High-Precision Software Directory

Update: 2008-08-27

This web site (see software package links below) contains the LBNL double-double precision, quad-double precision and arbitrary precision (also termed "multiprecision" or "multiple precision") software, which has been written over a period of several years by David H. Bailey (LBNL), Yozo Hida (U.C. Berkeley), Karthik Jeyabalan (LBNL), Xiaoye S. Li (LBNL) and Brandon Thompson (formerly of U.C. Berkeley, now at Stanford). This software is provided for research use only. Incorporating this software in any commercial product requires a license agreement. This software is not warranted by the authors, the University of California or the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This work was supported in part by the Director, Office of Science, Division of Mathematical, Information, and Computational Sciences of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC02-05CH11231. Please send any comments or bug reports to Bailey (see website below). Here are links to some of the authors' websites:

Here are the software packages that are available: