FIND - Finds files matching an expression.

	  find pathname	... expression

	  The find command recursively searches	the directory tree for
	  each specified pathname, seeking files that match a Boolean
	  expression written using the terms given later. The output
	  from find depends on the terms used in expression.

	  In the following descriptions, the argument number is	a
	  decimal integer that can be specified	as +number (more than
	  number), -number (less than number), or number (exactly

	  -fstype type
		    TRUE if the	file system to which the file belongs
		    is of the type type	as follows:

		      nfs	  Network File System

		      pfs	  Parallel File	System (PFS).

		      ufs	  UNIX file system (Berkeley fast file
				  system). This	is the default.

	  -i number
		    TRUE if file has inode number.

	  -inum	number
		    TRUE if file has inode number.

	  -name	pattern
		    TRUE if pattern matches a filename.	You can	use
		    pattern-matching characters, provided they are

	  -perm	[-]octal_number
		    TRUE if the	file permission	code of	the file
		    exactly matches octal_number (see the chmod	com-
		    mand). If the optional - (dash) is present,	this
		    expression evaluates to TRUE if the	file permis-
		    sion code of the file meets	or exceeds

		    The	octal_number argument may be up	to three octal

	  -perm	[-]mode
		    The	mode argument is identical to the chmod	com-
		    mand syntax. This expression evaluates to TRUE if
		    the	file has exactly these permissions. If the
		    optional - (dash) is present, this expression
		    evaluates to TRUE if the file meets	or exceeds
		    these permissions.

	  -prune    Always TRUE. Prunes	the search tree	at the file.
		    That is, if	the current pathname is	a directory,
		    find does not descend into that directory. In a
		    networking environment, this flag keeps the	find
		    command from searching through remote file sys-

	  -type	type
		    TRUE if the	file type is of	the specified type as

		      b		  Block	special	file

		      c		  Character special file

		      d		  Directory

		      f		  Plain	file

		      l		  Symbolic link

		      p		  FIFO (a named	pipe)

		      s		  Socket

	  -links number
		    TRUE if the	file has number	links. The argument
		    number is a	decimal	integer	that can be specified
		    as +number (more than number), -number (less than
		    number), or	number (exactly	number). See the ln

	  -user	user
		    TRUE if the	file belongs to	user. If user is
		    numeric and	does not appear	as a login name	in the
		    /etc/passwd	file, it is interpreted	as a user ID.

	  -nouser   TRUE if the	file belongs to	a user ID for which
		    the	getpwuid() function returns null.

	  -group group
		    TRUE if the	file belongs to	group. If group	is
		    numeric and	does not appear	as a group name	in the
		    /etc/group file, it	is interpreted as a group ID.

	  -nogroup  TRUE if the	file belongs to	a group	ID for which
		    the	getgrgid() function returns null.

	  -size	number[c | k]
		    TRUE if the	file is	number blocks long (512	bytes
		    per	block).	For this comparison, the file size is
		    rounded up to the nearest block. If	the c argument
		    is present,	the expression evaluates to TRUE if
		    the	file is	number bytes long. If the k argument
		    is present,	the expression evaluates to TRUE if
		    the	file is	number kilobytes long. For this	com-
		    parison, the file size is rounded up to the
		    nearest kilobyte.

		    The	argument number	is a decimal integer that can
		    be specified as +number (more than number),
		    -number (less than number),	or number (exactly

	  -atime number
		    TRUE if the	file was accessed in the past number
		    days. The argument number is a decimal integer
		    that can be	specified as +number (more than
		    number), -number (less than	number), or number
		    (exactly number).

	  -mtime number
		    TRUE if the	file was modified in the past number
		    days. The argument number is a decimal integer
		    that can be	specified as +number (more than
		    number), -number (less than	number), or number
		    (exactly number).

	  -ctime number
		    TRUE if the	file inode was changed in the past
		    number days. The argument number is	a decimal
		    integer that can be	specified as +number (more
		    than number), -number (less	than number), or
		    number (exactly number).

	  -exec	command
		    TRUE if the	command	runs and returns a 0 (zero)
		    value as exit status. The end of command must be
		    punctuated by a quoted or escaped ;	(semicolon).
		    The	command	parameter { } is replaced by the
		    current pathname. If shell quoting is used in com-
		    mand, each word in the command must	be quoted
		    separately.	Also, the characters ; (semicolon) and
		    { }	(braces) must appear as	separate words on a
		    command line.

	  -ok command
		    This expression is equivalent to -exec, except
		    that the find command first	asks you whether it
		    should start command. If your response begins with
		    y, or the locale's equivalent of a y, command is
		    started. The end of	command	must be	punctuated by
		    a quoted or	escaped	semicolon. If shell quoting is
		    used in command, each word in the command must be
		    quoted separately. Also, the characters ; (semi-
		    colon) and { } (braces) must appear	as separate
		    words on a command line.

	  -print    Always TRUE; causes	the current pathname to	be
		    displayed. The find	command	assumes	a -print
		    expression,	unless the -exec, ls, or -ok expres-
		    sions are present.

	  -cpio	device
		    Writes the current file to device in cpio format.
		    See	the cpio command.

	  -ncpio size
		    Sets the input/output size (5120 bytes by default)
		    to size.

	  -newer file
		    TRUE if the	current	file was modified more
		    recently than the file indicated by	file.

	  -depth    Always TRUE. This causes the descent of the	direc-
		    tory hierarchy to be done so that all entries in a
		    directory are affected before the directory
		    itself. This can be	useful when find is used with
		    cpio to transfer files that	are contained in
		    directories	without	write permission.

	  e( expression	e)
		    TRUE if expression is TRUE.

	  -ls	    Always TRUE; causes	pathname to be printed
		    together with its associated statistics. These
		    include, respectively, inode number, size in kilo-
		    bytes (1024	bytes),	protection mode, number	of
		    hard links,	user, group, size in bytes, and	modif-
		    ication time. If the file is a special file, the
		    size field will instead contain the	major and
		    minor device numbers. If the file is a symbolic
		    link, the pathname of the linked-to	file is
		    printed preceded by	->. The	format is identical to
		    that of ls -gilds (note that formatting is done
		    internally,	without	executing ls.)

	  -xdev	    Always TRUE; causes	find to	not traverse down into
		    a file system different from the one on which
		    current pathname resides.

	  The primaries	may be combined	using the following operators
	  (in descending order of precedence):

	  1.  A	parenthesized group of primaries and operators
	      (parentheses are special to the shell and	must be

	  2.  The negation of a	primary	(! is the unary	not operator).

	  3.  Concatenation of primaries (the and operation is implied
	      by the juxtaposition of two primaries or may be expli-
	      citly stated as -a).

	  4.  Alternation of primaries (-o is the or operator).

	  To avoid unpredictable results when using a range expression
	  to match a class of characters, use a	character class
	  expression rather than a standard range expression. For
	  information about character class expressions, see the grep

	  1.  To list all files	in the file system with	a given	base
	      filename,	enter:

		find / -name .profile

	      This searches the	entire file system and writes the com-
	      plete pathnames of all files named .profile. The /
	      (backslash) tells	find to	search the root	directory and
	      all of its subdirectories. This may take a while,	so it
	      is best to limit the search by specifying	the direc-
	      tories where you think the files might be.

	  2.  To list the files	with a specific	permission code	in the
	      current directory	tree, enter:

		find . -perm 0600

	      This lists the names of the files	that have only
	      owner-read and owner-write permission. The . (dot) tells
	      find to search the current directory and its subdirec-
	      tories. See the chmod command for	details	about permis-
	      sion codes. Alternatively, you could enter the follow-

		find . -perm u+rw

	  3.  To search	several	directories for	files with certain
	      permission codes,	enter:

		find manual clients proposals -perm -0600

	      This lists the names of the files	that have owner-read
	      and owner-write permission and possibly other permis-
	      sions. The directories manual, clients, and proposals,
	      and their	subdirectories,	are searched. Note that	-perm
	      0600 in the previous example selects only	files with
	      permission codes that match 0600 exactly.	In this	exam-
	      ple, -perm -0600 selects files with permission codes
	      that allow at least the accesses indicated by 0600. This
	      also matches the permission codes	0622 and 2744.

	  4.  To search	for regular files with multiple	links, enter:

		find . -type f -links +1

	      This lists the names of the ordinary files (-type	f)
	      that have	more than one link (-links +1).	Note that
	      every directory has at least two links: the entry	in its
	      parent directory and its own . (dot) entry. See the ln
	      command for details about	multiple file links.

	  5.  To remove	all files named	a.out or *.o that have not
	      been accessed for	a week and that	are not	mounted	using
	      nfs, enter:

		find / e( -name	a.out -o -name (aa*.o(aa e) -atime +7 \
		-exec \rm {} e;	-o -fstype nfs -prune

	  6.  To use the find command on PFS:

		find /pfs -fstype pfs -print


		    Contains group information.

		    Contains user information.

	  The find command returns a 0 (zero) if all of	the paths were
	  visited without error. find returns a	nonzero	value if it
	  encountered an error.

	  Commands: chmod(1), cpio(1), grep(1)/	egrep(1)/ fgrep(1),
	  ln(1), sh(1),	test(1).

	  Functions: stat(2).

	  Files: fs(4).

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