Customize and Download Data
Select search criteria that meets your requirements. Move to the Output/Sort section and select Custom Download. On this page you will select the items you want to download and determine how the data will be sorted.
Selecting the Items for Downloading
  • The list box on the left presents the items in alphabetical order. These are the items which you may select to be included in the downloaded spreadsheet. If you are unsure of the nature of the item, click on Column Glossary.
  • All items associated with awarded grants are colored blue.
  • You will note there are 4 items (type, activity, project number, PI) set as the default and appear in the right box. These items will be part of the downloaded data. To remove any of these items, click on the one to remove, then click on the < button.
  • Click on an item in the left list box, then click on the > button which will populate the box on the right.
  • To add multiple items (contiguous or adjacent), select the first item you wish, then hold down the Shift key as you select the last item. This will highlight a series of adjacent items. Now click on the >> button to populate the box on the right.
  • To add multiple items that are not adjacent, click on the first item in the box on the left, then hold down the Control key as you select suceeding items. When you are finished selecting items, click on the >> button to populate the box on the right.
  • If you have mistakenly added items you may easily remove them. Click on the item to be removed in the right box, then click on the < button.
  • Review the items that appear in the right box. The order of the list will populate the spreadsheet from column A to X. If you wish to reorder the items, select one item, then click on the Up or Down button.
Determining How the Data will be Sorted
  • The Sort By box on the left contains the available items on which you may sort. Only the items selected for downloading are available for sorting.
  • Click on an item in the left list box, then click on the > button to populate the box on the right.
  • To add multiple items (contiguous or adjacent), select the first item you wish, then hold down the Shift key as you select the last item. This will highlight a series of adjacent items. Now click on the >> button to populate the box on the right.
  • To add multiple items that are not adjacent, click on the first item in the box on the left, then hold down the Control key as you select suceeding items. When you are finished selecting items, click on the >> button to populate the box on the right.
  • If you have mistakenly added items you may easily remove them. Click on the item to be removed in the right box, then click on the < button.
  • As you add or remove download items, the Sort By box on the left will change.
  • Think about how you wish to see your data. Do you wish to see the data alphabetical by PI or numeric by grant number or activity/type. You may sort the data so that the information is "nested", that is, one group within another group. Think about what your primary sort should be, then the secondary sort, tertiary, and so on. Always make the Project Number the last sort so that the grouping is not in random order.
  • Once you have populated the box on the right, you may move the items up or down to finalize the sort. If you wish to reorder the items, select one item, then click on the Up or Down button.
How do I determine what items to print and how to sort the data? Ask yourself these questions:
  • What is the purpose of the report?
  • Will I be comparing this data with any other data?
  • Do I want to see data grouped by each program or the entire IC?
  • Will I be looking at the FY of the funds?
  • Do I want to see the data grouped by type or by activity or budget category?
  • Do I need to see the PI name or other PI information?
  • Do I need budget and project date information?
  • Do I need any review information such as % or priority score?
  • Am I working with requested funds or awarded funds?
Suggestions for selecting the Sort By
  • The first sort should be the major group of information that you wish to see. This could be PCC (program class codes) or Budget Mechanism Description, or Competing grant indicator.
  • Once you have determined the primary sort (e.g. Budget Mechanism Description), think about how you want to look at the data. Will you wish to see the data by type, activity, PI?
  • If you have decided that you wish all the R01's grouped together, select Activity as the second sort.
  • You may choose a third sort such that all the type 1's are grouped; thus select Type as the third sort.
  • Always place Project Number as the last sort to eliminate random ordering of the grants when a PI has several projects.
Ready to get your data
  • Review the items you have selected
  • We suggest that you click on the HTML button first to quickly look at how the data will appear. This takes less resources and quickly provides you with feedback. The data will be presented to you in the format you have chosen.
  • If you need to revise the format (add more items or sorting), simply go through the steps of selecting the download items and the sort by items.
  • There are three choices for downloading the information to your desktop - Excel®, Excel®(Original), and CSV. The first Excel® button will transfer the data directly to Excel® where gridlines and a more readable font is used. The Excel®(Original) will open the spreadsheet within your browser (depending on your desktop settings this spreadsheet may open directly in Excel®) which you may then save to your computer as an .XLS file. Both Excel® buttons will prompt you to Enable Macros. The CSV (Comma Separated Values) button will download the data into a more generic comma-delimited format allowing you to import the data into other applications such as MS Access.
  • Now click on the Excel®, Excel®(Original), or CSV button. This will actually download the data. You will be either asked to Enable Macros (click on enable) or if you selected the CSV format to either open or save the file. If you wish to keep the data you must save the file. Click on File, Save As which will open the Save As dialog box. Select the proper folder on your computer (e.g. under My Documents), enter the name of the file, and make sure that the File Type is set to either Microsoft Excel® Workbook (*.xls) or CSV and click on the Save button. You are still in the browser and may use the BACK button to return to the download screen or the search screen.
  • Open Excel® or the application into which you wish to import the CSV data and retrieve the data file you just saved.
Reusing previously selected download items

If you usually want to see the same type of data you may save this configuration. For example, you want the spreadsheet populated with type, activity, project number, PI, Awd Total Cost (by CAN), budget start and end dates, and committed dollars all years (by CAN). You have chosen to sort the data by Activity, Type, and Project number

  • FIrst you must successfully downloaded your report and determine if you are happy with the report, both the items downloaded and the sort by.
  • Return to the Download page by using the Back button on your browser and click on the Save Item List button at the top of the screen.
  • The Save List box will appear. Enter the List Name and indicate whether you wish to share it with other users in your IC. Then click on the Save List button.
  • To retrieve a format which you previously have saved, click on the Retrieve Item List button at the top of the screen. The Retrieve List window will show you all the saved lists. Select the one you wish to use.
  • Once you have completed your query and saved your data you may also wish to save the query. Click on the Save Query button at the top of the screen and the Save Query window will open. Provide a query name (no spaces), a description, and indicate whether the query can be shared with others in your IC. Click on the Save Query button.
Other features on the download page

The first line on the page provides the criteria used in the search and whether you are using a saved list. In the blue banner beneath the action buttons are addition links:

  • Return - returns to the search screen populated with the items you have selected; allows you to modify the criteria; if you are on the download page via a hitlist display instead of directly from the Search page, the Return button returns you to the Hitlist.
  • Search - returns to the search screen populated with the items you have selected; allows you to modify the criteria
  • New Search - returns to search screen and resets the criteria to the default
  • Column Glossary - complete Help document which defines all the download items
Date Reviewed: 1/31/05