DOE SciDAC project

Study description

This is a summary of measurements of beam transmission vs beam intensity vs quad current in the Booster. The location and width of traversed resonances (dip in transmission) is extracted and plotted vs beam intensity. Space charge effects should change the location of the dip. Since these effects depress the beam tune, a higher quad strength should be required to drive the same resonance (see FNAL EXP-67, September 1974, for a similar measurement done with the Main Ring). A preliminary analysis indicates a tune shift Deleta_nu_x on the order of 0.04 between 1 and 9 turns of injected beam in the Booster.

Data set description

The data were collected on the 30th of January.  The Booster was running DC, the beam was captured at ~38 MHz with 4 RF stations on.
Studiers: J. Amundson, D. McGinnis, B. Pellico, and P. Spentzouris.

We measured transmission (CHG1, CHG2) vs QL and QS settings for different beam current (number of injected turns) in the machine.
The tune was measured and the program calibrated (tune vs QL and QS) for 1 injected turn.

Data header (1 turn dataset, tune vs current calibration point)

Reset       $17
Snap flag  
Min E12     0.100000
Max Qx      0.250900
Min Qx      -0.249100
Num Qx      20
Max Qy      0.187600
Min Qy      -0.312400
Num Qy      20
Qx0         0.749100
Qy0         0.812400
dIQL        -0.100000
dQxdIQL     -0.010000
dQydIQL     0.024900
dIQS        -0.100000
dQxdIQS     -0.043200
dQydIQS     0.006600

We recorded:  dQx, dQy, dIQS, dIQL, pdcs, chg1, chg2, for 20×20 Qs, QL current values.  

Results: tune shift vs injected beam current (data, Synergia prediction)

The tune shift  is inferred from driving the vertical half-integer resonance for different beam currents.

tune relations                      tune results

Surface and Contour plots of absorption (1-chg1/pdcs) vs tune

firstturn_3d.png 2d
firstturn_3d.png 2d
firstturn_3d.png 2d
firstturn_3d.png 2d

One, two, three, and nine turns in the machine.  The plots show absorption vs tune, where the tune is calculated using the one turn calibration.  The integer and half integer tunes appear to move and broaden, because the IQL=IQS=0 tune shifts from its one turn injected (calibration) value.

firstturn_3d.png 2d
firstturn_3d.png 2d

One and nine turns with SS at 0.044 amps

firstturn_3d.png 2d
firstturn_3d.png 2d

One and nine turns with SS as above, no harmonic sextupoles

firstturn_3d.png 2d
firstturn_3d.png 2d

One and nine turns as above with additional condition normal sextupols off

firstturn_3d.png 2d

As above, dog leg -300 amps.

Last  updated  2/06/03 by  P. Spentzouris