! Started logfile: J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk_uvs.log on Wed Jul 5 12:39:41 2006 obs J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk_uva.fits ! Reading UV FITS file: J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk_uva.fits ! AN table 1: 879 integrations on 45 of 45 possible baselines. ! Apparent sampling: 0.793275 visibilities/baseline/integration-bin. ! Found source: J1537+8154 ! ! There are 4 IFs, and a total of 4 channels: ! ! IF Channel Frequency Freq offset Number of Overall IF ! origin at origin per channel channels bandwidth ! ------------------------------------------------------------- (Hz) ! 01 1 2.23697e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 02 2 2.26697e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 03 3 2.35697e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! 04 4 2.37697e+09 8e+06 1 8e+06 ! ! Polarization(s): RR ! ! Read 2422 lines of history. ! ! Reading 125512 visibilities. select I ! Polarization I is unavailable. ! Selecting polarization: RR, channels: 1..4 ! Reading IF 1 channels: 1..1 ! Reading IF 2 channels: 2..2 ! Reading IF 3 channels: 3..3 ! Reading IF 4 channels: 4..4 ![@muppet J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk] integer clean_niter clean_niter = 100 float clean_gain clean_gain = 0.04 float dynam dynam = 6.0 float amp_soltime1 amp_soltime1 = 10 float amp_soltime2 amp_soltime2 = 1 float phase_soltime1 phase_soltime1=10 float phase_soltime2 phase_soltime2=0.5 float phase_soltime phase_soltime=phase_soltime1 float ampcor_selflim ampcor_selflim=1.20 float thresh thresh = 0.10 float win_mult win_mult = 1.8 float time_av time_av = 30 float old_peak float new_peak float flux_cutoff mapsize field_size, field_cell ! Map grid = 512x512 pixels with 0.500x0.500 milli-arcsec cellsize. uvav time_av, true ! Averaging into 30 second bins. ! Selecting polarization: RR, channels: 1..4 ! Reading IF 1 channels: 1..1 ! Reading IF 2 channels: 2..2 ! Reading IF 3 channels: 3..3 ! Reading IF 4 channels: 4..4 phase_soltime=phase_soltime1 print "uvstat(rms)=",uvstat(rms),"Jy" ! uvstat(rms)= 0.24555 Jy uvw 2,-1 ! Uniform weighting binwidth: 2 (pixels). ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.227 mas, bmaj=10.01 mas, bpa=-0.5805 degrees ! Estimated noise=1.32677 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal false,false,phase_soltime new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! Added new window around map position (0, 0). ! clean: niter=100 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.169549 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.228206 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 100 components = 0.228206 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.015191 max=0.040567 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000208 rms=0.006145 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.228206 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 10 minute time intervals ! Adding 11 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 11 components and 0.228206 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! A total of 17 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! A total of 17 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! A total of 17 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! A total of 17 telescope corrections were flagged in sub-array 1. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.106485Jy sigma=1.661800 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.105907Jy sigma=1.648718 ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.227 mas, bmaj=10.01 mas, bpa=-0.5805 degrees ! Estimated noise=1.32677 mJy/beam. ! Added new window around map position (-7.5, -1.5). ! clean: niter=100 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0396126 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.0559276 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 100 components = 0.0559276 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.012689 max=0.024408 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000087 rms=0.003937 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.284134 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 10 minute time intervals ! Adding 16 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 25 components and 0.284134 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.093058Jy sigma=1.386058 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.091242Jy sigma=1.347168 ! Inverting map print "************** FINISHED UNIFORM WEIGHTING CLEAN **************" ! ************** FINISHED UNIFORM WEIGHTING CLEAN ************** ! uvw 0,-2 ! Uniform weighting is not currently selected. ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -2. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. win_mult = win_mult * 1.6 clean_niter = clean_niter * 2 dynam = dynam - 0.5 flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=3.006 mas, bmaj=10.38 mas, bpa=-0.02388 degrees ! Estimated noise=0.786946 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal false,false,phase_soltime new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0209014 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.0302145 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.0320121 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0336119 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0336119 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.010351 max=0.015052 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=-0.000084 rms=0.003247 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.317746 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 10 minute time intervals ! Adding 33 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 57 components and 0.317746 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.086254Jy sigma=1.253896 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.086000Jy sigma=1.247811 ! Inverting map print "************** FINISHED NATURAL WEIGHTING CLEAN **************" ! ************** FINISHED NATURAL WEIGHTING CLEAN ************** ! restore ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 3.006 x 10.38 at -0.02388 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.0097336 max=0.19954 Jy/beam if(peak(flux) < thresh*2) selflims ampcor_selflim end if ! Selfcal amplitude corrections will be limited to 0.833333 -> 1.2. ! Selfcal phase corrections will not be limited. gscale ! Performing overall amplitude self-cal ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! Amplitude normalization factor in sub-array 1: 1.00749 ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 1.00 FD 0.94 HN 1.02 KP 0.88 ! LA 1.20 MK 0.90 NL 1.00* OV 0.98 ! PT 0.98 SC 1.02 ! ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! Amplitude normalization factor in sub-array 1: 0.982345 ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 0.95 FD 0.97 HN 1.13 KP 0.93 ! LA 1.15 MK 0.93 NL 1.00* OV 1.05 ! PT 0.97 SC 1.10 ! ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! Amplitude normalization factor in sub-array 1: 1 ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 1.00* FD 1.00* HN 1.00* KP 1.00* ! LA 1.00* MK 1.00* NL 1.00* OV 1.00* ! PT 1.00* SC 1.00* ! ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! Amplitude normalization factor in sub-array 1: 1 ! Telescope amplitude corrections in sub-array 1: ! BR 1.00* FD 1.00* HN 1.00* KP 1.00* ! LA 1.00* MK 1.00* NL 1.00* OV 1.00* ! PT 1.00* SC 1.00* ! ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.086000Jy sigma=1.247811 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.084690Jy sigma=1.199152 selfcal false, false, phase_soltime ! Performing phase self-cal over 10 minute time intervals ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.084690Jy sigma=1.199152 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.084692Jy sigma=1.199064 dynam = dynam - 0.5 flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=3.001 mas, bmaj=10.36 mas, bpa=0.5709 degrees ! Estimated noise=0.780049 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal false,false,phase_soltime new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0062226 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00742006 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00791432 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00822834 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.00822834 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.007265 max=0.011497 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000110 rms=0.002313 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.325974 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 10 minute time intervals ! Adding 21 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 75 components and 0.325974 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.083760Jy sigma=1.182770 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.083707Jy sigma=1.181148 ! Inverting map print "************** FINISHED AMPLITUDE GSCALE SELF-CAL **************" ! ************** FINISHED AMPLITUDE GSCALE SELF-CAL ************** ! phase_soltime=phase_soltime2 selfcal false, false, phase_soltime ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.5 minute time intervals ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.083707Jy sigma=1.181148 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.079589Jy sigma=1.114556 dynam = dynam - 0.5 flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal false,false,phase_soltime new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! Added new window around map position (12.5, 3). ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0116762 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.0159598 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.0181678 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0196187 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0196187 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.005021 max=0.004862 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000011 rms=0.001381 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.345593 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.5 minute time intervals ! Adding 33 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 108 components and 0.345593 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.077924Jy sigma=1.079725 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.077679Jy sigma=1.075090 ! Inverting map print "*** FINISHED NATURAL WEIGHTING CLEAN with shorter phase_soltime ***" ! *** FINISHED NATURAL WEIGHTING CLEAN with shorter phase_soltime *** ! dynam = dynam - 0.25 restore ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 3.001 x 10.36 at 0.5709 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.0055902 max=0.1957 Jy/beam if(peak(flux) > thresh) selfcal true, true, amp_soltime1 selfcal false, false, phase_soltime flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal false,false,phase_soltime new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) selfcal true, true, amp_soltime2 selfcal false, false, phase_soltime flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal false,false,phase_soltime new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) print "************** FINISHED AMPLITUDE SELF-CAL **************" end if ! Performing amp+phase self-cal over 10 minute time intervals ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.077679Jy sigma=1.075090 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.078178Jy sigma=1.049356 ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.5 minute time intervals ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.078178Jy sigma=1.049356 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.078191Jy sigma=1.048942 ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=3.013 mas, bmaj=10.35 mas, bpa=0.5017 degrees ! Estimated noise=0.800232 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00701551 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00931463 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.0107271 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0113055 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0113055 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.004028 max=0.003556 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000010 rms=0.001101 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.356899 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.5 minute time intervals ! Adding 45 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 148 components and 0.356899 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.077454Jy sigma=1.036419 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.077451Jy sigma=1.036136 ! Inverting map ! Performing amp+phase self-cal over 1 minute time intervals ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.077451Jy sigma=1.036136 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.078036Jy sigma=1.016490 ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.5 minute time intervals ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.078036Jy sigma=1.016490 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.078051Jy sigma=1.016454 ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.992 mas, bmaj=10.33 mas, bpa=0.4227 degrees ! Estimated noise=0.8128 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00583932 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00768384 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00834616 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00851143 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.00851143 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.003961 max=0.003252 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000008 rms=0.001062 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.36541 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.5 minute time intervals ! Adding 62 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 182 components and 0.36541 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.077540Jy sigma=1.008069 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.077534Jy sigma=1.007936 ! Inverting map ! ************** FINISHED AMPLITUDE SELF-CAL ************** uvtaper 0.3,taper_size ! Gaussian taper: value 0.3 at UV radius = 20 mega-wavelengths. win_mult = win_mult * 1.4 flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=7.978 mas, bmaj=12.76 mas, bpa=16.62 degrees ! Estimated noise=1.07183 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam selfcal false,false,phase_soltime new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00200142 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00192249 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00160768 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00133083 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.00133083 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.003284 max=0.004197 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000004 rms=0.001287 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.366741 Jy ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.5 minute time intervals ! Adding 20 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 195 components and 0.366741 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.077458Jy sigma=1.007146 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.077457Jy sigma=1.006936 ! Inverting map uvtaper 0 ! No UV-taper is currently set. win_mult = win_mult / 1.4 print "************** FINISHED TAPERING SELF-CAL CLEAN **************" ! ************** FINISHED TAPERING SELF-CAL CLEAN ************** ! print "************** CLEARING MODEL AND STARTING OVER **********" ! ************** CLEARING MODEL AND STARTING OVER ********** clrmod true,true,true ! clrmod: Cleared the established, tentative and continuum models. uvw 2,-1 ! Uniform weighting binwidth: 2 (pixels). ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -1. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. clean clean_niter, clean_gain ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.226 mas, bmaj=9.974 mas, bpa=-0.3952 degrees ! Estimated noise=1.35282 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.17724 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.243184 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.277015 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.297782 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.297782 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.008750 max=0.011745 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000144 rms=0.002780 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.297782 Jy uvw 0,-2 ! Uniform weighting is not currently selected. ! Gridding weights will be scaled by errors raised to the power -2. ! Radial weighting is not currently selected. flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Adding 38 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 38 components and 0.297782 Jy ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.992 mas, bmaj=10.33 mas, bpa=0.4227 degrees ! Estimated noise=0.8128 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam keep new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0245373 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.0403606 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.0505093 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0563 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0563 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.005429 max=0.006511 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000043 rms=0.001756 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.354082 Jy ! Adding 58 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 95 components and 0.354082 Jy ! Inverting map uvtaper 0.3,taper_size ! Gaussian taper: value 0.3 at UV radius = 20 mega-wavelengths. flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=7.978 mas, bmaj=12.76 mas, bpa=16.62 degrees ! Estimated noise=1.07183 mJy/beam. repeat if (peak(flux) > flux_cutoff) peakwin win_mult clean clean_niter,clean_gain flux_cutoff = imstat(rms) * dynam keep new_peak = peak(flux) until(new_peak<=flux_cutoff) ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.0105132 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.0124017 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.0124108 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.0124137 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.0124137 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.004074 max=0.005280 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000025 rms=0.001469 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.366496 Jy ! Adding 36 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 126 components and 0.366496 Jy ! Inverting map uvtaper 0 ! No UV-taper is currently set. clean ! Inverting map and beam ! Estimated beam: bmin=2.992 mas, bmaj=10.33 mas, bpa=0.4227 degrees ! Estimated noise=0.8128 mJy/beam. ! clean: niter=200 gain=0.04 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = -0.000884023 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = -1.23132e-05 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.000259488 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.000260087 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 200 components = 0.000260087 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.003614 max=0.004119 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=0.000015 rms=0.001101 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.366756 Jy selfcal false, false, phase_soltime ! Performing phase self-cal over 0.5 minute time intervals ! Adding 40 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 159 components and 0.366756 Jy ! ! Correcting IF 1. ! ! Correcting IF 2. ! ! Correcting IF 3. ! ! Correcting IF 4. ! ! Fit before self-cal, rms=0.077660Jy sigma=1.011480 ! Fit after self-cal, rms=0.077584Jy sigma=1.010796 wmodel J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk\_map.mod ! Writing 159 model components to file: J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk_map.mod wobs J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk\_uvs.fits ! Writing UV FITS file: J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk_uvs.fits wwins J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk\_map.win ! wwins: Wrote 3 windows to J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk_map.win x = (field_size-8) * field_cell / 4 addwin -x,x,-x,x clean (field_size*4),0.01 ! Inverting map ! clean: niter=2048 gain=0.01 cutoff=0 ! Component: 050 - total flux cleaned = 0.000336155 Jy ! Component: 100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00063918 Jy ! Component: 150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00103192 Jy ! Component: 200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00145785 Jy ! Component: 250 - total flux cleaned = 0.00186247 Jy ! Component: 300 - total flux cleaned = 0.00186428 Jy ! Component: 350 - total flux cleaned = 0.00181765 Jy ! Component: 400 - total flux cleaned = 0.00181751 Jy ! Component: 450 - total flux cleaned = 0.00181649 Jy ! Component: 500 - total flux cleaned = 0.00181484 Jy ! Component: 550 - total flux cleaned = 0.00181553 Jy ! Component: 600 - total flux cleaned = 0.00197196 Jy ! Component: 650 - total flux cleaned = 0.00204882 Jy ! Component: 700 - total flux cleaned = 0.00204994 Jy ! Component: 750 - total flux cleaned = 0.00222871 Jy ! Component: 800 - total flux cleaned = 0.00236773 Jy ! Component: 850 - total flux cleaned = 0.0024692 Jy ! Component: 900 - total flux cleaned = 0.00279901 Jy ! Component: 950 - total flux cleaned = 0.00295959 Jy ! Component: 1000 - total flux cleaned = 0.00311754 Jy ! Component: 1050 - total flux cleaned = 0.00321055 Jy ! Component: 1100 - total flux cleaned = 0.00333115 Jy ! Component: 1150 - total flux cleaned = 0.00336059 Jy ! Component: 1200 - total flux cleaned = 0.00327269 Jy ! Component: 1250 - total flux cleaned = 0.00333068 Jy ! Component: 1300 - total flux cleaned = 0.00330227 Jy ! Component: 1350 - total flux cleaned = 0.00330217 Jy ! Component: 1400 - total flux cleaned = 0.00332984 Jy ! Component: 1450 - total flux cleaned = 0.00332948 Jy ! Component: 1500 - total flux cleaned = 0.00316815 Jy ! Component: 1550 - total flux cleaned = 0.00308953 Jy ! Component: 1600 - total flux cleaned = 0.00306382 Jy ! Component: 1650 - total flux cleaned = 0.00301169 Jy ! Component: 1700 - total flux cleaned = 0.00290944 Jy ! Component: 1750 - total flux cleaned = 0.00283349 Jy ! Component: 1800 - total flux cleaned = 0.00265923 Jy ! Component: 1850 - total flux cleaned = 0.00256123 Jy ! Component: 1900 - total flux cleaned = 0.00241548 Jy ! Component: 1950 - total flux cleaned = 0.00231966 Jy ! Component: 2000 - total flux cleaned = 0.00217743 Jy ! Total flux subtracted in 2048 components = 0.00210747 Jy ! Clean residual min=-0.001278 max=0.001163 Jy/beam ! Clean residual mean=-0.000011 rms=0.000491 Jy/beam ! Combined flux in latest and established models = 0.368863 Jy keep ! Adding 158 model components to the UV plane model. ! The established model now contains 317 components and 0.368863 Jy ![Exited script file: muppet] wmap "J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk\_map.fits" ! Inverting map ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 2.992 x 10.33 at 0.4227 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.0048248 max=0.19395 Jy/beam ! Writing clean map to FITS file: J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk_map.fits float peak_flux peak_flux = peak(flux,max) print "The peak flux is",peak_flux ! The peak flux is 0.193953 invert ! Inverting map float image_rms image_rms = imstat(rms) print "The final image rms is",image_rms ! The final image rms is 0.000495627 device "J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk\_map.eps/VPS" ! Attempting to open device: 'J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk_map.eps/VPS' loglevs 100*3*image_rms/peak_flux ! The new contour levels are: ! -0.766621 0.766621 1.53324 3.06648 6.13297 12.2659 24.5319 49.0638 98.1275 print "clev=",int(3*image_rms*10000)/10000 ! clev= 0.0014 print "peak=",int(peak_flux*1000)/1000 ! peak= 0.193 mapcolor none ! Mapplot colormap: none, contrast: 1 brightness: 0.5. mapplot cln ! restore: Substituting estimate of restoring beam from last 'invert'. ! Restoring with beam: 2.992 x 10.33 at 0.4227 degrees (North through East) ! Clean map min=-0.0048248 max=0.19395 Jy/beam mapcolor color, 0.9 ! Mapplot colormap: rainbow, contrast: 0.9 brightness: 0.5. device "J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk\_map.gif/gif" ! Attempting to open device: 'J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk_map.gif/gif' mapplot cln quit ! Quitting program ! Log file J1537+8154_S_2006_02_16_yyk_uvs.log closed on Wed Jul 5 12:40:19 2006