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Academic Competitiveness (AC) Grant

A federal grant available to first and second year college students who are eligible for the Pell Grant and have successfully completed a rigorous secondary school program. Second-year students must also have earned at least a 3.0 GPA in their first year.

Academic Level

Student's academic level at the time the loan was provided. See the table below for codes and definitions.

Code Definition
0 1st year undergraduate/never attended college (Grants)
1 Freshman/First Year (including proprietary institution programs that are less than 1 year in duration)
2 Sophomore/Second Year
3 Junior/Third Year
4 Senior/Fourth Year
5 Fifth/Other Undergraduate (may include sixth year undergraduate and continuing education students)
A First Year Graduate/Professional
B Second Year Graduate/Professional
C Third Year Graduate/Professional
D Beyond Third Year Graduate/Professional
G Graduate/Professional, year of study unknown
N Not available (to be used only if the date of the first disbursement is prior to July 23, 1992, and data provider does not have required attribute)


See Anticipated Completion Date.


See Academic Competitiveness (AC) Grant.

Acad. Yr Level

Student's grade level submitted by the school (ACG, SMART and TEACH only).


A flag identifying whether a record reflects the NSLDS's current understanding of a student's enrollment history. Active records reflect that history. Inactive records reflect enrollment data previously submitted to the NSLDS but corrected by a later submission.

Ad Hoc

A file type indicating that the file is generated for some special reason and not as part of the organization's regular schedule. When the NSLDS sends an organization an ad hoc file, it does not automatically schedule another such file for one year in the future.

Aggregate Loan Types

See Subsidized Loans, Combined Loans, FFEL Consolidation Loans and Federal Perkins Loans.

Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance

The cumulative dollar value due for the given aggregate loan type. The Loan History page also provides the amount per loan that contributes to the Aggregate OPB.

Aggregate Pending Disbursements

The cumulative net loan amount that is awaiting disbursement to a borrower for the given aggregate loan type.

Aggregate Total

The amount of Outstanding Principal Balance plus Pending Disbursements for the given aggregate loan type. Amount used when considering whether a borrower is ''Close or Equal to'' or ''Exceeding'' aggregate limits.


See Transfer Monitoring Alert.

Amount Forgiven

The dollar amount that a student/borrower received in Teacher Loan Forgiveness or Loan Discharge.

Amount of Disbursement

See Disbursement Amount.

Amount of Loan

See Loan Amount.

Amount of Outstanding Interest

See Outstanding Interest Amount.

Amount of Outstanding Principal Balance

See Outstanding Principal Balance Amount.

Anticipated Completion Date

The date the student completed, or was expected to complete, his or her studies.

Approved Loan Amount

For Direct Loans and Perkins Loans, the original amount, before any cancellations.

Award Amount

The amount of the Grant the school expects to pay the student based on the student's enrollment and school's cost of attendance.

Award ID

21 character identifier that uniquely identifies a grant on the COD system (ACG, SMART and TEACH only). It is also used to identify the TEACH Grant converted to a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan (D8).

Award Year

The school year that the student received a COD grant, as reported by the school. The Award Year runs from July 1 through the following June 30.

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Batch File

Data file submitted or received via a Student Aid Internet Gateway mailbox. See Student Aid Internet Gateway.

Batch Upload MS ExcelTM File

A MS-ExcelTM spreadsheet template with identifying data elements that GA Online Loan Update/TLF users update and submit to NSLDS using an Excel file of up to 50 existing NSLDS students and their TLF or Loan Discharge data.

Begin Effective Date

Allows you to display on the Enrollment Detail page only records with an Effective Date later than or equal to the date you enter.

Begin Value

Allows you to set a lower limit for retrieving records from the Enrollment Update page. If you leave Exact Match Only unchecked, Enrollment Update will retrieve any student records that match the Begin Value you type or come after it in ascending alphanumeric order.

Borrowed Amount

The cumulative net amount of the loan actually disbursed to a borrower.

Borrowed at Name

The name of the school where the student was enrolled or accepted at the time the loan was guaranteed or originated.

Borrowed at OPEID

The eight-digit ED code for the school and school branch where the student was enrolled or accepted for enrollment at the time the loan was guaranteed or originated.

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Canceled Amount

The cumulative amount of the Title IV loan that was canceled.

Canceled Date

The latest date that all or part of the Title IV loan was canceled.

Capitalized Interest

The accumulated interest on an unsubsidized loan that is added to the principal balance of the loan.

Cert. Date

See Certification Date.

Cert. Method

See Certification Method.

Certification Date

The date as of which a school certifies that a student's enrollment information is accurate and up-to-date.

Certification Method

The method a school uses to certify enrollment information. Schools can certify enrollment information using either the batch enrollment reporting process or the Enrollment Maintenance page on this site.

Combined Loans

Includes both subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Direct loans.


NSLDS Customer Service Center.

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Data Provider Loan ID

A code used by a data provider (Guaranty Agency, Direct Loan Servicer, Debt Collection Service or Perkins school) for internal loan identification.

Date Entered Repayment

The date the loan entered repayment.

Date of Anticipated Completion

See Anticipated Completion Date.

Date of Disbursement

See Disbursement Date.

Date of Loan

See Loan Date.

Date of Outstanding Interest

See Outstanding Interest Date.

Date of Outstanding Principal Balance

See Outstanding Principal Balance Date.


Department of Education's Debt Collection Service.

Default School for Consolidated Loan

Listed as school name when the loan is an FFEL Consolidation Loan. This is in accordance with reporting requirements, and has no bearing on the status of the loan. These loans may be entered into after a student completes his/her program of study at a particular school and consolidates loans received while in school.


Number of loans that entered repayment during a particular Cohort fiscal year (October 1-September 30).

Disbursed Amount

The amount of the grant the school has disbursed to the student.

Disbursement Amount

The cumulative amount of funds released to a borrower.

Disbursement Date

The date the loan disbursement was made.

Discharge Date

The date of the Loan Discharge.

Discharge Type

The discharge reason codes for discharging all or part of a loan.

Distribution Medium

How enrollment information is sent to an organization. Valid values are SAIG or Tape.

Distribution SAIG User ID

For organizations that receive enrollment information by the Student Aid Internet Gateway, the address of the mailbox to which that information is sent.


Federal Direct Student Loan.


Date of Birth.


Data Provider.

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U.S. Department of Education.

ED Region

A Department of Education Student Financial Assistance Program's Regional Offices.


See Expected Family Contribution.

Eff. Date

See Effective Date.

Effective Date

The date when a student's enrollment status first took effect.

End Effective Date

Allows you to display on the Enrollment Detail page only records with an Effective Date earlier than or equal to the date you enter on certain Enrollment pages.

Enroll. Code

See Enrollment Code.

Enrollment Code

An alphabetic character that represents a student's current or past enrollment status.

Code Status
A Approved leave of absence
D Deceased
F Full time
G Graduated
H Half time or more, but less than full time
L Less than half time
W Withdrawn
Z No record found

Exact Match Only

On the Enrollment Update page, allows you to retrieve only records that match exactly with the Begin Value you typed. This option must be used in combination with a Begin Value.

Expected Family Contribution

An index produced by Congressional Methodology (CM) that assesses an applicant's financial need.

Extract Format

Batch file format in which the information is sent as a "string" of data. User then downloads data into a format on site. (See also Report Format).

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Frequently Asked Questions.

FDLP Servicer

An agency that services the financial aid programs within the William D. Ford Direct loan Program.


Federal Family Education Loan.

Federal Perkins Loans

Campus based loans that are reported to NSLDS. This family of loans includes the National Defense Loan (DU), the Perkins Expanded Lending (EU), the National Direct Student Loan (NU), and the Federal Perkins Loan (PU).

FFEL Consolidation Loans

Loans consolidated under the Federal Family Education Loans program.

Full Time Teacher Of

The type of qualifications for Teacher Loan Forgiveness, detailed below:

Full Time Teacher Of
Elementary (up to $5000)
Secondary (up to $5000)
Highly Qualified(up to $5000)
Secondary Mathematics (up to $17500)
Secondary Science (up to $17500)
Elementary Spec. Ed. (up to $17500)
Secondary Spec. Ed. (up to $17500)

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See Guaranty Agency.

GA Code

Three digit code that identifies the GA.

Guaranteed Loan Amount

For FFEL loans, the original amount, before any cancellations.

Guaranty Agency

A state agency or private, nonprofit institution or organization that administers the financial aid programs within the Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) Program.

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HS Program

School submitted High School program code (ACG only).

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See Transfer Monitoring Inform.

Interest Rate

See Loan Interest Rate.

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Last Anticipated Comp. Date

The Anticipated Completion Date most recently reported to NSLDS for a given enrollment status.

Last Disbursed Amt

The dollar amount of the most recent disbursement to the borrower for a specific loan.

Last Disbursed Date

The date of the most recent disbursement to the borrower for a specific loan.

Latest Disb

Latest disbursement date COD processed the payment record.


An eligible party that provides an FFEL loan to a student, whether it is a bank, a college, the government or another organization.

Lender Branch Servicer

An agency that services a lender's loans.

Loan Amount

The original loan amount, before any cancellations.

Loan Date

For FFEL loans, the date the loan was originally guaranteed. For Direct Loans and Perkins loans, the date the loan was originally disbursed.

Loan Discharge

An entitlement to students, under the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) programs, to discharge their debt based on conditions outlined in the Higher Education Act, as amended.

Loan Holder

The Lender or GA who holds the loan.

Loan Interest Rate

The interest rate that is applied to the loan. A variable interest rate is indicated by the abbreviation VAR.

Loan Period Begin

The date classes are (or were) to begin for the period covered by the loan.

Loan Period End

The date classes ended (or were to end) for the period covered by the loan.

Loan Records Extracted

The total number of detail records extracted from the data provider database for this submission. This number may include records that were in error and did not update the NSLDS database.

Loan Status

The two-character code that indicates the status of a loan.

Loan Status Code Definition
AL Abandoned Loan
BC Bankruptcy Claim, Discharged
BK Bankruptcy Claim, Active
CA Canceled
CS Closed School Discharge
DA Deferred
DB Defaulted, Then Bankrupt, Active, Chapter 13
DC Defaulted, Compromise
DD Defaulted, Then Died
DE Death
DF Defaulted, Unresolved
DI Disability
DK Defaulted, Then Bankrupt, Discharged, Chapter 13
DL Defaulted, In Litigation
DN Defaulted, Paid in Full Through Consolidation Loan
DO Defaulted, Then Bankrupt, Active, other
DP Defaulted, Paid in Full
DR Defaulted, Loan in Roll-Up Loan
DS Defaulted, Then Disabled
DT Defaulted, Collection Terminated
DU Defaulted, Unresolved
DW Defaulted, Write-off
DX Defaulted, Six Consecutive Payments
DZ Defaulted, Six Consecutive Payments, then missed payment
FB Forbearance
FC False Certification Discharge
FR Fraud
FX Fraud Satisfied
IA Loan Originated
ID In School or Grace Period
IG In Grace Period
IM In Military Grace
IP In post-deferment grace(Perkins only)
OD Defaulted, Then Bankrupt, Discharged, Other
PC Paid in Full Through Consolidation Loan
PF Paid in Full
PM Presumed Paid in Full
PN Non-defaulted, Paid in Full Through Consolidation Loan
PZ PLUS Child Death
RF Refinanced
RP In Repayment
UA Temporarily Uninsured - No Default Claim Requested
UB Temporarily Uninsured - Default Claim Denied
UC Permanently Uninsured-No Default Claim Requested
UD Permanently Uninsured-Default Claim Denied
UI Unreinsured
XD Defaulted, six consecutive payments

Loan Status Date

The date a Loan Status became effective.

Loan Type

The type of Title IV award made with a formal agreement for repayment with interest.

Code Loan Type
CL FFEL Consolidation Loan
D1 Direct Stafford Subsidized Loan
D2 Direct Stafford Unsubsidized Loan
D3 Direct PLUS Loan for Graduate/Professional
D4 Direct PLUS Loan
D5 Direct Consolidation Unsubsidized Loan
D6 Direct Consolidation Subsidized Loan
D7 Direct Consolidation PLUS Loan
D8 Direct Unsubsidized (TEACH)
DU National Defense Loan
EU Perkins Expanded Lending Loan
FI Federally Insured Student Loan (FISL)
GB FFEL PLUS Loan for Graduate/Professional
IC Income Contingent Loan (ICL)
NU National Direct Student Loan (NDSL)
PU Federal Perkins Loan
RF FFEL Refinanced Loan
SF FFEL Stafford Subsidized Loan
SL Supplemental Loan (SLS)
SU FFEL Stafford Unsubsidized Loan

Loans with Errors

The total number of detail records extracted from the data provider database that included errors and did not update the NSLDS database..

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Student's major course of study also known as Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) (SMART only).

Monitor Begin Date

Date school requests the NSLDS to start monitoring a transfer student's record for change(s).

Most Recent Status

The Enrollment Status most recently reported for a student at a school.

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National SMART Grant

National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant. A federal grant available to third and fourth year college students who are eligible for the Pell Grant and are pursuing a degree in designated majors (physical, life, or computer sciences; math, technology, or engineering; or in a foreign language determined critical to national security). Student must have earned at least a 3.0 GPA.


The traversal of the Financial Aid Professionals System. See Navigation page.

Navigation Legend

Legend of icons and symbols used in the FAP Web site.

Non-Subsidized Loans

Subsidized loans with no subsidy provided. Pre-date Unsubsidized loan program.


National Student Loan Data System.


As a Certification Method, indicates that the school certified the enrollment information using the Enrollment Maintenance page on this site.


Number of borrowers entering repayment in the cohort fiscal year who defaulted in the cohort default period. (Two year period that begins on October 1 of the fiscal year the borrower enters repayment and ends on September 30 of the following fiscal year.)

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Outstanding Principal Balance.


The eight digit U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) code used to identify the school and school branch.

Original Schedule

Enrollment Reporting Schedule items generated by the schedule that was assigned to an organization when it first signed up with the NSLDS.

Other Fees

The accumulated fees added to late or defaulted loans. Examples of other fees are late fees, collection costs, or court costs.

Output Medium

The output format the user selected for the report. Options are Report, which results in an organized, easily readable document, and Extract, which results in a raw data document. Reports generated in Extract are usually imported into a spreadsheet software program.

Outstanding Interest Amount

The cumulative accrued outstanding interest balance on the loan.

Outstanding Interest Date

The date that the outstanding interest balance was updated.

Outstanding Principal Balance Amount

The cumulative dollar value due on a loan. If the field is preceded by an exclamation mark, the amount may include capitalized interest and/or other fees.

Outstanding Principal Balance Date

The date the outstanding principal balance was updated.


A Title IV overpayment is the amount of any Title IV student assistance funds received by a student that exceeds the amount the student is eligible to receive.

Overpayment Create Date

The date the overpayment was entered into the NSLDS.

Overpayment Indicator

The code identifying the status of the overpayment.

  • Overpayment-This is the value that a school uses when first entering an active overpayment into the system. It means that the student owes the overpayment, has not made satisfactory arrangements to repay, and should be considered ineligible for additional Title IV aid until the overpayment is repaid or otherwise resolved.
  • Repaid-This value means that a previously reported overpayment that was in either Overpayment or Satisfactory Arrangement Made status has been fully repaid by the student. Schools should update the NSLDS when the final payment has been made. The date that the final payment of the overpayment was made should be entered at that time. A value of Repaid does not produce the overpayment flags and messages on SARs and ISIRs.
  • Satisfactory Arrangement Made-This value means that while the student still owes the overpayment, he or she has made arrangements that are satisfactory to the school to repay the overpayment. A status of Satisfactory Arrangement Made reported to other schools on a SAR or ISIR (or in the FAT process of NSLDS) provides documentation that the student may continue to receive Title IV aid. In the event that the student fails to meet the commitment made with the school for the arrangements to repay, the school should immediately reset the overpayment Indicator field to Overpayment.
  • Fraud-This value indicates that a student has been convicted of fraud. This means that the student has been convicted of fraud, still owes the fraudulently obtained funds, and should be considered ineligible for additional Title IV aid until the funds are repaid.

Overpayment Repayment Date

The date the overpayment was paid in full.

Overpayment Source

The code identifying where the overpayment exists.

  • Transfer-When a school has transferred an overpayment to the U.S. Department of Education's Debt Collection Service (DCS), the school should update the previously reported overpayment information in NSLDS by changing the Source field from School to Transfer. This change does not invalidate the overpayment but it does inform any user of the system that the debt is in the process of being transferred from the school to DCS.
  • School-Whenever a school is attempting to add a new, or update an existing overpayment record; this field is automatically updated with SCH.
  • ED Region-The debt is now held by one of the U.S. Department of Education's Debt Collection Service regional offices.

Overpayment Type

The Title IV student assistance funds type (Perkins, SEOG, Pell, Academic Competitiveness Grant, National SMART Grant, or TEACH Grant) for which the student has received an amount in excess of what the student is eligible to receive.

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Paid Date

The date the GA pays the holder; if the GA is the holder, the date applied to the borrowers account.


Primary Destination Point Administrator. Person at an organization who is responsible for enrolling new, modifying existing or deactivating NSLDS online user IDs. PDPAs should work closely with those at their organization to ensure the appropriate access is established for NSLDS batch services. The PDPA manages NSLDS access by using the website.

Pell Grant

A Title IV grant program for undergraduate students who have not completed a first baccalaureate degree.

Pending Disbursement Amount

The cumulative net loan amount that is awaiting disbursement to a borrower.

Percent (%) Scheduled Award Used by Award Year

Percent of eligibility the student has used (Pell Grant only).

Percent (%) Eligibility Used Scheduled Award

Percent of eligibility the student has used (ACG and SMART Grants only).


See Federal Perkins Loans.


Parent Loan for Undergraduate Student.

PLUS Graduate/Professional

PLUS Loan for Graduate and Professional Students.


Every organization involved in the Enrollment Reporting process has a portfolio that contains all the students for whom the organization reports or receives enrollment information. A student who belongs to an organization's portfolio is said to participate in that portfolio. Schools report enrollment information to the NSLDS for the students in their portfolios. All other organizations receive enrollment information from the NSLDS for the students in their portfolios.

Portfolio Participation

A student participates in the portfolio of an organization involved in the Enrollment Reporting process when that organization reports or receives enrollment information about the student. Participation is based on the organizational interest that is created when the student receives a Direct Loan or FFELP loan.

Posted by COD

The date when the grant is listed as disbursed on the COD system.

Previously Applied

Indicates whether a student has previously applied for Teacher Loan Forgiveness.

Processed Date

The date on which NSLDS completely processed the submittal.

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Received Date

The date the NSLDS received the incoming submittal.

Record Format (Non-Schools Only)

The format in which a guaranty agency, lender, or lender servicer receives batch enrollment information from the NSLDS.

Records Received (Non-Schools Only)

An option that allows non-schools to receive either all the enrollment records for students in their portfolios or only those records that contain a change to Enrollment Code, Effective Date, or Anticipated Completion Date.


A file type indicating that the file is a regularly scheduled Enrollment Reporting file. When the NSLDS sends an organization a regular file, it automatically schedules another such file for one year in the future.

Report Format

File format in which the information looks and reads as a report. (See also Extract Format).

Reported By

Indicates the type of organization that reported information displayed on Enrollment pages. Current sources are schools, Guaranty Agencies (GAs), and Direct Loans.

Reported By ID

The identification number of the organization that reported information displayed on Enrollment pages. For schools, this number is their OPEID; for guaranty agencies, it is their guaranty agency number.

Return of Funds

The amount of funds returned to a lender for a loan disbursed to a student who is no longer eligible due to withdrawing from courses, or never attending class for which the loan was intended.

Return of Funds Date

The date a lender receives a return of funds disbursed for a student from the school.

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See Student Aid Internet Gateway.

Scheduled Amount

Scheduled amount of the Pell Grant award (Pell Grant only).

Scheduled Award

Scheduled amount of the ACG and SMART Grant award. For TEACH Grants every grant displays the maximum scheduled award ($4,000).

Scheduled Submittal Date

The date that the NSLDS expects to process or has processed a data provider input.


A postsecondary educational institution.

School Reason

School submitted eligibility/payment reason (ACG only).

School Batch

As a Certification Method, indicates that the school certified enrollment information through the batch enrollment reporting process.


See Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant.

Separate Loan Indicator

An indicator used to differentiate among multiple loans with the same loan date for the same borrower and student attending the same school.

Servicer Name (Schools Only)

For schools that use a third-party servicer to send enrollment information to NSLDS, the name of the servicer.


See National SMART Grant


The entity (i.e. GA code) that reports specified data.

Split Files Indicator (Schools Only)

For schools that use a third-party servicer, a Yes or No option indicating whether the servicer submits enrollment information for all the schools it services as a single file (No) or as a series of separate files (Yes).


Student Status Confirmation Report.


Social Security Number.

State Code

The state the student/borrower applied for the TLF.


The enrollment status indicated by a student's Enrollment Code.

Statuses in Effect

On the Enrollment Timeline page, the dates during which a set of enrollment statuses were in effect.

Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG)

The virtual network used to send and receive student aid data files over the Internet.

Student Designator

The student identifier used by a school on its own internal database or tracking system.

Submittal File

The validated, snapshot image of a data provider's database file that is transmitted to and updates the NSLDS database.

Submittal Pass Rate (%)

The percentage of detail records extracted from the data provider database that contained no errors and updated the NSLDS database.

Submittal Processed Date

The date that the NSLDS completely processed the submittal file.

Submittal Received Date

The date that the NSLDS received the incoming submittal file.

Subsidized Loans

A loan for which the federal government pays the interest during in-school, grace and deferment periods.

Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant

A Title IV campus-based grant program for undergraduate students of exceptional financial need who have not completed their first baccalaureate degree.

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Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program. TEACH Grant is a non-need-based grant program that provides up to $4,000 per year to students who are enrolled in an eligible program and who agree to teach in a high-need field, at a low-income elementary or secondary school for at least four years within eight years of completing the program for which the TEACH Grant was awarded. If the grant recipient fails to complete the required teaching service, the TEACH grant is treated as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan (D8)

Teacher Loan Forgiveness (TLF)

The Teacher Loan Forgiveness program allows borrowers to apply for forgiveness of their Title IV loans for a maximum of $17,500.

TG Number

The number assigned to a user's SAIG mailbox. This is the mailbox to which all Reports are sent.

Total % Elig. Used by Academic Yr Level

The student's total percent of eligibility used by academic year level (ACG and SMART Grants only).

Total Records Extracted

The total number of detail records extracted from the data provider database for submission to the NSLDS. This number may include records that were in error and did not update the NSLDS database.


Transaction number on the SAR or ISIR for the payment accepted by the school.

Transfer Monitoring Alert

Information generated by the NSLDS as a result of the Transfer Monitoring process. The Alert tells a school that new information has been reported that may affect eligibility for Title IV Financial Aid on one or more students on that school's Transfer Monitoring List.

Transfer Monitoring Inform

Information provided to the NSLDS by a school or servicer. The Inform consists of identifiers and Enrollment Begin dates for one or more students that the school has identified as Transfer students. The Inform tells the NSLDS to monitor those student records for information being reported that may affect eligibility for Title IV Financial Aid.

Transfer Monitoring List

List of students a school has identified as Transfer Students, and requested the NSLDS to monitor for reported record changes.

Transfer Monitoring Process

Process through which the NSLDS reviews records of students submitted by various schools/servicers and looks for reported changes which may affect Title IV eligibility.


Indicates what form of Enrollment Reporting file the NSLDS will send an organization. Files can be either Ad Hoc or Regular.

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Update date

The date when the update was performed.

Update user name

The name of the person that performed the update.


Uniform Resource Locator. A URL consists of an access method (http, ftp, etc.), an internet address, and a page or file name.

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Ver. Flag

Result of verification by school.

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Web Report List

List of reports that can be viewed directly from the NSLDS Web site as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Selected report may also be transmitted to the requestor's SAIG mailbox.

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Last updated: October 19, 2008
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