The U.S. Census Bureau
Table 1.  State and Local Government Finances by Level of Government and by State: 1999-2000
(Dollar amounts are in thousands. Coefficients of variation (CV) are expressed as percents. For meaning
of abbreviations and symbols, see note below table.)
Description Alabama
State & local State & local  State  Local  Local
government government government government government
amount1 CV amount amount1 CV
1 2 3 4 5
 Population (April 1, 2000, in thousands) 4,447 (X) 4,447 4,447 (X)
 Revenue1 25,726,452 0.14 16,856,646 13,045,686 0.28
  General revenue1 21,012,237 0.16 14,116,821 11,071,296 0.33
Intergovernmental revenue1 5,087,243 0.23 4,781,099 4,482,024 0.50
     From Federal Government 5,087,243 0.23 4,744,633 342,610 3.38
     From State government (1) (X) - 4,139,414 0.48
     From local governments1 (1) (X) 36,466 (1) (X)
General revenue from own sources   15,924,994 0.20 9,335,722 6,589,272 0.49
    Taxes   9,415,089 0.27 6,438,438 2,976,651 0.84
          Property 1,340,152 0.62 179,828 1,160,324 0.72
          Sales and gross receipts   4,586,268 0.50 3,228,445 1,357,823 1.68
               General sales   2,868,357 0.64 1,701,885 1,166,472 1.57
               Selective sales 1,717,911 0.66 1,526,560 191,351 5.90
                    Motor fuel 551,948 0.43 505,360 46,588 5.09
                    Alcoholic beverage 154,708 0.90 123,164 31,544 4.42
                    Tobacco products 80,567 0.32 66,431 14,136 1.81
                    Public utilities   515,655 1.28 482,870 32,785 20.15
                    Other selective sales   415,033 1.92 348,735 66,298 12.01
          Individual income   2,159,043 0.00 2,071,433 87,610 0.01
          Corporate income   243,099 0.00 243,099 - 0.00
          Motor vehicle license   212,559 0.61 191,195 21,364 6.06
          Other taxes   873,968 0.69 524,438 349,530 1.73
     Charges and miscellaneous general  revenue   6,509,905 0.28 2,897,284 3,612,621 0.51
          Current charges   4,835,686 0.18 2,099,397 2,736,289 0.32
               Education   1,293,875 0.00 1,028,494 265,381 0.00
                    Institutions  of higher education   1,014,271 0.00 1,014,271 - 0.00
                    School lunch sales (gross) 102,176 0.00 - 102,176 0.00
               Hospitals   2,534,625 0.00 865,606 1,669,019 0.00
               Highways   4,329 2.41 2,933 1,396 7.49
               Air transportation (airports)   61,833 0.34 - 61,833 0.34
               Parking facilities   16,911 0.00 - 16,911 0.00
               Sea and inland port facilities   65,713 0.00 64,601 1,112 0.00
               Natural resources   17,207 18.74 11,757 5,450 59.16
               Parks and recreation   107,862 0.57 25,177 82,685 0.75
               Housing and community development   63,439 3.64 2,074 61,365 3.76
               Sewerage   231,811 1.74 - 231,811 1.74
               Solid waste management   130,844 3.16 - 130,844 3.16
               Other charges   307,237 1.51 98,755 208,482 2.22
          Miscellaneous general revenue   1,674,219 0.93 797,887 876,332 1.78
               Interest earnings   804,907 1.04 362,237 442,670 1.89
               Special assessments   9,168 0.17 - 9,168 0.17
               Sale of property   21,973 1.54 2,862 19,111 1.77
               Other general revenue   838,171 1.36 432,788 405,383 2.81
Utility revenue 1,743,717 0.66 - 1,743,717 0.66
     Water supply   450,380 2.42 - 450,380 2.42
     Electric power   970,174 0.19 - 970,174 0.19
     Gas supply   317,405 1.29 - 317,405 1.29
     Transit   5,758 0.00 - 5,758 0.00
Liquor store revenue   151,695 0.00 151,695 - 0.00
Insurance trust revenue   2,818,803 0.00 2,588,130 230,673 0.00
     Unemployment compensation   191,256 0.00 191,256 - 0.00
     Employee retirement   2,627,547 0.00 2,396,874 230,673 0.00
     Workers' compensation   - 0.00 - - 0.00
     Other insurance trust revenue   - 0.00 - - 0.00
 Expenditure1 25,319,135 0.35 15,872,589 13,357,344 0.67
By character and object:      
     Intergovernmental expenditure1 - 0.00 3,908,350 2,448 5.95
     Direct expenditure   25,319,135 0.35 11,964,239 13,354,896 0.67
          Current operations   19,210,683 0.23 8,503,158 10,707,525 0.41
          Capital outlay   3,136,516 2.06 1,136,551 1,999,965 3.23
               Construction   2,317,925 1.69 949,603 1,368,322 2.86
               Other capital outlay   818,591 4.10 186,948 631,643 5.31
          Assistance and subsidies   726,205 0.00 726,205 - 0.00
          Interest on debt   849,634 0.85 275,930 573,704 1.26
          Insurance benefits and repayments 1,396,097 0.00 1,322,395 73,702 0.00
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages   7,627,211 0.44 2,487,819 5,139,392 0.65
Direct expenditure by function 25,319,135 0.35 11,964,239 13,354,896 0.67
     Direct general expenditure   22,062,478 0.39 10,491,254 11,571,224 0.75
          Capital outlay   2,945,071 2.18 1,136,405 1,808,666 3.55
          Other direct general expenditure    19,117,407 0.22 9,354,849 9,762,558 0.42
          Education services:      
               Education   7,768,307 0.00 2,807,449 4,960,858 0.00
                       Capital outlay   969,241 0.00 280,658 688,583 0.00
                   Higher education   2,373,695 0.00 2,373,695 - 0.00
                        Capital outlay   275,567 0.00 275,567 - 0.00
                   Elementary & secondary   4,960,858 0.00 - 4,960,858 0.00
                        Capital outlay   688,583 0.00 - 688,583 0.00
                   Other education   433,754 0.00 433,754 - 0.00
               Libraries   61,709 3.53 6,334 55,375 3.93
          Social services and income maintenance:        
               Public welfare   3,525,348 0.03 3,484,564 40,784 2.84
                    Cash assistance payments 587,019 0.00 587,019 - 0.00
                    Vendor payments   2,599,413 0.00 2,599,258 155 0.00
                    Other public welfare   338,916 0.34 298,287 40,629 2.85
               Hospitals   2,783,320 0.00 1,021,054 1,762,266 0.00
                    Capital outlay   185,560 0.00 39,751 145,809 0.00
               Health   851,603 0.86 584,002 267,601 2.72
               Social insurance administration    68,047 0.00 68,047 - 0.00
               Veterans' services   13,686 0.00 13,686 - 0.00
               Highways   1,492,098 1.22 886,666 605,432 3.01
                    Capital outlay   818,686 1.81 688,688 129,998 11.41
               Air transportation (airports) 164,973 10.83 652 164,321 10.87
               Parking facilities   6,672 0.00 - 6,672 0.00
               Sea and inland port facilities   86,281 0.00 86,263 18 0.00
               Transit subsidies   2,843 0.00 - 2,843 0.00
          Public safety:      
               Police protection   655,951 1.54 92,171 563,780 1.79
               Fire protection   251,812 3.18 - 251,812 3.18
               Correction   404,284 0.23 272,905 131,379 0.71
                    Capital outlay   18,650 5.03 2,211 16,439 5.71
               Protective inspection and regulation   82,746 0.61 54,287 28,459 1.78
          Environment and housing:      
               Natural resources   198,869 0.60 193,556 5,313 22.54
                    Capital outlay   16,919 1.18 16,712 207 96.62
               Parks and recreation   278,428 8.24 11,326 267,102 8.59
                    Capital outlay   62,327 34.98 2,402 59,925 36.39
               Housing and community development    304,238 1.36 2,919 301,319 1.37
               Sewerage   451,585 1.24 - 451,585 1.24
                    Capital outlay   288,598 1.89 - 288,598 1.89
               Solid waste management   220,507 5.52 3,809 216,698 5.61
                    Capital outlay   23,717 37.71 - 23,717 37.71
          Governmental administration:      
               Financial administration   363,331 2.39 135,593 227,738 3.82
               Judicial and legal   261,598 0.93 172,010 89,588 2.71
               General public buildings 83,509 2.23 6,890 76,619 2.43
               Other governmental administration    199,429 23.35 30,530 168,899 27.57
          Interest on general debt   767,837 0.78 275,930 491,907 1.22
          General expenditure, n.e.c.      
               Miscellaneous commercial activities   - 0.00 - - 0.00
               Other and unallocable   713,467 4.12 280,611 432,856 6.80
     Utility expenditure 1,709,970 1.39 - 1,709,970 1.39
               Capital outlay   191,299 6.23 - 191,299 6.23
          Water supply   442,424 5.22 - 442,424 5.22
          Electric power   930,892 0.15 - 930,892 0.15
          Gas supply   314,001 1.78 - 314,001 1.78
          Transit   22,653 0.00 - 22,653 0.00
     Liquor store expenditure   150,590 0.00 150,590 - 0.00
     Insurance trust expenditure 1,396,097 0.00 1,322,395 73,702 0.00
          Unemployment compensation   186,957 0.00 186,957 - 0.00
          Employee retirement   1,209,140 0.00 1,135,438 73,702 0.00
          Workers' compensation   - 0.00 - - 0.00
          Other insurance trust   - 0.00 - - 0.00
 Debt outstanding   16,798,576 1.37 5,291,796 11,506,782 2.00
Short-term    13,260 15.08 - 13,259 15.08
Long-term    16,785,316 1.37 5,291,796 11,493,523 2.00
     Full faith and credit   6,072,224 2.59 1,607,010 4,465,216 3.53
     Nonguaranteed   10,713,092 1.95 3,684,786 7,028,307 2.97
Long-term debt by purpose      
     Public debt for private purposes   3,750,793 4.09 1,789,985 1,960,808 7.83
     Education   4,418,142 0.25 2,493,130 1,925,012 0.58
     Utilities   1,733,943 9.63 - 1,733,945 9.63
     Other   6,882,438 2.29 1,008,681 5,873,758 2.68
Long-term debt issued   3,517,879 2.40 1,404,621 2,113,258 3.99
Long-term debt retired   1,451,632 3.28 534,787 916,845 5.20
 Cash and security holdings   35,178,502 0.28 25,953,796 9,224,706 1.07
Insurance trust funds   22,490,117 0.00 21,017,956 1,472,161 0.00
     Unemployment compensation    447,853 0.00 447,853 - 0.00
     Employee retirement   22,042,264 0.00 20,570,103 1,472,161 0.00
     Workers' compensation   - 0.00 - - 0.00
     Miscellaneous   - 0.00 - - 0.00
Other than insurance trust funds   12,688,385 0.78 4,935,840 7,752,545 1.28
     By purpose      
          Offsets to debt   4,784,115 1.18 2,329,331 2,454,784 2.30
          Bond funds   2,273,883 0.72 349,761 1,924,122 0.86
          Other   5,630,387 1.53 2,256,748 3,373,639 2.56
1 Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
Abbreviations and symbols:  -  zero or rounds to zero;  (NA)   not available;  (X)   not applicable
Population source: U. S. Census Bureau, Population Division, released December 28, 2000
