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Registration Script

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  <title>Mu2e Collaboration Meeting Registration</title>

<body background="back18.jpg">




<font face="Arial, Geneva, Helvetiva" size="6">Mu2e Collaboration Meeting<br>
Fermilab, June 3, 2008<br>



<form action="" method="post">
  <input name="recipient" value="" type="hidden">
  <input name="required" value="recipient,First Name,Last Name,email" type="hidden">
  <input name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" type="hidden">
  <input name="subject" value="[Formmail] Mu2e Collaboration Registration, June 2008" type="hidden">
  <input name="print_config" value="email" type="hidden">
  <input name="print_blank_fields" value="1" type="hidden">

    <h2><font color="indigo" face="Arial, Geneva, Helvetica" size="4">Registration Information</font>

    <table border="0">



          <td><b>Last Name:</b></td>

          <td><input name="Last Name" size="25"><br>


          <td><b>First Name:</b></td>

          <td><input name="First Name" size="25"><br>





          <td><input name="email" size="25"><br>




          <td><b>Institution:</b><i><font size="1">(for nametag)</font></i></td>

          <td><input name="Institution" size="25"><br>




          <td><b>Arrival date/time:</b></td>

          <td><input name="Arrival" size="25"><br>


          <td><b>Departure date/time:</b></td>

          <td><input name="Departure" size="25"><br>




          <td><b>Number for dinner <br>

(barbeque at Eric's house):<b><br>


          <td><input name="Dinner" size="5"></td>

          <td><b>Dietary restrictions<br>

 (veg., kosher, etc):<b><br>


          <td><input name="Diet" size="25"></td>





  <input name="sort" value="order:Last Name,First Name,Institution,Arrival, Departure,Dinner,Diet" type="hidden">
  <input name="SubmitButton" value="Register" type="submit">
  <input name="ClearButton" value="Clear Form" type="reset">




by Eric Prebys last modified 2008-05-06 16:14
Collaboration Meeting, June 3, 2008 2008-05-06
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