
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*  $Id: file_loader.cpp 18753 2009-02-06 19:10:05Z dicuccio $
00002  * ===========================================================================
00003  *
00004  *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
00005  *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
00006  *
00007  *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
00008  *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
00009  *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
00010  *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
00011  *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
00012  *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
00013  *
00014  *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
00015  *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
00016  *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
00017  *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
00018  *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
00019  *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
00020  *  purpose.
00021  *
00022  *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
00023  *
00024  * ===========================================================================
00025  *
00026  * Authors:  Mike DiCuccio
00027  *
00028  * File Description:
00029  *    CDataPlugin_FileImport - load sequence information from a file.
00030  */
00032 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
00033 #include "file_loader.hpp"
00035 #include <corelib/ncbifile.hpp>
00037 #include <gui/core/plugin_registry.hpp>
00038 #include <gui/core/plugin_utils.hpp>
00039 #include <gui/core/version.hpp>
00040 #include <gui/objutils/obj_convert.hpp>
00041 #include <gui/objects/ProjectItem.hpp>
00042 #include <gui/objects/PluginInfoSet.hpp>
00043 #include <gui/objects/PluginValueConstraint.hpp>
00045 #include <util/xregexp/regexp.hpp>
00046 #include <util/static_map.hpp>
00047 #include <algo/phy_tree/phy_node.hpp>
00048 #include <objtools/readers/aln_reader.hpp>
00049 #include <objtools/readers/rm_reader.hpp>
00051 #include "file_type_chooser_dlg.hpp"
00054 USING_SCOPE(objects);
00057 typedef pair<const char*, CDataPlugin_FileImport::EFormat> TFormatPair;
00058 static const TFormatPair sc_FormatArray[] = {
00059     TFormatPair("AGP format assembly",  CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_AGP),
00060     TFormatPair("Autodetect",           CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Autodetect),
00061     TFormatPair("Distance Matrix",      CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_DistanceMatrix),
00062     TFormatPair("FASTA sequence",       CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_FastA),
00063     TFormatPair("Five-Column Feature Table", CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_FiveColumn),
00064     TFormatPair("GFF\\/GTF format annotations",   CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_GTF),
00065     TFormatPair("Glimmer3 Predictions",   CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Glimmer3),
00066     TFormatPair("NCBI Binary ASN.1",    CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_AsnBinary),
00067     TFormatPair("NCBI Text ASN.1",      CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_AsnText),
00068     TFormatPair("NCBI XML",             CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_XML),
00069     TFormatPair("Newick-format Phylogenetic Tree", CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_NewickTree),
00070     TFormatPair("Phrap\\/ACE-format assembly",   CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Phrap),
00071     TFormatPair("RepeatMasker OUT", CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_RepeatMasker),
00072     TFormatPair("SNP Markers",          CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_SNPMarkers),
00073     TFormatPair("Table",                CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Table),
00074     TFormatPair("Taxplot File",         CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Taxplot),
00075     TFormatPair("Text alignment",       CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_TextAlign),
00076 };
00077 typedef CStaticArrayMap<const char*, CDataPlugin_FileImport::EFormat, PCase_CStr> TFormatMap;
00078 DEFINE_STATIC_ARRAY_MAP(TFormatMap, sc_Formats, sc_FormatArray);
00080 // define some brief synonyms for above strings
00081 static const TFormatPair sc_SynFormatArray[] = {
00082     TFormatPair("agp",       CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_AGP),
00083     TFormatPair("asnbin",    CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_AsnBinary),
00084     TFormatPair("asntext",   CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_AsnText),
00085     TFormatPair("auto",      CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Autodetect),
00086     TFormatPair("dist",      CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_DistanceMatrix),
00087     TFormatPair("fasta",     CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_FastA),
00088     TFormatPair("fivecol",   CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_FiveColumn),
00089     TFormatPair("glimmer",   CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Glimmer3),
00090     TFormatPair("gtf",       CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_GTF),
00091     TFormatPair("newick",    CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_NewickTree),
00092     TFormatPair("phrap",     CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Phrap),
00093     TFormatPair("rmo",       CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_RepeatMasker),
00094     TFormatPair("smk",       CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_SNPMarkers),
00095     TFormatPair("table",     CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Table),
00096     TFormatPair("taxplot",   CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Taxplot),
00097     TFormatPair("textalign", CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_TextAlign),
00098     TFormatPair("xml",       CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_XML)
00099 };
00100 DEFINE_STATIC_ARRAY_MAP(TFormatMap, sc_SynFormats, sc_SynFormatArray);
00103 /*static bool s_IsInputAlignment( CNcbiIstream& input )
00104 {
00105     const streamsize ALN_TEST_MAX = 1024*1024;
00107     try {
00108         CNcbiIfstream& infile = dynamic_cast< CNcbiIfstream& >( input );
00109         streamsize initPos = infile.tellg();
00110         infile.seekg( 0, ios_base::end );
00111         streamsize show = infile.tellg();
00112         if ( ALN_TEST_MAX < infile.tellg() ) {
00113             //
00114             //  the test that follows is too expensive for files that big
00115             //
00116             infile.seekg( initPos );
00117             return false;
00118         }
00120         infile.seekg( 0 );
00121         CAlnReader reader( infile );
00122         // Protein is a superset of nucleotide; should work for both
00123         reader.SetAlphabet(CAlnReader::eAlpha_Protein);
00124         // clustal, paup, phylip, and fast + gaps all use '-'
00125         reader.SetAllGap("-");
00126         try {
00127             reader.Read(true);
00128         }
00129         catch( ... ) {
00130             infile.clear();
00131             infile.seekg( initPos );
00132             return false;
00133         }
00134         infile.seekg( initPos );
00135         return true;
00136     }
00137     catch( ... ) {
00138         input.clear();
00139         return false;
00140     }
00141 };*/
00144 static CDataPlugin_FileImport::EFormat s_GetFormatFromString(const string& fmt_str)
00145 {
00146     CDataPlugin_FileImport::EFormat fmt = CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Unknown;
00147     TFormatMap::const_iterator iter = sc_Formats.find(fmt_str.c_str());
00148     if (iter != sc_Formats.end()) {
00149         fmt = iter->second;
00150     } else {
00151         iter = sc_SynFormats.find(fmt_str.c_str());
00152         if (iter != sc_SynFormats.end()) {
00153             fmt = iter->second;
00154         }
00155     }
00156     return fmt;
00157 }
00159 static string
00160 s_GetStringFromFormat(CDataPlugin_FileImport::EFormat fmt)
00161 {
00162     ITERATE (TFormatMap, iter, sc_Formats) {
00163         if (iter->second == fmt) {
00164             return string(iter->first);
00165         }
00166     }
00168     ITERATE (TFormatMap, iter, sc_SynFormats) {
00169         if (iter->second == fmt) {
00170             return string(iter->first);
00171         }
00172     }
00174     return string();
00175 }
00179 static void s_AddDefaultArguments(CPluginCommand& args)
00180 {
00181     args.AddArgument("file", "File name", CPluginArg::eInputFile);
00182     args.AddDefaultArgument("fmt", "Format",
00183                             CPluginArg::eString,
00184                             s_GetStringFromFormat(CDataPlugin_FileImport::eFormat_Autodetect));
00186     {{
00187         CRef<CPluginValueConstraint> cons(CPluginValueConstraint::CreateSet());
00188         ITERATE (TFormatMap, iter, sc_Formats) {
00189             *cons, string(iter->first);
00190         }
00191         args.SetConstraint("fmt", *cons);
00192     }}
00193 }
00196 void CDataPlugin_FileImport::GetInfo(CPluginInfoSet& info_set)
00197 {
00198     {{
00199         CPluginInfo& info =
00200             info_set.CreateInfo(CPluginVersion::eMajor, CPluginVersion::eMinor, 0,
00201                                 string(__DATE__) + " " + string(__TIME__),
00202                                 "CDataPlugin_FileImport",
00203                                 "File", "Load information from a file", "");
00204         info.SetAffinity(CPluginInfo::eAffinity_foreground);
00206         // command info
00207         CPluginCommand& load_args = info.SetDataCommand(CPluginCommand::eCommand_load);
00208         s_AddDefaultArguments(load_args);
00209     }}
00212     {{
00213         CPluginInfo& info =
00214             info_set.CreateInfo(CPluginVersion::eMajor, CPluginVersion::eMinor, 0,
00215                                 string(__DATE__) + " " + string(__TIME__),
00216                                 "CDataPlugin_FileImport",
00217                                 "File", "Import information from a file", "");
00218         info.SetAffinity(CPluginInfo::eAffinity_foreground);
00220         CPluginCommand& import_args = info.SetDataCommand(CPluginCommand::eCommand_import);
00221         import_args.AddArgument("project", "Project to Import Into", CPluginArg::eProject);
00222         s_AddDefaultArguments(import_args);
00223     }}
00225 }
00228 CDataPlugin_FileImport::CDataPlugin_FileImport()
00229 {
00230 }
00233 CDataPlugin_FileImport::~CDataPlugin_FileImport()
00234 {
00235 }
00238 // load objects from a file into an existing project
00239 void CDataPlugin_FileImport::Import(CPluginMessage& msg)
00240 {
00241     x_Load(msg);
00242 }
00245 // load objects from a file and request creation of a new project
00246 void CDataPlugin_FileImport::Load(CPluginMessage& msg)
00247 {
00248     x_Load(msg);
00249 }
00252 void CDataPlugin_FileImport::x_Load(CPluginMessage& msg)
00253 {
00254     const CPluginCommand& args = msg.GetRequest().GetCommand();
00255     CPluginReply& reply = msg.SetReply();
00257     const CGBProjectHandle* project = NULL;
00258     if (args.HasArgument("project")) {
00259         project = args["project"].GetProject();
00260     }
00262     string fname = args["file"].AsString();
00263     if (CFile(fname).Exists()) {
00264         // adjust 'fmt' based on user preferences
00265         EFormat fmt = eFormat_Unknown;
00266         {{
00267             string fmt_str = args["fmt"].AsString();
00268             fmt = s_GetFormatFromString(fmt_str);
00269         }}
00270         if (fmt == eFormat_Unknown  ||  fmt == eFormat_Autodetect) {
00271             CNcbiIfstream istr(fname.c_str(), ios::binary);
00272             fmt = x_GetFormat(istr);
00273         }
00275         if (fmt == eFormat_Unknown) {
00276             CFileTypeChooserDlg dlg;
00277             ITERATE (TFormatMap, iter, sc_Formats) {
00278                 if (iter->second == eFormat_Autodetect) {
00279                     continue;
00280                 }
00281                 dlg.AddType(iter->first);
00282             }
00283             dlg.CenterOnActive();
00284             if (dlg.ShowModal() != eOK) {
00285                 reply.SetStatus(eMessageStatus_ignored);
00286                 return;
00287             }
00289             string type_str = dlg.GetType();
00290             ITERATE (TFormatMap, iter, sc_Formats) {
00291                 if (iter->first == type_str) {
00292                     fmt = iter->second;
00293                     break;
00294                 }
00295             }
00297             if (fmt == eFormat_Unknown) {
00298                 reply.AddAction(CPluginReplyAction::e_Error,
00299                                 "The type you selected was not understood");
00300                 return;
00301             }
00302         }
00304         CRef<CPluginMessage> msg;
00305         CPluginUtils::TDispatchFlags disp_flags = CPluginUtils::fDispatchDefaults;
00307         switch (fmt) {
00308             ///
00309             /// FASTA files
00310             ///
00311         case eFormat_FastA:
00312             {{
00313                 CPluginHandle ph =
00314                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_FileImport_Fasta");
00315                 if (ph) {
00316                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00317                     if (project) {
00318                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00319                     }
00320                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00321                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00322                 }
00323             }}
00324             break;
00326             ///
00327             /// NCBI serializable objects
00328             ///
00329         case eFormat_AsnBinary:
00330         case eFormat_AsnText:
00331         case eFormat_XML:
00332             {{
00333                 CPluginHandle ph =
00334                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_FileImport_Ncbi");
00335                 if (ph) {
00336                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00337                     if (project) {
00338                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00339                     }
00340                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00341                     string serial_fmt;
00342                     if (fmt == eFormat_AsnBinary) {
00343                         serial_fmt = "ASN.1 Binary";
00344                     } else if (fmt == eFormat_AsnText) {
00345                         serial_fmt = "ASN.1 Text";
00346                     } else {
00347                         serial_fmt = "XML";
00348                     }
00349                     msg->SetRequest().SetCommand()["format"].SetString(serial_fmt);
00350                 }
00351             }}
00352             break;
00354             ///
00355             /// AGP files
00356             ///
00357         case eFormat_AGP:
00358             {{
00359                 CPluginHandle ph =
00360                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_FileImport_Agp");
00361                 if (ph) {
00362                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00363                     if (project) {
00364                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00365                     }
00366                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00367                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00368                 }
00369             }}
00370             break;
00372             ///
00373             /// GTF files
00374             ///
00375         case eFormat_GTF:
00376             {{
00377                 CPluginHandle ph =
00378                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_FileImport_Gff");
00379                 if (ph) {
00380                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00381                     if (project) {
00382                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00383                     }
00384                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00385                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00386                 }
00387             }}
00388             break;
00390             ///
00391             /// Glimmer3 files
00392             ///
00393         case eFormat_Glimmer3:
00394             {{
00395                 CPluginHandle ph =
00396                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_FileImport_Glimmer");
00397                 if (ph) {
00398                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00399                     if (project) {
00400                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00401                     }
00402                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00403                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00404                 }
00405             }}
00406             break;
00408             ///
00409             /// Newick format tree files
00410             ///
00411         case eFormat_NewickTree:
00412             {{
00413                 CPluginHandle ph =
00414                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_FileImport_Newick");
00415                 if (ph) {
00416                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00417                     if (project) {
00418                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00419                     }
00420                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00421                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00422                 }
00423             }}
00424             break;
00426             ///
00427             /// Newick format tree files
00428             ///
00429         case eFormat_Phrap:
00430             {{
00431                 CPluginHandle ph =
00432                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_FileImport_Phrap");
00433                 if (ph) {
00434                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00435                     if (project) {
00436                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00437                     }
00438                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00439                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00440                 }
00441             }}
00442             break;
00444             ///
00445             /// Alignment files
00446             ///
00447         case eFormat_TextAlign:
00448             {{
00449                 CPluginHandle ph =
00450                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_FileImport_Alignment");
00451                 if (ph) {
00452                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00453                     if (project) {
00454                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00455                     }
00456                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00457                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00458                 }
00459             }}
00460             break;
00462             ///
00463             /// Repeatmasker out files
00464             ///
00465         case eFormat_RepeatMasker:
00466             {{
00467                 CPluginHandle ph =
00468                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin( "CDataPlugin_FileImport_RepeatMasker" );
00469                 if ( ph ) {
00470                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00471                     if ( project ) {
00472                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00473                     }
00474                     msg = ph.CreateMessage( cmd );
00475                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00476                 }
00477             }}
00478             break;
00480             ///
00481             /// Distance Matrices
00482             ///
00483         case eFormat_DistanceMatrix:
00484             {{
00485                 CPluginHandle ph =
00486                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_FileImport_DistMat");
00487                 if (ph) {
00488                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00489                     if (project) {
00490                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00491                     }
00492                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00494                     // NB: no options on import yet...
00495                     //disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00496                 }
00497             }}
00498             break;
00500             ///
00501             /// Five-Column Feature Tables
00502             ///
00503         case eFormat_FiveColumn:
00504             {{
00505                 CPluginHandle ph =
00506                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_FileImport_FiveColumn");
00507                 if (ph) {
00508                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00509                     if (project) {
00510                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00511                     }
00512                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00513                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00514                 }
00515             }}
00516             break;
00518             ///
00519             /// Table files
00520             ///
00521         case eFormat_Table:
00522             {{
00523                 CPluginHandle ph =
00524                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_TableReader");
00525                 if (ph) {
00526                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00527                     if (project) {
00528                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00529                     }
00530                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00532                     // NB: no options on import yet...
00533                     //disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00534                 }
00535             }}
00536             break;
00538             ///
00539             /// Taxplot files
00540             ///
00541         case eFormat_Taxplot:
00542             {{
00543                 CPluginHandle ph =
00544                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_ShiReader");
00545                 if (ph) {
00546                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00547                     if (project) {
00548                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00549                     }
00550                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00551                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00552                 }
00553             }}
00554             break;
00556             ///
00557             /// GeneMark files
00558             ///
00559         case eFormat_GeneMark:
00560             {{
00561                 CPluginHandle ph =
00562                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_GeneMark");
00563                 if (ph) {
00564                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00565                     if (project) {
00566                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00567                     }
00568                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00569                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00570                 }
00571             }}
00572             break;
00574             ///
00575             /// SNP Markers file
00576             ///
00577         case eFormat_SNPMarkers:
00578             {{
00579                 CPluginHandle ph =
00580                     CPluginRegistry::GetPlugin("CDataPlugin_FileImport_Smk");
00581                 if (ph) {
00582                     CPluginCommand::ECommand cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_load;
00583                     if (project) {
00584                         cmd = CPluginCommand::eCommand_import;
00585                     }
00586                     msg = ph.CreateMessage(cmd);
00587                     // NB: no options on import yet...
00588                     disp_flags |= CPluginUtils::fResolveArgs;
00589                 }
00590             }}
00591             break;
00593         default:
00594         case eFormat_Unknown:
00595             {{
00596                 string str("Cannot guess file type from\n");
00597                 str += fname;
00598                 reply.AddAction(CPluginReplyAction::e_Error, str);
00599             }}
00600             break;
00601         }
00603         if (msg) {
00604             msg->SetRequest().SetCommand()["file"].SetInputFile(fname);
00605             if (project) {
00606                 msg->SetRequest().SetCommand()["project"].SetProject(*project);
00607             }
00608             CPluginUtils::CallPlugin(*msg,
00609                                      CPluginUtils::eDispatch_Deferred,
00610                                      disp_flags);
00611             reply.SetStatus(eMessageStatus_success);
00612         } else {
00613             string msg = "Can't interpret file " + fname;
00614             reply.AddAction(CPluginReplyAction::e_Error, msg);
00615         }
00616     } else {
00617         // file does not exists - report error
00618         string msg = string("File \"") + fname + string("\" does not exist,");
00619         reply.AddAction(CPluginReplyAction::e_Error, msg);
00620     }
00621 }
00624 CDataPlugin_FileImport::EFormat
00625 CDataPlugin_FileImport::x_GetFormat(CNcbiIfstream& istr)
00626 {
00627     //
00628     //  We want to make a reasonable effort of detecting alignment files.
00629     //  For dependency reasons, the following test cannot go into CFormatGuess.
00630     //  Also, we need to make this test before CFormatGuess checks for fastA
00631     //  because some alignment files also pass as perfectly fine fastA files.
00632     //
00633     //  Note: For big files, we still have the problem that alignment files
00634     //  may be recognized as fastA instead. I just don't know what to do about
00635     //  that (ludwigf, 2006-08-17).
00636     //
00637     CT_POS_TYPE orig_pos = istr.tellg();
00639     CFormatGuess fg( istr );
00640     CFormatGuess::EFormat fmt = fg.GuessFormat();
00641     switch (fmt) {
00642     case CFormatGuess::eBinaryASN:
00643         return eFormat_AsnBinary;
00644     case CFormatGuess::eTextASN:
00645         return eFormat_AsnText;
00646     case CFormatGuess::eXml:
00647         return eFormat_XML;
00648     case CFormatGuess::eFasta:
00649         return eFormat_FastA;
00650     case CFormatGuess::eRmo:
00651         return eFormat_RepeatMasker;
00652     case CFormatGuess::ePhrapAce:
00653         return eFormat_Phrap;
00654     case CFormatGuess::eAgp:
00655         return eFormat_AGP;
00656     case CFormatGuess::eGtf:
00657         return eFormat_GTF;
00658     case CFormatGuess::eGlimmer3:
00659         return eFormat_Glimmer3;
00660     case CFormatGuess::eNewick:
00661         return eFormat_NewickTree;
00662     case CFormatGuess::eDistanceMatrix:
00663         return eFormat_DistanceMatrix;
00664     case CFormatGuess::eFiveColFeatureTable:
00665         return eFormat_FiveColumn;
00666     case CFormatGuess::eTaxplot:
00667         return eFormat_Taxplot;
00668     case CFormatGuess::eTable:
00669         return eFormat_Table;
00670 #if 0
00671     case CFormatGuess::eSnpMarkers:
00672         return eFormat_SNPMarkers;
00673 #endif
00675     default:
00676         break;
00677     }
00679     return eFormat_Unknown;
00680 }

Generated on Sun Feb 15 02:14:22 2009 for NCBI C++ ToolKit by  doxygen 1.4.6
Modified on Sun Feb 15 15:27:22 2009 by rev. 117643