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Games > Inventor IQ

George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver

Albert Einstein


Stephanie Kwolek

Stephanie Kwolek

An Wang

An Wang

Charles Proteus Steinmetz

Charles Proteus Steinmetz

Ottmar Mergenthaler 

Ottmar Mergenthaler

Match the Inventor to the Clue...

2. You might say my inventions were "power"ful
3. My inventions advanced computer technology
4. My "super" invention stops speeding bullets.
5. My invention really made the news!
6. I found a different use for peanuts for almost every day of the year
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Correct answers:

spinning eyeball and "WOW"
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More about the answers...

George Washington Carver was an agricultural chemist. He invented 325 uses for peanuts.

Albert Einstein, recognized as one of the world's most creative thinkers, worked as a Patent Examiner in the Swiss Patent Office. He was co-inventor for several US Patents, but many of his greatest contributions, including his famous formula: " E=mc2 " were not patented.

Stephanie Kwolek invented KEVLAR, a fiber so strong it is used to manufacture bullet-proof vests for police officers and soldiers.

Ottmar Mergenthaler invented the linotype machine, the first major improvement in printing since the invention of the printing press in Gutenberg. His invention made production of newpapers possible in higher volumes and at lower costs than before. It is believed that over 1500 patents have been taken out on improvements to his basic invention.

Charles Proteus Steinmetz was an "electric" personality. His discoveries led to advancement of knowledge about alternating currents and ways to prevent power loss. His research was crucial to the development of the electrical power industry.

An Wang was a leader in the computer industry. His inventions led to storage of information in magnetic memory.

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