Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) Pores Over 1,073-page “Stimulus”

Posted by Kevin on February 13th, 2009

Representative Tom Price (R-Ga.), Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, pores through the 1,073 page “stimulus” bill the Democrats made available at 10 p.m. last night.  The House will vote on the “stimulus” today, less than 14 hours after having unveiled the bill to the American people – breaking the Democrats’ pledge on Tuesday that the bill would be posted online for 48 hours before the House voted on it.Chairman Price’s outstanding video is the latest example of how House Republicans are making aggressive use of new social media tools such as YouTube and Facebook to take the GOP message of freedom and responsibility to the American people, and using the internet to hold the Democratic majority accountable for its actions.  Technology gives the American people a new window into the inner workings of their government, making it easier for them to blow the whistle on backroom deals such as the trillion-dollar, special-interest pork-laden spending bill hammered out by congressional Democrats behind closed doors this week.  “YouTube and other new media tools let us provide you with a level of access and transparency that has never been seen before in government,” Boehner noted in a recent web video of his own promoting the new congressional YouTube “HouseHub.”

You can check out the Leader’s own “stimulus”-related web videos HERE and HERERepublican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) has also been using video technology to promote House Republicans’ plans for a smarter, simpler “stimulus.”  And led by Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) and Vice-Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), dozens of other House Republicans have been utilizing web video to expose the massive flaws in the Democrats’ trillion-dollar spending package and to spread the word about Republicans’ alternative plan, which would create twice as many American jobs at half the cost.

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13 Responses to “Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) Pores Over 1,073-page “Stimulus””

  1. Geraldine Washington Says:

    Tuesday, February 10, 2009
    TO: Congressman John Boehner…

    This email is being sent to you…Because you seem to be the Leader of your
    Republican colleagues actions right now…

    Sir, I am not a resident of the state of Ohio, but from the great state of PA., one of your neighboring states. I am sending you this email message, asking you and your fellow Republican colleagues to put an end to this non-support nonsense. The President is trying to address the serious issues concerning America’s economic recovery, with the proposed Stimulus Package that he has presented. He has included members of Congress from both parties to form the package, but somehow the Republican Party members, keep on with their constant bickering saying, you were not consulted about the contents of the package, and therefore wish to continue blocking its passage.

    Don’t you get it man, America (and your state of Ohio, especially), is in deep trouble with families losing jobs like flowing water everyday. People are finding it harder and harder to even find another job to take care of their families.

    I am retired now, but I can recall a few years ago when the Republican Party sponsored something called: “Shutting Down the Government.” As a government employee at the time, I was laid off for almost 3 weeks, only to be called back and paid for my time off later. But in the interim, places like the Yosemite State Park was closed all across the country to the public. And all the businesses surrounding Yosemite and other state and federal locations that relied on the accompanying tourist trade, lost business and had to close their doors because the National Parks, etc. were closed, ie., “shut down.”

    Student loans to colleges and universities stopped. And then, and only then did America begin to see what the Republican Party was costing America daily, and yes, your great man himself, “Ronald Reagan” and Newt Gingrich, one of the main sponsors of the “Gov’t Shut Down,” began to look foolish for shutting down the gov’t as they put it. Now the Republicans are at it again: “Grandstanding,” trying to be seen as being useful if nothing else, and squawking, with ridiculous comments saying: you were not consulted nonsense, when the President has done all that he possibly could do to include everyone’s input to get America back on track. I am just an average citizen, but I get emails from his staff all the time, asking my thoughts on given issues.

    Congressman Boehner, you are an intelligent man, if your weren’t you would not be in the position you are today to represent the people of your state. But, you have got to see and understand that America is watching this little scene as it takes place, showing the Republican Party members once again, standing in the way of America’s effort to move forward. So, I am asking you Sir as one American to another, to stop acting like spoiled children. This is serious, and America is watching all of you and taking notes on your no help for anyone nonsense.

    cc: To: President Obama and to my own State Representatives of the State of Pennsylvania
    Geraldine Washington, (Resident and Proud Voter)

    Philadelphia, PA

  2. william moos Says:

    If all of you republican whackos are so concerned about leaving our kids with a debt burden,why did you vote for all of those Bush tax cuts? Double standard? OH YEAH

  3. Corene McMorris Says:

    Thank you for the battle you are waging for us, the American taxpapers and lovers of freedom. May God keep you and those working with you, strong.


  4. Tim Kunkel Says:

    Thank you Congressman Boehner, for speaking out against this 1 trillion dollar abortion. Clearly, few have the courage to do so.

    I fear for my country, Congressman. I fear this bill may be the economic “straw” that breaks our economic “back”.

    Economic collapses have much more dire condequences than just ‘pensions lost’ & ’stock market woes’. Historically, economic collapses are regularly answered with totalitarian dictatorships. Think of France’s TOTAL collapse in 1794, which led to Emperor Napoleon. Or the Weimar Republic’s economic collapse which led DIRECTLY to Hitler. Or Russia’s economic (and political) collapse in 1920, which led to Stalin.

    It makes sense, actually; when people are desperate & vulnerable, they look for a strong hand to guide them out of the storm. But what horrific consequences accompany them.

    Please, let us not risk this fate to our republic, sir.

    Very respectfully,

    Tim Kunkel

  5. Julie Ramsey Says:

    Dear Congressman Boehner,

    Although I find it amusing and a little bit satisfying to see the Republicans in the House & the Senate sabotaging themselves, I still am burning with curiousity as to why you and your collegues don’t grasp the fact that your obstructionist behavior is simply making you look worse than the Bush Administration Years and No Child Left Behind have already made you look. (Really? Way to teach to the test! Great job there, speaking as a mom of four & daughter of a Public School Teacher for 30 years. Talk about a “stinking” bill! WOW!)
    Sorry-Anyway, by not participating with the President in helping the American People during this financial crisis you are reflecting what citizens already perceive about the GOP-that they are unimaginative, corporatist, unsympathetic (except to the rich), and that you are generally very removed from THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE. (and those are just the nice things!)
    It would behoove (that means benefit)you guys to try (for once) to not make fools of yourselves. Wasn’t the last election a wake up call at all for you? What’s it going to take?
    I have a feeling that if you continue down this road, it’s only going to lead to the GOP’s extinction (from the Government, not the world :). People are sick and tired of the childish games you guys play, and trust me, President Obama is far too intelligent for you to out-maneuver him. Seriously, look at all that he has accomplished in such a short amount of time. You are no match for the man. Give up while you’re still, well…employed.
    Good luck keeping your job!

    An amused Democrat

  6. Tim Kunkel Says:

    Geraldine Washington, the only “whack-o” here is the one you see in the mirror. If you seriously think adding a trillion dollars of debt is the answer to being 10 trillion dollars in debt, then well, I’ve got some mature stocks I’d like to show you.

    How do you imagine that applying fiscal policy you’d NEVER use in your own household would EVER be a rational application for the national governemnt?

  7. Mary Gillespie Says:

    Congressman Boehner, I am amazed at the blatant ignorance demonstrated by the rancourous Republicans. Obviously you are not looking around you at the growing poverty of the people you supposedly represent. Or is it that you and your colleagues in the Republican party only represent the entitled minority who purchase a new lexus every other year and poke fun at our new President and First Lady. The minority who got our wonderful country into the mess it is in now - getting us into a war so that a son could show up his father - and reducing taxes at the same time so that the only way to pay for the war was to enslave us to China. Removing restrictions so that big business could run amok.
    You are very wrong in what you do. You are not a strong hand. You are boisterous but boisterous with an inane message. This bill is meant to give ordinary people jobs. Jobs they need to begin paying their mortgages and buying again. It probably is not enough. But it’s a helluva lot better than the direction you’ve been taking us in.

    You have not earned my respect so I will say simply, regards,


  8. Garry Goldsmith Says:

    The Republican Party created this mess and they have bowed to their Messiah the drug addict Rush Limbaugh, and are more interested in seeing this President fail and less interested in seeing Americans succeed. It’s the same old song and dance from right wing nuts.

  9. Bev Says:

    Thanks to Tom Price for another voice crying out against this nonsense! Why didn’t the America people get our time to review one of largest bills ever passed as was promised? WHY!?

  10. William Smith Says:

    The republican leadership is like the arson who shows up at the fire telling the firefighters that they are not putting the fire out corectly.

    It is shamefull to use our country and its people to gain power.

  11. Joe Parisi Says:

    Thank you… To ALL the House Republicans who are staging this fight, Keep it UP… We need you more than ever. I do beleive we squandered opportunity when we had the majority and now we are paying the price… Please unify a Republican message against BIG Gov’t and for Massive Corp, Capital Gains and Lower income Tax Rate Breaks… All the Republicans elected NEED to SHOUT with ONE Clear Message…. Let’s go ! I am a NY resident, I have to vent in this forum because OUR State is Doomed…. Please HELP and fight this Socialism trend…

  12. Joe Parisi Says:


  13. The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Republicans and the Stimulus Says:

    […] of large-scale borrowing in the absence of spending cuts.) The House Republicans’ line about their alternative plan creating twice as many jobs for half the money got caught up in debates about the details. It also […]

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