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Import Price Index (MPI) Inflation Calculator

Import Price Index (MPI)
From: calendar year
To: calendar year
Inflation Index:  
% Change:  
Inflated Cost:  

This is an inflation calculator for adjusting costs from one year to another using the Import Price Index (MPI) inflation index. This inflation calculator is based on the average inflation index during the calendar year. This inflation calculator will compute inflation rates between 1982 and 1998. The International Price Program produces U.S. Export and Import Price Indexes. The export and import price indexes measure the transaction prices of goods and services exported from or imported into the United States.

The majority of prices used in calculating import price indexes are quoted FOB (Free On Board) Foreign Port. This excludes duties, insurance and other extra charges to bring a good into the United States. The majority of prices used in calculating export price indexes are quoted FAS (Free Along Ship) U.S. Port. This includes inland freight, insurance and other charges to get the good to the carrier exiting the United States but not afterwards. The prices are quoted at national boundaries since the export and import price indexes' primary function are as deflators of the export and import volumes used in the U.S. national accounts figures. While the Import Price Program prefers exit point price bases, point of origin or entry point price bases are used if they are the industry standard.

Note. These models are provided as educational examples of technology developed and used by cost engineers. Use at your own risk. These tools are written in JavaScript and require a browser with JavaScript capability. If you have trouble viewing or using these tools, please consult the frequently asked questions.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Import/Export Price Indexes.

U.S. Import Price Indexes for Selected Categories of Goods, Table 1, By End Use

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Web Curator: Kelley Cyr
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