REMSS-L2P_GRIDDED_25-TMI GHRSST-PP L2P Global Sea Surface Temperature SSTsub-skin observations from the TRMM Microwave Radiometer Remote Sensing Systems TMI 25km gridded SST data set TRMM TMI 20070710T000000Z Santa Rosa, CA, USA Remote Sensing Systems 4.0 TMI data are sponsored by the NASA Earth Science REASoN DISCOVER Project and the AMSR-E Science Team. Production of L2P data is sponsored by the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP). Earth Science Oceans Ocean Temperature Sea Surface Temperature Sub-skin Sea Surface Temperature TMI Tropical Rainfall Mapping Mission Microwave Imager TRMM Environmental Satellite 19970712T000000Z -40.00 40.00 -180.00 180.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tropical Ocean Gridded 25 km 25.00 km 25.00 km 0.00 Low earth orbit satellite coinfiguration with data collected at changing local times for any given earth location None None Remote Sensing Systems REMSS Remote Sensing Systems TMI-REMSS-L2P_GRIDDED_25 Primary Contact Sharon Tremble 001 707 545 2904 001 707 545 2906
438 First St, Suite 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, USA Version-3b TMI Ocean Products, in November 1997, the TMI radiometer with a 10.7 GHz channel was launched aboard the TRMM satellite.The important feature of microwave retrievals is that SST can be measured through clouds, which are nearly transparent at 10.7 GHz. This is a distinct advantage over the traditional infrared SST observations that require a cloud-free field of view. Ocean areas with persistent cloud coverage can now be viewed on a daily basis. Furthermore, microwave retrievals are not affected by aerosols and are insensitive to atmospheric water vapor. However, the microwave retrievals are sensitive to sea-surface roughness, while the infrared retrievals are not. A primary function of the TRMM SST retrieval algorithm is the removal of surface roughness effects. The microwave and infrared SST retrievals are very complementary and can be combined to obtain a reliable global data set. The algorithm for retrieving SSTs from radiometer data is described in "AMSR Ocean Algorithm" Project Home Page Full details of the TRMM mission Reference Materials TMI SSTs: algorithm description, browsing of data, and ftp of data Calibration/validation data TMI calibration description 1.0 20070710T000000Z 20070710T000000Z 2007-07-10: Original