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   CSPICE_KINFO returns information about a loaded kernel 
   specified by name. 


      file   the scalar string name of a kernel file for which descriptive 
             information is desired. 

   the call:

      [ filtyp, source, handle, found] = cspice_kinfo( file)


      filtyp   the scalar string type name of the kernel specified by 'file'.
               'filtyp' will be empty if file is not on the list of kernels
               loaded via cspice_furnsh. 

      source   the scalar string name of the source file used to 
               specify 'file' as one to load.  If 'file' was loaded 
               directly via a call to cspice_furnsh, 'source' will be empty. 
               If file is not on the list of kernels loaded via
               cspice_furnsh, 'source' will be empty.

      handle   the integer handle attached to 'file' if it is a binary 
               kernel.  If file is a text kernel or meta-text kernel 
               handle will be zero. If file is not on the list of 
               kernels loaded via cspice_furnsh, 'handle' has value zero.
      found    returns true if the specified file exists.
               If there is no such file, 'found' will be set to 


   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

      % Load a meta kernel listing a path to an SPK file.
      cspice_furnsh( 'standard.ker' )
      % Use cspice_kinfo to ensure the kernel system loaded
      % the SPK file of interest.
      file = '/kernels/gen/spk/de405_2000-2050.bsp';
      [ filtyp, source, handle, found ] = cspice_kinfo( file );
      % Take appropriate action depending on the returned
      % state of found. If found has value false, then
      % 'file' is not loaded.
      if ( found )
         disp( [ 'File type: ' filtyp ] )
         disp( [ 'Source   : ' source ] )
         disp( [ 'Kernel not loaded: ' file ] )

      % It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
      % particularly in Mice due to data persistence.

   MATLAB outputs:

      File type: SPK
      Source   : standard.ker



-Required Reading

   For important details concerning this module's function, please refer to
   the CSPICE routine kinfo_c.


   -Mice Version 1.0.0, 01-DEC-2006, EDW (JPL)

   Fetch information about a loaded SPICE kernel 

Tue Mar  4 10:13:06 2008