28 50 50 50 50 39 40 33 50 44 50 39 29 50 49 40 52 48 40 44 28 45 44 28 33 50 39 28 44 28 28 44 40 33 50 34 44 45 39 40 44 39 40 28 50 40 28 50 44 40 67 55 72 25 40 56 44 33 28 28 44 28 0]xS 366 3422 M (compensation of space charge with magnetic focusing and nosy operation ) [44 50 78 50 44 50 39 44 28 28 50 50 47 50 33 47 39 50 44 45 44 48 44 50 44 34 49 44 48 72 28 28 50 47 78 44 49 51 44 28 28 44 47 34 50 44 50 39 28 50 49 47 44 50 50 47 50 50 41 48 47 50 51 44 33 45 28 28 50 50 0]xS 3563 3422 M (will create a strong )[72 28 28 28 47 44 33 44 44 28 44 47 44 47 39 28 33 50 51 50 0]xS 366 3652 M (variation of focusing and lead to an increase of emittance by ellipse rotation. Still, this mode of ) [50 44 33 28 44 28 28 50 50 39 50 33 39 33 50 44 50 39 28 51 49 39 44 51 50 39 28 44 44 50 39 28 50 39 44 50 39 28 50 44 33 44 44 40 44 39 50 34 39 44 78 28 28 28 44 50 44 44 39 51 48 40 44 28 28 28 50 39 44 39 33 50 28 44 28 28 50 50 25 39 56 28 28 28 28 24 39 28 50 28 39 39 78 50 50 44 39 50 32 0]xS 366 3882 M (transport is used in almost all injectors, and until recently it was acceptable. Space charge ) [28 33 44 50 39 50 50 33 28 57 28 39 57 50 39 44 50 57 28 50 57 44 27 78 50 39 28 57 44 28 28 57 28 49 28 44 44 28 50 33 39 25 57 44 50 50 57 50 50 28 28 28 57 33 44 44 44 50 28 29 48 57 28 28 57 72 44 39 57 44 44 45 44 50 28 44 50 28 44 25 57 56 50 44 44 44 57 44 51 44 34 50 45 0]xS 366 4112 M (compensation by ions has some difference )[44 50 78 50 44 50 39 44 28 28 50 50 36 52 48 36 28 50 50 39 36 50 44 39 36 39 50 78 44 36 50 28 33 33 45 33 44 50 45 44 0]xS 2153 4112 M (from the compensation by electrons. Ion oscillation in )[33 33 50 79 36 28 50 44 36 44 50 78 50 44 50 39 44 28 28 50 50 36 52 48 36 44 29 44 44 28 33 50 50 39 25 37 32 50 50 36 50 40 44 28 28 28 44 28 28 50 50 36 28 50 0]xS 366 4342 M (the potential of the beam is more coherent and can be the reason for very strong and fast beam) [28 50 44 30 50 50 28 44 50 28 28 44 28 30 50 33 30 28 50 44 30 51 44 44 79 30 28 39 30 78 50 33 44 30 44 50 51 44 33 44 50 28 31 44 50 50 30 45 45 50 30 50 44 30 28 50 44 31 33 44 44 39 50 50 31 33 50 33 30 51 44 35 48 31 39 28 33 50 50 49 31 44 50 50 30 34 44 39 28 30 50 44 44 0]xS 4230 4342 M (-)S 4263 4342 M (ion )[28 50 51 0]xS 366 4572 M (instability. Beam )[28 50 39 28 44 50 28 28 28 29 47 25 54 66 44 44 78 0]xS 1129 4572 M (-)S 1162 4572 M ( ion instabilities have been observed recently in the electron beam of the ) [53 28 50 51 53 28 50 39 28 44 50 28 28 28 28 28 44 39 53 50 44 50 44 53 50 44 44 50 53 50 50 39 44 33 50 44 50 53 34 44 44 44 50 28 30 48 53 28 50 53 28 50 44 53 44 28 44 44 28 33 50 50 53 51 44 44 78 53 50 33 53 28 51 45 0]xS 366 4802 M (Advanced)[72 50 50 44 50 44 44 0]xS 770 4802 M ( Light Source \(LBL\) with increased residual gas density. In low energy negative ion ) [46 60 29 49 50 28 45 56 50 50 33 44 45 45 34 60 67 60 33 45 72 28 28 50 45 28 50 44 33 44 44 40 44 50 45 34 44 39 28 50 50 44 28 45 49 44 39 45 50 44 50 39 28 30 48 25 46 32 50 45 28 50 72 45 44 50 44 34 51 48 45 50 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 45 28 50 50 0]xS 366 5032 M (beams, this instability was observed many years ago \(1976\). Development of this instability in H) [50 44 44 78 39 25 34 28 50 28 39 34 28 50 39 28 44 50 28 28 28 29 47 34 73 44 39 34 50 50 39 44 33 50 44 50 34 79 44 52 48 36 48 44 45 33 39 35 44 49 50 35 33 50 50 50 50 33 25 34 73 44 50 44 28 50 50 78 44 51 28 34 50 33 34 28 50 28 39 34 28 50 39 28 44 50 28 28 28 29 47 34 28 50 34 0]xS F1S43 Ji 4369 4986 M (-)S F1S64 Ji 4392 5032 M ( )S 366 5262 M (beam excite coherent oscillation of positive ions in the beam potential, e) [50 44 44 78 26 44 51 44 28 28 44 26 44 50 51 44 33 44 50 29 26 50 39 45 28 28 28 44 28 28 50 50 26 50 33 26 50 50 39 28 28 28 50 44 26 28 50 50 39 26 28 50 26 28 50 44 26 50 45 44 78 26 50 50 28 44 50 28 28 44 28 25 26 0]xS 3273 5262 M (xcite quadrupole and dipole )[51 45 28 28 44 26 50 50 44 50 33 50 50 50 28 45 26 44 50 50 26 50 28 50 50 28 45 0]xS 366 5492 M (oscillations of the beam, develop a beam decompensation and emitteance growth. ) [50 39 44 28 28 28 44 28 28 50 50 39 25 50 33 25 28 50 44 25 50 44 44 78 25 26 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 25 44 25 50 45 44 78 25 50 44 44 50 78 51 45 50 39 44 28 28 50 50 25 44 50 50 25 44 78 28 28 28 44 44 50 44 44 26 50 33 50 72 28 50 25 0]xS 3657 5492 M ( )S 366 5722 M (To eliminate this problem, many versions of electrostatic focusing in the LEBT have been proposed. ) [61 50 25 44 28 28 78 28 50 44 28 44 25 28 50 28 39 25 50 33 50 50 28 45 78 25 25 78 44 51 48 26 50 44 33 39 28 50 50 39 25 51 33 25 44 29 44 45 28 33 50 39 28 44 28 28 44 25 33 50 44 50 39 28 51 49 25 28 50 25 28 51 44 26 60 62 66 61 25 51 44 50 44 25 51 44 44 51 25 50 33 50 50 50 39 45 50 25 0]xS 366 5952 M (An ELEBT for SNS transport of an H)[72 50 32 62 59 62 66 61 32 33 51 33 32 56 72 56 32 28 33 44 50 39 50 50 33 28 32 50 33 32 44 50 32 0]xS F1S43 Ji 1927 5906 M (-)S F1S64 Ji 1949 5952 M ( beam of ener)[32 50 44 44 78 32 50 33 33 45 50 44 0]xS 2518 5952 M (gy 65 keV with intensity up to 40 mA is now )[51 48 32 50 50 32 50 44 72 32 72 28 28 50 32 28 50 28 44 51 39 28 29 47 32 50 50 32 28 50 32 50 50 32 78 72 32 28 39 32 50 50 72 0]xS LH (%%[Page: 6]%%) = %%PageTrailer %%EndPageComments %%BeginPageSetup /DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def mysetup concat colspRefresh %%EndPageSetup /DeviceGray dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def 0 0 scol 366 432 M (under development [23]. This beam)[50 50 50 44 33 43 50 44 51 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 43 34 50 50 34 24 43 61 50 28 39 43 50 44 44 0]xS 1868 432 M (-)S 1901 432 M (ion instability can be damped by over)[28 50 50 43 28 50 39 28 44 50 28 28 28 29 48 43 45 44 50 43 50 45 43 50 44 78 50 44 50 43 52 48 44 51 50 44 0]xS 3516 432 M (-)S 3549 432 M (neutralization of the )[50 44 50 28 34 44 28 28 45 44 28 28 50 50 43 50 33 43 28 50 45 0]xS 366 662 M (beam to change the sign of the beam potential with an increase of the ion density in the beam. With ) [50 44 44 78 28 28 50 28 44 50 44 50 50 44 28 28 50 44 28 39 28 49 50 28 50 33 28 28 50 44 28 50 44 44 78 28 50 50 28 44 50 28 28 44 28 28 72 28 27 50 28 44 50 28 28 50 44 33 44 44 39 44 28 50 33 28 28 50 44 28 28 50 50 28 50 44 50 39 28 29 47 28 28 50 28 28 50 44 28 50 44 44 78 25 28 95 28 28 50 0]xS 366 892 M (increased ion and )[28 50 44 33 44 44 40 44 50 27 28 50 50 27 44 50 50 0]xS 1097 892 M (electron density, a stable beam transport can be achieved with additional focusing ) [44 28 44 44 28 33 51 50 27 50 44 50 39 28 29 48 25 28 44 27 39 28 44 50 28 44 27 51 44 44 78 27 29 33 44 50 39 50 50 33 28 27 45 44 50 27 50 44 28 44 44 50 28 44 51 44 51 27 72 28 28 50 27 44 50 50 28 28 28 50 50 44 28 27 33 50 44 50 39 28 51 49 0]xS 366 1122 M (by reverse space charge. This solution can be used for transport over relatively short distances with ) [51 48 29 34 44 50 44 33 40 44 29 39 50 44 45 44 29 44 51 44 34 49 44 25 30 61 50 28 39 29 39 50 28 50 28 28 50 50 29 44 44 50 29 50 44 29 50 39 45 50 29 33 50 33 29 28 33 44 50 39 50 50 33 28 29 50 51 44 33 29 34 44 28 44 28 28 50 44 29 48 29 39 50 50 33 28 29 50 28 39 28 44 51 44 44 39 29 72 28 28 51 0]xS 366 1352 M (acceptable levels of ion loss by stripping. A good solution is to use a) [44 44 45 44 50 28 44 50 28 44 30 28 44 51 44 28 39 30 50 33 30 28 50 50 30 29 50 39 39 30 51 48 30 39 28 33 28 50 50 28 51 49 25 30 72 31 49 50 50 51 30 39 50 28 50 28 28 50 50 30 28 39 30 28 50 30 50 39 44 30 0]xS 3177 1352 M ( short LEBT with a fast)[30 39 50 50 34 28 31 59 62 66 61 30 72 28 28 50 31 44 30 33 44 39 0]xS 4144 1352 M ( beam )[30 51 44 44 79 0]xS 366 1582 M (over)[50 50 44 0]xS 543 1582 M (-)S 576 1582 M (neutralization by streams of noiseless plasma from a separate plasma source) [50 44 50 28 34 44 28 28 45 44 28 28 50 50 25 51 48 25 39 28 34 44 44 78 39 25 50 33 25 50 50 28 39 44 28 44 39 39 25 50 28 44 39 78 45 25 33 33 50 78 25 44 25 39 44 50 45 33 44 28 44 25 50 29 44 39 78 44 25 40 50 50 33 44 0]xS 3620 1582 M ( )S 366 1812 M ( )S F0S64 Ji 366 2044 M (IV. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS)[39 59 25 19 72 73 77 72 78 100 67 67 72 78 95 67 72 67 0]xS F1S64 Ji 1621 2044 M ( )S 366 2272 M (The author wishes to thank his colleagues Yu. Belchenko and G. Dimov who participated from the ) [61 50 44 32 44 50 28 50 50 33 32 72 28 39 50 44 39 32 28 50 32 28 50 44 50 50 32 50 28 39 32 44 50 28 28 44 44 49 50 44 39 28 61 50 25 33 66 45 28 44 50 44 50 50 50 32 44 50 50 32 60 25 32 72 28 78 50 50 32 72 50 50 32 50 44 33 28 28 44 28 50 44 28 44 50 32 33 33 50 78 32 28 50 45 0]xS 366 2502 M (very beginning in the develop)[50 44 35 48 34 51 45 49 28 50 50 28 50 50 34 28 50 34 28 50 44 34 51 45 50 44 28 50 0]xS 1598 2502 M (ment of surface plasma method of negative ion production and SPS ) [78 44 50 28 34 50 33 34 39 51 33 33 45 44 45 34 50 28 45 39 78 44 34 78 44 28 50 50 50 34 50 34 34 50 45 50 44 28 28 50 44 35 28 50 50 34 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 34 44 50 51 34 56 56 55 0]xS 366 2732 M (development. The creative contribution of the excellent technician P. Zhuravlev was very important ) [50 44 50 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 25 27 61 50 44 29 45 33 44 44 28 29 50 44 29 44 50 50 28 33 28 50 50 28 28 50 50 29 50 33 29 28 50 44 29 44 50 44 44 28 28 44 50 28 29 28 44 44 50 50 28 44 28 44 50 29 45 25 30 60 50 51 33 44 50 28 44 50 29 72 44 39 29 50 45 35 48 29 28 78 50 50 33 28 45 50 27 0]xS 366 2962 M (for the successful development of the SPS. The author also wishes to thank G. Derevyankin, V) [33 50 33 41 28 50 44 41 39 50 44 44 44 39 39 33 50 28 41 50 44 51 44 29 50 50 78 44 50 28 41 50 33 41 28 50 44 41 56 55 56 25 39 61 50 44 41 44 50 28 50 50 33 41 44 28 39 50 41 72 28 39 50 44 39 41 28 50 41 27 50 44 50 50 41 60 25 41 72 44 33 44 52 48 45 50 50 28 50 25 39 0]xS 4368 2962 M (. )[24 0]xS 366 3192 M (Klenov and M. Troshkov for their creative work in the development of high brightness SPS for ) [72 28 44 50 50 50 40 44 50 50 40 89 25 39 57 33 50 39 50 50 51 50 40 33 50 33 40 28 50 44 28 33 41 44 33 45 44 28 28 50 44 40 72 50 34 50 40 28 50 40 28 50 44 40 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 40 50 34 40 50 28 49 50 40 50 33 29 49 50 28 50 44 39 39 40 56 56 56 40 33 50 34 0]xS 366 3422 M (accelerators. In addition, the author expresses gratitude to many teams in different countries, leaded ) [44 44 45 44 28 44 33 44 28 51 33 39 25 29 32 50 28 44 50 50 28 28 28 50 50 25 29 28 50 44 28 44 50 28 50 50 33 28 44 51 50 33 44 39 39 44 39 29 50 33 44 29 28 28 50 50 44 28 28 50 28 78 44 51 48 28 28 45 44 78 39 28 28 50 28 50 28 31 33 44 34 44 50 28 28 44 50 50 50 28 33 28 44 39 25 28 28 45 44 50 44 51 0]xS 366 3652 M (by J. Alessi, C.W. Schmidt, J. Peters, P. Allison, V. Smit)[51 48 32 40 25 26 72 28 44 39 39 28 25 32 67 25 86 25 32 56 44 50 78 27 50 28 25 32 40 25 31 56 44 28 44 33 39 25 32 45 25 26 72 28 28 28 39 50 50 25 29 59 25 32 56 78 28 0]xS 2668 3652 M (h, J. Sherman, K. Ehlers, K. N. Leung, K. )[50 25 31 40 25 32 56 50 44 33 78 44 50 25 32 72 25 32 61 50 28 44 33 39 25 32 72 25 32 72 25 33 60 44 50 51 49 25 32 72 26 0]xS 366 3882 M (Prelec, Th. Sluyters, S. Guhary, G. Alton, J. Whealton, W. Stirling, Y. Mori , J. Ishikawa et al. for the ) [56 33 44 28 44 44 25 24 61 50 25 26 56 28 51 48 28 44 33 39 25 26 56 25 26 72 50 50 44 34 42 25 26 60 25 20 72 28 28 50 50 25 26 40 25 24 95 50 44 44 27 28 50 50 25 24 86 24 26 54 28 28 33 28 28 50 49 25 22 59 25 26 89 50 33 28 26 24 26 40 24 26 31 39 50 28 51 44 72 44 26 44 28 26 44 28 25 26 33 50 33 26 28 50 45 0]xS 366 4112 M (adaptation of SPS in diverse real applications and for development of new versions of SPS. It was a ) [44 50 44 50 28 44 28 28 50 50 26 50 33 26 56 56 56 26 28 49 26 50 28 50 44 33 39 44 26 33 44 44 28 26 44 50 50 28 28 45 44 28 28 50 50 39 26 44 50 50 26 33 50 33 26 50 44 50 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 26 50 33 26 50 44 72 27 50 44 33 39 28 50 50 39 26 50 33 26 56 56 56 25 25 27 31 28 26 72 44 39 26 44 0]xS 366 4342 M (pleasur)[50 28 44 44 39 50 0]xS 654 4342 M (e to cooperate with A. Belov in adaptation of SPS for efficient production of nuclear ) [44 51 28 50 51 44 50 50 51 44 34 44 28 44 52 72 28 28 50 46 72 25 51 66 44 28 50 50 51 28 50 51 44 50 44 50 29 44 28 28 50 50 51 50 33 51 56 56 56 51 33 50 33 51 44 31 33 28 44 29 44 50 28 51 50 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 51 50 33 51 50 50 44 29 45 44 33 0]xS 366 4572 M (polarized negative ions. It is pleasure to see an active development of new SPS for the new ) [50 50 28 44 33 28 45 44 50 49 50 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 49 28 50 50 39 26 50 31 28 49 28 39 49 50 28 45 44 39 50 33 44 49 28 50 49 39 45 44 49 45 50 49 44 44 28 28 50 44 49 50 44 51 44 28 50 50 78 44 50 28 49 51 33 49 50 44 72 49 56 56 56 49 33 50 33 49 28 50 44 49 50 45 72 0]xS 366 4802 M (challenger applications. )[44 50 44 28 28 44 51 49 44 33 26 44 50 50 28 28 44 44 28 28 50 50 39 25 0]xS 1340 4802 M ( )S 366 5032 M (Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy unde)[95 50 33 50 25 39 50 50 50 50 33 28 44 50 25 51 48 25 28 50 44 26 73 25 56 25 25 72 44 50 44 33 28 78 44 50 28 25 50 33 25 61 50 45 34 50 48 26 50 50 50 0]xS 2627 5032 M (r contract No.DE)[33 25 44 50 50 28 34 44 44 28 25 72 50 25 72 0]xS 3313 5032 M (-)S 3347 5032 M (AC02)[72 67 50 0]xS 3586 5032 M (-)S 3619 5032 M (76CH03000)[50 50 67 72 50 50 50 50 0]xS 4108 5032 M ( )S 444 5262 M ( )[25 0]xS 494 5262 M ( )S 366 5492 M (1 )[50 0]xS 460 5492 M (G.Budker, G. Dimov, V. Dudnikov, in Proc. Internat. Symposium on Electron and Positron ) [72 25 66 50 50 51 44 33 25 45 72 25 44 72 28 78 50 50 26 44 72 25 44 72 50 50 50 28 50 50 50 25 44 28 50 44 56 33 51 44 26 45 32 50 28 44 33 51 44 28 25 44 57 48 78 50 50 39 28 50 78 44 51 50 44 61 28 44 44 28 33 50 50 45 44 44 50 50 44 56 50 39 28 28 33 51 49 0]xS 366 5722 M (Storage Ring, France, Sakley,1966, rep. VIII, 6.1 \(1966\) )[56 28 50 33 44 49 44 25 67 28 51 49 25 26 55 33 44 51 44 44 25 25 56 45 50 28 45 48 25 50 50 50 50 25 26 33 44 50 25 25 73 33 33 32 26 25 50 25 50 26 33 50 50 50 50 33 0]xS 2651 5722 M ( )S 366 5952 M (2 C. Robinson, Aviation Week&Space Tech.,p.42, oct., 1978. Rev. Mod. Phys) [50 25 67 25 25 67 50 50 28 50 39 50 50 25 19 65 50 28 44 28 28 50 50 22 87 44 44 50 77 56 50 44 45 44 23 54 45 44 50 25 25 50 25 50 50 26 25 50 44 28 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 25 25 67 44 44 25 25 89 50 50 25 25 56 49 48 0]xS 3468 5952 M (., 59\(3\), Part II,1987.)[25 25 25 50 50 33 51 33 25 25 56 44 33 28 26 33 32 25 50 50 50 50 0]xS 4312 5952 M ( )S LH (%%[Page: 7]%%) = %%PageTrailer %%EndPageComments %%BeginPageSetup /DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def mysetup concat colspRefresh %%EndPageSetup /DeviceGray dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def 0 0 scol 366 432 M (3 N.Wells, The development of High)[50 35 72 25 87 44 28 28 39 25 33 61 50 44 35 50 44 50 44 28 50 51 78 44 50 28 35 50 33 35 72 28 49 0]xS 1891 432 M (-)S 1926 432 M (Intensity Negative Ion Sources and Beams in the USSR, R)[32 50 28 44 50 39 28 29 48 36 72 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 36 32 50 50 35 56 50 50 33 45 44 39 35 44 51 50 35 66 44 44 78 39 35 28 50 35 28 50 44 35 72 56 56 67 25 35 0]xS 4359 432 M (-)S 366 662 M (2816)[50 50 50 0]xS 566 662 M (-)S 599 662 M (ARPA,Rand Corp.,1981. )[72 67 47 72 25 67 44 50 50 25 67 50 33 50 25 25 50 50 50 50 25 0]xS 1618 662 M ( )S 366 892 M (4 V. Dudnikov, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 63\(4\),2660 \(1992\).)[50 23 59 25 25 72 50 50 50 28 50 50 44 25 25 67 44 44 25 25 56 44 28 25 24 32 50 39 28 33 50 78 25 25 25 50 50 33 51 33 25 50 50 50 50 25 33 50 51 50 50 33 0]xS 2518 892 M ( )S 366 1122 M (5 V. Dudnikov, Rep. BNL51304, p. 387, 1980. )[50 23 59 25 25 72 50 50 50 28 50 50 44 25 25 67 44 50 25 25 66 73 60 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 50 25 25 50 50 50 25 25 50 50 50 50 25 0]xS 2252 1122 M ( )S 366 1352 M (6 V.Dudnikov, )[50 26 59 25 72 50 50 50 28 50 50 44 25 0]xS 971 1352 M (The Method for Negative Ion Production, SU patent, C1.H013/04, No 411542, Appl. ) [61 50 44 28 89 44 28 50 50 50 28 33 50 33 28 72 44 50 44 28 28 50 44 29 32 50 50 28 56 33 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 25 28 56 72 28 50 44 28 44 50 28 25 28 67 50 25 72 49 50 50 28 50 50 25 28 72 50 28 50 46 50 50 50 50 25 22 72 50 50 28 24 0]xS 366 1582 M (3/3/72. )[50 28 50 28 50 50 25 0]xS 672 1582 M ( )S 366 1812 M (7 Yu. Belchenko, G. Dimov, and V. Dudnikov, Rep. BNL 50727, p. 79, 1977. ) [50 21 61 50 25 25 67 44 28 44 50 44 50 50 50 25 25 60 25 26 72 28 78 50 44 25 25 44 50 50 23 59 25 25 72 50 50 50 28 50 50 44 25 25 67 44 50 25 25 66 73 56 25 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 50 25 25 50 50 25 25 50 50 51 50 25 0]xS 3460 1812 M ( )S 366 2042 M (8 V. Dudnikov, Proc. 4)[50 23 59 25 25 72 50 50 50 28 50 50 44 25 25 56 33 50 44 25 25 0]xS F1S43 Ji 1275 1996 M (th)[19 0]xS F1S64 Ji 1328 2042 M ( All)[19 72 28 0]xS 1475 2042 M (-)S 1508 2042 M (Union Conf. On Charged Part. Accel.,Moscow,1974\222 V.1, p.323.)[72 50 28 50 50 25 67 50 50 33 25 25 72 50 25 67 50 44 32 49 44 50 25 56 44 33 28 25 20 72 44 45 44 28 25 25 89 50 39 44 51 66 25 50 50 50 50 26 23 59 25 50 25 25 50 25 50 50 50 0]xS 4077 2042 M ( )S 366 2272 M (9 V)[50 23 0]xS 498 2272 M (. Dudnikov, Yu. Belchenko, Preprint, INP 78)[25 25 72 50 50 50 28 50 50 44 25 21 61 50 25 25 67 44 28 44 51 44 50 50 50 25 25 56 33 44 50 33 28 50 28 25 26 32 72 52 25 50 0]xS 2281 2272 M (-)S 2314 2272 M (95, Novosibirsk,1978. )[51 50 25 25 72 50 50 50 39 28 50 28 33 39 50 25 50 50 50 50 25 0]xS 3229 2272 M ( )S 366 2502 M (10 C. W. Schmidt, Prod. Neutralizat. of Negative Ions and Beams, 8) [50 50 26 67 25 26 95 25 26 56 44 50 78 28 50 28 25 25 56 33 50 50 25 26 72 44 50 28 33 44 28 28 45 44 28 25 26 50 33 26 72 45 50 44 28 28 50 44 27 32 50 50 39 27 44 50 50 27 66 44 44 78 39 25 26 0]xS F1S43 Ji 3113 2456 M (th)[19 0]xS F1S64 Ji 3166 2502 M ( Internat. Symp. AIP 1)[27 31 50 29 44 34 50 44 28 25 26 57 48 78 50 25 26 73 32 56 26 0]xS 4075 2502 M (-)S 4108 2502 M (56396)[50 50 50 50 0]xS 4359 2502 M (-)S 366 2732 M (773)[50 50 0]xS 516 2732 M (-)S 549 2732 M (5.1998.)[50 25 50 50 50 50 0]xS 849 2732 M ( )S 366 2962 M (11 )[46 50 0]xS 487 2962 M (H. Zhang, Ion Sources, Springer,1999 )[72 25 26 60 50 44 51 49 25 26 32 50 50 25 56 50 50 34 44 45 39 25 25 56 50 33 28 50 49 44 33 25 50 50 50 50 0]xS 2033 2962 M ( )S 366 3192 M (12 J.Peters, LINAC\222 98, Chicago, 1998.)[50 50 25 40 25 56 44 28 44 33 39 25 25 61 32 72 72 67 33 25 50 50 25 26 67 50 28 44 44 49 50 25 25 50 50 50 50 0]xS 1970 3192 M ( )S 366 3422 M (13 J.Peters, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 71\(2\),1069 \(2000\).)[50 50 25 40 25 56 44 28 44 33 39 25 25 67 44 50 25 25 56 44 28 25 26 31 50 39 28 33 50 78 25 25 25 50 50 33 50 33 25 50 50 50 50 25 33 50 50 50 50 33 0]xS 2382 3422 M ( )S 366 3652 M (14 J.Peters, EPAC\2222000, Vienna, 2000. )[50 50 25 40 25 56 44 28 44 33 39 25 25 61 56 72 67 33 50 50 50 50 25 24 72 28 44 50 50 44 25 25 50 50 50 50 25 25 0]xS 2001 3652 M ( )S 366 3882 M (15 Y.Okumura, et al., Rev. Sci. )[50 50 25 72 25 72 50 50 78 50 33 44 25 25 44 28 26 44 28 25 25 25 67 44 50 25 25 56 44 28 25 0]xS 1650 3882 M (Instrum.,71\(2\),1219 \(2000\). )[31 50 39 28 33 50 78 25 25 50 50 33 51 33 25 50 51 50 50 25 33 50 50 50 50 33 25 0]xS 2793 3882 M ( )S 366 4112 M (16 A.S. Belov, V.G. Dudnikov, et.al., AIP Conf. Proc. 287, ed. J. Alessi, and A. Hershkovitch, ) [50 50 41 72 25 56 25 41 66 44 28 50 50 25 41 72 25 72 25 41 72 51 50 50 28 50 50 50 25 41 44 28 25 44 28 25 25 41 73 31 56 41 67 50 50 34 25 41 56 33 50 44 25 41 50 50 50 25 41 44 50 25 41 40 25 41 72 28 44 39 38 28 25 41 44 50 50 41 72 25 41 72 44 33 39 50 50 50 50 28 28 44 50 25 0]xS 366 4342 M (1994\) p.)[50 50 50 50 33 25 50 0]xS 699 4342 M (485.)[50 50 50 0]xS 874 4342 M ( )S 366 4572 M (17 A.S. Belov, V.G. Dudnikov et al. Nucl. Inst. Meth. A333, 256) [50 50 25 72 25 56 25 25 66 44 28 50 50 25 25 72 25 72 25 25 72 50 51 50 28 50 50 50 25 44 28 25 44 28 25 25 72 50 44 28 25 26 32 50 39 28 25 25 89 44 28 50 25 25 25 72 50 50 50 25 25 50 50 0]xS 2998 4572 M (-)S 3031 4572 M (259 \(1993\). )[50 50 50 25 33 50 50 51 50 33 25 25 0]xS 3548 4572 M ( )S 366 4802 M (18 A. Belov, V. Derinchuk, PAC01, Chicago, 2001. )[50 50 25 72 25 25 66 44 28 50 50 25 25 72 25 26 72 44 33 28 50 44 51 50 50 25 25 56 72 67 50 50 25 25 67 50 28 44 44 49 50 25 25 50 51 50 50 25 0]xS 2474 4802 M ( )S 366 5032 M (19 J. Ishikawa, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 67\(3\) 1410 \(1996\).)[50 50 25 40 25 25 31 39 50 28 50 45 72 44 25 25 67 44 50 25 25 56 44 28 25 26 32 50 39 28 33 50 78 25 25 25 50 50 33 51 33 25 50 50 50 50 25 33 50 51 50 50 33 0]xS 2524 5032 M ( )S 366 5262 M (20 K.N. Leung, and K. Ehlers, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 53, 803 \(1982\). ) [50 50 25 25 72 25 72 25 26 60 44 50 51 49 25 25 44 50 50 26 72 25 26 61 50 28 44 33 39 25 25 67 44 50 25 25 56 44 28 25 26 32 50 39 28 33 50 78 25 25 25 50 50 25 25 50 50 50 25 33 50 50 50 50 33 25 0]xS 3054 5262 M ( )S 366 5492 M (21 C.W. Schmidt, C. Curtis, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS)[50 50 25 67 25 86 25 25 56 44 50 78 28 49 28 25 25 67 25 25 67 50 32 28 28 39 25 26 31 61 61 61 24 57 34 44 50 39 25 25 72 50 44 28 25 25 56 45 28 25 25 72 0]xS 2577 5492 M (-)S 2610 5492 M (26,4120 \(1979\).)[50 50 25 50 50 50 50 25 33 50 50 50 50 33 0]xS 3251 5492 M ( )S 366 5722 M (22 G. Dimov, V. Dudnikov, G. Derevyankin, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS) [50 50 25 72 25 25 72 28 78 50 50 25 25 72 25 25 72 50 50 50 28 50 50 50 25 25 72 25 25 72 44 34 44 52 48 44 50 50 28 50 25 26 32 61 62 61 25 61 33 44 50 39 25 25 72 50 44 28 25 25 56 44 28 25 25 72 0]xS 3270 5722 M (-)S 3303 5722 M (24,1545 \(1977\). )[51 50 25 50 50 50 50 25 33 50 50 50 50 33 25 0]xS 3970 5722 M ( )S 366 5952 M (23 R. Keller et al.,PAC01, Chicago, 2001.)[50 50 25 67 25 25 72 44 28 28 44 33 25 44 28 25 44 28 25 25 56 72 67 50 50 25 25 67 50 28 44 44 49 50 25 25 50 50 50 50 0]xS 2053 5952 M ( )S LH (%%[Page: 8]%%) = %%PageTrailer %%EndPageComments %%BeginPageSetup /DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def mysetup concat colspRefresh %%EndPageSetup /DeviceGray dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def 0 0 scol 366 432 M ( )S 366 3942 M (FIG.1. Schematic diagram of the basic versions of SPS: \()[56 32 72 25 50 25 30 56 44 50 44 78 44 28 28 44 30 50 28 45 50 33 45 78 30 50 33 30 28 50 44 30 50 44 39 28 44 30 50 44 33 39 28 50 50 39 30 50 33 30 56 56 56 27 30 0]xS F2S64 Ji 2695 3942 M (a)S F1S64 Ji 2745 3942 M (\) planotron \(magnetron\) flat cathode; \()[33 30 50 28 44 50 50 28 33 50 50 30 33 78 44 49 50 44 28 33 50 51 33 30 33 28 44 28 30 44 44 28 50 50 50 44 28 30 0]xS F2S64 Ji 4308 3942 M (b)S F1S64 Ji 4359 3942 M (\) )[33 0]xS 366 4172 M (planotron \(magnetron\) geometrical focusing \(cylindrical and spherical\); \() [50 28 44 50 50 28 33 50 50 32 33 78 44 49 51 44 28 33 50 50 33 33 50 44 50 78 44 28 33 28 44 44 28 32 33 50 44 50 39 28 51 49 32 33 46 48 28 29 50 50 33 28 44 44 28 32 44 50 50 32 39 50 50 44 33 28 44 44 29 33 28 32 0]xS F2S64 Ji 3342 4172 M (c)S F1S64 Ji 3387 4172 M (\) Penning discharge SPS )[33 32 56 44 50 50 28 50 49 32 50 28 39 44 50 44 34 49 44 32 56 56 55 0]xS 366 4402 M (\(Dudnikov type SPS\); \()[33 72 50 50 50 28 50 50 50 51 29 48 50 44 51 56 56 56 33 28 51 0]xS F2S64 Ji 1385 4402 M (d)S F1S64 Ji 1435 4402 M (\) semiplanotron; \()[33 51 39 44 78 28 50 28 44 50 50 28 33 50 50 28 51 0]xS F2S64 Ji 2203 4402 M (e)S F1S64 Ji 2247 4402 M (\) hollow cathode discharge SPS with independent )[33 51 51 50 28 28 50 72 51 44 44 28 50 50 50 44 51 50 28 39 44 50 44 34 50 44 51 56 56 56 51 72 28 28 50 50 28 50 50 44 50 44 50 50 44 51 28 0]xS 366 4632 M (emitter; \()[44 78 28 28 28 44 33 28 26 0]xS F2S64 Ji 736 4632 M (f)S F1S64 Ji 764 4632 M (\) large volume)[33 26 28 44 34 49 44 26 50 50 28 50 78 0]xS 1348 4632 M ( SPS with filament discharge and biased emitter; \()[27 56 56 56 26 72 28 28 49 26 33 28 28 44 78 44 50 28 26 50 28 39 44 50 44 33 50 44 26 44 50 50 26 50 28 44 39 44 50 27 44 78 28 28 28 44 33 28 26 0]xS F2S64 Ji 3361 4632 M (g)S F1S64 Ji 3411 4632 M (\) large volume SPS with )[33 26 28 44 34 49 44 26 50 50 28 50 78 44 26 56 56 56 26 72 28 27 50 0]xS 366 4862 M (anode negative ion production; \()[44 50 50 50 44 37 51 45 49 44 28 28 50 44 37 28 50 51 37 50 33 50 51 50 44 28 28 50 50 28 37 0]xS F2S64 Ji 1715 4862 M (h)S F1S64 Ji 1765 4862 M (\) large volume SPS with RF plasma production and emitter. 1)[33 37 28 45 34 49 44 37 50 50 28 50 78 45 37 56 56 56 37 72 28 28 50 37 67 55 37 50 28 44 39 78 44 37 51 34 50 50 50 44 28 28 50 50 37 44 50 50 38 44 78 28 28 28 44 33 25 37 0]xS 4358 4862 M (-)S 4392 4862 M ( )S 366 5092 M (anode \(gas discharge chamber\); 2)[44 50 50 50 44 33 34 49 44 39 32 50 28 39 44 51 44 34 49 45 32 44 51 44 78 50 44 33 33 28 32 0]xS 1739 5092 M (-)S 1772 5092 M ( cold cathode)[33 44 50 28 50 32 45 44 28 50 50 50 0]xS 2320 5092 M (-)S 2354 5092 M (emitter; 3)[44 78 28 28 28 44 33 28 32 0]xS 2747 5092 M (-)S 2780 5092 M ( extractor with magnetic syst)[33 44 51 28 33 44 44 28 50 33 32 72 28 29 50 32 78 45 49 50 44 28 28 44 32 41 48 39 0]xS 3965 5092 M (em; 4)[44 78 28 32 0]xS 4198 5092 M (-)S 4231 5092 M ( ion )[32 28 51 50 0]xS 366 5322 M (beam; 5)[50 44 44 78 28 35 35 0]xS 730 5322 M (-)S 763 5322 M ( biased emitter; 6)[35 50 28 44 39 44 50 35 44 78 28 28 28 44 33 28 35 0]xS 1484 5322 M (-)S 1517 5322 M ( hollow cathode; 7)[35 50 50 28 28 50 72 35 44 44 28 50 50 50 44 28 35 0]xS 2288 5322 M (-)S 2321 5322 M (filaments; 8)[33 28 28 44 78 44 50 28 39 28 35 0]xS 2806 5322 M (-)S 2839 5322 M ( multicusp magnetic wall; 9)[35 78 50 28 28 28 44 50 39 50 35 77 44 49 51 44 28 28 44 35 72 44 28 28 28 35 0]xS 3989 5322 M (-)S 4022 5322 M ( RF coil; )[35 67 55 35 44 50 28 28 28 0]xS 366 5552 M (10)[50 0]xS 466 5552 M (-)S 499 5552 M ( magnetic filter. )[25 25 25 78 44 50 50 44 28 28 44 25 33 28 28 28 44 33 25 0]xS 1209 5552 M ( )S 366 5782 M ( )S /F1S53 F1 [83 0 0 -83 0 0 ] mFS F1S53 Ji 366 5997 M ( )S Pscript_WinNT_Incr begin %%BeginResource: file Pscript_Win_Dib_L2 5.0 0 /iw 0 d/ih 0 d/im_save 0 d/s 0 d/polarity 0 d/smoothflag 0 d/mystring 0 d/bpc 0 d/maskcolor 0 d/mask? 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