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Tour: Marble Sculpture from France

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image of Justice image of A Garden Allegory: The Dew and Zephyr Cultivating Flowers image of A Companion of Diana
1 2 3
image of Calliope image of Painting and Sculpture image of Poetry and Music
4 5 6
« back to European sculpture of the 14th-19th centuries


The works in the East Sculpture Hall span some 250 years of French history, from before the birth of Louis XIV to the Second Empire. During those years, both artistic styles and the sources of patronage changed dramatically. Voltaire maintained that "sculpture reached perfection under Louis XIV." At Versailles alone, more than 36,000 laborers and 6,000 horses worked for almost fifteen years to transform the king's small hunting chateau into Europe's most magnificent and influential palace. Their efforts were unified by the artistic supervision of Charles Le Brun, whose grandiose classicism stamped the entire output of French art in the late 1600s. (continue)


1Barthélemy Prieur, Justice, 1610
2Benoît Massou, Anselme Flamen, and Nicolas Rebillé, A Garden Allegory: The Dew and Zephyr Cultivating Flowers, 1683/1732
3Jean-Louis Lemoyne, A Companion of Diana, 1724
4Augustin Pajou, Calliope, c. 1763
5Jean-Pierre-Antoine Tassaert, Painting and Sculpture, 1774/1778
6Clodion, Poetry and Music, c. 1774/1778
7Clodion, Monumental Urn, 1782
8Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, Neapolitan Fisherboy (Pêcheur napolitain à la coquille), 1857-after 1861