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TSN: 158080

Brisaster fragilis

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Taxonomy and nomenclature

Taxonomic status

Current standing: valid
Taxonomic credibility rating: No review; untreated NODC data

Taxonomic hierarchy

Kingdom Animalia
 Phylum Echinodermata Klein, 1734
  Subphylum Eleutherozoa Bather, 1900
   Superclass Cryptosyringida Smith, 1984
    Class Echinoidea Leske, 1778
     Subclass Euechinoidea Bronn, 1860
      Superorder Atelostomata Zittel, 1879
       Order Spatangoida Claus, 1876
        Suborder Hemiasterina A. G. Fischer, 1966
         Family Schizasteridae Lambert, 1905
          Genus Brisaster Gray, 1855
           Species Brisaster fragilis

Request summary

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