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Table 7
Report on Marijuana:
April 1996

   City      Incidence    Who's Using     Change    Method     Other    Emerging    Who's Selling
                                         in Users              Drugs      Drugs
Bridgeport   up         wide range of    none                                      primarily
, CN                    users,                                                     Jamaicans; a
(Geter)                 "everyone"                                                 range of
San          up         wide range of    none                PCP                   wide variety
Antonio/                users                                crack                 of sellers
El Paso,
Los          stable     all ages         none                                      wide variety
Angeles,                                                                           of sellers
San          stable     wide range of    none                                      
Francisco,              users
Washington   stable     wide range,                bongs     inhalants             
, DC                    male and fIale            blunts    LSD
(Shu)                                                        psilocybi
Baltimore,   up         wide variety     none      no                              
MD                                                 blunts
New York,    stable     teens                      blunts    alcohol               
NY                                                           heroin
Atlanta,     up         young adults,    none                crack      MDMA       young adults
GA                      crack users                                     club
(Sterk-                                                                 drugs
Denver, CO   stable     wide range       none                alcohol               
Miami, FL    up         young college    none      blunts    crack      Ketamine   
(Page)                  users                                alcohol
Newark, DE   increasin  young users;     more                PCP        young      
(Pazzaglin   g          mixed ethnicity  fIales             insectici  sellers
i)           gradually                                       de         known to
                                                             treated    buyers
St.          up         high school and  none                alcohol    MDMA       friends
Petersburg              college age                          LSD        Rohypnol   selling to
, FL                                                                               others in
(Mieczkows                                                                         networks
Trenton/     up         high school and  none      blunts    alcohol    MDMA       young users
Newark, NJ              college                    woolies
(French)                students
New York,    up         everyone         more      blunts    PCP                   
NY                                       young               crack
(Galea)                                  fIales
Austin, TX   up         wide range of    none      blunts    PCP                   some evidence
(Maxwell)               users, most                                                of Colombian
                        young                                                      traffickers as
                                                                                   well as
San Diego,   up         males and        more                cocaine               varies by
CA                      fIales 13-50    teens               methamphe             community
(Pennell)               years old, all                       t-amine
Chicago,     up         teens and young  none      blunts    cocaine               sold openly on
IL                      adults                               PCP                   streets like
(Johnson)                                                                          heroin and

Table 7 (cont'd.)
Ethnographers' Report on Marijuana: April 1996
City Purchase Purity Other/Comments Amount Bridgeport, $10/bag (3-4 high CN joints) (Geter) 1/2 oz. unit popular San Antonio/El Paso, TX (Ramos) Los Angeles, $1/joint CA $100/oz. (Annon) San $60-$80/1/8 low Marijuana is very scarce. Older users are Francisco, CA oz. using water pipes and bongs to utilize (Murphy) scarce supplies. Washington, $5/gram high DC (Shu) Baltimore, MD DAWN mentions for marijuana are up. (Murdoch) New York, NY $5, $10, good Joints with heroin or crack added are (Goldsmith) $25/bag available, as well as regular bags of plain marijuana. Atlanta, GA $150-$300/oz. Home grown; talk of selling/marketing lots (Sterk- $10-$15 for of marijuana during the Olympics. Elifon) "geek joints" (laced with crack) Denver, CO variable Two grades available in the area: (Koester) expensive, U.S. grown, and commercial grade from Mexico. Most street marijuana is lower grade. Miami, FL $200-300/oz very high potency SeIs to be some recruitment for marijuana (Page) use among youths who are starting tobacco use Trenton/Newar $10/bag (3-4 good k, NJ joints) (French) St. $30-40/oz. high Inexpensive marijuana doesn't sell. Petersburg, poor quality PrIium is placed on appearance and smell FL $100-135/oz. in transactions. (Mieczkowski) high quality New York, NY Increased sales of marijuana in glass (Galea) vials is evident. There is also the appearance of Indian marijuana laced with PCP. Austin, TX variable Many mixtures in blunts (crack, PCP) (Maxwell) Newark, DE high quality reported Heavy mixing of club drugs; "fake" MDMA (Pazzaglini) made from mixes of percodan, PCP and amphetamines; Ketamine and Rohypnol popular. San Diego, CA $50-$100/oz. 8-16% (Pennell) $20-$60/gram (hashish) Chicago, IL $5, $10/bag. A year ago it was rare to see marijuana (Johnson) sold in open drug markets. Now it is quite common.

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