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[IGEXMail-0645] Wk 1031 BKG IGEX Analysis Report

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IGEXMail                24-Jan-2000 16:13:01                   Message No 0645

Author: Heinz Habrich <habrich @ ifag.de> 
Subject: Wk 1031 BKG IGEX Analysis Report 

BKG IGEX ANALYSIS REPORT                  GPS WEEK 1031 (DAYS 283 - 289, 1999)
Submitted by:    Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie (BKG)              
                 Geodetic Department, G1                                      
                 Richard-Strauss-Allee 11, D-60598 Frankfurt Main, Germany    
                         Phone : +49-69-63331                                 
                         Fax   : +49-69-6333425                               
                         E-Mail: habrich @ ifag.de                              
Product access:  anonymous ftp to igs.ifag.de (                 
                 subdirectory IGEX/products/wwww                              
PROCESSING SCHEME:                                                            
    Bernese GPS Software                                                      
ORBIT COMPUTATION:                                                            
    Double difference phase observations of GLONASS and GPS satellites are    
    processed in ionosphere free linear combination.                          
    IGS orbits and Earth rotation parameters are fixed.                       
    Six initial conditions and nine radiation pressure parameters per         
    satellite are determined for GLONASS satellites.                          
    The middle day of a 3-day-arc is used for the daily orbit results.        
    The daily orbit files include GPS satellite clock values from IGS         
    estimates and broadcasted values for GLONASS satellite clocks.            
    The coordinates of the following stations are contrained to ITRF-97:      
    GODZ IRKZ OS0G YARR ZIMZ WTZZ.                                            
GLONASS/GPS TIME OFFSET:                                                      
    Code observations of combined GLONASS/GPS receivers are used to           
    determine the GLONASS/GPS time offset.                                    
    This offset includes the modulo 1 sec system time scale difference of     
    GLONASS and GPS and an additional offset between the receiver's           
    'GPS clock' and 'GLONASS clock'. The additional offset is receiver        
    The transformation parameters are derived from GLONASS precise orbits     
    (given in ITRF) and GLONASS broadcast orbits (given in PZ90).             
     GLONASS Satellites:                                                      
     101 106 107 108 109 111 113 115 116 122 
 283  16   7   7  12  11  14  14  12  16   9
 284  --  11   9  10  10  14  11  22  16   8
 285  18   8   9  11  12  10   7  14  26  10
 286  12   6   9  14  26  11  15  10  16  13
 287  14  14   8  13  18  15  16  14  16   9
 288   9   6   9   8  14  20  14   5  16   6
 289  11   7  10  14  12  14  15   8  15   7
 ALL  14   9   9  12  16  14  13  13  18   9
GLONASS/GPS TIME OFFSET:                                                      
         OFFSET    (NS)                                                       
         RMS ERROR (NS)                                                       
DAY    :       283       284       285       286       287       288       289
BIPD                1048.270                                1072.741  1075.486
                       0.982                                   1.204     1.099
BORG      1065.948  1052.638  1062.702  1060.070  1076.552  1063.253  1069.697
             1.082     1.004     0.983     0.915     0.939     0.965     1.018
CSIR      1058.589            1066.220  1069.748  1072.446  1092.080  1068.784
             1.124               1.328     1.032     1.017     3.010     1.029
DLFT       -26.787             -35.719   -41.094   -22.797   -32.487   -22.557
             1.076               0.984     0.944     0.945     0.954     0.996
GRAB       126.945             117.191   110.667   127.750   122.469   128.968
             1.117               1.022     0.966     0.969     0.971     1.025
GODZ       118.428   115.846   120.938   120.939   139.821   115.668          
             1.022     1.065     1.009     1.048     1.057     1.314          
HERP                          1143.130            1093.165  1008.798  1078.782
                                17.106               2.756    17.129     3.773
IRKZ       118.097   109.059   112.537   108.152   126.491   119.012   121.669
             1.075     1.012     1.010     0.961     0.966     0.925     0.966
KHAB       109.413   107.368   103.787   101.405   126.373   111.872   112.072
             1.108     1.021     1.020     0.995     1.013     1.068     0.995
KR0G        55.007    44.853    49.670    45.548    62.888    53.307    60.870
             1.028     0.965     0.934     0.887     0.900     0.889     0.920
LINR      1071.311  1060.357  1068.556  1069.868  1085.983  1061.830  1066.206
             1.211     1.128     1.032     1.000     1.049     1.032     1.023
MDVZ       125.179   120.862   119.984   113.334   127.661   122.288   130.698
             1.084     1.088     1.015     0.947     0.946     0.929     0.970
METZ       112.629   101.745   104.091    96.969   111.756   109.141   118.824
             1.079     1.020     0.978     0.940     0.920     0.930     0.964
MTKA       115.632   108.761   109.299   108.343   124.460   117.224   118.110
             1.151     1.044     1.053     1.016     1.029     0.980     1.004
OS0G       112.116   103.695   107.004    99.302   119.047   109.800   117.152
             1.051     1.013     0.972     0.926     0.939     0.941     0.955
REYZ       138.727   131.829   127.351   120.802   141.316   131.615   147.988
             1.042     0.995     0.954     0.940     0.925     0.921     0.947
SUNM       -25.304   -27.427                                                  
             1.249     1.317                                                  
THU2       109.521   101.774   105.019   106.856   121.652   107.405   116.708
             0.964     0.958     0.922     1.156     0.900     1.118     0.891
USNX      1055.760  1046.957  1057.168  1060.542  1082.546  1057.427  1066.858
             1.020     1.043     1.024     1.080     1.106     1.058     1.010
VSLD      1070.815            1062.901  1061.796  1081.317  1066.020  1071.117
             1.131               1.345     1.002     0.989     1.009     1.062
WTZZ       140.805   124.659   128.501             138.783   130.584   136.264
             1.133     1.086     1.027               0.992     0.975     1.038
YARR       121.457   119.839   123.206   120.166   130.050   126.490   127.682
             1.137     1.070     1.015     0.993     1.026     1.021     1.024
ZIMZ       104.140    89.928    97.846    87.566   106.651    98.580   107.849
             1.111     1.060     1.018     0.972     0.975     0.967     1.029
STATISTICS FOR 1 DAY SOLUTIONS:                                               
DAY     OBSERVATIONS       PARAMETERS          RMS (M)                        
283            98826             2507           0.0015                        
284            81237             1958           0.0014                        
285            97590             2332           0.0013                        
286            90205             2013           0.0013                        
287           101579             2253           0.0013                        
288            91281             2076           0.0013                        
289            97179             2033           0.0013                        
                      WEEKDAY  RESIDUAL RMS IN MM
STATION        #DAYS  0123456     N     E     U
DLFT               6  P PPPPP     2     1     4
GODZ               6  PPPPPP      -     -     -   FIXED
GRAB               6  P PPPPP     1     1     3
HERP               1    P         -     -     -
IRKZ               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
KHAB               7  PPPPPPP     2     4    11
KR0G               7  PPPPPPP     3     2     7
LINR               7  PPPPPPP    38    76    66
MDVZ               7  PPPPPPP     1     3     3
METZ               7  PPPPPPP     2     2     5
MTKA               7  PPPPPPP     4     5    13
OS0G               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
REYZ               7  PPPPPPP     3     7    11
SUNM               2  PP          2    13    12
THU2               7  PPPPPPP    11    12    11
VSLD               5    PPPPP     4    15    16
WTZZ               6  PPP PPP     -     -     -   FIXED
YAR1               6  PPPPP P     -     -     -   FIXED
YARR               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
ZIMZ               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
STATISTICS FOR 3 DAY SOLUTIONS:                                               
MID-DAY OBSERVATIONS       PARAMETERS          RMS (M)                        
283           272036             5982           0.0014                        
284           277653             6116           0.0014                        
285           269032             5626           0.0014                        
286           289374             5902           0.0014                        
287           283065             5659           0.0014                        
288           290039             5688           0.0013                        
289           277172             5376           0.0013                        
         | X |      | X |   | DX |   | SCALE    RZ   -RY |   | X |            
         | Y |  =   | Y | + | DY | + |   -RZ SCALE    RX | * | Y |            
         | Z |      | Z |   | DZ |   |    RY   -RX SCALE |   | Z |            
          ITRF       PZ90                                     PZ90            
                                          RMS = RMS of transformed coordinates
          DX     DY     DZ      RX      RY      RZ    SCALE   RMS
DAY       [m]    [m]    [m]   [mas]   [mas]   [mas]   [10E6]  [m]             
283    -0.169 -0.111 -0.982   20.98   -6.96 -370.12   0.0147  2.95
284    -0.045 -0.421 -0.521   23.03   -3.64 -366.85   0.0121  3.60
285     0.278 -0.303 -0.147   23.69   -3.66 -367.82   0.0084  4.28
286     0.234 -0.068 -0.212   26.17   -3.16 -375.37   0.0062  3.97
287     0.100  0.019  0.087   26.54   -0.29 -379.79   0.0087  3.47
288    -0.041 -0.206 -0.501   26.19    2.40 -368.43   0.0101  3.19
289     0.071 -0.326 -0.679   23.20   -1.07 -364.29   0.0127  2.99