Class SyncCollection

  extended byutil.concurrent.SyncCollection
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
SyncList, SyncSet

public class SyncCollection
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.util.Collection

SyncCollections wrap Sync-based control around java.util.Collections. They are similar in operation to those provided by java.util.Collection.synchronizedCollection, but have several extended capabilities.

The Collection interface is conceptually broken into two parts for purposes of synchronization control. The purely inspective reader operations are:

The possibly mutative writer operations (which are also the set of operations that are allowed to throw UnsupportedOperationException) are:

SyncCollections can be used with either Syncs or ReadWriteLocks. When used with single Syncs, the same lock is used as both the reader and writer lock. The SyncCollection class cannot itself guarantee that using a pair of read/write locks will always correctly protect objects, since Collection implementations are not precluded from internally performing hidden unprotected state changes within conceptually read-only operations. However, they do work with current java.util implementations. (Hopefully, implementations that do not provide this natural guarantee will be clearly documentented as such.)

This class provides a straight implementation of Collections interface. In order to conform to this interface, sync failures due to interruption do NOT result in InterruptedExceptions. Instead, upon detection of interruption,

The iterator() method returns a SyncCollectionIterator with properties and methods that are analogous to those of SyncCollection itself: hasNext and next are read-only, and remove is mutative. These methods allow fine-grained controlled access, but do NOT preclude concurrent modifications from being interleaved with traversals, which may lead to ConcurrentModificationExceptions. However, the class also supports method unprotectedIterator that can be used in conjunction with the readerSync or writerSync methods to perform locked traversals. For example, to protect a block of reads:

    Sync lock = coll.readerSync();
    try {
      try {
        Iterator it = coll.unprotectedIterator();
        while (it.hasNext())
      finally {
   catch (InterruptedException ex) { ... }
If you need to protect blocks of writes, you must use some form of reentrant lock (for example ReentrantLock or ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock) as the Sync for the collection in order to allow mutative methods to proceed while the current thread holds the lock. For example, you might need to hold a write lock during an initialization sequence:
   Collection c = new SyncCollection(new ArrayList(),
                                     new ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock());
   // ...
   try {
     for (...) {
       Object x = someStream.readObject();
       c.add(x); // would block if writeLock not reentrant
   catch (IOException iox) {
   finally {
   catch (InterruptedException ex) { ... }

(It would normally be better practice here to not make the collection accessible until initialization is complete.)

This class does not specifically support use of timed synchronization through the attempt method. However, you can obtain this effect via the TimeoutSync class. For example:

 Mutex lock = new Mutex();
 TimeoutSync timedLock = new TimeoutSync(lock, 1000); // 1 sec timeouts
 Collection c = new SyncCollection(new HashSet(), timedlock);

The same can be done with read-write locks:

 ReadWriteLock rwl = new WriterPreferenceReadWriteLock();
 Sync rlock = new TimeoutSync(rwl.readLock(), 100);
 Sync wlock = new TimeoutSync(rwl.writeLock(), 100);
 Collection c = new SyncCollection(new HashSet(), rlock, wlock);

In addition to synchronization control, SyncCollections may be useful in any context requiring before/after methods surrounding collections. For example, you can use ObservableSync to arrange notifications on method calls to collections, as in:

 class X {
   Collection c;

static class CollectionObserver implements ObservableSync.SyncObserver { public void onAcquire(Object arg) { Collection coll = (Collection) arg; System.out.println("Starting operation on" + coll); // Other plausible responses include performing integrity // checks on the collection, updating displays, etc } public void onRelease(Object arg) { Collection coll = (Collection) arg; System.out.println("Finished operation on" + coll); } }

X() { ObservableSync s = new ObservableSync(); c = new SyncCollection(new HashSet(), s); s.setNotificationArgument(c); CollectionObserver obs = new CollectionObserver(); s.attach(obs); } ... }

[ Introduction to this package. ]

See Also:
LayeredSync, TimeoutSync

Nested Class Summary
 class SyncCollection.SyncCollectionIterator
Field Summary
protected  java.util.Collection c_
protected  Sync rd_
protected  SynchronizedLong syncFailures_
protected  Sync wr_
Constructor Summary
SyncCollection(java.util.Collection collection, ReadWriteLock rwl)
          Create a new SyncCollection protecting the given collection, and using the given ReadWriteLock to control reader and writer methods.
SyncCollection(java.util.Collection collection, Sync sync)
          Create a new SyncCollection protecting the given collection, and using the given sync to control both reader and writer methods.
SyncCollection(java.util.Collection collection, Sync readLock, Sync writeLock)
          Create a new SyncCollection protecting the given collection, and using the given pair of locks to control reader and writer methods.
Method Summary
 boolean add(java.lang.Object o)
 boolean addAll(java.util.Collection coll)
protected  void afterRead(boolean wasInterrupted)
          Clean up after a reader operation *
protected  boolean beforeRead()
          Try to acquire sync before a reader operation; record failure *
 void clear()
 boolean contains(java.lang.Object o)
 boolean containsAll(java.util.Collection coll)
 boolean isEmpty()
 java.util.Iterator iterator()
 Sync readerSync()
          Return the Sync object managing read-only operations
 boolean remove(java.lang.Object o)
 boolean removeAll(java.util.Collection coll)
 boolean retainAll(java.util.Collection coll)
 int size()
 long syncFailures()
          Return the number of synchronization failures for read-only operations
 java.lang.Object[] toArray()
 java.lang.Object[] toArray(java.lang.Object[] a)
 java.util.Iterator unprotectedIterator()
          Return the base iterator of the underlying collection *
 Sync writerSync()
          Return the Sync object managing mutative operations
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection
equals, hashCode

Field Detail


protected final java.util.Collection c_


protected final Sync rd_


protected final Sync wr_


protected final SynchronizedLong syncFailures_
Constructor Detail


public SyncCollection(java.util.Collection collection,
                      Sync sync)
Create a new SyncCollection protecting the given collection, and using the given sync to control both reader and writer methods. Common, reasonable choices for the sync argument include Mutex, ReentrantLock, and Semaphores initialized to 1.

Sample Usage

 Collection c = new SyncCollection(new ArrayList(), new Mutex());


public SyncCollection(java.util.Collection collection,
                      ReadWriteLock rwl)
Create a new SyncCollection protecting the given collection, and using the given ReadWriteLock to control reader and writer methods.

Sample Usage

 Collection c = new SyncCollection(new HashSet(),
                                   new WriterPreferenceReadWriteLock());


public SyncCollection(java.util.Collection collection,
                      Sync readLock,
                      Sync writeLock)
Create a new SyncCollection protecting the given collection, and using the given pair of locks to control reader and writer methods.

Method Detail


public Sync readerSync()
Return the Sync object managing read-only operations


public Sync writerSync()
Return the Sync object managing mutative operations


public long syncFailures()
Return the number of synchronization failures for read-only operations


protected boolean beforeRead()
Try to acquire sync before a reader operation; record failure *


protected void afterRead(boolean wasInterrupted)
Clean up after a reader operation *


public int size()
Specified by:
size in interface java.util.Collection


public boolean isEmpty()
Specified by:
isEmpty in interface java.util.Collection


public boolean contains(java.lang.Object o)
Specified by:
contains in interface java.util.Collection


public java.lang.Object[] toArray()
Specified by:
toArray in interface java.util.Collection


public java.lang.Object[] toArray(java.lang.Object[] a)
Specified by:
toArray in interface java.util.Collection


public boolean containsAll(java.util.Collection coll)
Specified by:
containsAll in interface java.util.Collection


public boolean add(java.lang.Object o)
Specified by:
add in interface java.util.Collection


public boolean remove(java.lang.Object o)
Specified by:
remove in interface java.util.Collection


public boolean addAll(java.util.Collection coll)
Specified by:
addAll in interface java.util.Collection


public boolean removeAll(java.util.Collection coll)
Specified by:
removeAll in interface java.util.Collection


public boolean retainAll(java.util.Collection coll)
Specified by:
retainAll in interface java.util.Collection


public void clear()
Specified by:
clear in interface java.util.Collection


public java.util.Iterator unprotectedIterator()
Return the base iterator of the underlying collection *


public java.util.Iterator iterator()
Specified by:
iterator in interface java.util.Collection