TANF “Leavers”, Applicants, and Caseload Studies:

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File Name Size File Type File Contents Description
Cuy Notes to Researchers.doc* 21KB Microsoft Word Notes for Researchers Using the Cuyahoga County Welfare Leavers Public Use Data Sets ORC Macro compiled this document to facilitate the use of the public use data files by interested researchers. It lists any known problems with the files, and attempts to clarify points of confusion based on an initial review of the data files and supporting documentation. Other problems or difficulties may also exist; the list is not necessarily exhaustive or comprehensive.
1996exit.pdf* 291KB Adobe Acrobat Employment and Return to Public Assistance Among Single, Female Headed Families Leaving AFDC in Third Quarter, 1996, Cuyahoga County, OH dated May 1999 (Revised Sept 2000) This is a report prepared by the Center for Urban Poverty and Social change at Case Western Reserve University and the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation. The report outlines the study's methodology and provides a detailed discussion of results.
Q4 1 REPORT1.pdf* 134KB Adobe Acrobat How are They Managing? A Six Month Retrospective of Cuyahoga County Families Leaving Welfare: Fourth Quarter of 1998 and First Quarter of 1999 This is a report prepared by the Center for Urban Poverty and Social change at Case Western Reserve University. It discusses the following topics: research methodology, leaving cash assistance, household income, employment, health care coverage, material hardship and support services, and returns to cash assistance.
Q498 399 report.pdf* 75KB Adobe Acrobat How are They Managing? A Six Month Retrospective of Cuyahoga County Families Leaving Welfare: Fourth Quarter of 1998 and First, Second, and Third Quarters of 1999 (dated July 2000) This is a report prepared by the Center for Urban Poverty and Social change at Case Western Reserve University. It discusses the following topics: research methodology, leaving cash assistance, household income, employment, health care coverage, material hardship and support services, and returns to cash assistance.
ques cuyla.pdf* 121KB Adobe Acrobat TANF Leavers (CATI Questionnaire) This is the survey instrument used for the Cuyahoga County TANF Leavers study.
UC-Cuyahoga WelfareLeavers.pdf* 208KB Adobe Acrobat Monitoring Outcomes for Cuyahoga County's Welfare Leavers: How are They Faring? (April 2001) This is a report prepared by the Center for Urban Poverty and Social change at Case Western Reserve University. It discusses the following topics: studying welfare leavers, who leaves welfare and why, employment experiences, job characteristics, barriers to work, welfare recidivism, income, well-being, and an appendix with survey response analysis.
3.5(puf).xls 18KB Microsoft Excel Table 3.5: Selected Characteristics of Current Most Recent Job for Post-TANF Leavers This table contains the following types of information: number of hours worked, average earnings, employee benefits, work schedules, and means for commuting.
Codebook2.xls* 268KB Microsoft Excel Codebook for the Cuyahoga County Post-TANF Leavers Survey This is an excel workbook. The first sheet of the workbook has columns detailing the survey item/question, the associated SAS variable, variable length, and the value labels associated with the variable. Other sheets within the workbook provide more extensive value label lists for particular variables.
f51(puf).xls 47KB Microsoft Excel Figure 5.1: Household Income Sources and Poverty 1 Year After Exiting for Quarter Three Welfare Leavers This is an excel workbook. The first sheet contains a figure representing a bar graph illustrating what percent of household income comes from different sources broken down by percent of poverty. The worksheet also has links to the original data and a table format of the same information stored on separate worksheets within the workbook.
f52(puf).xls 21KB Microsoft Excel Figure 5.2: Use of Support Services 1 Year After Exit for Quarter Three Welfare Leavers This figure presents a bar graph illustrating the percent of respondents using support services, by the type of support used.
f53(puf).xls 21KB Microsoft Excel Figure 5.3: Use of Support Services After Exit for Quarter 3 1998 Welfare Leavers by Post Exit Work Status This figure presents a bar graph illustrating the percent of respondents using support services, by the type of support used, by the amount of work respondents reported doing post exit.
f54(puf).xls 22KB Microsoft Excel Figure 5.4: Hardship Experience One Year After Exit for Quarter 3 Welfare Leavers This figure presents a bar graph illustrating the percent of respondents who experienced hardship by the type of hardship by the return to welfare status of the respondents.
f55(puf).xls 23KB Microsoft Excel Figure 5.5: Hardship Experience One Year After Exit for Quarter 3 Welfare Leavers by Work Status This figure presents a bar graph illustrating the percent of respondents who experienced hardship by the type of hardship by their work status.
t3.6(puf).xls 16KB Microsoft Excel Table 3.6: Child Care Arrangements by Post-Exit Employment This table provides information concerning how much child care help respondents received and the amount of work they did.
t37(puf).xls 209KB Microsoft Excel Table 3.7: Barriers to Work for Post-TANF Leavers by Post-Exit Employment This is an excel workbook. The main sheet in the workbook is a table of the barriers to work by the amount of post-exit employment. There is also a subgroups sheet that provides early analysis of subgroups over some key outcomes. Other sheets are the data used to generate the tables.
t51(puf).xls 275KB Microsoft Excel Table 5.1: Income and Income Sources for Post-TANF Leavers This is an excel workbook. The first sheet provides a summary table of the income and income sources of Post-TANF Leavers, and the subsequent sheets are the data used to generate the table.
t52(puf).xls 272KB Microsoft Excel Table 5.2: Household Members Receiving Income by Source This is an excel workbook. The first sheet provides a summary table of the household members' sources of income for Post-TANF Leavers, and the subsequent sheets are the data used to generate the table.
t53(puf).xls 328KB Microsoft Excel Table 5.3: Material and Economic Well-Being of Post-TANF Leavers This is an excel workbook. The first sheet provides a summary table of the economic and material well-being characteristics for Post-TANF Leavers, and the subsequent sheets are the data used to generate the table.
t54(puf).xls 328.KB Microsoft Excel Table 5.4: Perception of Neighborhood Quality This is an excel workbook. The first sheet provides a summary table of the perceptions of neighborhood quality by Post-TANF Leavers, and the subsequent sheets are the data used to generate the table.
Overview.doc* 255KB Microsoft Word Cuyahoga County Welfare Leavers Study Restricted Access Data Documentation This document is divided into three sections: (1) project and documentation narrative; (2) technical and programming information for both the administrative and the survey data; and (3) a copy of the final report (this is actually missing, but included as separate files on this CD ROM).
arpuf a.sas 2KB SAS Administrative Restricted Public Use Data File -Adults SAS input statement ORC Macro created this SAS input statement for the ARPUF A.dat file to facilitate use of these data by researchers.
arpuf k.sas 1KB SAS Administrative Restricted Public Use Data File -Kid SAS input statement ORC Macro created this SAS input statement for the ARPUF K.dat file to facilitate use of these data by researchers.
formats.sc2 89KB SC2 File Formats File This file provides helpful formatting information for the Cuyahoga County Survey data. It was provided by the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation.
CUYSCPUF.lst 1920KB SPSS Cuyahoga County Survey Public Use File This file is an SPSS list file containing the means for all the numeric variables and frequencies.

ORC Macro, TA contractor for Welfare Outcomes Data Files, compiled this table of contents, September 2001.

* Items marked with an asterisk are included in the folder, "Cuy_Researcher_Requests."

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Last modified on 09/15/03