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Title PESIC: An Integrated Circuit frontend for PET applications Submitted 25-JAN-07 05:56 (UTC -06:00)
Classification Front-end Signal Processing Modified 22-MAR-07 17:13 (UTC -05:00)
Session PS1C Presentation Poster
Presenter Vicente Herrero Paper ID PS1C005
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Author(s) Vicente Herrero (E.T.S.I.I., Valencia), Jose Maria Benlloch, Christoph Werner Lerche (IFIC, Valencia), Ricardo Jose Colom, Jaume Espinosa, Raul Esteve Bosch, Rafael Gadea, Jose Maria Monzo, Angel Sebastia (U.P.V., Valencia)
Abstract An ASIC frontend has been developed for multianode photomultiplier based nuclear imaging devices. The chip architecture has been designed to improve resolution in future PET systems. Analog computation elements are isolated from photomultiplier by means of a preamplifier stage. This allows to individually adjust gain in every output and increase resolution in gamma event position calculation due to a reduction in parasitic capacitances. The ASIC also includes a measurement of the depth of interaction of the gamma event based on the width of the light distribution *. This feature aims to reduce parallax error and increase spatial resolution of the PET system.
Word Count: 102  Character Count: 660
Footnote * C. W. Lerche et alt. "Depth of gamma-ray interaction within continuous crystals from the width of its scintillation light-distribution" TNS IEEE 2005
Funding Agency Ministerio Educacion y Ciencia (Espa?a). DPI2004-04268-C02-02:"Sistema de adquisicion y procesado de datos para un mamografo PET basado en un nuevo detector de rayos gamma"

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Please contact the RT2007 Database Administrator with questions, problems, and/or suggestions. 23-FEB-09 15:01 (UTC -06:00)
SPMS Author:  Matthew Arena — Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
SPMS Version 7.2