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Schema for the "id" field

This is the schema for the "id" field; it's quite long. Cut & paste it into your UML editor.

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File contents

Schema((StringField(name='id', required=0, mode='rw', accessor='getId', mutator='setId', default=None, widget=IdWidget(label='Short Name', label_msgid='label_short_name', description='Should not contain spaces, underscores, or mixed case. Short Name is part of the item\'s web address.', description_msgid='help_shortname', visible={'view': 'invisible'}, i18n_domain='plone',),), StringField(name='title', required=1, searchable=1, default='', accessor='Title', widget=StringWidget(label='Full Name', visible={'view': 'invisible'}, i18n_domain='plone',),),), marshall = RFC822Marshaller()) + ExtensibleMetadata.schema