Leon M. Lederman Science Education Center

Nest Construction Permit
Tenant: Baltimore Oriole

NEST TYPE Deep pouch incubator
BUILDING SITE Prefer elm, maple, willow, and apple trees but can use other trees. Placed 6 to 60 feet above ground.
HABITAT Open broadleaf woods often by water, suburban shade trees, orchards, parks, roadsides.
OWNER Mr. and Mrs. Icterus galbula (BALTIMORE ORIOLE)
ARCHITECT/BUILDER Mrs. Baltimore Oriole (Mr. Oriole may help, but his main duties are to feed the mother and defend his territory while she is working).
OUTSIDE DIAMETER Oval Entrance - 2 x 3.25 inches
INSIDE DIAMETER Inside Width - 2.5 inches
HEIGHT Outside Height - 3.5 - 8 inches
DEPTH Inside Depth - 4.5 inches
MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Attached at rim or sides of drooping branch often at the end for safety from predators. Elaborately woven deep pouch of plant fiber strips (e.g., milkweed, dogbane, bark), hair, string. Other onsite, available materials as approved by architect, Mrs. Oriole.
HEATING SYSTEM Body heat from brood spot on the underside of female's body (patch of skin plucked bare that covers a rich supply of blood vessels, which supplies heat to the eggs).
INSULATION (may also conceal eggs from predators, shed water, deter pests, and cushion) Fine grasses, cottony materials such as plant down (thistle and cattail), hair, wool
ESTIMATED ENERGY INPUT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION (LABOR ONLY) Data on food sources has not been investigated to determine daily energy requirements. Main foods are caterpillars, fruits, adult insects, and spiders. Nest takes from about 4 to 15 days to complete.
OCCUPANCY May and June (weather dependent)
FREQUENCY OF USE 1 brood per season
