FDA Comment Number : EC836
Submitter : Mrs. Tiffany Mullins Date & Time: 02/03/2006 05:02:53
Organization : Mrs. Tiffany Mullins
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am horrified that you would endanger public health (my family and I's health) by NOT allowing us to take a completey safe and natural alternative to our hormonal problems..............that's like forcing us to take a poison instead of something safe for our ailments. When are we going to stop the FDA from making all the money. They already have a monopoly on the health market by pushing their so called "safe" drugs! We are not a dumb society who can be tricked into every money making deal the FDA passes. It saddens me you would jeopardize my health over making more money. God and Earth still have the highest rate of healing power there is. It's a shame you want to take God out of our health as well as everything else in America! Our society is so into the "choices" campaign and yet you want to take away our choice to take something all natural over a man-made poison?? I really don't get it? Please hear us............for some, our choice is NOT to take pharmacuetical drugs! So, please don't even consider this! Thank you for your time.