Metadata for WellsNERR Conservation Shapefiles March 30, 2000

Coverage Name and Path: /gis/me/misc/cons_pub/arundel.shp, biddeford.shp, cape-elizabeth.shp, eliot.shp, kennebunk.shp, kennebunkport.shp, ogunquit.shp, saco.shp, wells.shp, york.shp

Geographic Extent: Arundel, Biddeford, Cape Elizabeth, Eliot, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Ogunquit, Saco, Wells, and York; Maine

Scale: 1:24,000

Automation Date: 1999/2000

Automation Agency: Wells NERR Coastal Mosaic Project

Source of Data: Data obtained from Wells NERR Coastal Mosaic Project March 28, 2001.  Author of orignal metadata: Susan Smith, GIS Specialist, Wells NERR, 342 Laudholm Farm Road, Wells, Maine 04090, (207) 646-1555 x120.

Description: In general, these shapefiles were created by several different people over a two year period (1999/2000).  The conservation information was provided by several local conservation organizations and taken from assessors information from various years. Some polygons were taken directly from digitized tax maps, some were hand-drawn approximations using paper maps for reference. Some files have the tax assessors information in their databases. Some do not.

GOMP added hectare and acre fields and projected from NAD27 to NAD83.

Conservation Lands Item Names

Compiled Codes



conserv, conserve,
conserva or Newfield
 Ease  conservation easements held by Kennebunk Land Trust  Kennebunk only
 F or fed or Federal  federal
 P  private
 Pe  private easement  Saco only
 Pkw  Kittery Water District  York only
 Private  parcels owned by the Kennebunk Land Trust  Kennebunk only
 Pw  York Water District  York only
 S or State  state
 T  town
 Tree  treefarm tax program  Saco only
 TNC  The Nature Conservancy
 U  non-conserved land  Kennebunk only
 Water  a hand drawn water polygon overlay  Kennebunk only
 X  unknown  Saco only

Shapefile Description
Arundel This shapefile contains conservation information for lands owned by the Kennebunk Land Trust. These parcels were taken from the Arundel tax maps.
Biddeford This shapefile was created by hand drawing polygons using paper maps as a reference. I am not aware how the conservation information was obtained.
Cape Elizabeth This shapefile was produced by hand drawing polygons using paper maps as a reference. The conservation information was provided by searching the attached data base for parcels owned by the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust and by including Cresent Beach, owned by the State of Maine.
Eliot This file contains conservation information provided by Great Works Regional Land Trust. They are hand-drawn polygons.
Kennebunk This shapefile was created using the Town of Kennebunk tax parcel shapefile. The conservation information was provided by the Kennebunk Land Trust (207/985-8734).
Kennebunkport This shapefile was created by hand drawing polygons using a paper map for reference. The conservation information was provided by the Kennebunkport Conservation Commission and the Kennebunkport Conservation Trust.
Ogunquit The conservation information we do have is included in York-Conserv.shp, the parcels being owned by York Land Trust.
Saco This shapefile was created by hand drawing conservation information from paper maps. I am not aware how the conservation information was obtained.
Wells This shapefile was created using a town parcel shapefile. The conservation information was provided by Great Works Regional Land Trust and the Wells NERR.
York This shapefile has been made using hand-drawn polygons approximations of tax parcels. The information was provided by the York Land Trust (207/363-7400) The town is developing a gis data layer of its tax parcels that will be available soon. This shapefile will then be updated.

Data Restrictions: This data should not be redistributed outside the USFWS without Wells NERR permission.

Status: Complete

Projection: UTM Zone 19, meters, NAD83

File Type/Format: ArcView shapefile

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keywords: Maine, Arundel, Biddeford, Cape Elizabeth, Eliot, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Ogunquit, Saco, Wells, York, conservation lands, public lands