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Title Commissioning Experience with the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger System Submitted 23-JAN-07 03:28 (UTC -06:00)
Classification Trigger and Data Acquisition Modified 19-MAR-07 16:07 (UTC -05:00)
Session TDAQ-Trig Presentation Oral
Speaker Richard Booth Paper ID TDAQ-Trig08
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Author(s) Richard Booth, David Charlton, Christopher Curtis, Peter Faulkner, Stephen Hillier, Gilles Mahout, Richard Staley, Juergen Thomas, Peter Watkins, Alan Watson, Ethan Woehrling (Birmingham University, Birmingham), Bruce M Barnett, Ian Brawn, Adam Davis, Norman Gee, Tony Gillman, Viraj Perera, Damien Prieur, Weiming Qian, David Sankey (CCLRC/RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon), Paolo Adragna, Eric Eisenhandler, Murrough Landon (Queen Mary University of London, London), Christian Bohm, Sten Hellman, Attila Hidvegi, Marianne Johansen, Sam Silverstein (Stockholm University, Stockholm), Ralf Achenbach, Victor Andrei, Florian Fohlisch, Christoph Geweniger, Paul Hanke, Eike-Erik Kluge, Victor Lendermann, Kambiz Mahboubi, Karlheinz Meier, Frederik Ruhr, Klaus Schmitt, Hans-Christian Schultz-Coulon, Rainer Stamen, Pavel Weber (University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg), Bruno Bauss, Markus Bendel, Stefan Rieke, Uli Schafer, Stefan Tapprogge, Thomas Trefzger (University of Mainz, Mainz)
Abstract The ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger is one of the main elements of the first stage of event selection for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The initial modules in the trigger take in analogue trigger sums from the calorimeters and produce digitized energies associated with each bunch crossing. The trigger logic is performed in a digital, pipelined system with several stages of processing, largely based on FPGAs, which perform programmable algorithms in parallel, with a fixed latency, to process about 300 Gbyte/s of input data. The real-time output consists of counts of different types of physics objects and energy sums. The production of final modules started in 2006, and installation of these modules and the necessary infrastructure at ATLAS has been underway for some time, with the intention of having a full system in situ during 2007, before first collisions at the LHC. The first experiences of commissioning and running the full scale system will be presented, along with results from integration tests performed with the upstream calorimeters, and the downstream trigger and data flow systems.
Word Count: 176  Character Count: 1096
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