U.S. Census Bureau
 Industry and Occupation

2002 Census Classified Index of Industries Mapped to NAICS - Sorted by NAICS Code
NAICS Code 11 21 22 23 31-33 42 44-45 48-49 51 52 53 54 55-56 61 62 71 72 81 92
72 | Accomodations and Food Services
721110 Auto court 8660
721110 Auto inn 8660
721110 Banquet, hotel 8660
721110 Cafe, hotel 8660
721110 Coffee shop of hotel 8660
721110 Dining room, hotel 8660
721110 Health camp 8660
721110 Health resort 8660
721110 Health spa accomodations \ n.s. 8660
721110 Health spa, with accomodations 8660
721110 Hotel \ n.s. or other specified all other occupations 8660
721110 Hotel bar 8660
721110 Hotel cocktail lounge 8660
721110 Hotel coffee shop 8660
721110 Hotel dining room 8660
721110 Hotel golf course 8660
721110 Hotel laundry 8660
721110 Hotel motel 8660
721110 Hotel newsstand 8660
721110 Hotel restaurant 8660
721110 Hotel, Y.M.C.A. or Y.M.H.A. 8660
721110 Hotel, Y.W.C.A. or Y.W.H.A. 8660
721110 Hotel, retirement 8660
721110 Hotel, seasonal 8660
721110 Inn, hotel 8660
721110 Laundries, hotel 8660
721110 Motel 8660
721110 Motel and restaurant, other occupations 8660
721110 Motel dining room (ret.) 8660
721110 Motel lounge (ret.) 8660
721110 Motor court 8660
721110 Motor hotel 8660
721110 Motor inn 8660
721110 Motor lodge 8660
721110 Newsstand, hotel 8660
721110 Resort 8660
721110 Resort hotel without casino 8660
721110 Restaurant and motel, other occupations 8660
721110 Restaurant, hotel 8660
721110 Seasonal hotel 8660
721110 Service station and tourist cabins, motel occupations 8660
721110 Ski lodge 8660
721110 Ski resort 8660
721110 Ski resorts, with accommodations 8660
721110 Summer resort operation 8660
721110 Tourist cabins 8660
721110 Tourist cabins and service station, motel occupations 8660
721110 Tourist court 8660
721110 Transient hotel 8660
721110 Truck stop, motel with motel type occupations 8660
721110 Winter resort hotel 8660
721110 Y.M.C.A. hotel 8660
721110 Y.M.H.A. hotel 8660
721110 Y.W.C.A. hotel 8660
721110 Y.W.H.A. hotel 8660
721110 Year-round hotel 8660
721120 Casino and dinner club 8660
721120 Casino hotel 8660
721120 Hotel and casino 8660
721120 Resort hotel with casino 8660
721190 Cabins, tourist 8660
721190 Winter resort 8660
721191 Bed and breakfast 8660
721199 Boatel 8660
721199 Cottage camp 8660
721199 Guest house 8660
721199 Guest ranch 8660
721199 Home, tourist 8660
721199 Hostels 8660
721199 Pleasure resort 8660
721199 Rental of cottages, tourist 8660
721199 Retirement hotels 8660
721199 Youth hostel 8660
721211 Cabin camp 8670
721211 Campground 8670
721211 Farm labor camp 8670
721211 RV parks 8670
721211 Recreational vehicle parks 8670
721211 Tent grounds 8670
721211 Trailer camp 8670
721214 Auto camp 8670
721214 Boardinghouse or boarding home, exc. children 8670
721214 Boys' camp 8670
721214 Church camp 8670
721214 Clubhouse, residential 8670
721214 Dude ranch 8670
721214 Fishing camp 8670
721214 Fishing lodge 8670
721214 Fishing resort 8670
721214 Girls' camp 8670
721214 Health farm 8670
721214 Hunting camp 8670
721214 Hunting lodge 8670
721214 Lodging house 8670
721214 Private camp 8670
721214 Ranch, dude 8670
721214 Ranch, guest 8670
721214 Ranch, youth 8670
721214 Recreation camp 8670
721214 Retreat house 8670
721214 Summer camp 8670
721214 Tourist camp 8670
721214 Trailer court 8670
721214 Trailer park 8670
721214 Y.M.C.A. camp 8670
721214 Y.M.H.A. camp 8670
721214 Y.W.C.A. camp 8670
721214 Y.W.H.A. camp 8670
721214 Youth camp 8670
721214 Youth ranch 8670
721310 Boy Scout camp 8670
721310 Dormitory, exc. school or college 8670
721310 Fraternity boarding house 8670
721310 Fraternity residential house 8670
721310 Furnished rooms, rental 8670
721310 Officers' club, residential 8670
721310 Rental of furnished rooms 8670
721310 Residential club 8670
721310 Rooming house 8670
721310 School dormitory, off campus 8670
721310 Sorority boarding house 8670
721310 Sorority residential house 8670
721310 Tourist home 8670
721310 Transient rooms 8670
721310 U.S. Officers' Club, residential 8670
721310 U.S. dormitory, exc. school 8670
721310 U.S. residence hall 8670
722000 Cafe, other 8680
722000 Donut shop (ret.) 8680
722000 Grill (ret.) 8680
722000 Restaurant \ any not listed 8680
722000 Restaurant and food store, restaurant type occupations (ret.) 8680
722000 Restaurant and motel, restaurant type occupations 8680
722000 Restaurant and service station, restaurant type occupations (ret.) 8680
722000 Restaurant chain (ret.) 8680
722110 Airport dining room (ret.) 8680
722110 Bagel shops, full service (ret.) 8680
722110 Bar and restaurant (ret.) 8680
722110 Bar, restaurant, and liquor store 8680
722110 Chili parlor (ret.) 8680
722110 Cocktail lounge and restaurant 8680
722110 Diner (ret.) 8680
722110 Doughnut and coffee shop (ret.) 8680
722110 Doughnut shop (ret.) 8680
722110 Fruit wagon (ret.) 8680
722110 Liquor store, bar, and restaurant (ret.) 8680
722110 Motel and restaurant, restaurant type ocupations (ret.) 8680
722110 NCO Club, bar and restaurant (ret.) 8680
722110 Oyster bar 8680
722110 Restaurant, bar, and liquor store 8680
722110 Restaurant, motel, restaurant type occ. 8680
722110 Road house (ret.) 8680
722110 Supper club (ret.) 8680
722110 Tea house, restaurant (ret.) 8680
722110 U.S. NCO Club, bar and restaurant (ret.) 8680
722110 Youth center, restaurant and bar (ret.) 8680
722200 Cafe and retail bakery 8680
722211 Automat (ret.) 8680
722211 Barbecue stand (ret.) 8680
722211 Box lunch stand (ret.) 8680
722211 Carry out restaurants 8680
722211 Delicatessen and lunch room 8680
722211 Delicatessen and restaurant (ret.) 8680
722211 Drive-in cafe 8680
722211 Drive-in eating place 8680
722211 Drive-in restaurant 8680
722211 Fast food restaurant 8680
722211 Inn, eating or drinking (ret.) 8680
722211 Lunch bar (ret.) 8680
722211 Lunch counter (ret.) 8680
722211 Luncheonette (ret.) 8680
722211 Lunches, box (ret.) 8680
722211 Lunchroom (ret.) 8680
722211 Lunchroom and delicatessen (ret.) 8680
722211 Pizza parlor (ret.) 8680
722211 Pizza shop (ret.) 8680
722211 Pizzeria (ret.) 8680
722211 Restaurant, country club 8680
722211 Sandwich bar or shop (ret.) 8680
722211 Tamale shop 8680
722211 Tea room (ret.) 8680
722212 Bar and cafe (ret.) 8680
722212 Cafeteria, exc. contract 8680
722212 College cafeteria 8680
722212 Hospital cafeteria 8680
722212 School cafeteria, level not specified 8680
722212 Soda fountain 8680
722212 Spa, eating or drinking place (ret.) 8680
722212 U.S. Air Force Officers Mess (ret.) 8680
722212 U.S. Army Officers Mess (ret.) 8680
722212 U.S. cafeteria (ret.) 8680
722213 Bagel shop 8680
722213 Bagels, on premise baking and carryout (ret.) 8680
722213 Bakery and coffee shop (ret.) 8680
722213 Canteen service exc. mobile 8680
722213 Coffee and doughnut shop (ret.) 8680
722213 Coffee shop (ret.) 8680
722213 Coffee shop and retail bakery 8680
722213 Coffee shop, motel (ret.) 8680
722213 Cold drink stand 8680
722213 Cookie shop (ret.) 8680
722213 Dairy bar (ret.) 8680
722213 Dairy fountain (ret.) 8680
722213 Expresso shop 8680
722213 Frozen custard stand (ret.) 8680
722213 Frozen milk drive-in stand (ret.) 8680
722213 Frozen yogurt (ret.) 8680
722213 Frozen yogurt shop (ret.) 8680
722213 Ice cream parlor (ret.) 8680
722213 Ice cream stand (ret.) 8680
722213 Ice cream store (ret.) 8680
722213 Juiceteria (ret.) 8680
722213 Malt shop (ret.) 8680
722213 Milk bar (ret.) 8680
722213 Pretzel shop, on premise baking and carryout (ret.) 8680
722213 Pretzel shops 8680
722213 Pretzel stand (ret.) 8680
722213 Restaurant concession (ret.) 8680
722213 Snack bar or shop (ret.) 8680
722213 Snack bars (e.g., cookies, popcorn, pretzles), fixed location (ret.) 8680
722213 Soft drink stand (ret.) 8680
722213 U.S. canteen (ret.) 8680
722213 Yoghurt (ret.) 8680
722213 Yogurt (ret.) 8680
722213 Yogurt shop (ret.) 8680
722310 Airline caterer 8680
722310 Airline food service 8680
722310 Cafeteria, contract 8680
722310 Food service (ret.) 8680
722310 Food service \ n.s. 8680
722310 Food service caterer 8680
722310 Food service management 8680
722310 Self employed, with occ. caterer 8680
722320 Banquet, exc. hotel 8680
722320 Caterer, exc. bakery (ret.) 8680
722330 Beverage stand (ret.) 8680
722330 Candy stand 8680
722330 Concession stand 8680
722330 Concession stand, airport 8680
722330 Concession stand, food 8680
722330 Concession stand, sports arena 8680
722330 Flight kitchen 8680
722330 Frankfurter stand (ret.) 8680
722330 Hamburger stand (ret.) 8680
722330 Hot dog stand (ret.) 8680
722330 Ice cream shop 8680
722330 Ice cream truck 8680
722330 Ice cream wagon (ret.) 8680
722330 Ice wagon (ret.) 8680
722330 Lunch carts or wagons 8680
722330 Mobile dairy bar (ret.) 8680
722330 Mobile diner (ret.) 8680
722330 Mobile food store (ret.) 8680
722330 Mobile kitchen (ret.) 8680
722330 Mobile market (ret.) 8680
722330 Mobile snack bar (ret.) 8680
722330 Popcorn wagon (ret.) 8680
722330 Refreshment stand (ret.) 8680
722330 Street vendors, food (ret.) 8680
722410 Alcoholic beverage drinking places 8690
722410 Bar (ret.) 8690
722410 Bar and liquor store (ret.) 8690
722410 Bar and lounge (ret.) 8690
722410 Barroom (ret.) 8690
722410 Beer garden (ret.) 8690
722410 Beer parlor (ret.) 8690
722410 Beer parlor and poolroom (ret.) 8690
722410 Cabaret 8690
722410 Cocktail lounge 8690
722410 Discotheques, with alcohol 8690
722410 Drinking place (ret.) 8690
722410 Drinking place and liquor store (ret.) 8690
722410 Liquor store and bar (ret.) 8690
722410 Lounge (ret.) 8690
722410 Night club (ret.) 8690
722410 Pool room and beer parlor PR 8690
722410 Saloon (ret.) 8690
722410 Self employed, with occ. bartender 8690
722410 Taproom (ret.) 8690
722410 Tavern (ret.) 8690

NAICS Code 11 21 22 23 31-33 42 44-45 48-49 51 52 53 54 55-56 61 62 71 72 81 92

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division