UKMO-L4HRfnd-GLOB-OSTIA Foundation Sea Surface Temperature L4 analysis from the UK Met Office, daily at 0.05 degree resolution. UK Met Office OSTIA L4 SST Analysis OSTIA L4 0.05 degree 20060101T000000Z Met Office, Exeter, UK UK Met Office 1.0 Earth Science Oceans Ocean Temperature Sea Surface Temperature Foundation Sea Surface Temperature AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer AMSRE Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer TMI Tropical rainfall measuring mission Microwave Imager AATSR Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer SEVIRI Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager InSitu Moored and Drifing Buoys and Ships UKMO UK Met Office 20060101T000000Z -90.00 90.00 -180.00 180.00 Global Ocean Cylindrical Lat-Lon Regular 0.05 degree grid. 6 km 6 km Daily mean. A Met Office data license application form: must be completed and submitted before using the data. This only needs to be completed once for each user. These data may be used for pure academic research only, with no commercial or other application and all usage must meet the Met Office Standard Terms and Conditions The data may be used for a maximum period of 5 years. Reproduction of the data is permitted provided the following copyright statement is included: (C) Crown Copyright 2007, published by the Met Office. UK Met Office UKMO United Kingdom Met Office OSTIA Primary Contact John Stark 00 44 1392 885059 00 44 1392 885681
FitzRoy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB, UK
L4 sea surface temperature analysis produced daily on an operational basis at the UK Met Office using optimal interpolation from AVHRR, AATSR, SEVIRI, AMSRE, TMI and in situ sensors. Project Home Page GHRSST Project homepage 1.3 20060303T000000Z 20070612T000000Z 2006-03-03. J D Stark: Original; 2007-06-12. J D Stark: Updated restrictions and URL; 2007-06-16. E. Armstrong: Formatting changes