teal bar

Fracture Analog Project Data Holdings

teal bar

Water Sample and Bromide Tracer Data from the 1996 Infiltration and Tracer Field Tests

Water samples were collected using suction lysimeters at 56 locations ranging in depth from 0.3 m (1 ft) to 13.4 m (44 ft) in fifteen wells (E-1 through E-4, I-1 through I-3, and T-2 through T-9) located both within and outside of the infiltration pond. Sixteen of the locations never produced any water samples either before or after the infiltration test. Three other locations were "moist", but did not produce water in measureable quantities. Water samples sufficient for chemical analysis were collected at 34 locations after tracer was added to the pond. There were three locations that produced measureable amounts of water before tracer was added, but not after.

Samples were collected daily at all locations before tracer was added, and at selected locations twice daily after tracer was added. Samples were analyzed at LBNL using a Dionex high-performance liquid chromatograph with a conductivity detector.

File name water_sample96.xls
File type/format Excel file
Quantity reported whether a water sample was collected
Number of sampling locations 56
Sampling locations The well id and distance down the borehole (ft) are given in the file. Coordinates of each well are given the in file well_coords.xls. (See the page on Site Characterization Data.)
Period of data collection 8/20/96 to 9/7/96
Frequency of data collection one to two times per day

File name bromide96.xls
File type/format Excel file
Quantity measured (units) bromide concentration (mg/l)
Number of sampling locations 56
Sampling locations The well id and distance down the borehole (m) are given in the file. Coordinates of each well are given the in file well_coords.xls. (See the page on Site Characterization Data.)
Period of data collection 8/28/96 to 9/7/96
Frequency of data collection one to two times per day

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