Cruise Information

Information about the R/V Meteor 22/5 cruise is summarized as follows:

         Ship name                Meteor
         Cruise/leg               22/5
         WOCE Section             A10
         Location                 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Capetown, South Africa
         Dates                    December 27, 1992, to January 31, 1993
         Funding                  German Science Community;
                                  Federal Ministry of Research and Technology, Bonn, Germany; and
                                  U.S. DOE
         Chief Scientist          Dr. Reiner Onken, IfMK
         Master                   Martin Kull
     Parameters measured                    Institution         Principal investigators
     CTD1, salinity, XBT2, and XCP3          IfMK                R. Onken
     Nutrients                              IOW, IfMK           B. Schneider, and H. Johannsen
     Oxygen                                 IOW, IfMK           B. Schneider, and H. Johannsen
     Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)             UBT4                W. Roether, and A. Putzka
     Tritium, helium, and radiocarbon       UBT                 W. Roether, and A. Putzka
     TCO2                                   BNL, IOW            K.  Johnson, and B. Schneider
     TALK                                   IfMK                L. Mintrop
     Underway pCO2                          IOW                 B. Schneider
     ADCP5                                  IfMK                R. Onken
     1Conductivity, temperature, and depth sensor.
     2Expendable bathythermograph.
     3Expendable current profiler.
     4University of Bremen, Tracer Oceanography Laboratory.
     5Acoustic Doppler current profiler.

akozyr 11/20/1998