161 Project #-‘1655 . ‘:~orv~77 Approx. 800 Words phoebe Faucette ~ ~ iiampt on County SOLBERT BUTLER EX.«SLAVE OF 82 YEARS Lilies from the highway old Solbert Butler lives alone under the shadow of the handsome winter home of an aged northerner upon the same soil that he has seèn pass from Southerner to Negro, to Southerner, to Northerner. Though shrunken and bent with age he still enjoys talking. _ UI lives in de Deer Country. A couple of months ago, I saw eight in a drove at one time, like a drove of sheep, or sech like. ~ can‘t raise nuthin‘ ‘round h;re. ~e~r‘l1 eat up your garden. And de wild turkeyL And de partridgel But you can‘t shoot ‘em without de~~eIs give you a license to do it. Now he comm ‚ next month and clere ‚ 11 be more shootin‘ I But he amt able to hunt none hiss~lf. He kin ride ‘bout in de woods in de car. Dey are blessed people, thoughL “Dis used to be de Bostick place. Old M1assa Ben Bostick lived fourteen miles from here. J-)ere was Ben Bostick, Iva Bos— tick, Joe Bostick, £~Lr. Luthei~, ~ddie Bostick, an~ Jennie Jo Bostick. • i)e place was divided up between ‘em. O-‘oht I couldn‘t number de plantations old Mr. Bostick owned. I think he owr±ed fifteen plantationst He was de millinery (millionaire)t Oh, de 130 sticks, 0-ohL ~ De house dey live in, dey call urn - ~ what was it dey call um - de Paradi Se house • No one go to dat ~‚ house but only de rich. “At Christmas dey‘d go up dere. And oh, I couldn‘t number iti Oh, it was paradise. he was good to ‘ein. A~i‘ he whip ‘em gpod, toot Tie ‘em to de fence post and whip ‘em. But I