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Send all subsequent plots to an output file.


foutput option = value [, option = value, ...]



An option for sending plots. See table below.


A value associated with the matching option . See table below.



Value Meaning

Default Value


banner string

This is a string to print to the top and bottom of a PostScript TM output file.



path name

Root name of output file family. Output file family members are named pathname 0000. file t ype , pathname 0001. filetype , ... .



ps, rgb, rps, tif

The file format to save the image in.
ps -- Vector PostScript TM , 2D plots only
rgb -- SGI's RGB format
rps -- Raster PostScript TM
tif -- TIFF format



positive integer

The resolution in the X direction. Only applies to rgb , rps , and tif formats. If you specify xres , you must also specify yres , and the two numbers should be equal to each other.



positive integer

The resolution in the Y direction. Only applies to rgb , rps , and tif formats. If you specify yres , you must also specify xres , and the two numbers should be equal to each other.



The foutput command causes all subsequent plots to be sent to a file family in a format specified by type . Only one output file family can be active at a time--plots are directed to the file specified by the most recent invocation of foutput . Also, invocation of foutput causes a new file family to be created; therefore any existing family with the same root name is overwritten.

Plots from all output windows are written to the output file family when a command is invoked that acts like a frame advance for output files; that is, a command which causes the plots in that window to be replotted ( pan3 , rotation , roty , rotz , vp , wp , zoom3 ) or causes the window to be cleared ( clear , end , nextframe , newplot , prevframe , quit ). For example, invoking the wp command causes the plots to be first written to the output file and then replotted with new physical window limits. Invoking the plot command would not cause plots to be written since execution of the command adds a plot to the window rather than causing existing plots to be redrawn or cleared.

For reference line (distance) plots, two output file frames are generated, the first frame containing the reference lines, the second frame containing the reference curves.


open prob1.silo

foutput rootname=prob1 # Create prob10000.ps

plot mesh

plot iso

wp 0 3 0 3 # Write mesh, iso frame.

clear # Write mesh, iso frame with
# new limits.

plot bnd

quit # Write bnd frame.

See Also:

clear , plot , wp

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