REMSS-L4HRfnd-GLOB-tmi_OI GHRSST-PP L2P Global Sea Surface Temperature SSTsub-skin optimum interpolated observations from the TRMM TMI Remote Sensing Systems TMI optimum interpolated SST data set TMI 20080108T010000Z Santa Rosa, CA, USA Remote Sensing Systems 2.0 Production of L2P data is sponsored by the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP). Earth Science Oceans Ocean Temperature Sea Surface Temperature Optimum Interpolated Sea Surface Temperature TMI Tropical rainfall measuring mission Microwave Imager RSS Remote Sensing Systems 19980101T010000Z -90.00 90.00 -180.00 180.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Global Ocean Gridded 25km 25.00 km 25.00 km 0.00 Daily None None Remote Sensing Systems REMSS Remote Sensing Systems L4HRfnd-GLOB-tmi_OI Primary Contact Sharon Tremble 001 707 545 2904 001 707 545 2906
438 First St, Suite 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, USA The through-cloud capabilities of microwave radiometers provide a valuable picture of global sea surface temperature (SST). To utilize these SSTs, scientists at Remote Sensing Systems have calculated a daily, Optimally Interpolated (OI) SST product at ~25 kilometer resolution. This product is ideal for research activities in which a complete, daily SST map is more desirable than one with missing data due to orbital gaps or environmental conditions precluding SST retrieval. Project Home Page Full details of the MISST Project Project Home Page GHRSST Project homepage 1.0 20080206T140000Z 20070806T140000Z 2007-08-06. C L Gentemann: Original 2008-02-05. E. Armstrong: additional revisions 2008-02-06. C L Gentemann: additional revisions