ARD Query Manager & MARPLOT Tools

Saving and Exporting Queries

Saving a Queryfile

  1. Run a query following steps previously outlined in the Querying a Database section.
  2. With a query table active, select File > Save As.
  3. Click the Save As button to navigate to a directory, name the file, and click the Save button.
  4. The default is to export all fields in the Query Manager table. Click the Fields button to choose which fields to save in the exported query file. Move the desired fields to the box on the right side of the screen and click the OK button.
  5. Select the desired File Type from the drop down menu: Table(DBF), Delimited with Tabs, Delimited with Commas, or Microsoft (XLS). The default file type is Table(DBF).
  6. Click Save in the first dialog box. The file will be saved in the directory selected in step 3 above.

Importing a Query into Spreadsheet or Statistical Software

The saved query file is in most cases a spreadsheet file containing individual records with attributes such as station id, contaminant concentration, depth of sample, latitude and longitude.  Depending on which format you have chosen, you should be able to open your query file directly using spreadsheet software (Excel) or statistical software (SAS, Systat, etc).

For more Information:

Importing a Query into GIS

After using Query Manager to sort, create, and query from a watershed database containing sediment chemistry, tissue chemistry, or toxicity, you can easily bring the data table into a Geographic Information System.  The Query Manager Import & Reprojection Tools provide a streamlined way to bring Query Manager data files into either ArcView 3.X or ArcGIS 9.X and create a projected shapefile with Query Manager symbology.

Note: .dbf files can be easily imported into ArcView 3.x or ArcGIS 9.x using the Query Manager Import & Reprojection Tools in either environment. Currently, .txt and .csv files can only be imported by the ArcView 3.x utility.  Further information can be found at the ARD GIS Tools webpage.  Query Manager data can also be added to a GIS using the latitude/longitude coordinates in the query table.

For more information:


Page Updated 3/5/2007